4,953 research outputs found

    The Topological Relation Between Bulk Gap Nodes and Surface Bound States : Application to Iron-based Superconductors

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    In the past few years materials with protected gapless surface (edge) states have risen to the central stage of condensed matter physics. Almost all discussions centered around topological insulators and superconductors, which possess full quasiparticle gaps in the bulk. In this paper we argue systems with topological stable bulk nodes offer another class of materials with robust gapless surface states. Moreover the location of the bulk nodes determines the Miller index of the surfaces that show (or not show) such states. Measuring the spectroscopic signature of these zero modes allows a phase-sensitive determination of the nodal structures of unconventional superconductors when other phase-sensitive techniques are not applicable. We apply this idea to gapless iron based superconductors and show how to distinguish accidental from symmetry dictated nodes. We shall argue the same idea leads to a method for detecting a class of the elusive spin liquids.Comment: updated references, 6 pages, 4 figures, RevTex

    Population synthesis of accreting white dwarfs: II. X-ray and UV emission

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    Accreting white dwarfs (WDs) with non-degenerate companions are expected to emit in soft X-rays and the UV, if accreted H-rich material burns stably. They are an important component of the unresolved emission of elliptical galaxies, and their combined ionizing luminosity may significantly influence the optical line emission from warm ISM. In an earlier paper we modeled populations of accreting WDs, first generating WD with main-sequence, Hertzsprung gap and red giant companions with the population synthesis code \textsc{BSE}, and then following their evolution with a grid of evolutionary tracks computed with \textsc{MESA}. Now we use these results to estimate the soft X-ray (0.3-0.7keV), H- and He II-ionizing luminosities of nuclear burning WDs and the number of super-soft X-ray sources for galaxies with different star formation histories. For the starburst case, these quantities peak at 1\sim 1 Gyr and decline by 13\sim 1-3 orders of magnitude by the age of 10 Gyr. For stellar ages of \sim~10 Gyr, predictions of our model are consistent with soft X-ray luminosities observed by Chandra in nearby elliptical galaxies and He II 4686A˚/Hβ\AA/\rm{H}{\beta} line ratio measured in stacked SDSS spectra of retired galaxies, the latter characterising the strength and hardness of the UV radiation field. However, the soft X-ray luminosity and He~II~4686A˚/Hβ\AA/\rm{H}{\beta} ratio are significantly overpredicted for stellar ages of 48\lesssim 4-8 Gyr. We discuss various possibilities to resolve this discrepancy and tentatively conclude that it may be resolved by a modification of the typically used criteria of dynamically unstable mass loss for giant stars.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Next generation population synthesis of accreting white dwarfs: I. Hybrid calculations using BSE + MESA

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    Accreting, nuclear-burning white dwarfs have been deemed to be candidate progenitors of type Ia supernovae, and to account for supersoft X-ray sources, novae, etc. depending on their accretion rates. We have carried out a binary population synthesis study of their populations using two algorithms. In the first, we use the binary population synthesis code \textsf{BSE} as a baseline for the "rapid" approach commonly used in such studies. In the second, we employ a "hybrid" approach, in which we use \textsf{BSE} to generate a population of white dwarfs (WD) with non-degenerate companions on the verge of filling their Roche lobes. We then follow their mass transfer phase using the detailed stellar evolution code \textsf{MESA}. We investigate the evolution of the number of rapidly accreting white dwarfs (RAWDs) and stably nuclear-burning white dwarfs (SNBWDs), and estimate the type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) rate produced by "single-degenerate" systems (SD). We find significant differences between the two algorithms in the predicted numbers of SNBWDs at early times, and also in the delay time distribution (DTD) of SD SNe Ia. Such differences in the treatment of mass transfer may partially account for differences in the SNe Ia rate and DTD found by different groups. Adopting 100\% efficiency for helium burning, the rate of SNe Ia produced by the SD-channel in a Milky-way-like galaxy in our calculations is 2.0×104yr12.0\times10^{-4}\rm{yr}^{-1}, more than an order of magnitude below the observationally inferred value. In agreement with previous studies, our calculated SD DTD is inconsistent with observations.Comment: 13 pages,11 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Two body non-leptonic Λb\Lambda_b decays in quark model with factorization ansatz

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    The two body non-leptonic Λb\Lambda_b decays are analyzed in factorization approximation, using quark model, ξ=1/Nc\xi = 1 / N_c as a free parameter. It is shown that the experimental branching ratio for ΛbΛJ/ψ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda {J/\psi} restricts ξ\xi and this ratio can be understood for a value of ξ\xi which lies in the range 0ξ0.5 0 \leq \xi \leq 0.5 suggested by two body B meson decays. The branching ratios for ΛbΛcDs(Ds)\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda_{c} D^*_s(D_s) are predicted to be larger than the previous estimates. Finally it is pointed that CKM-Wolfenstein parameter ρ2+η2\rho^2 + \eta^2, where η\eta is CP phase, can be determined from the ratio of widths of ΛbΛDˉ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda \bar{D} and ΛbΛJ/ψ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda {J/\psi} or that of ΛbpDs\Lambda_b \longrightarrow p D_s and ΛbΛcDs\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda_c D_s independent of the parameter ξ\xi.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 1 figure available on request, please send any questions or comments to [email protected]

