9 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kepuasan Pelayanan Makanan Rumah Sakit Dan Asupan Makanan Dengan Perubahan Status Gizi Pasien ( Studi Di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak )

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    Background: Several studies have shown that hospital patients tend to have a decrease in their nutritional status during their hospitalization period. Patient satisfactions to the food service in the hospital will influence the food intake and this food intake will have an effect on the nutritional status. Objectives: To analyze the correlation between patients satisfaction to the hospital food service, food intake, and the change in the nutritional status of patients in Sunan Kalijaga Hospital, Demak. Method: This study was an analytic observational research with a cross sectional approach. This study was done on 85 subjects of inpatients in the first, second, and third classess of Sunan Kalijaga Hospital. The dependent variable was the change in nutritional status. The independent variables were the patient satisfactions to the hospital food service and food intake. Data on patient satisfactions to the hospital food service were collected by interviews using structured questionnaires. Data on food intake of the hospital food were collected by Comstock method of the food remains after the consumption, while on food intake from of hospital were collected by 3 x 24 hour recall. The changes in nutritional status were measured by the change in BMI. Data were analyzed by correlation tests. Result: Most of subjects (97,3%) satisfied to the foodservice in the hospital. The average energy adequacy level of the hospital was 76,5 ± 9,4% and protein adequacy level was76,1± 10,3%. The average energy adequacy of out hospital food was 6,5± 6,7% and protein adequacy level was 6,7± 6,9%. The average BMI at first day were 20,0 ± 3,4 kg/m2 and at the end of hospitalization were 19,7± 3,4 kg/m2. The average decreased in this study was 0,3 ± 0,2 kg/m2. There was correlation between foodservice satisfaction and the energy (p =0,009) and protein adequacy level (p=0,015). There were correlation between food intake and energy (p= 0,0001) and protein adequacy level(p= 0,038) to the change in subjects nutritional status. There was a correlation between hospital foodservice satisfaction and the change in nutritional satisfaction (p = 0,003). Conclusion: The higher level of hospiotal foodservice satisfaction, the higher of food intake and result in smaller decrease of the nutritional statu

    Hubungan kepuasan pelayanan makanan rumah sakit dan asupan makanan dengan perubahan status gizi pasien ( Studi di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak )

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    Background: Several studies have shown that hospital patients tend to have a decrease in their nutritional status during their hospitalization period. Patient satisfactions to the food service in the hospital will influence the food intake and this food intake will have an effect on the nutritional status. Objectives: To analyze the correlation between patients satisfaction to the hospital food service, food intake, and the change in the nutritional status of patients in Sunan Kalijaga Hospital, Demak. Method: This study was an analytic observational research with a cross sectional approach. This study was done on 85 subjects of inpatients in the first, second, and third classess of Sunan Kalijaga Hospital. The dependent variable was the change in nutritional status. The independent variables were the patient satisfactions to the hospital food service and food intake. Data on patient satisfactions to the hospital food service were collected by interviews using structured questionnaires. Data on food intake of the hospital food were collected by Comstock method of the food remains after the consumption, while on food intake from of hospital were collected by 3 x 24 hour recall. The changes in nutritional status were measured by the change in BMI. Data were analyzed by correlation tests. Result: Most of subjects (97,3%) satisfied to the foodservice in the hospital. The average energy adequacy level of the hospital was 76,5 ± 9,4% and protein adequacy level was76,1± 10,3%. The average energy adequacy of out hospital food was 6,5± 6,7% and protein adequacy level was 6,7± 6,9%. The average BMI at first day were 20,0 ± 3,4 kg/m2 and at the end of hospitalization were 19,7± 3,4 kg/m2. The average decreased in this study was 0,3 ± 0,2 kg/m2. There was correlation between foodservice satisfaction and the energy (p =0,009) and protein adequacy level (p=0,015). There were correlation between food intake and energy (p= 0,0001) and protein adequacy level(p= 0,038) to the change in subjects nutritional status. There was a correlation between hospital foodservice satisfaction and the change in nutritional satisfaction (p = 0,003). Conclusion: The higher level of hospiotal foodservice satisfaction, the higher of food intake and result in smaller decrease of the nutritional status Keywords : hospital, foodservice,satisfaction, nutritio

