21 research outputs found

    Transcription Factor EB Controls Metabolic Flexibility during Exercise

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    The transcription factor EB (TFEB) is an essential component of lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy for the adaptive response to food deprivation. To address the physiological function of TFEB in skeletal muscle, we have used muscle-specific gain- and loss-of-function approaches. Here, we show that TFEB controls metabolic flexibility in muscle during exercise and that this action is independent of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator1α (PGC1α). Indeed, TFEB translocates into the myonuclei during physical activity and regulates glucose uptake and glycogen content by controlling expression of glucose transporters, glycolytic enzymes, and pathways related to glucose homeostasis. In addition, TFEB induces the expression of genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, and oxidative phosphorylation. This coordinated action optimizes mitochondrial substrate utilization, thus enhancing ATP production and exercise capacity. These findings identify TFEB as a critical mediator of the beneficial effects of exercise on metabolism

    Contactin‐6‐deficient male mice exhibit the abnormal function of the accessory olfactory system and impaired reproductive behavior

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    Abstract Introduction Contactin‐6 (CNTN6), also known as NB‐3, is a neural recognition molecule and a member of the contactin subgroup of the immunoglobulin superfamily. Gene encoding CNTN6 is expressed in many regions of the neural system, including the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) in mice. We aim to determine the effect of CNTN6 deficiency on the function of the accessory olfactory system (AOS). Methods We examined the effect of CNTN6 deficiency on the reproductive behavior of male mice through behavioral experiments such as urine sniffing and mate preference tests. Staining and electron microscopy were used to observe the gross structure and the circuitry activity of the AOS. Results Cntn6 is highly expressed in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and the AOB, and sparsely expressed in the medial amygdala (MeA) and the medial preoptic area (MPOA), which receive direct and/or indirect projections from the AOB. Behavioral tests to examine reproductive function in mice, which is mostly controlled by the AOS, revealed that Cntn6−/− adult male mice showed less interest and reduced mating attempts toward estrous female mice in comparison with their Cntn6+/+ littermates. Although Cntn6−/− adult male mice displayed no obvious changes in the gross structure of the VNO or AOB, we observed the increased activation of granule cells in the AOB and the lower activation of neurons in the MeA and the MPOA as compared with Cntn6+/+ adult male mice. Moreover, there were an increased number of synapses between mitral cells and granule cells in the AOB of Cntn6−/− adult male mice as compared with wild‐type controls. Conclusion These results indicate that CNTN6 deficiency affects the reproductive behavior of male mice, suggesting that CNTN6 participated in normal function of the AOS and its ablation was involved in synapse formation between mitral and granule cells in the AOB, rather than affecting the gross structure of the AOS

    Evolutionary analysis of six chloroplast genomes from three Persea americana ecological races: Insights into sequence divergences and phylogenetic relationships.

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    Chloroplasts significantly influence species phylogenies because of their maternal inheritance and the moderate evolutionary rate of their genomes. Avocado, which is a member of the family Lauraceae, has received considerable attention from botanists, likely because of its position as a basal angiosperm. However, there is relatively little avocado genomic information currently available. In this study, six complete avocado chloroplast genomes from three ecological races were assembled to examine the sequence diversity among the three avocado ecological races. A comparative genomic analysis revealed that 515 simple sequence repeat loci and 176 repeats belonging to four other types were polymorphic across the six chloroplast genomes. Three highly variable regions (trnC-GCA-petN, petN-psbM, and petA-psbJ) were identified as highly informative markers. A phylogenetic analysis based on 79 common protein-coding genes indicated that the six examined avocado accessions from three ecological races form a monophyletic clade. The other three genera belonging to the Persea group clustered to form a sister clade with a high bootstrap value. These chloroplast genomes provide important genetic information for future attempts at identifying avocado races and for the related biological research

    Global Alternative Splicing Defects in Human Breast Cancer Cells.

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    Breast cancer is the most frequently occurred cancer type and the second cause of death in women worldwide. Alternative splicing (AS) is the process that generates more than one mRNA isoform from a single gene, and it plays a major role in expanding the human protein diversity. Aberrant AS contributes to breast cancer metastasis and resistance to chemotherapeutic interventions. Therefore, identifying cancer-specific isoforms is the prerequisite for therapeutic interventions intended to correct aberrantly expressed AS events. Here, we performed RNA-mediated oligonucleotide annealing, selection, and ligation coupled with next-generation sequencing (RASL-seq) in breast cancer cells, to identify global breast cancer-specific AS defects. By RT-PCR validation, we demonstrate the high accuracy of RASL-seq results. In addition, we analyzed identified AS events using the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database in a large number of non-pathological and breast tumor specimens and validated them in normal and breast cancer samples. Interestingly, aberrantly regulated AS cassette exons in cancer tissues do not encode for known functional domains but instead encode for amino acids constituting regions of intrinsically disordered protein portions characterized by high flexibility and prone to be subjected to post-translational modifications. Collectively, our results reveal novel AS errors occurring in human breast cancer, potentially affecting breast cancer-related biological processes