88 research outputs found

    BMP signals: Mediated by stroma or thymocytes?

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    This is an invited comment on the paper by Hager-Theodorides AL, et al. Cell Cycle 2014; 13:324–33; PMID:24240189; http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/cc.27118 which is published in the same journa

    Direct BMP2/4 signaling through BMP receptor IA regulates fetal thymocyte progenitor homeostasis and differentiation to CD4+CD8+ double-positive cell

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    BMP2/4 signaling is required for embryogenesis and involved in thymus morphogenesis and T-lineage differentiation. In vitro experiments have shown that treatment of thymus explants with exogenous BMP4 negatively regulated differentiation of early thymocyte progenitors and the transition from CD4-CD8- (DN) to CD4+CD8+ (DP). Here we show that in vivo BMP2/4 signaling is required for fetal thymocyte progenitorhomeostasis and expansion, but negatively regulates differentiation from DN to DP cell. Unexpectedly, conditional deletion of BMPRIA from fetal thymocytes (using the Cre-loxP system and directing excision to hematopoietic lineage cells with the Vav promoter) demonstrated that physiological levels of BMP2/4 signaling directly to thymocytes through BMPRIA are required for normal differentiation and expansion of early fetal DN thymocytes. In contrast, the arrest in early thymocyte progenitor differentiation caused by exogenous BMP4 treatment of thymus explants is induced in part by direct signaling to thymocytes through BMPRIA, and in part by indirect signaling through non-hematopoietic cells. Analysis of the transition from fetal DN to DP cell, both by ex vivo analysis of conditional BMPRIA-deficient thymocytes and by treatment of thymus explants with the BMP4-inhibitor Noggin demonstrated that BMP2/4 signaling is a negative regulator at this stage. We showed that at this stage of fetal T-cell development BMP2/4 signals directly to thymocytes through BMPRIA

    A novel role for Hedgehog in T-cell receptor signaling: implications for development and immunity

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    The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway is a key regulator of both embryonic development and homeostasis of adult tissues, including thymus and blood. In the thymus, Hh signals for differentiation, survival and proliferation in the early stages of T cell development, before TCR gene rearrangement. Our recent data has shown that Hh signaling also modulates T cell receptor (TCR) signal strength in more mature T lineage cells. We showed that constitutive activation of the Hh pathway in thymocytes (by transgenic expression of the transcriptional activator form of Gli2) decreased TCR signal strength with profound consequences for the thymus--allowing self-reactive T cells to escape deletion and altering T cell CD4/CD8 lineage decisions. In contrast, in the Sonic Hh deficient thymus, TCR signaling was increased, again influencing both TCR repertoire selection and CD4/8 lineage commitment. In peripheral T cells, the transcriptional changes induced by activation of the Hh signaling pathway lead to reduced T cell activation. Hh signaling also attenuated ERK phosphorylation and proliferation in mature T cells on TCR ligation. Modulation of TCR signal strength by Hh pathway activation has importance for immunity as the presence or absence of Hh in the environment in which a T cell is activated would shape the immune response

    β-Selection: Abundance of TCRβ–/γδ– CD44–CD25– (DN4) cells in the foetal thymus

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    Expression of TCRβ and pre-TCR signalling are essential for differentiation of CD4–CD8– double negative (DN) thymocytes to the CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) stage. Thymocyte development in adult Rag1, Rag2 or TCRβδ-deficient mice is arrested at the DN3 stage leading to the assumption that pre-TCR signalling and β-selection occur at, and are obligatory for, the transition from DN3 to DN4. We show that the majority of DN3 and DN4 cells that differentiate during early embryogenesis in wild-type mice do not express intracellular (ic) TCRβ/γδ. These foetal icTCRβ−/γδ− DN4 cells were T lineage as determined by expression of Thy1 and icCD3 and TCRβ DJ rearrangement. In addition, in the foetal Rag1–/– thymus, a normal percentage of DN4 cells were present. In wild-type mice after hydrocortisone-induced synchronisation of differentiation, the majority of DN4 cells that first emerged did not express icTCRβ/γδ, showing that adult thymocytes can also differentiate to the DN4 stage independently of pre-TCR signalling. Pre-TCR signalling induced expansion in the DN4 population, but lack of TCRβ/γδ expression did not immediately induce apoptosis. Our data demonstrate in vivo differentiation from DN3 to DN4 cell in the absence of TCRβ/γδ expression in the foetal thymus, and after hydrocortisone treatment of adult mice

    Direct BMP2/4 signaling through BMP receptor IA regulates fetal thymocyte progenitor homeostasis and differentiation to CD4+CD8+double-positive cell