    Gambaran Sisa Makanan Dan Mutu Makanan Yang Disediakan Instalasi Gizi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Background: The therapeutic outcome strongly depends on the nutrition care. Nutrition department is responsible on in-patient's nutrients fulfillment. A comprehensive nutrition care comprised of planning, providing the diet, food processing and serving must be conducted by this department. Previous study shows 50% in-patient did not complete the meal and 75% complained the meal served. This condition leads to nutrients inadequacy and hence the malnutrition in hospital. No similar study is being conducted in dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang. Method: A cross sectional descriptive study were being conducted for 11 days. The responden size is 30 from several wards in Dr.Kariadi Hospital who received a normal meal. The datas collected was a primary data trough direct oservation and interview using a questionairre. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang dilakukan selama 11 hari dengan pendekatan Result: Food residues ≥ 75% for animal-based was 9%, plant-based 3% dand vegetables 18% according to the Comstock method. From one single menu cycle, most of all considered to be good in taste and look. But there were still a few serves, animal-based (7 serves), plant-based 94 serves), and vegetables (6 serves) cosidered to be bad in taste and look for ≥ 50% respondent. Conclusion: Most food residue derives from vegetables and animal-based so it needs a better and more variation in its processing


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    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan BBL yaitu umur ibu, jarak kelahiran, tingkat pendidikan ibu, tingkat sosial ekonomi dan frekuensi pemeriksaan kehamilan di RSU RAA Soewondo Pati. Penelitian bersifat eksplanatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawncara menggunakan kuesioner untuk data primer dan untuk data sekunder dengan cara pencatatan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara berkesinambungan yaitu semua kelahiran mulai bulan Juli sampai mencapai jumalh sampel minimal yaitu sebanyak 97. uji statistik yang digunakan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan tiap-tiap faktor dengan BBL adalah uji regresi dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara umur dan tingkat pendidikan ibu dengan BBL. Tetapi antara jarak kelahiran, tingkat sosial ekonomi dan frekuensi pemeriksaan kehamilan ada hubungan yang bermakna dengan BBL. Variabel yang mempunyai hubungan paling kuat dengan BBL adalah frekuensi pemeriksaan selama kehamilan. Desarankan untuk dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan kepada masyarakat oleh Depkes melalui iklan layanan masyarakat agar faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan BBLR selalu diingat oleh masyarakat kita. Kata Kunci: BERAT BAYI LAHI