    Spinodal nanodecomposition in magnetically doped semiconductors

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    This review presents the recent progress in computational materials design, experimental realization, and control methods of spinodal nanodecomposition under three- and two-dimensional crystal-growth conditions in spintronic materials, such as magnetically doped semiconductors. The computational description of nanodecomposition, performed by combining first-principles calculations with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations, is discussed together with extensive electron microscopy, synchrotron radiation, scanning probe, and ion beam methods that have been employed to visualize binodal and spinodal nanodecomposition (chemical phase separation) as well as nanoprecipitation (crystallographic phase separation) in a range of semiconductor compounds with a concentration of transition metal (TM) impurities beyond the solubility limit. The role of growth conditions, co-doping by shallow impurities, kinetic barriers, and surface reactions in controlling the aggregation of magnetic cations is highlighted. According to theoretical simulations and experimental results the TM-rich regions appear either in the form of nanodots (the {\em dairiseki} phase) or nanocolumns (the {\em konbu} phase) buried in the host semiconductor. Particular attention is paid to Mn-doped group III arsenides and antimonides, TM-doped group III nitrides, Mn- and Fe-doped Ge, and Cr-doped group II chalcogenides, in which ferromagnetic features persisting up to above room temperature correlate with the presence of nanodecomposition and account for the application-relevant magneto-optical and magnetotransport properties of these compounds. Finally, it is pointed out that spinodal nanodecomposition can be viewed as a new class of bottom-up approach to nanofabrication.Comment: 72 pages, 79 figure

    Supersymmetry Breaking by Type II Seesaw Assisted Anomaly Mediation

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    Anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking (AMSB), when implemented in MSSM is known to suffer from the problem of negative slepton mass squared leading to breakdown of electric charge conservation. We show however that when MSSM is extended to explain small neutrino masses by including a pair of superheavy Higgs triplet superfields (the type II seesaw mechanism), the slepton masses can be deflected from the pure AMSB trajectory and become positive. In a simple model we present in this paper, the seesaw scale is about 10131014GeV10^{13}-10^{14}{\rm GeV}. Gauge coupling unification can be maintained by embedding the triplet to SU(5) {\bf 15}-multiplet. In this scenario, bino is the LSP and its mass is nearly degenerate with NLSP slepton when the triplet mass is right around the seesaw scale.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, added references, added footnote

    Exchange effects on electron scattering through a quantum dot embedded in a two-dimensional semiconductor structure

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    We have developed a theoretical method to study scattering processes of an incident electron through an N-electron quantum dot (QD) embedded in a two-dimensional (2D) semiconductor. The generalized Lippmann-Schwinger equations including the electron-electron exchange interaction in this system are solved for the continuum electron by using the method of continued fractions (MCF) combined with 2D partial-wave expansion technique. The method is applied to a one-electron QD case. Cross-sections are obtained for both the singlet and triplet couplings between the incident electron and the QD electron during the scattering. The total elastic cross-sections as well as the spin-flip scattering cross-sections resulting from the exchange potential are presented. Furthermore, inelastic scattering processes are also studied using a multichannel formalism of the MCF.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Algebraic time-decay for the bipolar quantum hydrodynamic model

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    The initial value problem is considered in the present paper for bipolar quantum hydrodynamic model for semiconductors (QHD) in R3\mathbb{R}^3. We prove that the unique strong solution exists globally in time and tends to the asymptotical state with an algebraic rate as t+t\to+\infty. And, we show that the global solution of linearized bipolar QHD system decays in time at an algebraic decay rate from both above and below. This means in general, we can not get exponential time-decay rate for bipolar QHD system, which is different from the case of unipolar QHD model (where global solutions tend to the equilibrium state at an exponential time-decay rate) and is mainly caused by the nonlinear coupling and cancelation between two carriers. Moreover, it is also shown that the nonlinear dispersion does not affect the long time asymptotic behavior, which by product gives rise to the algebraic time-decay rate of the solution of the bipolar hydrodynamical model in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 23 page

    Distribution of equilibrium free energies in a thermodynamic system with broken ergodicity

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    At low temperatures the configurational phase space of a macroscopic complex system (e.g., a spin-glass) of N1023N\sim 10^{23} interacting particles may split into an exponential number Ωsexp(const×N)\Omega_s \sim \exp({\rm const} \times N) of ergodic sub-spaces (thermodynamic states). Previous theoretical studies assumed that the equilibrium collective behavior of such a system is determined by its ground thermodynamic states of the minimal free-energy density, and that the equilibrium free energies follow the distribution of exponential decay. Here we show that these assumptions are not necessarily valid. For some complex systems, the equilibrium free-energy values may follow a Gaussian distribution within an intermediate temperature range, and consequently their equilibrium properties are contributed by {\em excited} thermodynamic states. This work will help improving our understanding of the equilibrium statistical mechanics of spin-glasses and other complex systems.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure