29 research outputs found

    Understanding Optical Music Recognition

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    For over 50 years, researchers have been trying to teach computers to read music notation, referred to as Optical Music Recognition (OMR). However, this field is still difficult to access for new researchers, especially those without a significant musical background: Few introductory materials are available, and, furthermore, the field has struggled with defining itself and building a shared terminology. In this work, we address these shortcomings by (1) providing a robust definition of OMR and its relationship to related fields, (2) analyzing how OMR inverts the music encoding process to recover the musical notation and the musical semantics from documents, and (3) proposing a taxonomy of OMR, with most notably a novel taxonomy of applications. Additionally, we discuss how deep learning affects modern OMR research, as opposed to the traditional pipeline. Based on this work, the reader should be able to attain a basic understanding of OMR: its objectives, its inherent structure, its relationship to other fields, the state of the art, and the research opportunities it affords

    Learning Audio–Sheet Music Correspondences for Cross-Modal Retrieval and Piece Identification

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    This work addresses the problem of matching musical audio directly to sheet music, without any higher-level abstract representation. We propose a method that learns joint embedding spaces for short excerpts of audio and their respective counterparts in sheet music images, using multimodal convolutional neural networks. Given the learned representations, we show how to utilize them for two sheet-music-related tasks: (1) piece/score identification from audio queries and (2) retrieving relevant performances given a score as a search query. All retrieval models are trained and evaluated on a new, large scale multimodal audio–sheet music dataset which is made publicly available along with this article. The dataset comprises 479 precisely annotated solo piano pieces by 53 composers, for a total of 1,129 pages of music and about 15 hours of aligned audio, which was synthesized from these scores. Going beyond this synthetic training data, we carry out first retrieval experiments using scans of real sheet music of high complexity (e.g., nearly the complete solo piano works by Frederic Chopin) and commercial recordings by famous concert pianists. Our results suggest that the proposed method, in combination with the large-scale dataset, yields retrieval models that successfully generalize to data way beyond the synthetic training data used for model building

    CoNLL 2017 Shared Task : Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies

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    The Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) features a shared task, in which participants train and test their learning systems on the same data sets. In 2017, one of two tasks was devoted to learning dependency parsers for a large number of languages, in a real world setting without any gold-standard annotation on input. All test sets followed a unified annotation scheme, namely that of Universal Dependencies. In this paper, we define the task and evaluation methodology, describe data preparation, report and analyze the main results, and provide a brief categorization of the different approaches of the participating systems.Peer reviewe

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr


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    MUSCIMarker is an open-source tool for annotating visual objects and their relationships in binary images. It is implemented in Python, known to run on Windows, Linux and OS X, and supports working offline. MUSCIMarker is being used for creating a dataset of musical notation symbols, but can support any object set. The user documentation online is currently (12.2016) incomplete, as it is continually changing to reflect annotators' comments and incorporate new features. This version of the software is *not* the final one, and it is under continuous development (we're currently working on adding grayscale image support with auto-binarization, and Android support for touch-based annotation). However, the current version (1.1) has already been used to annotate more than 100 pages of sheet music, over all the major desktop OSes, and I believe it is already in a state where it can be useful beyond my immediate music notation data gathering use case


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    MUSCIMA++ is a dataset of handwritten music notation for musical symbol detection. It contains 91255 symbols, consisting of both notation primitives and higher-level notation objects, such as key signatures or time signatures. There are 23352 notes in the dataset, of which 21356 have a full notehead, 1648 have an empty notehead, and 348 are grace notes. For each annotated object in an image, we provide both the bounding box, and a pixel mask that defines exactly which pixels within the bounding box belong to the given object. Composite constructions, such as notes, are captured through explicitly annotated relationships of the notation primitives (noteheads, stems, beams...). This way, the annotation provides an explicit bridge between the low-level and high-level symbols described in Optical Music Recognition literature. MUSCIMA++ has annotations for 140 images from the CVC-MUSCIMA dataset [2], used for handwritten music notation writer identification and staff removal. CVC-MUSCIMA consists of 1000 binary images: 20 pages of music were each re-written by 50 musicians, binarized, and staves were removed. We had 7 different annotators marking musical symbols: each annotator marked one of each 20 CVC-MUSCIMA pages, with the writers selected so that the 140 images cover 2-3 images from each of the 50 CVC-MUSCIMA writers. This setup ensures maximal variability of handwriting, given the limitations in annotation resources. The MUSCIMA++ dataset is intended for musical symbol detection and classification, and for music notation reconstruction. A thorough description of its design is published on arXiv [2]: https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.04824 The full definition of the ground truth is given in the form of annotator instructions

    WordSim353-cs: Evaluation Dataset for Lexical Similarity and Relatedness, based on WordSim353

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    Czech translation of WordSim353. The Czech translation of English WordSim353 word pairs were obtained from four translators. All translation variants were scored according to the lexical similarity/relatedness annotation instructions for WordSim353 annotators, by 25 Czech annotators. The resulting data set consists of two annotation files: "WordSim353-cs.csv" and "WordSim-cs-Multi.csv". Both files are encoded in UTF-8, have a header, text is enclosed in double quotes, and columns are separated by commas. The rows are numbered. The WordSim-cs-Multi data set has rows numbered from 1 to 634, whereas the row indices in the WordSim353-cs data set reflect the corresponding row numbers in the WordSim-cs-Multi data set. The WordSim353-cs file contains a one-to-one mapping selection of 353 Czech equivalent pairs whose judgments have proven to be most similar to the judgments of their corresponding English originals (compared by the absolute value of the difference between the means over all annotators in each language counterpart). In one case ("psychology-cognition"), two Czech equivalent pairs had identical means as well as confidence intervals, so we randomly selected one. The "WordSim-cs-Multi.csv" file contains human judgments for all translation variants. In both data sets, we preserved all 25 individual scores. In the WordSim353-cs data set, we added a column with their Czech means as well as a column containing the original English means and 95% confidence intervals in separate columns for each mean (computed by the CI function in the Rmisc R package). The WordSim-cs-Multi data set contains only the Czech means and confidence intervals. For the most convenient lexical search, we provided separate columns with the respective Czech and English single words, entire word pairs, and eventually an English-Czech quadruple in both data sets. The data set also contains an xls table with the four translations and a preliminary selection of the best variants performed by an adjudicator