14 research outputs found

    Personal Efficacy and Factors of Effective Learning Environment in Higher Education: Croatian and American Students

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    Successful learning in higher education incorporates various factors related to knowledge, skills, habits, and motivation. Additionally, studentsā€™ personalities and self-efficacy may contribute to their adjustment, planning of activities, and achieving success. The objective of this paper is to analyze studentsā€™ needs for support services, which enhance the effectiveness of their learning environment at higher education institutions. Answers received from a sample of undergraduate freshmen at one American University and one Croatian University were analyzed and compared. The students from both countries agree that there is a need for developing self-reliance and personal responsibility in using support services, as well as for the timely and accurate information on availability of these services. Studentsā€™ suggestions and their desire to enhance effectiveness of their learning environment may be used in creating and improving support services in higher education institutions as well as training their staff


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    Važnost druÅ”tveno odgovornog poslovanja predstavlja izazov u lokalnom i međunarodnom okruženju. U radu je opisan primjer umrežavanja studenata i volontera u okviru međunarodne razmjene stipendista McNair TRIO programa iz SAD-a i studenata volontera iz Varaždina. Ciljevi međunarodne suradnje studenata iz Varaždina, Chicaga, Orlanda i Pittsburgha su poticanje profesionalnih i druÅ”tvenih kompetencija komuniciranja u međunarodnom okruženju te podizanje svijesti o potrebama pojedinaca, pripadnika socijalno osjetljivih skupina kroz projekte volontiranja. Program suradnje sadrži komponentu druÅ”tveno korisnog učenja, volontiranja, interkulturnog učenja i znanstveno-stručnu komponentu. Studenti se umrežavanju u međunarodne istraživačke timove i pripremaju projekte vezane uz uključivanje socijalno osjetljivih skupina (studenti s invaliditetom, nižeg socioekonomskog statusa, pripadnici nacionalnih manjina ...) u proces visokog obrazovanja. Komunikacija se odvija kontaktno i uz uporabu digitalnih tehnologija. Evaluacija kvalitete provedenih projekta napravljena je temeljem kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pokazatelja, prikupljene pozitivne povratne informacije. Stečena znanja i kompetencije mogu podići konkurentnost studenata prilikom budućeg zapoÅ”ljavanja.The importance of corporate social responsibility is a challenge in both in local and international environments. The article presents networking examples of students and volunteers who participated in international McNair Scholars Exchange Program from the USA and students from Varaždin, Croatia. The goals of international collaboration between students from Varaždin, Chicago, Orlando and Pittsburgh are the development of professional and social competences for communication in an international environment and the raising of awareness for the individual needs of social disadvantaged groups though volunteering projects. This collaboration program includes elements of service learning and volunteering, intercultural learning and scientific professional components. Students are networking in international research teams and preparing projects linked to socially disadvantaged groups/students with disabilities, socially/economically disadvantaged backgrounds and the national minority in the process of higher education. Students communicate with direct use of digital technology. The quality evaluation includes quantitative and quality measurement and provides positive feedback. Acquiring knowledge and competences could raise the studentsā€™ level of competitiveness in future employment


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    Increasing numbers of educational strategies are appearing which emphasize the importance and role in the use of ICT (information and computer technology). It has therefore become necessary to create foundations for reaching early computer literacy in the educational curricula of pre-school children. Since problems and doubts in the justification of computer use by pre-school children are so frequently emphasized, children\u27s attitudes towards using them are important as is the provision of an adequate, encouraging and well-directed environment (social agents). It is particularly important for this age group that foundations for recognizing the computer are set up regarding such use as not just a source of entertainment but as a means of work and learning whilst taking into consideration that children should, at the same time, enjoy this work. This paper presents results concerning the attitudes of pre-school children aged between 5.5 and 6.5 towards using computers and, in particular, the elements of computer importance, computer enjoyment and their relative creative tendencies. Technology, in terms of the childrenā€™sā€™ computer literacy, was questioned using elements including the Windows operating system commands, window manipulation, keyboard use etc. The Social environment (social agents linked to the use of the computer by pre-school children) have been analyzed as a source of initial knowledge about the computer using such questions as: ā€œWho has taught you how to use the computer?ā€ The results achieved by questioning the childrenā€™sā€™ computer attitudes show that they like using computers, they consider it a very important means of learning and think that possessing computer skills will help them get a better job in the future. The most common sources of initial computer knowledge include input from parents, siblings and friends, a few children learned how to use the computer by themselves. The results of the computer literacy assessment show that children possess a level of basic knowledge expected of this age group. Inter-correlation among the questioned variables show there to be a statistically significant correlation among the computer literacy level, computer importance and computer enjoyment initiated by the social agents


