408 research outputs found

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Aplikasi Distribusi Bantuan UMKM Kabupaten Sigi

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang permasalahan dalam proses verifikasi kelayakan distribusi bantuan UMKM dari Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM Kabupaten Sigi, yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan pada saat proses pendataan dan adanya unsur subyektifitas dalam penentuan penerima dana. Selain itu masalah yang terjadi adalah pemberian bantuan yang berulang-ulang dan ada yang mendapatkan bantuan belum selesai masa pemberian bantuan selanjutnya. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan terjadinya ketidak akuratan dalam penyaluran dana bantuan ke UMKM. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan meinplemenasikan aplikasi distribuis bantuan UMKM oleh Dinas. Metod Perancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Prototype. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa aplikasi dapat memberikan informasi mengenai daftar penerima bantuan UMKM di Kabupaten Sigi, dapat melakukan verifikasi penerima UMKM yang sudah pernah menerima bantuan di tahun yang sama. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi secara fungsional mengeluarkan hasil sesuai dengan yang diharapkan dan dinyatakan vali

    A Wind Tunnel Study of the Effect of Downstream Buildings on Near-field Pollutant Dispersion

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    The effect of near-field pollutant dispersion characteristics for the case of downstream buildings in the urban environment has been presented in this paper. Wind tunnel data were obtained for nine different building configurations, three exhaust momentum ratios (M) and three stack heights (hs), for wind azimuth of 0°. Tracer gas concentrations were measured on the roof, windward and leeward walls of each building. When a tall downstream building was located within the recirculation length of the emitting building, higher rooftop concentration was measured on the emitting building than for the isolated building case. Results also show that the height and across wind dimension of the downstream building, as well as the spacing between buildings are critical parameters in assessing plume dilution. ASHRAE 2007 and ASHRAE 2011, which apply Gaussian-based models for the evaluation of dilution, are unable to model the effect of adjacent buildings; the former yielded lower dilution for all cases examined whilst the latter was found to be suitable only for specific limited cases. Design guidelines for the placement of stack and intakes to avoid or minimize plume re-ingestion are proposed

    The Effect of Upstream Buildings on Near-field Pollutant Dispersion in the Built Environment

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    This paper examines the effects of near-field pollutant dispersion characteristics of upstream buildings in the built environment and compares them to the ASHRAE 2007 model. Wind tunnel simulations were performed for nine different building configurations for three exhaust momentum ratios (M) and three stack heights (hs). The effect of spacing (S) between the buildings and stack location from the upwind edge of the emitting building (X) were also investigated. Measurements of gas concentrations were performed on the roof and leeward wall of the emitting and upstream buildings. Data show that within the recirculation zone a change in along wind dimension of the upstream building has a negligible effect on the dilution of emissions from the downwind building. However, spacing between buildings and the height of the upstream building were found to be critical parameters in assessing plume dilution. The plume geometry is largely governed by the upwind dimensions of the upstream building. ASHRAE (2007) predicts lower dilution for all cases examined, leading to conservative or very conservative design. However, the ASHRAE 2007 cannot model the effect of upstream buildings, thus further investigation of its formulations is required. Guidelines for placement of intake and stack on the roof of the building to avoid problems of re-ingestion are discussed

    Assessment of Pollutant Dispersion from Rooftop Stacks: ASHRAE, ADMS and Wind Tunnel Simulation

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    The prediction of downwind concentration of effluents from stack located on top of buildings is important. Most current dispersion models assess the pollutant concentration at distances away from the building. It is important to study pollutant dispersion within the recirculation zone of the building, since studies have shown that effluents released from rooftop stacks have a tendency to re-enter the building through intakes located on the roof. These effects get more pronounced with the influence of RoofTop Structures (RTS). This paper presents a comparative study of the Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System (ADMS), American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE 2003 and 2007 versions) and wind tunnel results. Four different cases involving a low-rise and high-rise building for stack heights (hs) ranging from 1 m to 7 m, exhaust momentum ratios (M) ranging from 1 to 5 and wind direction (θ) of 0° and 45°, have been studied for neutral atmospheric stability conditions. In this regard the effect of RTS has also been examined by using wind tunnel, ADMS and ASHRAE models. ADMS yields higher dilutions near the stack at θ = 0° and cannot model the effect of RTS. Wind tunnel data compare well with ASHRAE 2003 at M = 5 for the low-rise building, but generally predict higher dilutions for the high-rise building. ASHRAE 2003 predicts lower dilutions than ADMS for the high-rise building, while ASHRAE 2007 yields very low dilutions for all cases, suggesting a need to reassess its suitability for practical design

    Coevolution of Glauber-like Ising dynamics on typical networks

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    We consider coevolution of site status and link structures from two different initial networks: a one dimensional Ising chain and a scale free network. The dynamics is governed by a preassigned stability parameter SS, and a rewiring factor ϕ\phi, that determines whether the Ising spin at the chosen site flips or whether the node gets rewired to another node in the system. This dynamics has also been studied with Ising spins distributed randomly among nodes which lie on a network with preferential attachment. We have observed the steady state average stability and magnetisation for both kinds of systems to have an idea about the effect of initial network topology. Although the average stability shows almost similar behaviour, the magnetisation depends on the initial condition we start from. Apart from the local dynamics, the global effect on the dynamics has also been studied. These parameters show interesting variations for different values of SS and ϕ\phi, which helps in determining the steady-state condition for a given substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Chemical constituents of Plumbago indica roots

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