791 research outputs found


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    The US sub-prime mortgage crisis now considered as the worst crisis and was expanded to global economy, causing volatility of financial market and credit contraction. In addition, China’s banking system improving efficiency and resources allocation through reform since 1978. It is reasonable to assume that the statue and competition capability of Chinese banks was enhanced in the worldwide trading businesses. Hence, this paper analyzes determinants of bank performance for China banking system using bank specific and macroeconomic factors over the period 2003-2009 as well as to capture the effects of the crisis in China banking system. Results show that capital strength, liquidity, non-interest income and bank size are important bank specific characteristics explaining bank performance during 2003 to 2009. Turning to macroeconomic conditions, the effect of inflation is also important determinant of banking performance. In addition, a comparing results of bank performance before and during the crisis show that liquidity is very important for bank profits, holding high level of liquid assets lead to higher profits in China. Finally, there is little evidence that China commercial banks suffer from great losses. By contrast, Chinese banks avoided a heavy damage the crisis and performed better during the crisis

    A pipeline for improved QSAR analysis of peptides: physiochemical property parameter selection via BMSF, near-neighbor sample selection via semivariogram, and weighted SVR regression and prediction

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    In this paper, we present a pipeline to perform improved QSAR analysis of peptides. The modeling involves a double selection procedure that first performs feature selection and then conducts sample selection before the final regression analysis. Five hundred and thirty-one physicochemical property parameters of amino acids were used as descriptors to characterize the structure of peptides. These high-dimensional descriptors then go through a feature selection process given by the Binary Matrix Shuffling Filter (BMSF) to obtain a set of important low dimensional features. Each descriptor that passed the BMSF filtering also receives a weight defined through its contribution to reduce the estimation error. These selected features were served as the predictors for subsequent sample selection and modeling. Based on the weighted Euclidean distances between samples, a common range was determined with high-dimensional semivariogram and then used as a threshold to select the near-neighbor samples from the training set. For each sample to be predicted, the QSAR model was established using SVR with the weighted, selected features based on the exclusive set of near-neighbor training samples. Prediction was conducted for each test sample accordingly. The performances of this pipeline are tested with the QSAR analysis of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and HLA-A*0201 data sets. Improved prediction accuracy was obtained in both applications. This pipeline can optimize the QSAR modeling from both the feature selection and sample selection perspectives. This leads to improved accuracy over single selection methods. We expect this pipeline to have extensive application prospect in the field of regression prediction

    Insight into Conformational Change for 14-3-3σ Protein by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    14-3-3σ is a member of a highly conserved family of 14-3-3 proteins that has a double-edged sword role in human cancers. Former reports have indicated that the 14-3-3 protein may be in an open or closed state. In this work, we found that the apo-14-3-3σ is in an open state compared with the phosphopeptide bound 14-3-3σ complex which is in a more closed state based on our 80 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The interaction between the two monomers of 14-3-3σ in the open state is the same as that in the closed state. In both open and closed states, helices A to D, which are involved in dimerization, are stable. However, large differences are found in helices E and F. The hydrophobic contacts and hydrogen bonds between helices E and G in apo-14-3-3σ are different from those in the bound 14-3-3σ complex. The restrained and the mutated (Arg56 or Arg129 to alanine) MD simulations indicate that the conformation of four residues (Lys49, Arg56, Arg129 and Tyr130) may play an important role to keep the 14-3-3σ protein in an open or closed state. These results would be useful to evaluate the 14-3-3σ protein structure-function relationship

    A statistical analysis of memory CD8 T cell differentiation: An application of a hierarchical state space model to a short time course microarray experiment

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    CD8 T cells are specialized immune cells that play an important role in the regulation of antiviral immune response and the generation of protective immunity. In this paper we investigate the differentiation of memory CD8 T cells in the immune response using a short time course microarray experiment. Structurally, this experiment is similar to many in that it involves measurements taken on independent samples, in one biological group, at a small number of irregularly spaced time points, and exhibiting patterns of temporal nonstationarity. To analyze this CD8 T-cell experiment, we develop a hierarchical state space model so that we can: (1) detect temporally differentially expressed genes, (2) identify the direction of successive changes over time, and (3) assess the magnitude of successive changes over time. We incorporate hidden Markov models into our model to utilize the information embedded in the time series and set up the proposed hierarchical state space model in an empirical Bayes framework to utilize the population information from the large-scale data. Analysis of the CD8 T-cell experiment using the proposed model results in biologically meaningful findings. Temporal patterns involved in the differentiation of memory CD8 T cells are summarized separately and performance of the proposed model is illustrated in a simulation study.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS118 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Unveiling the nucleon tensor charge at Jefferson Lab: A study of the SoLID case

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    Future experiments at the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade, in particular, the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID), aim at a very precise data set in the region where the partonic structure of the nucleon is dominated by the valence quarks. One of the main goals is to constrain the quark transversity distributions. We apply recent theoretical advances of the global QCD extraction of the transversity distributions to study the impact of future experimental data from the SoLID experiments. Especially, we develop a simple strategy based on the Hessian matrix analysis that allows one to estimate the uncertainties of the transversity quark distributions and their tensor charges extracted from SoLID data simulation. We find that the SoLID measurements with the proton and the effective neutron targets can improve the precision of the u- and d-quark transversity distributions up to one order of magnitude in the range 0.05 < x < 0.6.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, published on Physics Letters

    On Mean Square Stability and Dissipativity of Split-Step Theta Method for Nonlinear Neutral Stochastic Delay Differential Equations

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    A split-step theta (SST) method is introduced and used to solve the nonlinear neutral stochastic delay differential equations (NSDDEs). The mean square asymptotic stability of the split-step theta (SST) method for nonlinear neutral stochastic delay differential equations is studied. It is proved that under the one-sided Lipschitz condition and the linear growth condition, the split-step theta method with θ∈(1/2,1] is asymptotically mean square stable for all positive step sizes, and the split-step theta method with θ∈[0,1/2] is asymptotically mean square stable for some step sizes. It is also proved in this paper that the split-step theta (SST) method possesses a bounded absorbing set which is independent of initial data, and the mean square dissipativity of this method is also proved
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