    Risiko Defisiensi Seng dan Vitamin A terhadap Kemampuan Adaptasi Gelap - Studi pada Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Risiko Defisiensi Seng dan Vitamin A terhadap Kemampuan Adaptasi Gelap - Studi pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Abstrak Latar Belakang. Kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada mata merupakan salah satu fungsi penglihatan yang berkaitan erat dengan kemampuan mata mengembalikan fungsinya setelah mengalami paparan cahaya. Suplementasi Seng dan vitamin A ternyata memberikan hasil positif terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada mata anak. Tujuan Penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bahwa defisiensi Seng dan vitamin A merupakan faktor resiko terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada anak sekolah dasar di Desa Deras, Kedungjati, Grobogan. Rancangan Penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan observational study design melalui pendekatan waktu secara crossectional. Sampel menggunakan 51 anak kelas V pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 dan 2 Desa Deras, kecamatan Kedungjati, kabupaten Grobogan. Seluruh proses pengambilan data dilakukan oleh tenaga terlatih sesuai dengan kualifikasi seperti dokter spesialis mata, dokter umum, ahli gizi dan tenaga laboratorium. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan program SPSS under Windows yang dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analitik. model regresi logistik digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil. Satu diantara lima sampel (21,6%) memiliki kemampuan adaptasi gelap yang kurang dari batas ambang normal (50 detik). Selain itu ditemukan 33,3% (n=17) sampel mengalami defisiensi Seng. Sampel yang menderita inadekuat Vitamin A diketahui sebesar 15,7% (n=8). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa defisiensi Seng dan Vitamin A merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap anak sekolah dasar Desa Deras dengan Rasio Prevalens masing-masing sebesar 47,137 (95% CI = 5,164 , 430,298) dan 103,983 (95% CI = 9,551 , 1132,046). Odds kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada kelompok anak yang mempunyai serum Seng normal 21,6 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang mengalami defisiensi Seng. Sedangkan Odds kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada kelompok anak dengan serum Vitamin A normal, lebih tinggi 45,9 kali dibandingkan dengan yang mengalami inadekuat Vitamin A Kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa defisiensi Seng dan Vitamin A merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap anak sekolah dasar Desa Deras Kata Kunci : Seng, Adaptasi Gelap, Vitamin A, Retinol, Anak Sekolah Dasar The Risk of Zinc and Vitamin A Deficiency toward Dark Adaptation Ability – A Study at Primary School Children Abstract Background. Dark Adaptation Ability is one of visual function which has an association with eyes ability to recover after receiving a light exposure in a certain time. Furthermore, Zinc supplementation gives a significant effect on Dark Adaptation Ability in children. Furthermore, a finding has been found to reveal that Zinc deficiency could contribute to night blindness, an early symptom of vitamin A deficiency. Objectives. This study is to explain the risk of Zinc and Vitamin A deficiency toward Dark Adaptation Ability in primary school children in Deras village, Kedungjati, Grobogan district. Methods. Observational study design by using cross-sectionals approach was utilized in this project. The total sample was 51 primary school children in years five at Deras primary school 1 and 2. Data collection was taken by health professionals including general practitioners, ophthalmologist, nutritionist, and nurses. Data analysis used SPSS program to describe the findings. Dark Adaptation Ability was measured by using a Photostress test method. Blood sampling was used to determine Zinc and retinol status, and dietary survey was done to determine Zinc and Vitamin A intake per day. To test the study hypothesizes, a logistic regression was used. The significant level was set at 95%. Results. One of five primary school children (21.6%) has a lower level of Dark Adaptation Ability (< 50 seconds). Whereas, 33.3% (n=17) of sample experienced Zinc deficiency and 15.7% (n=8) suffer from Vitamin A deficiency, based on blood serum examination. Zinc intake is less by only 0.7 mg per day. Using a Logistic regression model was found that there will be an improvement of odds dark adaptation ability as 21,6 times in the children without Zinc deficiency compared to the children with Zinc deficiency, and 45,9 times in the children with adequately Vitamin A rather than the children who experienced inadequately Vitamin A. Conclusion. The study shows that Zinc and Vitamin A deficiency are risk factors to Dark Adaptation Ability in preschool children in Deras Village, Kedungjati, Grobogan district. Keywords: Zinc, Dark Adaptation, Vitamin A, Retinol, Primary School Childre

    RISIKO DEFISIENSI SENG DAN VITAMIN A TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN ADAPTASI GELAP Studi pada anak sekolah dasar di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Deras 1 dan 2, Kecamatan Kedungjati Kabupaten Grobogan THE RISK OF ZINC AND VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY TOWARD DARK ADAPTATION ABILITY A Study at Primary School Children

