28 research outputs found

    Charge transfer from and to manganese phthalocyanine: bulk materials and interfaces

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    Manganese phthalocyanine (MnPc) is a member of the family of transition-metal phthalocyanines, which combines interesting electronic behavior in the fields of organic and molecular electronics with local magnetic moments. MnPc is characterized by hybrid states between the Mn 3d orbitals and the π orbitals of the ligand very close to the Fermi level. This causes particular physical properties, different from those of the other phthalocyanines, such as a rather small ionization potential, a small band gap and a large electron affinity. These can be exploited to prepare particular compounds and interfaces with appropriate partners, which are characterized by a charge transfer from or to MnPc. We summarize recent spectroscopic and theoretical results that have been achieved in this regard

    методичні рекомендації

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    Досудове розслідування злочинів, пов’язаних із незаконним обігом наркотичних засобів, психотропних речовин, їх аналогів, прекурсорів, отруйних, сильнодіючих речовин, отруйних сильнодіючих лікарських засобів із використанням сучасних телекомунікаційних та інших технологій : метод. рек. / [Цуцкірідзе М. С., Гайду С. В., Дударець Р. М. та ін., за заг. ред. Цуцкірідзе М. С.]; МВС України, Нац. поліція України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Голов. слід. управ. - Харків: Факт, 2021. - 188 с.У методичних рекомендаціях наведено кримінально-правову та криміналістичну характеристику, механізм документування та розслідування безконтактних збутів наркотичних засобів через мережу Інтернет, зокрема з використанням телефонних дзвінків і Інтернет-месенджерів та здійснення «закладок». Наведено механізм документування та розслідування збутів наркотичних засобів через мережу Інтернет при здійсненні оплати за наркотичні засоби криптовалютою. Для практичних працівників органів досудового розслідування, студентів та курсантів навчальних закладів юридичнї спрямованості.The methodological recommendations provide criminal law and forensic characteristics, documentation mechanism and investigation of contactless drug sales through internet network.В методических рекомендациях приведены уголовно-правовая и криминалистическую характеристику, механизм документирования и расследование бесконтактного сбыта наркотических средств через сеть Интернет

    A Questionnaire on Materialisms

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    Recent philosophical tendencies of “Actor-Network Theory,” “Object-Oriented Ontology,” and “Speculative Realism” have profoundly challenged the centrality of subjectivity in the humanities, and many artists and curators, particularly in the UK, Germany, and the United States, appear deeply influenced by this shift from epistemology to ontology. October editors asked artists, historians, and philosophers invested in these projects—from Graham Harman and Alexander R. Galloway to Armen Avanessian and Patricia Falguières to Ed Atkins and Amie Siegel—to explore what the rewards and risks of assigning agency to objects may be, and how, or if, such new materialisms can be productive for making and thinking about art today

    Roadmap on printable electronic materials for next-generation sensors

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    The dissemination of sensors is key to realizing a sustainable, ‘intelligent’ world, where everyday objects and environments are equipped with sensing capabilities to advance the sustainability and quality of our lives—e.g., via smart homes, smart cities, smart healthcare, smart logistics, Industry 4.0, and precision agriculture. The realization of the full potential of these applications critically depends on the availability of easy-to-make, low-cost sensor technologies. Sensors based on printable electronic materials offer the ideal platform: they can be fabricated through simple methods (e.g., printing and coating) and are compatible with high-throughput roll-to-roll processing. Moreover, printable electronic materials often allow the fabrication of sensors on flexible/stretchable/biodegradable substrates, thereby enabling the deployment of sensors in unconventional settings. Fulfilling the promise of printable electronic materials for sensing will require materials and device innovations to enhance their ability to transduce external stimuli—light, ionizing radiation, pressure, strain, force, temperature, gas, vapours, humidity, and other chemical and biological analytes. This Roadmap brings together the viewpoints of experts in various printable sensing materials—and devices thereof—to provide insights into the status and outlook of the field. Alongside recent materials and device innovations, the roadmap discusses the key outstanding challenges pertaining to each printable sensing technology. Finally, the Roadmap points to promising directions to overcome these challenges and thus enable ubiquitous sensing for a sustainable, ‘intelligent’ world

    Charge transfer from and to manganese phthalocyanine: bulk materials and interfaces

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    Manganese phthalocyanine (MnPc) is a member of the family of transition-metal phthalocyanines, which combines interesting electronic behavior in the fields of organic and molecular electronics with local magnetic moments. MnPc is characterized by hybrid states between the Mn 3d orbitals and the π orbitals of the ligand very close to the Fermi level. This causes particular physical properties, different from those of the other phthalocyanines, such as a rather small ionization potential, a small band gap and a large electron affinity. These can be exploited to prepare particular compounds and interfaces with appropriate partners, which are characterized by a charge transfer from or to MnPc. We summarize recent spectroscopic and theoretical results that have been achieved in this regard