456 research outputs found

    Reply to: Venous aneurysms of saphena magna: Is this really a rare disease?

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    The known methods of acoustical calculation in buildings disregard the phenomenon of structural sound transmission, whereas its effect can reach from 2 to 12 dB. The purpose of this paper is to develop the calculation method for sound transmission and vibrations in connected vibroacoustic systems. Theoretical research methods were used based on the theory of statistical energy analysis (SEA) and the theory of self-consistent sound fields with regard to dual nature of sound formation - resonance and inertia. Based on M. Sedov's method of sound fields consistency, a calculation method for sound insulation was developed with integration in SEA methodology. Use of the developed method allows predicting sound transmission through a double-panel partition with the account of adjacent structures

    Pilonidalsinus und Analfistel: Indikationen und Methoden der chirurgischen Therapien

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    Zusammenfassung: Fisteln im Analbereich werden unterteilt in Pilonidalfisteln in der Rima ani und Analfisteln als Verbindung zwischen Anus und perianaler Haut. Bei der Pilonidalfistel erfolgt bei unkompliziertem Befund nach Abheilung akuter Abszesse die minimalinvasive Fistelexzision in Lokalanästhesie. Konservative Therapiekonzepte sowie die radikale Exzision mit offener Wundbehandlung haben sich nicht bewährt. Bei ausgeprägtem, großem Befund erfolgt eine weite Exzision mit plastischer Deckung mittels Limberg-Lappen. Bei der Analfistel muss unterschieden werden zwischen subkutanen und tiefen intersphinktären Fisteln ohne Sphinkterbeteiligung einerseits und hohen intersphinktären, transsphinktären, suprasphinktären und extrasphinktären Fisteln andererseits. Erstere können mit geringer Morbidität und hoher Heilungsrate fistulotomiert werden. Bei der zweiten Gruppe besteht ein erhebliches Inkontinenz- und Rezidivrisiko. Ohne Inkontinenzrisiko, bei allerdings hohem Rezidivrisiko, kann die Fistel mittels "Anal Fistula Plug" verschlossen werden. Bei Versagen dieser Therapie bietet sich eine Fistulektomie mit Verschluss der inneren Fistelöffnung durch einen anorektalen Verschiebelappen a

    Humanes Papillomavirus und Analkarzinom: Diagnose, Screening und Therapie

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Inzidenz des Analkarzinoms nimmt weltweit zu, vor allem bei männlichen homosexuellen Patienten. Als hauptsächlicher Risikofaktor für die Entstehung des Analkarzinoms gilt die anale Infektion mit dem humanen Papillomavirus (HPV). Die Prävalenz der analen HPV-Infektion bei HIV-negativen homosexuellen Männern beträgt 50-60%. Bei HIV-positiven homosexuellen Männern liegt die Prävalenz bei nahezu 100%. Die HPV-assoziierte anale intraepitheliale Neoplasie (AIN) gilt als Vorläuferläsion des Analkarzinoms. Bei etwa 20% der HIV-negativen homosexuellen Männer lässt sich eine AIN diagnostizieren, wobei bei 5-10% eine hochgradige Epitheldysplasie (AINII-III) vorkommt. Die Prävalenz der hochgradigen AIN ist jedoch mit bis zu 50% bei HIV-positiven homosexuellen Patienten bedeutend höher. Trotz der Häufigkeit von HPV-bedingten analen Epitheldysplasien und der zunehmenden Fälle von Analkarzinomen gibt es aber noch immer keinen Konsens bezüglich des Screenings, der Therapie und der Überwachung von Patienten mit AIN. Im Falle eines Analkarzinoms ist unabhängig vom HPV- oder HIV-Status heute noch immer die Radiochemotherapie mit 5-FU und MitomycinC Standar

    Parastomal hernia incarceration due to migrated intragastric balloon

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    The temporary placement of intragastric balloons is a common method to achieve rapid weight loss before planned metabolic surgery. We report the case of a 48-year-old morbidly obese patient. Ten years ago the patient underwent emergency sigmoidectomy with creation of a double-barreled ileostomy for perforated diverticulitis. Over time he developed a giant parastomal hernia. For preoperative weight reduction before planned restoration of intestinal continuity, an intragastric balloon was inserted 3years ago. The patient was admitted to our emergency department with peritonism and a septic shock. After computed tomography showing small bowel ileus, laparotomy was performed, revealing marked ischemia of incarcerated small and large intestine. Only postoperatively was the intragastric balloon found in the resected small bowel, causing a mechanical ileus with consecutive incarceration of the bowel. We review the literature on complications due to the migration of intragastric balloons. This clinical case gives a fair warning of the possible deleterious outcome of intragastric balloons, especially in hernia patient

    A challenging hernia: primary venous aneurysm of the proximal saphenous vein

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    Introduction: Primary venous aneurysm is a rare, but essential consideration in the differential diagnosis of an inguinal and femoral hernia. Methods: We report a case of a 43-year-old man who was referred for evaluation and treatment of a femoral hernia. Results: The patient presented with a 3-month history of an asymptomatic tumor on his right upper inner thigh. Physical examination noted a non-tender, non-indurated tumor. Conclusion: Surgical exploration demonstrated a primary venous aneurysm of the proximal saphenous vei

    Future development of gastrointestinal cancer incidence and mortality rates in Switzerland: a tumour registry- and population-based projection up to 2030.

