367 research outputs found

    The Tragedy Cimareme: The Resistance of Haji Hasan to the Colonial Power in 1919

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    History records "Cimareme events" as one of the important events during the year 1919 in Indonesia. This event is the culmination of resistance Cimareme villagers, led by Haji Hasan, against the Dutch colonial government.The key drivers of this event is more economical interests. A year before the incident erupted, the Dutch colonial government set the rules for the purchase of paddy indigenous farmers. This step was taken to address food shortages due to crop failures and difficulties imports.Rules set by the government rice purchase is deemed unfair by Haji Hasan. The government requires that farmers in other regions to only sell them as two measures of rice per smell land, while farmers are required to sell their rice two times more than that number. Hajj Hasan questioned this rule, and determined not to sell rice to the government. This attitude then cause conflicts with local indigenous officials, and finally the Dutch colonial government took strong action through the raid.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v3i2.80

    Analisis Perbedaan Pendapatan Usaha Kuliner Sebelum dan Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan pendapatan baik omzet maupun profit usaha kuliner selama pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus dengan populasi adalah usaha kuliner di Kecamatan Pulau Laut Utara Kabupaten Kotabaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sampling jenuh dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 46 usaha kuliner. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, studi kepustakaan dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis statistik inferensial dengan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa 1) terdapat perbedaan signifikan baik omzet maupun profit yang diperoleh pelaku usaha kuliner dalam bentuk rata-rata penurunan omzet dan profit antara sebelum dan saat terjadi Pandemi COVID-19. Keywords:  Pendemi; COVID-19; Usaha Kuline

    Teacher’s Delivery Format and ADDIE Model to Adjust the Online Learning System during the Pandemic Period

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    The type of the research is research and development by using the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model of instructional design is a generic instructional model that provides an organized process for developing instructional materials. This systemic model is a five-step cyclical process that can be used for both traditional and online instruction. The five steps are analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating. The sample of the research were 36 students of Biology study program at one public university in Sulawesi Barat. The learning tools developed consist of semester learning plan (RPS), lecture contracts, learning media, and evaluation instruments. The research found that the validity of the learning device was 90.4% and in the very valid category with minor revisions. Then, the practicality of learning devices based on the implementation of RPS and observation results was 94% which indicates a very practical category to use. The effectiveness of learning devices based on student learning test results was 80.45% which indicates an effective category. Thus, the results of this research were valid, practical, and effective

    Implementation of The Provision of Wages Below the Minimum Wage Provisions in Micro Enterprises and Small Businesses

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    This research is based on the application of wages below the minimum wage for businesses that meet the criteria for micro and small businesses. As it is known that the provisions of the district and city minimum wages are a form of safety net for the economic life of Indonesian workers. However, often a common problem for micro and small businesses is that they cannot meet the minimum wage requirements because the economic capacity of their own businesses is different from that of large businesses. Through the Employment Creation Act, the government finally made changes to the labor cluster by providing special rules for micro and small businesses in terms of providing wages below the minimum wage. The problems that will be studied in this research are regarding the requirements to be able to provide wages below the minimum wage provisions and how to provide wages under the minimum wage provisions. The method used by the author in this study is a normative juridical research. The results of the research are an explanation of the conditions for businesses that can pay their workers' wages below the minimum wage, how to make a Collective Agreement so that they can pay wages below the minimum wage


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    Abstract             This study aims to examine the influence of celebrities who support consumer buying interest in Magnum ice cream products in students of the Faculty of Business Economics, University of Isalam Malang. The population in the study was 250, and a sample of 71 respondents was taken based on the Slovin formula. Technique data by distributing questionnaires. While the data analysis used the validity and reliability test, normality test, simple linear regression test and T test. The results showed that the validity test was declared valid with a calculated r value greater than r table, namely 0.23 and the reliability of the test was declared reliable with a Cronbach alpha value of more than 0.6. Then the normality test obtained a significance value of 0.833 which is greater than 0.05, so it is normally distributed. The simple linear regression test results of the regression equation Y = 1.371 + 0.615X show that the celebrity endors variable (X) increases, it will also cause an increase in the consumer interest variable (Y). whereas in the test, the t count value of 5.322 is greater than t table 1.667 and the sig value of 0.000 is less than 0.005, thus variable X has a positive and significant effect on variable Y.Keywords: Product Quality, Celebrity Endorse, Purchase Interest

    Pelanggaran Kode Etik Notaris Yang Bekerjasama Dengan Biro Jasa

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    difficulty getting clients, because people will tend to use the services of the same notary because of the client's sense of trust in the notary. Therefore, it is not uncommon for notaries to use intermediary services in the form of service bureaus to get clients. The research method used is centralized research with a normative juridical nature. The results of this study are notaries who violate the code of ethics in the form of collaborating with service bureaus whose sanctions in the Code of Ethics are in the form of reprimands, warnings, temporary dismissal from the association, and dishonorable discharge from the association. hesitate because of fellow notaries. Furthermore, the deed made with the intermediary of the service bureau will be relegated to a private deed due to the non-fulfillment of the elements of reading by a notary and subsequent signatures by the appearers, witnesses, and also notaries, and interest to the notary. Furthermore, it will be described in the introduction, subtitles, and closing.Keywords: notary, service bureau, deed degradatio