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    Latar Belakang. Kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada mata merupakan salah satu fungsi penglihatan yang berkaitan erat dengan kemampuan mata mengembalikan fungsinya setelah mengalami paparan cahaya. Suplementasi Seng dan vitam:n A ternyata memberikan hasil positif terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada mata anak. Tujuan Penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bahwa defisiensi Seng dan vitamin A merupakan faktor resiko terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada anak sekolah dasar di Desa Deras, Kedungjati, Grobogan. Rancangan Penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan observational study design melalui pendekatan waktu secara crossectional. Sampel menggunakan 51 anak kelas V pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 dan 2 Desa Deras, kecamatan Kedungjati, kabupaten Grobogan. Seluruh proses pengambilan data dilakukan oleh tenaga terlatih sesuai dengan kualifikasi seperti dokter spesialis mata, dokter umum, ahli gizi dan tenaga laboratorium. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan program SPSS under Windows yang dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analitik. model regresi logistik digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil. Satu diantara lima sampel (21,6%) memiliki kemampuan adaptasi gelap yang kurang dad batas ambang normal (50 detik). Selain itu ditemukan 33,3% (n=17) sampel mengalami defisiensi Seng. Sampel yang menderita inadekuat Vitamin A diketahui sebesar 15,7% (n=8). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa defisiensi Seng dan Vitamin A merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap anak sekolah dasar Desa Deras dengan Rasio Prevalens masing-masing sebesar 47,137 (95% CI = 5,164 , 430,298) dan 103,983 (95% CI = 9,551 , 1132,046). Odds kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada kelompok anak yang mempunyai serum Seng normal 21,6 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang mengalami defisiensi Seng. Sedangkan Odds kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada kelompok anak dengan serum Vitamin A normal, lebih tinggi 45,9 kali dibandingkan dengan yang mengalami inadekuat Vitamin A Kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa defisiensi Seng dan Vitamin A merupakan faktor risiko terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap anak sekolah dasar Desa Dera


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    Zinc is a crucial element not only in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolisms, but also in synthesis for nucleate acid and cell degradation (Prasad, 1985). Zinc also involves in injured recovery, fertility, cell reproduction, growth velocity and prevents from free radicals (Cousins, 1986). A recent study found an association between Zinc deficiency with visual disorder such as night blindness. There has been a high number of children with Zinc deficiency in Indonesia. Satoto (2001) argue that 26,8% of 500 children under two years in Grobogan Central Java experienced Zinc deficiency (Satoto, 2001). Another study by Endang-Purwaningsih (2001) found 47,9% of infant (4-7 months) with Zinc deficiency in lndramayu, West Java. Zinc and Vitamin A supplementation contribute a positive result in dark adaptory ability on children (Udomkesmalee Ed al., 1992). The study also recommends an adequate intake of Zinc and Vitamin A at once for nutrition improvement in the community. The study objective is to identify the relationship between Zinc serum with dark adaptory ability on primary school children. To achieve the objective, there are some explanation as a project framework including the assessment of Zinc serum, dark adaptory ability and analysis of the two variables. The study utilised Observational study design. 51primary school children (years 5) involved in the study. Those were from SD 1 and SD 2 Deras, Kedungjati municipality, Grobogan district. Several kinds of data such as sample characteristics, blood sampling, and demography of Deras village are also obtained. Data collection was undertaken by professional workers based on their qualification (general practitioner, Ophthalmologist, nutritionists, laboratory person). Training was also provided to the workers to eliminate bias. Data analysis used SPSS program under Windows to transfer data into information needed. A linier regression was used to test the study hypothesis. Confident level was set by 5%. There is a significant association between Zinc serum level with dark adaptory ability on primary school children (p-value=0,001, and multiple-r =0,182). Result of this study showed that 60,8% of the children has lower Zinc serum, where is normally 85 pg/dl for men and 90 pg/dl for women (Gibson, 1990). Zinc adalah komponen penting lebih dad sekitar 200 metallo¬enzim yang yang berperan pada metabolisme karbohidrat, lemak dan protein, sintesa asam nucleat dan degradasi sel (Prasad, 1985). Zinc juga terlibat dalam memperbaiki / menyembuhkan luka, menjaga kesuburan, menolong sel-sel untuk berproduksi, reproduksi, tumbuh kembang dan mencegah serta melawan radikal-radikal bebas terhadap fungsi-fungsi yang lain (Cousins, 1986). Dari fungsi Zinc tersebut, ternyata ditemukan juga adanya kaftan antara defisiensi Zinc dengan gangguan penglihatan mata seperti buta senja (night blindness). Angka defisiensi Zinc pada anak-anak di Indonesia masih cukup tinggi berdasarkan hasil penelitian beberapa ahli. Satoto (2001) menemukan bahwa 26,8% clari 500 anak usia 0-2 tahun yang diteliti di Grobogan Jawa Tengah mengalami defisiensi Zinc (Satoto, 2001). Penelitian lain dilakukan oleh Endang-Purwaningsih (2001) mendapatkan 47,9% anak usia 4-7 bulan di Indramayu menderifa defisiensi zinc. Hasil yang dapat disimpulkan pada penelitian di Thailand ternyata suplementasi Zinc don Vitamin A memberikan hash positif terhadap kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada mata anak. Penelitian tersebut juga merekomendasikan perbaikan Zinc dan vitamin A dipopulasi dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan suplementasi kedua zat gizinutrient tersebut kurang dari duo kali angka kecukupan Zn dan Vitamin A yang dianjurkan (Udomkesmalee et al., 1992). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kaitan kadar Zinc dengan kemampuan adaptasi gelap pada anak sekolah dasar. Penjabaran tujuan tersebut meliputi pengukuran kadar serum Zinc, pengukuran kemampuan adaptasi gelap serta menganalisis hubungan antara kadar serum Zinc dengan kemampuan adaptasi gelap. Penelifian ini menggunakan observational study design melalui pendekatan waktu secara crossectional. Sampel menggunakan 51 anak sekolah kelas V pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 dan 2 desa Deras, kecamatan Kedungjati, kabupaten Grobogan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakieristik sampel, contoh darah serta demografi desa Deras. Seluruh proses pengambilan data dilakukan oleh tenaga terlatih sesuai dengan kualifikasi seperti dokter spesialis mata, dokter umum, GNI gizi dan tenaga laborat. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan program SPSS under Windows yang dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analitik. up regresi linier digunakan untuk menjawab hipotesis penelitian dengan tingkat kemaknaan 5%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara variable kadar serum Zinc dengan kemampuan adaptasi gelap dengan p-value=0,001 dengan keeratan hubungan mencapai= 0,182. Hasil yang diperoleh dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa masih 60,8% sampel yang mempunyai kadar Zinc serum di bawah batas ambang normal yaitu 85 pg/dl untuk anak laki-laki dan 90 pg/dl untuk anak perempuan (Gibson, 1990