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    U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja kojemu je cilj bio ispitati percepciju i osobne stavove ispitanica, te njihovo miÅ”ljenje o tome imaju li žene i muÅ”karci jednake mogućnosti zapoÅ”ljavanja i napredovanja u Hrvatskoj, je li, prema njihovom miÅ”ljenju, ženama teže doći do rukovodećih pozicija u poslovnim organizacijama te koji im je dominantni stil odlučivanja i način donoÅ”enja odluka u poslovnim organizacijama. S ciljem ispitivanja percepcije ispitanica zaposlenih u poslovnim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj, provedeno je istraživanje na prigodnom uzorku od 112 ispitanica koje obavljaju rukovodeće pozicije u poslovnim organizacijama u Hrvatskoj. Rezultati pokazuju postojanje neravnopravnosti spolova u poslovnim organizacijama na temelju percepcije i miÅ”ljenja ispitanica. Polovica ispitanica na rukovodećim pozicijama preferira racionalni stil odlučivanja i konzultativni stil vođenja. Ispitanice se procjenjuju kao suradnice otvorene za suradnju, samokritične, s dobrim komunikacijskim vjeÅ”tinama, kao osobe koje teže poÅ”tenju u poslovanju i pokazuju empatiju. Rezultati istraživanja ostalih elemenata koji utječu na položaj žene u poslovnim organizacijama, predstavljeni su i interpretirani u radu


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    U ovom diplomskom radu detaljno će se razraditi mane volje s naglaskom na zabludu i prijevaru. U prvom djelu objasnit će se mane volje, kako one djeluju na pravni posao, koje pretpostavke moraju biti ispunjene i koje su posljedice ukoliko dođe do sklapanja pravnog posla prisustvom mana volje. Nadalje, posebna pozornost posvećuje se zabludi kao jednoj od mana volje, koje vrste zabluda postoje i pravne posljedice koje proizlaze iz sklapanja pravnog posla u kojem je prisutna zabluda. Nakon toga, pobliže će se objasniti prijevara koja nastane između strana koje sklapaju ugovor. Također, osvrnut će se i na prijevarno ponaÅ”anje treće osobe koja nije strana u ugovoru kao i na razliku između prijevare i zablude. Nakon toga analizirati će se pojam pobojnosti kao posljedica sklapanja ugovora u prijevari i zabludi. Objasnit će se pojam konvalidacije kao i posljedice pobojnosti, a to su naknada Å”tete i povrat u prijaÅ”nje stanje. Na samom kraju ovog diplomskog rada navest će se nekoliko slučajeva iz sudske prakse u Republici Hrvatskoj.This Thesis shall elaborate in detail on defects in consent, placing a specific emphasis on error and fraud. The first part shall explain defects in consent, how they influence a legal transaction, what prerequisites must be met and what the consequences are of concluding legal transactions in which defects in consent are present. Furthermore, special attention shall be paid to error being one of the defects in consent, what types of errors exist and what the consequences are of concluding legal transactions in which defects in consent are present. Following this, fraud occurring between contracting parties shall be explained in greater detail. The fraudulent behaviour of a third party not being a party to such contracts shall also be examined. This shall then be followed by an analysis of the notion of voidance resulting from concluding such contracts in which error and fraud are present. The concept of convalidation shall also be explained, in addition to the consequences of voidance: compensation of damages and a reinstatement to the prior state of affairs. The final part of this Thesis shall list several examples of case law from the Republic of Croatia which show how litigations occurred as a result of error or fraud and were resolved in case law


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    U ovom diplomskom radu detaljno će se razraditi mane volje s naglaskom na zabludu i prijevaru. U prvom djelu objasnit će se mane volje, kako one djeluju na pravni posao, koje pretpostavke moraju biti ispunjene i koje su posljedice ukoliko dođe do sklapanja pravnog posla prisustvom mana volje. Nadalje, posebna pozornost posvećuje se zabludi kao jednoj od mana volje, koje vrste zabluda postoje i pravne posljedice koje proizlaze iz sklapanja pravnog posla u kojem je prisutna zabluda. Nakon toga, pobliže će se objasniti prijevara koja nastane između strana koje sklapaju ugovor. Također, osvrnut će se i na prijevarno ponaÅ”anje treće osobe koja nije strana u ugovoru kao i na razliku između prijevare i zablude. Nakon toga analizirati će se pojam pobojnosti kao posljedica sklapanja ugovora u prijevari i zabludi. Objasnit će se pojam konvalidacije kao i posljedice pobojnosti, a to su naknada Å”tete i povrat u prijaÅ”nje stanje. Na samom kraju ovog diplomskog rada navest će se nekoliko slučajeva iz sudske prakse u Republici Hrvatskoj.This Thesis shall elaborate in detail on defects in consent, placing a specific emphasis on error and fraud. The first part shall explain defects in consent, how they influence a legal transaction, what prerequisites must be met and what the consequences are of concluding legal transactions in which defects in consent are present. Furthermore, special attention shall be paid to error being one of the defects in consent, what types of errors exist and what the consequences are of concluding legal transactions in which defects in consent are present. Following this, fraud occurring between contracting parties shall be explained in greater detail. The fraudulent behaviour of a third party not being a party to such contracts shall also be examined. This shall then be followed by an analysis of the notion of voidance resulting from concluding such contracts in which error and fraud are present. The concept of convalidation shall also be explained, in addition to the consequences of voidance: compensation of damages and a reinstatement to the prior state of affairs. The final part of this Thesis shall list several examples of case law from the Republic of Croatia which show how litigations occurred as a result of error or fraud and were resolved in case law


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    U ovom diplomskom radu detaljno će se razraditi mane volje s naglaskom na zabludu i prijevaru. U prvom djelu objasnit će se mane volje, kako one djeluju na pravni posao, koje pretpostavke moraju biti ispunjene i koje su posljedice ukoliko dođe do sklapanja pravnog posla prisustvom mana volje. Nadalje, posebna pozornost posvećuje se zabludi kao jednoj od mana volje, koje vrste zabluda postoje i pravne posljedice koje proizlaze iz sklapanja pravnog posla u kojem je prisutna zabluda. Nakon toga, pobliže će se objasniti prijevara koja nastane između strana koje sklapaju ugovor. Također, osvrnut će se i na prijevarno ponaÅ”anje treće osobe koja nije strana u ugovoru kao i na razliku između prijevare i zablude. Nakon toga analizirati će se pojam pobojnosti kao posljedica sklapanja ugovora u prijevari i zabludi. Objasnit će se pojam konvalidacije kao i posljedice pobojnosti, a to su naknada Å”tete i povrat u prijaÅ”nje stanje. Na samom kraju ovog diplomskog rada navest će se nekoliko slučajeva iz sudske prakse u Republici Hrvatskoj.This Thesis shall elaborate in detail on defects in consent, placing a specific emphasis on error and fraud. The first part shall explain defects in consent, how they influence a legal transaction, what prerequisites must be met and what the consequences are of concluding legal transactions in which defects in consent are present. Furthermore, special attention shall be paid to error being one of the defects in consent, what types of errors exist and what the consequences are of concluding legal transactions in which defects in consent are present. Following this, fraud occurring between contracting parties shall be explained in greater detail. The fraudulent behaviour of a third party not being a party to such contracts shall also be examined. This shall then be followed by an analysis of the notion of voidance resulting from concluding such contracts in which error and fraud are present. The concept of convalidation shall also be explained, in addition to the consequences of voidance: compensation of damages and a reinstatement to the prior state of affairs. The final part of this Thesis shall list several examples of case law from the Republic of Croatia which show how litigations occurred as a result of error or fraud and were resolved in case law

    Case Study of Online Resources and Searching for Information on Studentsā€™ Academic Needs

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    The rapid development of digital technology and the constantly increasing number of online information sources have meant that studentsā€™ skills related to information seeking are crucial for academic success. This Paper presents the selected findings of a case study with an emphasis on identifying differences and similarities between international and Croatian studentsā€™ information seeking skills in an online environment. Internet search engines, E-books, online databases and research networks are the online resources which were analysed in this study in order to discover information on the literacy of two groups of students. Quantitative research was conducted in March of 2015 via an online survey and the sample consisted of 70 international and 69 Croatian students. The following research fields were identified in line with the literature review and the expected research outcomes: (1) discover similarities and differences in usage of online information for academic purposes between international and Croatian students, (2) compare the frequency of usage of different online sources between international and Croatian students, and (3) describe the most common online sources of information used by the two groups of students. The results of the study could be used to raise awareness of the need to develop studentsā€™ online information skills and to improve courses within the Croatian higher education system by harmonizing them with those from European Union

    Case Study of Online Resources and Searching for Information on Studentsā€™ Academic Needs

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    The rapid development of digital technology and the constantly increasing number of online information sources have meant that studentsā€™ skills related to information seeking are crucial for academic success. This Paper presents the selected findings of a case study with an emphasis on identifying differences and similarities between international and Croatian studentsā€™ information seeking skills in an online environment. Internet search engines, E-books, online databases and research networks are the online resources which were analysed in this study in order to discover information on the literacy of two groups of students. Quantitative research was conducted in March of 2015 via an online survey and the sample consisted of 70 international and 69 Croatian students. The following research fields were identified in line with the literature review and the expected research outcomes: (1) discover similarities and differences in usage of online information for academic purposes between international and Croatian students, (2) compare the frequency of usage of different online sources between international and Croatian students, and (3) describe the most common online sources of information used by the two groups of students. The results of the study could be used to raise awareness of the need to develop studentsā€™ online information skills and to improve courses within the Croatian higher education system by harmonizing them with those from European Union