50 research outputs found

    Conditional and inducible transgene expression in mice through the combinatorial use of Cre-mediated recombination and tetracycline induction

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    Here we describe a triple transgenic mouse system, which combines the tissue specificity of any Cre-transgenic line with the inducibility of the reverse tetracycline transactivator (rtTA)/tetracycline-responsive element (tet-O)-driven transgenes. To ensure reliable rtTA expression in a broad range of cell types, we have targeted the rtTA transgene into the ROSA26 locus. The rtTA expression, however, is conditional to a Cre recombinase-mediated excision of a STOP region from the ROSA26 locus. We demonstrate the utility of this technology through the inducible expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A) during embryonic development and postnatally in adult mice. Our results of adult induction recapitulate several different hepatic and immune cell pathological phenotypes associated with increased systemic VEGF-A protein levels. This system will be useful for studying genes in which temporal control of expression is necessary for the discovery of the full spectrum of functions. The presented approach abrogates the need to generate tissue-specific rtTA transgenes for tissues where well-characterized Cre lines already exist

    ZEB2 and LMO2 drive immature T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia via distinct oncogenic mechanisms

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    ZEB1 and ZEB2 are structurally related E-box binding homeobox transcription factors that induce epithelial to mesenchymal transitions during development and disease. As such, they regulate cancer cell invasion, dissemination and metastasis of solid tumors. In addition, their expression is associated with the gain of cancer stem cell properties and resistance to therapy. Using conditional loss-of-function mice, we previously demonstrated that Zeb2 also plays pivotal roles in hematopoiesis, controlling important cell fate decisions, lineage commitment and fidelity. In addition, upon Zeb2 overexpression, mice spontaneously develop immature T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. Here we show that pre-leukemic Zeb2-overexpressing thymocytes are characterized by a differentiation delay at beta-selection due to aberrant activation of the interleukin-7 receptor signaling pathway. Notably, and in contrast to Lmo2-overexpressing thymocytes, these pre-leukemic Zeb2-overexpressing T-cell progenitors display no acquired self-renewal properties. Finally, Zeb2 activation in more differentiated T-cell precursor cells can also drive malignant T-cell development, suggesting that the early T-cell differentiation delay is not essential for Zeb2-mediated leukemic transformation. Altogether, our data suggest that Zeb2 and Lmo2 drive malignant transformation of immature T-cell progenitors via distinct molecular mechanisms

    STAT5 activation promotes progression and chemotherapy-resistance in early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    IL-7 supports the growth and chemoresistance of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), particularly the early T-cell precursor subtype (ETP-ALL), which frequently has activating mutations of IL-7 signaling. STAT5 is an attractive therapeutic target because it is almost universally activated in ETP-ALL, even in the absence of mutations of upstream activators such as the IL-7R, JAK and FLT3. To examine the role of activated STAT5 in ETP-ALL, we have used a Lmo2-transgenic (Lmo2Tg) mouse model in which we can monitor chemoresistant pre-leukemia (pre-LSCs) and leukemia stem cells (LSCs) that drive T-ALL development and relapse following chemotherapy. Using IL-7R-deficient Lmo2Tg mice, we show that IL-7 signaling was not required for the formation of pre-LSCs but essential for their expansion and clonal evolution into LSCs to generate T-ALL. Activated STAT5B was sufficient for the development of T-ALL in IL-7R; Lmo2Tg mice, indicating that inhibition of STAT5 is required to block the supportive signals provided by IL-7. To further understand the role of activated STAT5 in LSCs of ETP-ALL, we developed a new transgenic mouse that enables T-cell specific and doxycycline-inducible expression of the constitutively activated STAT5B1∗6 mutant. Expression of STAT5B1∗6 in T-cells had no effect alone but promoted expansion and chemoresistance of LSCs in Lmo2Tg mice. Pharmacologic inhibition of STAT5 with Pimozide induced differentiation and loss of LSCs, whilst enhancing response to chemotherapy. Furthermore, Pimozide significantly reduced leukemia burden in vivo and overcame chemoresistance of patient-derived ETP-ALL xenografts. Overall, our results demonstrate that STAT5 is an attractive therapeutic target for eradicating LSCs in ETP-ALL

    ZEB2 and LMO2 drive immature T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia via distinct oncogenic mechanisms

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    ZEB1 and ZEB2 are structurally related E-box binding homeobox transcription factors that induce epithelial to mesenchymal transitions during development and disease. As such, they regulate cancer cell invasion, dissemination and metastasis of solid tumors. In addition, their expression is associated with the gain of cancer stem cell properties and resistance to therapy. Using conditional loss-of-function mice, we previously demonstrated that Zeb2 also plays pivotal roles in hematopoiesis, controlling important cell fate decisions, lineage commitment and fidelity. In addition, upon Zeb2 overexpression, mice spontaneously develop immature T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. Here we show that pre-leukemic Zeb2-overexpressing thymocytes are characterized by a differentiation delay at beta-selection due to aberrant activation of the interleukin-7 receptor signaling pathway. Notably, and in contrast to Lmo2-overexpressing thymocytes, these pre-leukemic Zeb2-overexpressing T-cell progenitors display no acquired self-renewal properties. Finally, Zeb2 activation in more differentiated T-cell precursor cells can also drive malignant T-cell development, suggesting that the early T-cell differentiation delay is not essential for Zeb2-mediated leukemic transformation. Altogether, our data suggest that Zeb2 and Lmo2 drive malignant transformation of immature T-cell progenitors via distinct molecular mechanisms

