32 research outputs found

    Proteomic responses to ocean acidification of the marine diazotroph Trichodesmium under iron-replete and iron-limited conditions

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    Abstract(#br)Growth and dinitrogen (N 2 ) fixation of the globally important diazotrophic cyanobacteria Trichodesmium are often limited by iron (Fe) availability in surface seawaters. To systematically examine the combined effects of Fe limitation and ocean acidification (OA), T. erythraeum strain IMS101 was acclimated to both Fe-replete and Fe-limited concentrations under ambient and acidified conditions. Proteomic analysis showed that OA affected a wider range of proteins under Fe-limited conditions compared to Fe-replete conditions. OA also led to an intensification of Fe deficiency in key cellular processes (e.g., photosystem I and chlorophyll a synthesis) in already Fe-limited T. erythraeum . This is a result of reallocating Fe from these processes to Fe-rich nitrogenase to..

    Reduced nitrogenase efficiency dominates response of the globally important nitrogen fixer Trichodesmium to ocean acidification

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    工业革命以来,海洋吸收了约三分之一人为排放的CO2,以迄今3亿年来最快的速度酸化(CO2升高、pH下降),这势必影响海洋生态系统的关键过程和功能。研究团队创新性地从区分海洋酸化过程中CO2上升和pH下降的双重效应入手,揭示了海水CO2升高的正效应小于pH下降的负效应,故酸化的净效应为抑制束毛藻的固氮作用。这是因为酸化引起束毛藻胞质 pH下降,从而降低固氮酶效率、干扰胞内pH稳态、影响细胞产能。在上述研究工作的基础上,进一步系统地测定了固氮和光合系统蛋白的表达量及其含铁量,建立了一个束毛藻的“资源最优化分配”细胞模型。实现了实验数据和数值模型的紧密结合:实验数据是构筑模型的坚实基础,并提高了模型的预测水平;通过模型模拟,加深了对实验发现的认知,并对实验结论进行了时空拓展。 罗亚威博士和史大林博士为论文的共同第一作者和共同通讯作者,史大林课题组的洪海征教授、研究助理沈容和博士生张福婷为共同作者。论文的共同作者还包括美国佛罗里达州立大学助理教授Sven Kranz博士和乔治亚大学副教授Brian Hopkinson博士。【Abstract】The response of the prominent marine dinitrogen (N2)-fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium to ocean acidification (OA) is critical to understanding future oceanic biogeochemical cycles. Recent studies have reported conflicting findings on the effect of OA on growth and N2 fixation of Trichodesmium. Here, we quantitatively analyzed experimental data on how Trichodesmium reallocated intracellular iron and energy among key cellular processes in response to OA, and integrated the findings to construct an optimality-based cellular model. The model results indicate that Trichodesmium growth rate decreases under OA primarily due to reduced nitrogenase efficiency. The downregulation of the carbon dioxide (CO2)-concentrating mechanism under OA has little impact on Trichodesmium, and the energy demand of anti-stress responses to OA has a moderate negative effect. We predict that if anthropogenic CO2 emissions continue to rise, OA could reduce global N2 fixation potential of Trichodesmium by 27% in this century, with the largest decrease in iron-limiting regions.This work was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0601404 and 2016YFA0601203), NSFC (41476093, 41721005, 41890802, 31861143022 and 41376116), and the MEL internal research fund (MELRI1502).本项研究得到了国家重点研发计划(2016YFA0601404 和2016YFA0601203)以及国家自然科学基金系列项目(41476093, 41721005, 41890802, 31861143022 和41376116)的资助

    Formation and genotoxicity of a guanine–cytosine intrastrand cross-link lesion in vivo

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) can be induced by both endogenous and exogenous processes, and they can damage biological molecules including nucleic acids. Exposure of isolated DNA to X/γ-rays and Fenton reagents was shown to lead to the formation of intrastrand cross-link lesions where the neighboring nucleobases in the same DNA strand are covalently bonded. By employing HPLC coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with the isotope dilution method, we assessed quantitatively the formation of a guanine–cytosine (G[8-5]C) intrastrand cross-link lesion in HeLa-S3 cells upon exposure to γ-rays. The yield of the G[8-5]C cross-link was 0.037 lesions per 109 nucleosides per Gy, which was ∼300 times lower than that of 5-formyl-2′-deoxyuridine (0.011 lesions per 106 nucleosides per Gy) under identical exposure conditions. We further constructed a single-stranded M13 genome harboring a site-specifically incorporated G[8-5]C lesion and developed a novel mass spectrometry-based method for interrogating the products emanating from the replication of the genome in Escherichia coli cells. The results demonstrated that G[8-5]C blocked considerably DNA replication as represented by a 20% bypass efficiency, and the lesion was significantly mutagenic in vivo, which included a 8.7% G→T and a 1.2% G→C transversion mutations. DNA replication in E. coli hosts deficient in SOS-induced polymerases revealed that polymerase V was responsible for the error-prone translesion synthesis in vivo

    Nutrient regulation of biological nitrogen fixation across the tropical western North Pacific