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    QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Since tumour burden consumes substantial healthcare resources, precise cancer incidence estimations are pivotal to define future needs of national healthcare. This study aimed to estimate incidence and mortality rates of oesophageal, gastric, pancreatic, hepatic and colorectal cancers up to 2030 in Switzerland. METHODS: Swiss Statistics provides national incidences and mortality rates of various cancers, and models of future developments of the Swiss population. Cancer incidences and mortality rates from 1985 to 2009 were analysed to estimate trends and to predict incidence and mortality rates up to 2029. Linear regressions and Joinpoint analyses were performed to estimate the future trends of incidences and mortality rates. RESULTS: Crude incidences of oesophageal, pancreas, liver and colorectal cancers have steadily increased since 1985, and will continue to increase. Gastric cancer incidence and mortality rates reveal an ongoing decrease. Pancreatic and liver cancer crude mortality rates will keep increasing, whereas colorectal cancer mortality on the contrary will fall. Mortality from oesophageal cancer will plateau or minimally increase. If we consider European population-standardised incidence rates, oesophageal, pancreatic and colorectal cancer incidences are steady. Gastric cancers are diminishing and liver cancers will follow an increasing trend. Standardised mortality rates show a diminution for all but liver cancer. CONCLUSIONS: The oncological burden of gastrointestinal cancer will significantly increase in Switzerland during the next two decades. The crude mortality rates globally show an ongoing increase except for gastric and colorectal cancers. Enlarged healthcare resources to take care of these complex patient groups properly will be needed

    Video-assisted sacral nerve stimulation

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    Background: Sacral nerve simulation (SNS) is an accepted therapy for patients with urinary or bowel dysfunction. However, infection rates are as high as 20% and can result in removal of the expensive device. We present a new video-assisted technique minimizing the risk of infection. Methods: Between April and July 2005, six consecutive women of median age 68 years (range, 60-74), with faecal incontinence (4 patients) and idiopathic constipation (2 patients) underwent video-assisted electrode implantation for SNS. The motor response of the pelvic floor during percutaneous nerve evaluation and implantation of the permanent lead was monitored by a video optic (same as that normally used for laparoscopic or endoscopic procedures) placed between the legs of the patients. The video optic and the perianal area were completely covered with drapes, separating them from the operating field. Results: All but one screening was successful, and no wound infections at the electrode or at the pocket of the stimulator were noted (mean postoperative follow-up, 8 weeks). Conclusions: With the use of a video optic, the anus and the implantation site can be completely separated and contamination during the operation becomes unlikely. Furthermore, the response of the pelvic floor to the stimulation is better visualized. We routinely recommend the use of video equipment for SNS electrode implantatio

    Laparoscopy for small bowel obstruction: the reason for conversion matters

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    Background: Although laparoscopy is associated with reduced hospital stay, early recovery, and decreased morbidity compared with open surgery, it is not well established for the treatment of small bowel obstruction (SBO). Methods: This study analyzed a prospective nationwide database of the Swiss Association of Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery. Results: From 1995 to 2006, 537 patients underwent laparoscopy for SBO. Matted adhesions were the main cause of obstruction (62.6%). Intraoperative complications occurred for 9.5% of the patients. Postoperative morbidity was 14% and mortality 0.6%. Within 30days, 13 patients (2.4%) were readmitted because of early recurrence or complications. The conversion rate was 32.4%. The conversions resulted from inability to visualize the site of obstruction or matted adhesions (53.4%), intraoperative complications (21.3%), and small target incisions for resection (25.3%). Emergency operations were associated with higher conversion rates (43.6% vs 19.8%; p<0.001) but not with significantly more postoperative complications (15.2% vs 11.9%; p=0.17). Intraoperative complications and conversion were associated with significantly increased postoperative morbidity (39.2% vs 11.3%; p<0.001 and 24.7% vs 8.3%; p<0.001, respectively). Reactive conversion due to intraoperative complications was associated with the highest postoperative complication rate (48.6%). Morbidity for preemptive conversion due to impaired visualization/matted adhesions or a small-target incision was significantly lower (20% and 26.1%; p=0.02 and p<0.001, respectively). American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) scores higher than 2 also were associated with postoperative morbidity (p<0.001). However, multivariate regression analysis showed that reactive conversion was the only independent risk factor for postoperative morbidity (p<0.001; odds ratio, 3.97; 95% confidence interval, 1.83-8.64). Conclusions: Laparoscopic management of SBO is feasible with acceptable morbidity and low mortality but with a considerable conversion rate. Early conversion is recommended to reduce postoperative morbidit