2,164 research outputs found

    How Important Are Wages to the Elderly? Evidence from the New Beneficiary Data System and the Social Security Earnings Test

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    More than 40 percent of Social Security beneficiaries continue to work after age 65. This research investigates the extent to which these individuals substitute labor across periods in response to anticipated wage changes induced by the Social Security earnings test. While we find that a disproportionate number of individuals choose earnings within a few percentage points of the earnings limit, we find no evidence that these individuals substitute labor supply between

    Conceptions of “information poverty” in LIS: a discourse analysis

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    Purpose – To provide an analysis of the notion of “information poverty” in library and information science (LIS) by investigating concepts, interests and strategies leading to its construction and thus to examine its role as a constitutive element of the professional discourse. Design/methodology/approach – Starting from a Foucauldian notion of discourse, “information poverty” is examined as a statement in its relation to other statements in order to highlight assumptions and factors contributing to its construction. The analysis is based on repeated and close reading of 35 English language articles published in LIS journals between 1995 and 2005. Findings – Four especially productive discursive procedures are identified: economic determinism, technological determinism and the “information society”, historicising the “information poor”, and the library profession’s moral obligation and responsibility. Research limitations/implications – The material selection is linguistically and geographically biased. Most of the included articles originate in English-speaking countries. Therefore, results and findings are fully applicable only in an English language context. Originality/value – The focus on overlapping and at times conflicting discursive procedures, i.e. the results of alliances and connections between statements, highlights how the “information poor” emerge as a category in LIS as the product of institutionally contingent, professional discourse. By challenging often unquestioned underlying assumptions, this article is intended to contribute to a critical examination of LIS discourse, as well as to the analysis of the discourses of information, which dominate contemporary society. It is furthermore seen to add to the development of discourse analytical approaches in LIS research

    Integrated dataset on acute phase protein response in chicken challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide endotoxin

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    Data herein describe the quantitative changes in the plasma proteome in chickens challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a bacterial endotoxin known to stimulate the host innate immune system obtained by shotgun quantitative proteomic tandem mass tags approach using high-resolution Orbitrap technology. Statistical and bioinformatic analyses were performed to specify the effect of bacterial endotoxin. Plasma from chicken (N=6) challenged with Escherichia coli (LPS) (2 mg/kg body weight) was collected pre (0 h) and at 12, 24, 48, and 72 h post injection along with plasma from a control group (N=6) challenged with sterile saline. Protein identification and relative quantification were performed using Proteome Discoverer, and data were analysed using R. Gene Ontology terms were analysed by the Cytoscape application ClueGO based on Gallus gallus GO Biological Process database, and refined by REVIGO. Absolute quantification of several acute phase proteins, e.g. alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), serum amyloid A (SAA) and ovotrensferrin (OVT) was performed by immunoassays to validate the LC-MS results. The data contained within this article are directly related to our research article”Quantitative proteomics using tandem mass tags in relation to the acute phase protein response in chicken challenged with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide endotoxin” [1]. The raw mass spectrometric data generated in this study were deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD009399 (http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/cgi/GetDataset?ID=PXD009399)

    Acute phase proteins and stress markers in the immediate response to a combined vaccination against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis viruses in specific pathogen free (SPF) layer chicks

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    Vaccination is an important tool in poultry health, but is itself a stressor often resulting in a reduction in feed intake, body weight gain, and nutrient digestibility. In other species, vaccination is associated with an immediate acute-phase response. As an important immune parameter, the circulating heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio is a well-recognized parameter of stress in poultry. In this study, the effects of a routinely used commercial poultry vaccine on the acute phase response (APR) and H/L ratios in specific pathogen-free (SPF) layer chicks was examined to determine if post vaccination (PV) stress and an APR occur. A combined Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis vaccine (Nobalis Ma5+Clone 30) was administered to SPF chicks by the intraocular route at age 7 d. Acute phase proteins (APP), alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) and serum amyloid A (SAA) were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays at d 0 (pre-vaccination) and d 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 21 PV. Stress was determined in the chicks by measurement of the H/L ratio. The immune response to the vaccine was estimated by measurement of the antibody (IgY) response to the vaccine at d 21. The antibody titer was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the vaccinated group at 21 d PV, confirming stimulation of the immune system. The H/L ratio was also significantly higher in the vaccinated group at 1 to 2 d (P < 0.01) and at 3 d (P < 0.05) PV. The concentration of SAA increased by 2.8-fold, from 63.7 μg/mL in controls to 181 μg/mL in the vaccinated group, (P < 0.05) at 1 d PV. AGP increased 1.6-fold at 2 d PV, (from 0.75 g/mL in the control group to 1.24 g/mL in the vaccinated group, P < 0.05). In conclusion an immediate but mild APR occurred in the chicks following intraocular vaccination, whereas the stress response as measured by H/L ratio seemed to be more specific and sensitive. Measurement of these biomarkers of the host response could be a tool in vaccine development