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    Nitrogen fixation is critical for the biological productivity of the ocean, but clear mechanistic controls on this process remain elusive. Here, we investigate the abundance, activity, and drivers of nitrogen-fixing diazotrophs across the tropical western North Pacific. We find a basin-scale coherence of diazotroph abundances and N 2 fixation rates with the supply ratio of iron:nitrogen to the upper ocean. Across a threshold of increasing supply ratios, the abundance of nifH genes and N 2 fixation rates increased, phosphate concentrations decreased, and bioassay experiments demonstrated evidence for N 2 fixation switching from iron to phosphate limitation. In the northern South China Sea, supply ratios were hypothesized to fall around this critical threshold and bioassay experiments suggested colimitation by both iron and phosphate. Our results provide evidence for iron:nitrogen supply ratios being the most important factor in regulating the distribution of N 2 fixation across the tropical ocean

    The expected values of the total numbers of independent edge sets and independent sets in random alpha-type pentagonal chains

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    A independent edge set of G containing mutually independent edges is also called a matching of G. The total numbers of matchings and independent sets of a graph G, namely, the Hosoya index and the Merrifield-Simmons index, respectively, are two important topological indices. We compute the average total numbers of independent edge sets and independent sets in random alpha-type pentagonal chains

    Anti-Ramsey Numbers in Complete k-Partite Graphs

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    The anti-Ramsey number ARG,H is the maximum number of colors in an edge-coloring of G such that G contains no rainbow subgraphs isomorphic to H. In this paper, we discuss the anti-Ramsey numbers ARKp1,p2,…,pk,Tn, ARKp1,p2,…,pk,ℳ, and ARKp1,p2,…,pk,C of Kp1,p2,…,pk, where Tn,ℳ, and C denote the family of all spanning trees, the family of all perfect matchings, and the family of all Hamilton cycles in Kp1,p2,…,pk, respectively

    Reformulated Reciprocal Degree Distance and Reciprocal Degree Distance of the Complement of the Mycielskian Graph and Generalized Mycielskian

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    The reformulated reciprocal degree distance is defined for a connected graph G as R¯t(G)=(1/2)∑u,υ∈VG((dG(u)+dG(υ))/(dG(u,υ)+t)),t≥0, which can be viewed as a weight version of the t-Harary index; that is, H¯t(G)=(1/2)∑u,υ∈VG(1/(dG(u,υ)+t)),t≥0. In this paper, we present the reciprocal degree distance index of the complement of Mycielskian graph and generalize the corresponding results to the generalized Mycielskian graph

    Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth rate, C fixation rate, cellular Fe uptake rates and growth Fe use efficiency of Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    Light affects iron (Fe) growth requirements in marine phytoplankton while CO2 can influence energy allocation and light sensitivity. Therefore, ongoing increases in seawater CO2 concentrations could impact the growth of Fe- and light-limited phytoplankton. In this study, Phaeodactylum tricornutum was used as a model diatom to examine the interactive effects of Fe, light, and CO2 on photosynthesis, growth, and protein expression in marine phytoplankton. Low concentration of biologically available inorganic iron (Fe) and low-light intensity decreased specific rates of carbon (C)-fixation and growth, and the two together had an even greater effect, indicating a co-limitation. Increased partial pressure of CO2 from its current value (400 μatm) to 750 μatm had no effect at growth sufficient levels of Fe and light, but increased C-fixation and growth rate under Fe or light limitation, and had an even greater effect in Fe and light co-limited cells. The results suggest that ongoing increases in CO2 may increase C-fixation rates in Fe- and light-limited and co-limited regions, which cover at least 30% of the ocean. Measurements of photosynthetic proteins in photosystems II and I, and transcripts of proteins involved in CO2 concentrating mechanisms (CCMs), photorespiration, and antioxidant protection, suggest that the benefit of increased CO2 in the Fe- and light-limited cells was from a downregulation of CCMs and resultant decreased demands for energy supplied from photosynthesis, and from decreased rates of photorespiration, which consumes photosynthetically produced ATP and NADPH. A decrease in oxidative stress with increased CO2 also contributed

    The Local Antimagic Total Chromatic Number of Some Wheel-Related Graphs

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    Let G=(V,E) be a connected graph with |V|=n and |E|=m. A bijection f:V(G)∪E(G)→{1,2,⋯,n+m} is called local antimagic total labeling if, for any two adjacent vertices u and v, ωt(u)≠ωt(v), where ωt(u)=f(u)+∑e∈E(u)f(e), and E(u) is the set of edges incident to u. Thus, any local antimagic total labeling induces a proper coloring of G, where the vertex x in G is assigned the color ωt(x). The local antimagic total chromatic number, denoted by χlat(G), is the minimum number of colors taken over all colorings induced by local antimagic total labelings of G. In this paper, we present the local antimagic total chromatic numbers of some wheel-related graphs, such as the fan graph Fn, the bowknot graph Bn,n, the Dutch windmill graph D4n, the analogous Dutch graph AD4n and the flower graph Fn