    Efficient mouse transgenesis using Gateway-compatible ROSA26 locus targeting vectors and F1 hybrid ES cells

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    The ability to rapidly and efficiently generate reliable Cre/loxP conditional transgenic mice would greatly complement global high-throughput gene targeting initiatives aimed at identifying gene function in the mouse. We report here the generation of Cre/loxP conditional ROSA26-targeted ES cells within 3–4 weeks by using Gateway® cloning to build the target vectors. The cDNA of the gene of interest can be expressed either directly by the ROSA26 promoter providing a moderate level of expression or by a CAGG promoter placed in the ROSA26 locus providing higher transgene expression. Utilization of F1 hybrid ES cells with exceptional developmental potential allows the production of germ line transmitting, fully or highly ES cell-derived mice by aggregation of cells with diploid embryos. The presented streamlined procedures accelerate the examination of phenotypical consequences of transgene expression. It also provides a unique tool for comparing the biological activity of polymorphic or splice variants of a gene, or products of different genes functioning in the same or parallel pathways in an overlapping manner

    Monitoring AKT activity and targeting in live tissue and disease contexts using a real-time Akt-FRET biosensor mouse

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    Aberrant AKT activation occurs in a number of cancers, metabolic syndrome, and immune disorders, making it an important target for the treatment of many diseases. To monitor spatial and temporal AKT activity in a live setting, we generated an Akt-FRET biosensor mouse that allows longitudinal assessment of AKT activity using intravital imaging in conjunction with image stabilization and optical window technology. We demonstrate the sensitivity of the Akt-FRET biosensor mouse using various cancer models and verify its suitability to monitor response to drug targeting in spheroid and organotypic models. We also show that the dynamics of AKT activation can be monitored in real time in diverse tissues, including in individual islets of the pancreas, in the brown and white adipose tissue, and in the skeletal muscle. Thus, the Akt-FRET biosensor mouse provides an important tool to study AKT dynamics in live tissue contexts and has broad preclinical applications

    Endothelial VEGF sculpts cortical cytoarchitecture

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    Current models of brain development support the view that VEGF, a signaling protein secreted by neuronal cells, regulates angiogenesis and neuronal development. Here we demonstrate an autonomous and pivotal role for endothelial cell-derived VEGF that has far-reaching consequences for mouse brain development. Selective deletion of Vegf from endothelial cells resulted in impaired angiogenesis and marked perturbation of cortical cytoarchitecture. Abnormal cell clusters or heterotopias were detected in the marginal zone, and disorganization of cortical cells induced several malformations, including aberrant cortical lamination. Critical events during brain development-neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and migration were significantly affected. In addition, axonal tracts in the telencephalon were severely defective in the absence of endothelial VEGF. The unique roles of endothelial VEGF cannot be compensated by neuronal VEGF and underscores the high functional significance of endothelial VEGF for cerebral cortex development and from disease perspectives

    Endothelial VEGF Sculpts Cortical Cytoarchitecture

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    Current models of brain development support the view that VEGF, a signaling protein secreted by neuronal cells, regulates angiogenesis and neuronal development. Here we demonstrate an autonomous and pivotal role for endothelial cell-derived VEGF that has far-reaching consequences for mouse brain development. Selective deletion of Vegf from endothelial cells resulted in impaired angiogenesis and marked perturbation of cortical cytoarchitecture. Abnormal cell clusters or heterotopias were detected in the marginal zone, and disorganization of cortical cells induced several malformations, including aberrant cortical lamination. Critical events during brain development-neuronal proliferation, differentiation, and migration were significantly affected. In addition, axonal tracts in the telencephalon were severely defective in the absence of endothelial VEGF. The unique roles of endothelial VEGF cannot be compensated by neuronal VEGF and underscores the high functional significance of endothelial VEGF for cerebral cortex development and from disease perspectives

    Identification of a co-activator that links growth factor signalling to c-Jun/AP-1 activation

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    The AP‑1 transcription factor c‑Jun is essential for cellular proliferation in many cell types, but the molecular link between growth factors and c‑Jun activation has been enigmatic. In this study we identify a previously uncharacterized RING-domain-containing protein, RACO‑1 (RING domain AP‑1 co-activator‑1), as a c‑Jun co-activator that is regulated by growth factor signalling. RACO‑1 interacted with c‑Jun independently of amino‑terminal phosphorylation, and was both necessary and sufficient for c‑Jun/AP‑1 activation. Growth factor-mediated stimulation of AP‑1 was attributable to MEK/ERK-dependent stabilization of RACO‑1 protein. Stimulation of the MEK/ERK pathway strongly promoted Lys 63-linked ubiquitylation of RACO‑1, which antagonized Lys 48-linked degradative auto-ubiquitylation of the same Lys residues. RACO‑1 depletion reduced cellular proliferation and decreased expression of several growth-associated AP‑1 target genes, such as cdc2, cyclinD1 and hb-egf. Moreover, transgenic overexpression of RACO‑1 augmented intestinal tumour formation triggered by aberrant Wnt signalling and cooperated with oncogenic Ras in colonic hyperproliferation. Thus RACO‑1 is a co-activator that links c‑Jun to growth factor signalling and is essential for AP‑1 function in proliferation