16 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Autonomous Quadcopter

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    Paper ini mengusulkan sebuah perancangan sistem autonomous quadcopter. Quadcopteradalah sejenis pesawat terbang yang memiliki empat motor sebagai penggerak utamanya.Quadcopter memiliki kemampuan untuk lepas landas, hover, terbang manuver dan mendaratbahkan ditempat yang memiliki ruang terbatas. Sistem autonomous quadcopter yang dibangundidesain untuk memiliki kemampuan mengendalikan sistem secara mandiri. Sistem tersebutdiupayakan memiliki seminimal mungkin pengendalian dari user. Semua elemen autonomousquadcopter akan dijelaskan dalam paper ini; termasuk struktur mekanik, sistem kontrol, komputer,sensor, actuator dan sumber energinya. Sistem tersebut juga dirancang agar dapat di bekerja padaarea out door. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini dilakukan fokus terhadap sensor Accelerometer dansensor Gyroscope. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, rentang nilai ADC sensor gyroscope dengankemiringan sudut 0 hingga 180 adalah 67 sampai 101. Sedangkan pengujian pada kecepatankeempat motor dengan nilai tegangan yang sama, terdapat selisih kecepatan dari beberapa motordengan nilai maksimal 2

    A practical diagram to determine the residual longitudinal strength of grounded ship in Northern Sea Route

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    In this study, a useful solution is proposed for assessing the safety of the ship’s hull damaged by grounding in Northern Sea Route (NSR) or Arctic sea. In particular, the residual ultimate longitudinal strength of grounding damaged ship can be predicted by the grounding damage index (GDI) concept. Due to the global warming effects, the Arctic glaciers have been gradually melting, and it may bring us the new North Pole routes. However, there are uncertainties on many causes that can lead to grounding accident of the commercial vessels. In this regard, residual ultimate longitudinal strength of grounding damaged commercial ship in Arctic sea is investigated. Five (5) temperatures: room temperature (RT), −20°C, −40°C, −60°C and −80°C were adopted to consider the cold temperature effect in NSR. The Panamax class oil tanker was selected for the investigation of residual ultimate longitudinal strength of grounding damaged ship. Fifty (50) reliable damage scenarios were adopted for the evaluation of structural health by utilising Residual strength versus GDI (R-D) diagram method. From this study, a modified R-D diagram is proposed which can consider grounding damage with cold temperature effect. The obtained outcome will be useful for assessing the safety of the grounded ships in Arctic sea region by measuring the grounding damage amount and surrounding air temperature

    THE SYSTEM OF BUYING AND SELLING ARISAN MONEY IN ANTHROPOLOGY REVIEW OF ISLAMIC LAW (Case Study In Toteker Hamlet, West Banuaju Village, Batang-Batang, Sumenep)

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    The sale and purchase of arisan money in Toteker Hamlet, West Banuaju Village, Batang-Batang District, Sumenep is a practice that has been carried out for generations, not only by members of the arisan from among the farmers, but also by members of community leaders, and the parties involved become the power it is interesting to reveal the reasons and factors behind it, as well as the unclear status of Islamic law. This study aims to analyze the system of buying and selling arisan money in an anthropology review of Islamic law, revealing the identity of the parties involved, the underlying factors, and the reasons for carrying out the practice of buying and selling. This research method uses field qualitative methods with data collection procedures through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the system of buying and selling arisan money is an act that is forbidden because there is an additional advantage from buying and selling money with the same type of money, this is done under forced circumstances, and there is hilah done by one of the community leaders.Keywords: Anthropology, Buying and Selling, Arisa


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    Diseases transmitted by mosquitoes always cause serious health problems in people. The problems it causes are getting wider because mosquito-borne diseases can increase from time to time. Reducing dengue cases in Palangka Raya City requires everyone's attention, including the role of high school students in helping control both at home, school and in the environment. Students' knowledge is low on the potential for mosquitoes to transmit diseases to humans, so education is needed for students to improve their understanding of mosquito control as a vector of disease. The purpose of this activity is that students can understand how to control mosquitoes to prevent the spread of disease. The success of this activity requires partners, namely SMAN 2 Palangka Raya which is one of the efforts to drive mosquito control at home, school and environment. The method used is morphological education of mosquito larvae, adult mosquitoes, and integrated control methods and therapy for mosquito-transmitted diseases. The knowledge of SMAN 2 students in controlling disease-carrying vectors can be judged successful by increasing students' understanding.  ---  Penyakit yang ditularkan nyamuk selalu membuat permasalahan kesehatan yang sangat serius dalam masyarakat. Permasalahan yang dapat ditimbulkannya semakin menjadi meluas dan serius karena penyaklit tersebut selalu meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Menurunkan kasus DBD di Kota Palangka Raya maka perlu perhatian semua orang termasuk peran Siswa SMA dalam membantu pengandalian baik di rumah, sekolah ataupun di lingkungan. Kurangnya pemahaman siswa terhadap potensi nyamuk menularkan penyakit pada manusia maka diperlukan edukasi kepada siswa untuk peningkatan pemahaman pengendalian nyamuk sebagai vektor penyakit. Tujuan kegiatan ini siswa dapat memahami cara mengendaikan nyamuk untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit. Mensukseskan kegiatan ini perlu mitra yaitu SMAN 2 Palangka Raya sebagai upaya penggerak pengendalian nyamuk di Rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu edukasi morfologi larva nyamuk, nyamuk dewasa dan cara pengendalian secara terpadu serta terapi penyakit yang ditransmisikan nyamuk. Pengetahuan siswa SMAN 2 dalam upaya pengendalian vektor pembawa penyakit dapat dinilai berhasil dengan adanya peningkatan pemahaman siswa


