924 research outputs found

    Balance in Adults with Visual Impairments

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    During this session, attendees will learn about balance, and it\u27s role in performing activities of daily living and maintaining an independent lifestyle. Attendees will also participate in some basic assessments to better understanding your own balance, and finally, attendees will learn some at home activities to improve their balance

    Teaching Dance to Elementary Students

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    Dance is one of the four major art forms, which also includes theater, music, and visual art. Educating elementary-age students on the fine art of dance can be important in the advancement of their artistic, cognitive, social, and aesthetic and kinesthetic awareness (McCutchen, 2006). In addition to being one of the major art forms, dance is a physical activity that can provide physiological and psychological benefits, including muscular flexibility, aerobic capacity, selfesteem, and motivation (Quin, Frazer, & Redding, 2007)

    Balance in Adolescents with and without Visual Impairments

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    Research has found balance to be significantly delayed in children and adolescents with visual impairments in comparison to their sighted peers, but the relationship between balance self-efficacy and actual balance is unknown. This study examined dynamic and static balance and balance self-efficacy in adolescents who are blind (B) and have low vision (LV); the role of visual experience upon balance; sighted (S) and sighted blindfolded (SB); and experience with vision (SB compared to LV and B); and the relationship between perceived and actual balance. The results revealed that the degree of impairment (Lv compared to B)and experience with vision (SB compared to LV and B)were significant factors in many of the balance assessments, but not the balance self-efficacy ratings. Main effects for self-efficacy ratings and significant correlations for self-efficacy and balance measurements were found for only a few of the more difficult tasks. In conclusion, it is important to examine both motor performance and self-efficacy in adolescents with visual impairments on a variety of familiar tasks and contexts to gain a thorough understanding of the individual\u27s balance. This information is essential when developing appropriate and effective balance interventions for adolescents with visual impairments

    Relationship Between Body Composition and Muscle Strength in Early Adolescence Goal-Ball players with Visual Impairments

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    adolescence goal-ball players with visual impairments. Methods: Thirteen early adolescence goal-ball players with visual impairments that are goal-ball players participated (mean age 13.54±1.27 years, height 155.23±10.86 cm and, body weight 48.23±10.43 kg). Body composition measurements that were assessed included body mass index, body fat percentage and skinfold (abdominal, subscapular, triceps and suprailiac). Participants were also assessed on several strength measurements including standing long jump, the right hand grip, left hand grip, vertical jump, leg strength, sit-up and push up. Results: Positive correlations between ages and height with the standing long jump, the right hand grip, the left hand grip, vertical jump were found in the early adolescence goal-ball players with visual impairments (P\u3c0.05). Negative correlations were found between body mass index and body fat percentage with standing long jump, vertical jump, sit-up (P\u3c0.05) and among skinfold (subscapular, triceps and suprailiac) with standing long jump, the right hand grip, left hand grip, vertical jump, push up (P\u3c0.05) and between abdominal skinfold with standing long jump, the right hand grip, left hand grip, vertical jump, sit-up, push up (P\u3c0.05). On the other hand, there was not a correlation between body weight with muscle strength and leg strength with body composition (P\u3e0.05). Conclusins: In an assessment of body composition and muscle strength, it was found that body weight did not significantly impact muscle strength in early adolescence goal-ball players with visual impairments. This finding could be of importance for understanding the role of muscle strength and body composition in routine training of goal-ball players

    Coordination changes in the early stages of learning to cascade juggle

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    The experiment was setup to examine the coordination changes in assembling the movement form of 3-ball cascade juggling. Eight adult participants learned to juggle over 4 weeks of practice. Juggling scores were recorded at each session and performance was videotaped at eight selected sessions for purposes of movement analysis. Once the basic spatial and temporal constraints on cascade juggling were satisfied, and the figure-8 juggling mode was established, temporal modulations of the relative motions of the hands were emphasized. All participants learned to juggle and the increase over practice in the number of consecutive balls caught was best fit with a power law. The non-proportional rate of performance increment was consistent with the qualitative changes in the form of the hand and ball movement kinematics that occurred over practice

    Teaching Two Critical Locomotor Skills to Children Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

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    Alexandria has retinopathy of prematurity. While attending elementary school, she received the services of a teacher of visually impaired students, an adapted physical education teacher, and an orientation and mobility instructor. Her instructors praised her running and never provided any constructive feedback on the movement patterns of her running, so Alexandria assumed that she was running with proper form. It was not until Alexandria advanced to middle school that a physical educator informed her that she had a shuffling gait and needed to swing her arms while running. Through tactile modeling and physical guidance, Alexandria’s gait improved dramatically; however, she was embarrassed that her form was not corrected at a younger age

    Catalytic Reduction of Alkyl and Aryl Bromides Using Propan-2-ol

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    Milstein's complex, (PNN)RuHCl(CO), catalyzes the efficient reduction of aryl and alkyl halides under relatively mild conditions by using propan-2-ol and a base. Sterically hindered tertiary and neopentyl substrates are reduced efficiently, as well as more functionalized aryl and alkyl bromides. The reduction process is proposed to occur by radical abstraction/hydrodehalogenation steps at ruthenium. Our research represents a safer and more sustainable alternative to typical silane, lithium aluminium hydride, and tin-based conditions for these reductions

    SPECT/CT in der Handgelenkdiagnostik

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    Zusammenfassung: Klinisches/methodisches Problem: Handgelenkschmerzen sind eine diagnostische Herausforderung fĂŒr Handchirurgen und Radiologen. Insbesondere chronische Handgelenkschmerzen sind oft nur schwer einer genauen Lokalisation zuzuordnen, eine Schnittbildgebung ist deshalb oft unerlĂ€sslich. Radiologische Standardverfahren: Der etablierte Standard zur nichtinvasiven Diagnostik chronischer Handgelenkschmerzen ist die Magnetresonanztomographie. Methodische Innovationen: In den letzten Jahren ist mit der "single photon emission computed tomography"/CT (SPECT/CT) eine neue ModalitĂ€t zum diagnostischen Spektrum muskuloskelettaler VerĂ€nderungen hinzugetreten, welche neben morphologischen Daten auch metabolische Informationen liefert. LeistungsfĂ€higkeit: Die SPECT/CT ermöglicht eine genaue Detektion und prĂ€zise anatomische Zuordnung unterschiedlicher Handgelenkpathologien. Dies ist oftmals entscheidend fĂŒr eine korrekte Therapie. Bewertung: Die SPECT/CT ist bei Patienten mit chronischen Handgelenkschmerzen spezifischer als die MRT. Sie bietet außerdem Vorteile bei Patienten mit posttraumatischen VerĂ€nderungen oder Metallimplantaten und kann als problemlösende Methode bei unklaren FĂ€llen eingesetzt werden. Empfehlung fĂŒr die Praxis: Eine Anwendung der SPECT/CT erscheint aus unserer Sicht immer dann sinnvoll, wenn eine AbklĂ€rung mittels MRT unergiebig war bzw. das MRT mehrere Pathologien zeigt, bei denen nicht klar ist, welche die klinisch fĂŒhrende ist. Auch ein primĂ€rer Einsatz bei bestimmten ossĂ€ren Pathologien, bei Patienten mit Metallimplantaten oder bei unklaren Handgelenkschmerzen erscheint gerechtfertig