    An Integrated Systems Design Framework for Computational Polarimetry

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    In this study, we propose and implement an integrated systemsdesign framework for computational polarimetry. This frameworkleverages knowledge of the optical elements to aid in the design ofthe polarimetry instrumentation and the enhancement of the measurements.This framework incorporates the use of spatial detectorarrays, and models the non-ideal performance of the optical components,providing error bounds that can decrease the cost of thesystem depending on the accuracy needed. Noise modelling is incorporated,as well, in the measurement formation models. Theframework is demonstrated in the design of a computational polarimetrysystem for a glucose concentration estimation

    Laser Nanopatterning of Colored Ink Thin Films for Photonic Devices

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    Nanofabrication through conventional methods such as electron beam writing and photolithography is time-consuming, high cost, complex, and limited in terms of the materials which can be processed. Here, we present the development of a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser (532 nm, 220 mJ) in holographic Denisyuk reflection mode method for creating ablative nanopatterns from thin films of four ink colors (black, red, blue, and brown). We establish the use of ink as a recording medium in different colors and absorption ranges to rapidly produce optical nanostructures in 1D geometries. The gratings produced with four different types of ink had the same periodicity (840 nm); however, they produce distant wavelength dependent diffraction responses to monochromatic and broadband light. The nanostructures of gratings consisting of blue and red inks displayed high diffraction efficiency of certain wavelengths while the black and brown ink based gratings diffracted broadband light. These gratings have high potential to be used as low-cost photonic structures in wavelength-dependent optical filters. We anticipate that the rapid production of gratings based on different ink formulations can enable optics applications such as holographic displays in data storage, light trapping, security systems, and sensors

    ν(νˉ)\nu(\bar\nu)-208^{208}Pb deep inelastic scattering

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    Nuclear-medium effects in the weak structure functions F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2) and F3(x,Q2)F_3(x,Q^2) in the charged current neutrino and antineutrino induced deep inelastic reactions in 208^{208}Pb have been studied. The calculations have been performed in a theoretical model using relativistic nuclear spectral functions which incorporate Fermi motion, binding and nucleon correlations. We also consider the pion and rho meson cloud contributions calculated from a microscopic model for meson-nucleus self-energies. Using these structure functions, the results for the differential cross section have been obtained and compared with the CERN Hybrid Oscillation Research apparatUS (CHORUS) data. The results for the ratios 2FiPb208FiD\frac{2F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^D}, 4FiPb208FiHe\frac{4F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^{He}}, 12FiPb208FiC\frac{12F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^C}, 16FiPb208FiO\frac{16F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^O}, and 56FiPb208FiFe\frac{56F_{i}^{Pb}}{208F_i^{Fe}} (i=2,3) have also been obtained and a few have been compared with some of the phenomenological fits.Comment: 19Pages, 12 Fig

    Medical students\u27 perceptions of clinical teachers as role model

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    Introduction: Role models facilitate student learning and assists in the development of professional identity. However, social organization and cultural values influence the choice of role models. Considering that the social organization and cultural values in South East Asia are different from other countries, it is important to know whether this affects the characteristics medical students look for in their role models in these societies.Methods: A 32 item questionnaire was developed and self-administered to undergraduate medical students. Participants rated the characteristics on a three point scale (0 = not important, 1 = mildly important, 2 = very important). One way ANOVA and student\u27s t-test were used to compare the groups.Results: A total of 349 (65.23%) distributed questionnaires were returned. The highest ranked themes were teaching and facilitating learning, patient care and continuing professional development followed by communication and professionalism. Safe environment and guiding personal and professional development was indicated least important. Differences were also observed between scores obtained by males and females.Conclusion: Globally there are attributes which are perceived as essential for role models, while others are considered desirable. An understanding of the attributes which are essential and desirable for role models can help medical educators devise strategies which can reinforce those attributes within their institutions