1,415 research outputs found

    Are more equal societies happier?: Subjective well-being, income inequality, and redistribution

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    Interdisciplinary research project on the Abbey of S. Croce at Sassovivo in Foligno, Italy

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    The research project on the Abbey of S. Croce at Sassovivo in Foligno (Italy) started in 2012, based on the studies of Giovanni Carbonara and Lia Barelli from Sapienza University of Rome. The aim of the project was to investigate the abbey complex to understand the different construction phases of the buildings. In particular, the study was focused on the material aspects through the stratigraphic reading of the structures and the analysis of building materials. In this case, the extensive archival documentation is not detailed enough to reconstruct the history of the building phases. Thanks to the particular characteristics of the abbey and the multidisciplinary method of the research, this project has involved an increasing number of Italian and foreign professionals. Following the identification of the size and extension of the medi- eval church, the first archaeological excavation campaign started in 2014. It was carried out by the Postgraduate School in Architectural and Land- scape Heritage of Sapienza University of Rome and supported by the Associazione degli Amici dell’Ab- bazia di Sassovivo (Association of the Friends of Sassovivo Abbey). The first results exceeded expec- tations, revealing a much more complex situation, and new archaeological campaigns were planned (2015-2016-2017). During these investigations, we had the collaboration of the Department of Cultural Catholic Heritage of the Pontifical Gregorian Uni- versity, Department of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia, the Department of Biologi- cal Anthropology of the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest and the Department of Anthropology of the Museum of Natural History of Budapest

    Reduction of income inequality and subjective well-being in Europe

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    Jövedelem és szubjektív jóllét

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    Smoking ban and health at birth

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    The association between experiential and material expenditures and subjective well-being: New evidence from Hungarian survey data

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    Tanulmányok a szubjektív jóllét és az anyagi helyzet kapcsolatáról: jövedelem, fogyasztás és egyenlőtlenség = Essays on the Relationship of Subjective Well-Being and Material Welfare: Income, Consumption and Inequality

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    A disszertáció fejezetei a szubjektív jóllét és az anyagi helyzet témája köré szerveződnek. Három empirikus elemzésekre épülő tanulmány vizsgálja a jövedelem, a kiadások, valamint a jövedelmi egyenlőtlenség illetve csökkentése kapcsolatát a szubjektív jólléttel
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