7 research outputs found

    A Novel Perspective on the ApoM-S1P Axis, Highlighting the Metabolism of ApoM and Its Role in Liver Fibrosis and Neuroinflammation

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    Hepatocytes, renal proximal tubule cells as well as the highly specialized endothelium of the blood brain barrier (BBB) express and secrete apolipoprotein M (apoM). ApoM is a typical lipocalin containing a hydrophobic binding pocket predominantly carrying Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P). The small signaling molecule S1P is associated with several physiological as well as pathological pathways whereas the role of apoM is less explored. Hepatic apoM acts as a chaperone to transport S1P through the circulation and kidney derived apoM seems to play a role in S1P recovery to prevent urinal loss. Finally, polarized endothelial cells constituting the lining of the BBB express apoM and secrete the protein to the brain as well as to the blood compartment. The review will provide novel insights on apoM and S1P, and its role in hepatic fibrosis, neuroinflammation and BBB integrity

    Apolipoprotein M mediates sphingosine-1-phosphate efflux from erythrocytes

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    Abstract Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive lipid implicated in e.g. angiogenesis, lymphocyte trafficking, and endothelial barrier function. Erythrocytes are a main source of plasma S1P together with platelets and endothelial cells. Apolipoprotein M (apoM) in HDL carries 70% of plasma S1P, whereas 30% is carried by albumin. The current aim was to investigate the role of apoM in export of S1P from human erythrocytes. Erythrocytes exported S1P more efficiently to HDL than to albumin, particularly when apoM was present in HDL. In contrast, export of sphingosine to HDL was unaffected by the presence of apoM. The specific ability of apoM to promote export of S1P was independent of apoM being bound in HDL particles. Treatment with MK-571, an inhibitor of the ABCC1 transporter, effectively reduced export of S1P from human erythrocytes to apoM, whereas the export was unaffected by inhibitors of ABCB1 or ATPase. Thus, ABCC1 could be involved in export of S1P from erythrocytes to apoM

    A Novel Perspective on the ApoM-S1P Axis, Highlighting the Metabolism of ApoM and Its Role in Liver Fibrosis and Neuroinflammation

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    Hepatocytes, renal proximal tubule cells as well as the highly specialized endothelium of the blood brain barrier (BBB) express and secrete apolipoprotein M (apoM). ApoM is a typical lipocalin containing a hydrophobic binding pocket predominantly carrying Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P). The small signaling molecule S1P is associated with several physiological as well as pathological pathways whereas the role of apoM is less explored. Hepatic apoM acts as a chaperone to transport S1P through the circulation and kidney derived apoM seems to play a role in S1P recovery to prevent urinal loss. Finally, polarized endothelial cells constituting the lining of the BBB express apoM and secrete the protein to the brain as well as to the blood compartment. The review will provide novel insights on apoM and S1P, and its role in hepatic fibrosis, neuroinflammation and BBB integrity


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    Abstrakt Meningen med detta arbete har varit att se på vilket sätt de så kallade Manilaändringarna påverkar kurscentrum och deras utbildning. Fokus har varit att se i vilken omfattning Manilaändringarna leder till omarbetande av kurser och då speciellt de kurser som anordnas på Ålands sjösäkerhetscentrum. Ålands sjösäkerhetscentrum är skribentens arbetsplats. Innehållet i dessa kurser behandlas och beskrivs också. Jag gör en kort tillbakablick gällande STCW konventionens historia och dess uppkomst, samt en överblick gällande själva Manilaändringarna och deras implementerings period och faser. I bilagorna hittas intervjuer med två anställda på Ålands sjösäkerhetscentrum, den ansvariga chefen och en instruktör. Där berörs frågorna rörande hur Manilaändringarna har påverkat själva centrets verksamhet och de anställda.The purpose of this thesis has been to look at the way the so called Manila Amendments has affected course centers and their training. I have studied how the Manila Amendments affect the courses, and then in particular the courses Ålands sjösäkerhetscenter provides. Ålands sjösäkerhetscenter is also the author´s current place of work. The content of the affected courses is also addressed. I make a brief description of the history of the STCW Convention and how it was founded, as well as an overview on the Manila Amendments and their implementation period and phases. In the annexes I include two interviews made with the responsible Manager and one instructor from Ålands sjösäkerhetscentrum. In the interviews issues relating to how the Manila Amendments haves had an impact on the operation of the center and its employee