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    Jenis padi dalam penelitian ini adalah padi basah atau padi sawah dinamakan padi Santana, yang dibudidaya didesa subaim, namun sering dijumpai berbagai macam penyakit yang menyerang pada tamanan padi ini, penyakit tersebut dapat diketahui dari gejala-gejala yang ditimbulkanya. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa jenis dan gejala penyakit yaitu, Hawar daun, Kerdil Blas, Tungro, dan  Busuk Batang.  Ada 5 jenis penyakit dan 21 gejala, akan tetapi untuk mengetahui secara tepat jenis penyakit yang menyerang padi tersebut memerlukan seorang pakar/ahli pertanian, sedangkan jumlah pakar pertanian terbatas dan tidak dapat mengatasi permasalahan petani dalam waktu yang bersamaan, sehingga diperlukan suatu sistem yang mempunyai kemampuan seperti seorang pakar, yang mana di dalam sistem ini berbasis pengetahuan keahlian seseorang pakar pertanian mengenai penyakit dan gejala tanaman padi. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sistem pakar pendeteksi penyakit pada tanaman padi menggunakan metode forward chaining dengan gambar berbasis website, yang maksudkan untuk membantu petani dalam mendeteksi penyakit pada tanaman padi. Sehingga dapat memberikan solusi serta saran penanganannya.Kata kunci: Sistem pakar, Metode Forward Chaining, Berbasis Websit

    Developing Curricula for Energy and Environmental Course at Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysia France Institute (UniKL-MFI) through Knowledge Transfer Program

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    Depletion of global energy resources and global warming issues have been the theme topics of the world economic circle over the past decades. Looking at this scenario, it is essential to every sector including educational institution to play its role in engaging public and community at grass-roots level on these issues. Keeping the above factors in mind, a Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP) was carried out to transfer knowledge on curricula of energy and environment to a selected tertiary educational institution in Malaysia. The aim of this program was to link generated academic knowledge on energy and environment to targeted community or group as part of commitment to knowledge transfer. In order to achieve the aim, a partnership was formed between CETREE & GT and UniKL - MFI for two years with three main stages of program implementation comprising of: i) training on renewable energy and energy efficiency to graduate intern and technical support team; ii) selection of academic staff from the targeted community and; iii) a series of workshop. Two workshops were convened to develop and harmonize curricula of energy and environmental course and were followed by two more workshops to discuss, select and construct appropriate teaching aids and methods for the course. Design and development of the teaching aid were based on the model of an Energy Efficient Building by taking into account renewable energy and energy efficiency components such as solar energy, wind energy, biomass and thermal electric generator. With active involvement from university and community, in planning, executing, monitoring, control and closure, the program was successfully devised and managed. At the end of the program, a module of curricula for Energy and the Environment course and Energy Efficient Building teaching aid were developed. Through this program, contributions from both parties help to build committed societies to engage in important issues in relation to energy and environment towards creating a sustainable futur

    Sistem Pakar Pendeteksi Penyakit pada Tanaman Padi Mengunakan Metode (Forward Chaining ) Berbasis Web di Desa Subaim Kecamatan Wasile

