329 research outputs found

    Elemental distribution within the long-period stacking ordered structure in a Mg-Gd-Zn-Mn alloy

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    High angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscope imaging and electron energy loss spectroscopy was used to elucidate the elemental distribution (Gd, Zn, Mn) within the long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structure in a Mg-15Gd-0.8Zn-0.8Mn (wt%) alloy. While Gd and Zn enrichment was observed within the LPSO structure, no significant enrichment in Mn was observed. After averaging over a large region, a very weak Mn signal was resolved but no significant variations in Mn signal were observed over this region, suggesting that Mn is indeed present. These results provide useful information to support the future development of high performance Mg alloys

    Atomically resolved chemical ordering at the nm-thick TiO precipitate/matrix interface in V-4Ti-4Cr alloy

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    We have used advanced analytical electron microscopy to characterise the local structure and chemistry at the interface between nm-thick TiO precipitates and the V-based matrix in a V-4Ti-4Cr alloy. Our results reveal the presence of an intergrowth between the fcc TiO and bcc vanadium structures, with a repeat lattice distance that equals 2.5 times the vanadium lattice parameter along the c-axis. Our atomic resolution analysis of the interface will impact the mechanistic understanding of its interaction with interstitials and radiation-induced lattice defects, and consequently trigger the development of improved alloy structures with interfaces engineered for enhanced radiation tolerance

    Segregation of in to dislocations in InGaN

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    Dislocations are one-dimensional topological defects that occur frequently in functional thin film materials and that are known to degrade the performance of InxGa1-xN-based optoelectronic devices. Here, we show that large local deviations in alloy composition and atomic structure are expected to occur in and around dislocation cores in InxGa1-xN alloy thin films. We present energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy data supporting this result. The methods presented here are also widely applicable for predicting composition fluctuations associated with strain fields in other inorganic functional material thin films

    Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tin Sulfide from Diorganotin(IV) Dixanthates

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    We report the synthesis and single-crystal X-ray characterization of diphenyltin bis(2-methoxyethylxanthate) and diphenyltin bis(iso-butylxanthate). These xanthates have been used as a single-source precursor to deposit tin chalcogenide thin films by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscope imaging coupled with elemental mapping show that films deposited from diphenyltin bis(iso-butylxanthate) contain orthorhombic SnS, while films deposited from diphenyltin bis(2-methoxyethylxanthate) between 400 and 575 °C form a SnS/SnO2 nanocomposite. In synthesizing the thin films, we have also demonstrated an ability to control the band gap of the materials based on composition and deposition temperature

    Dislocation core structures in (0001) InGaN

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    Threading dislocation core structures in c-plane GaN and InxGa1−xN (0.057 ≤ x ≤ 0.20) films were investigated by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. a-type dislocations are unaffected by alloying with indium and have a 5/7-atom ring core structure in both GaN and InxGa1−xN. In contrast, the dissociation lengths of (a + c)-type dislocations are reduced, and new 7/4/9-atom ring and 7/4/8/5-atom ring core structures were observed for the dissociated (a + c)-type dislocations in InxGa1−xN, which is associated with the segregation of indium near (a + c)-type and c-type dislocation cores in InxGa1−xN, consistent with predictions from atomistic Monte Carlo simulations.This work was funded in part by the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, St. John’s College and the EPSRC (grant number EP/I012591/1). MAM acknowledges support from the Royal Society through a University Research Fellowship. Additional support was provided by the EPSRC (Supplementary data for EPSRC [49] is available) through the UK National Facility for Aberration-Corrected STEM (SuperSTEM). The Titan 80-200kV ChemiSTEM™ was funded through HM Government (UK) and is associated with the capabilities of the University of Manchester Nuclear Manufacturing (NUMAN) capabilities. SJH acknowledges funding from the Defence Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) USA (grant number HDTRA1-12-1-0013). The authors also acknowledge C. M. McGilvery and A. Kovacs for helpful discussions.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by AIP

    Nanoscale LiZnN - luminescent half-Heusler quantum dots

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    Colloidal semiconductor quantum dots are a well-established technology, with numerous materials available either commercially or through the vast body of literature. The prevalent materials are cadmium-based and are unlikely to find general acceptance in most applications. While the III-V family of materials is a likely substitute, issues remain about its long-term suitability, and other earth-abundant materials are being explored. In this report, we highlight a nanoscale half-Heusler semiconductor, LiZnN, composed of readily available elements as a potential alternative system to luminescent II-VI and III-V nanoparticle quantum dots

    Photocatalytic hydrogen production by biomimetic indium sulfide using Mimosa pudica leaves as template

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    Biomimetic sulfur-deficient indium sulfide (In2.77S4) was synthesized by a template-assisted hydrothermal method using leaves of Mimosa pudica as a template for the first time. The effect of this template in modifying the morphology of the semiconductor particles was determined by physicochemical characterization, revealing an increase in surface area, decrease in microsphere size and pore size and an increase in pore volume density in samples synthesized with the template. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis showed the presence of organic sulfur (S O/S C/S H) and sulfur oxide species ( SO2, SO32−, SO42−) at the surface of the indium sulfide in samples synthesized with the template. Biomimetic indium sulfide also showed significant amounts of Fe introduced as a contaminant present on the Mimosa pudica leaves. The presence of these sulfur and iron species favors the photocatalytic activity for hydrogen production by their acting as a sacrificial reagent and promoting water oxidation on the surface of the templated particles, respectively. The photocatalytic hydrogen production rates over optimally-prepared biomimetic indium sulfide and indium sulfide synthesized without the organic template were 73 and 22 μmol g−1, respectively, indicating an improvement by a factor of three in the templated sample