    Hubungan kepuasan pelayanan makanan rumah sakit dan asupan makanan dengan perubahan status gizi pasien ( Studi di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak )

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    Abstract   Background: Several studies have shown that hospital patients tend to have a decrease in their nutritional status during their hospitalization period. Patient satisfactions to the food service in the hospital will influence the food intake and this food intake will have an effect on the nutritional status. Objectives: To analyze the correlation between patients satisfaction to the hospital food service, food intake, and the change in the nutritional status of patients in Sunan Kalijaga Hospital, Demak. Method: This study was an analytic observational research with a cross sectional approach. This study was done on 85 subjects of inpatients in the first, second, and third classess of Sunan Kalijaga Hospital. The dependent variable was the change in nutritional status. The independent variables were the patient satisfactions to the hospital food service and food intake. Data on patient satisfactions to the hospital food service were collected by interviews using structured questionnaires. Data on food intake of the hospital food were collected by Comstock method of the food remains after the consumption, while on food intake from of hospital were collected by 3 x 24 hour recall. The changes in nutritional status were measured by the change in BMI. Data were analyzed by correlation tests. Result: Most of subjects (97,3%) satisfied to the foodservice in the hospital. The average energy adequacy level of the hospital was 76,5 ± 9,4% and protein adequacy level was76,1± 10,3%. The average energy adequacy of out hospital food was 6,5± 6,7% and protein adequacy level was 6,7± 6,9%.  The average BMI at first day were 20,0 ± 3,4 kg/m2 and at the end of hospitalization were 19,7± 3,4 kg/m2. The average decreased in this study was 0,3 ± 0,2 kg/m2. There was correlation between foodservice satisfaction and the energy (p =0,009) and protein adequacy level (p=0,015). There were correlation between food intake and energy (p= 0,0001) and protein adequacy level(p= 0,038) to the change in subjects nutritional status. There was a correlation between hospital foodservice satisfaction and the change in nutritional satisfaction (p = 0,003). Conclusion: The higher level of hospiotal foodservice satisfaction, the higher of food intake and result in smaller decrease of the nutritional status   Keywords : hospital, foodservice,satisfaction, nutritio