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    Jenis padi dalam penelitian ini adalah padi basah atau padi sawah dinamakan padi Santana, yang dibudidaya didesa subaim, namun sering dijumpai berbagai macam penyakit yang menyerang pada tamanan padi ini, penyakit tersebut dapat diketahui dari gejala-gejala yang ditimbulkanya. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa jenis dan gejala penyakit yaitu, Hawar daun, Kerdil Blas, Tungro, dan Busuk Batang. Ada 5 jenis penyakit dan 21 gejala, akan tetapi untuk mengetahui secara tepat jenis penyakit yang menyerang padi tersebut memerlukan seorang pakar/ahli pertanian, sedangkan jumlah pakar pertanian terbatas dan tidak dapat mengatasi permasalahan petani dalam waktu yang bersamaan, sehingga diperlukan suatu sistem yang mempunyai kemampuan seperti seorang pakar, yang mana di dalam sistem ini berbasis pengetahuan keahlian seseorang pakar pertanian mengenai penyakit dan gejala tanaman padi. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sistem pakar pendeteksi penyakit pada tanaman padi menggunakan metode forward chaining dengan gambar berbasis website, yang maksudkan untuk membantu petani dalam mendeteksi penyakit pada tanaman padi. Sehingga dapat memberikan solusi serta saran penanganannya

    Hubungan Lingkungan Fisik Rumah dengan Kejadian Pneumonia pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Plumbon

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    Pneumonia merupakan salah satu penyakit infeksi saluran pernapasan akut bagian bawah yang menjadi penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas anak berusia dibawah lima tahun terutama di negara yang sedang berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan jenis lantai rumah dan jenis dinding rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia pada Balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Plumbon. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 43 responden. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah Acidental Sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara langsung kepada responden dan dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 62,8% responden yang mempunyai Balita menderita pneumonia, 44,2% responden yang memiliki jenis lantai rumah yang tidak memenuhi syarat kesehatan dan terdapat 51,2% resespon yang memiliki jenis dinding rumah yang tidak memenuhi syarat kesehatan. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh ada hubungan antara jenis lantai rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia pada Balita (p = 0,010 < 0,05) dan ada hubungan antara jenis dinding rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia pada Balita (p = 0,008 < 0,05) di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Plumbon. Kesimpulan dari dua variabel ada hubungan antara jenis lantai rumah dan jenis dinding rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia pada Balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Plumbon

    Use of E-cigarettes and Associated Factors Among Adolescent Smokers in Indonesia: Analysis of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) Indonesia 2019

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    Background: Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) is an alternative to reduce the harmfulness of conventional cigarettes. However, there are still pros and cons to using the e-cigarette, especially among adolescents. Instead of reducing the health problem, using e-cigarette even make the illness the same as conventional ones. Objective: This study aimed to examine the determinant of using e-cigarettes among adolescents and smokers of school age. Method: This study used the cross-sectional data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) Indonesia 2019. The national school was selected by proportional random sampling. Around 832 adolescent smokers were eligible for this study. Results: Among 832 adolescent smokers in this study, about 49.64% of them ever used e-cigarettes. The factors significantly associated with the use of e-cigarettes were money pocket and the use of other forms of smoked tobacco. However, other independent variables, such as age, gender, teachers smoking during school hours, and parent smoking, were not significantly associated with using e-cigarettes. Conclusion: The factors associated with e-cigarette use were related to the students' socioeconomic status. The roles of parents and teachers need to be addressed to reduce the harmfulness of using e-cigarettes

    Preparation, Optimisation, and In Vitro Evaluation of [18F]AlF-NOTA-Pamidronic Acid for Bone Imaging PET

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    [18F]sodium fluoride ([18F]NaF) is recognised to be superior to [99mTc]-methyl diphosphate ([99mTc]Tc-MDP) and 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose ([18F]FDG) in bone imaging. However, there is concern that [18F]NaF uptake is not cancer-specific, leading to a higher number of false-positive interpretations. Therefore, in this work, [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid was prepared, optimised, and tested for its in vitro uptake. NOTA-pamidronic acid was prepared by an N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) ester strategy and validated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis (LC-MS/MS). Radiolabeling of [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid was optimised, and it was ensured that all quality control analysis requirements for the radiopharmaceuticals were met prior to the in vitro cell uptake studies. NOTA-pamidronic acid was successfully prepared and radiolabeled with 18F. The radiolabel was prepared in a 1:1 molar ratio of aluminium chloride (AlCl3) to NOTA-pamidronic acid and heated at 100 °C for 15 min in the presence of 50% ethanol (v/v), which proved to be optimal. The preliminary in vitro results of the binding of the hydroxyapatite showed that [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid was as sensitive as [18F]sodium fluoride ([18F]NaF). Normal human osteoblast cell lines (hFOB 1.19) and human osteosarcoma cell lines (Saos-2) were used for the in vitro cellular uptake studies. It was found that [18F]NaF was higher in both cell lines, but [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid showed promising cellular uptake in Saos-2. The preliminary results suggest that further preclinical studies of [18F]AlF-NOTA-pamidronic acid are needed before it is transferred to clinical research