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    BMP2/4 signaling is required for embryogenesis and involved in thymus morphogenesis and T-lineage differentiation. In vitro experiments have shown that treatment of thymus explants with exogenous BMP4 negatively regulated differentiation of early thymocyte progenitors and the transition from CD4−CD8− (DN) to CD4+CD8+ (DP). Here we show that in vivo BMP2/4 signaling is required for fetal thymocyte progenitor homeostasis and expansion, but negatively regulates differentiation from DN to DP cell. Unexpectedly, conditional deletion of BMPRIA from fetal thymocytes (using the Cre-loxP system and directing excision to hematopoietic lineage cells with the Vav promoter) demonstrated that physiological levels of BMP2/4 signaling directly to thymocytes through BMPRIA are required for normal differentiation and expansion of early fetal DN thymocytes. In contrast, the arrest in early thymocyte progenitor differentiation caused by exogenous BMP4 treatment of thymus explants is induced in part by direct signaling to thymocytes through BMPRIA, and in part by indirect signaling through non-hematopoietic cells. Analysis of the transition from fetal DN to DP cell, both by ex vivo analysis of conditional BMPRIA-deficient thymocytes and by treatment of thymus explants with the BMP4-inhibitor Noggin demonstrated that BMP2/4 signaling is a negative regulator at this stage. We showed that at this stage of fetal T-cell development BMP2/4 signals directly to thymocytes through BMPRIA

    Combined GWAS and ‘guilt by association’-based prioritization analysis identifies functional candidate genes for body size in sheep

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    International audienceAbstractBackgroundBody size in sheep is an important indicator of productivity, growth and health as well as of environmental adaptation. It is a composite quantitative trait that has been studied with high-throughput genomic methods, i.e. genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in various mammalian species. Several genomic markers have been associated with body size traits and genes have been identified as causative candidates in humans, dog and cattle. A limited number of related GWAS have been performed in various sheep breeds and have identified genomic regions and candidate genes that partly account for body size variability. Here, we conducted a GWAS in Frizarta dairy sheep with phenotypic data from 10 body size measurements and genotypic data (from Illumina ovineSNP50 BeadChip) for 459 ewes.ResultsThe 10 body size measurements were subjected to principal component analysis and three independent principal components (PC) were constructed, interpretable as width, height and length dimensions, respectively. The GWAS performed for each PC identified 11 significant SNPs, at the chromosome level, one on each of the chromosomes 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 23 and two on chromosome 25. Nine out of the 11 SNPs were located on previously identified quantitative trait loci for sheep meat, production or reproduction. One hundred and ninety-seven positional candidate genes within a 1-Mb distance from each significant SNP were found. A guilt-by-association-based (GBA) prioritization analysis (PA) was performed to identify the most plausible functional candidate genes. GBA-based PA identified 39 genes that were significantly associated with gene networks relevant to body size traits. Prioritized genes were identified in the vicinity of all significant SNPs except for those on chromosomes 10 and 12. The top five ranking genes were TP53, BMPR1A, PIK3R5, RPL26 and PRKDC.ConclusionsThe results of this GWAS provide evidence for 39 causative candidate genes across nine chromosomal regions for body size traits, some of which are novel and some are previously identified candidates from other studies (e.g. TP53, NTN1 and ZNF521). GBA-based PA has proved to be a useful tool to identify genes with increased biological relevance but it is subjected to certain limitations

    Variants in the 3'UTR of the ovine Acetyl-Coenzyme A Acyltransferase 2 gene are associated with dairy traits and exhibit differential allelic expression

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    The acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 (ACAA2) gene encodes an enzyme of the thiolase family that is involved in mitochondrial fatty acid elongation and degradation by catalyzing the last step of the respective β-oxidation pathway. The increased energy needs for gluconeogenesis and triglyceride synthesis during lactation are met primarily by increased fatty acid oxidation. Therefore, the ACAA2 enzyme plays an important role in the supply of energy and carbon substrates for lactation and may thus affect milk production traits. This study investigated the association of the ACAA2 gene with important sheep traits and the putative functional involvement of this gene in dairy traits. A single nucleotide substitution, a T to C transition located in the 3′ untranslated region of the ACAA2 gene, was used in mixed model association analysis with milk yield, milk protein yield and percentage, milk fat yield and percentage, and litter size at birth. The single nucleotide polymorphism was significantly associated with total lactation production and milk protein percentage, with respective additive effects of 6.81 ± 2.95 kg and −0.05 ± 0.02%. Additionally, a significant dominance effect of 0.46 ± 0.21 kg was detected for milk fat yield. Homozygous TT and heterozygous CT animals exhibited higher milk yield compared with homozygous CC animals, whereas the latter exhibited increased milk protein percentage. Expression analysis from age-, lactation-, and parity-matched female sheep showed that mRNA expression of the ACAA2 gene from TT animals was 2.8- and 11.8-fold higher in liver and mammary gland, respectively. In addition, by developing an allelic expression imbalance assay, it was estimated that the T allele was expressed at an average of 18% more compared with the C allele in the udder of randomly selected ewes. We demonstrated for the first time that the variants in the 3′ untranslated region of the ovine ACAA2 gene are differentially expressed in homozygous ewes of each allele and exhibit allelic expression imbalance within heterozygotes in a tissue-specific manner, supporting the existence of cis-regulatory DNA variation in the ovine ACAA2 gene. This is the first study reporting differential allelic imbalance expression of a candidate gene associated with milk production traits in dairy sheep

    Repression of hedgehog signal transduction in T-lineage cells increases TCR-induced activation and proliferation

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    Hedgehog proteins signal for differentiation, survival and proliferation of the earliest thymocyte progenitors, but their functions at later stages of thymocyte development and in peripheral T-cell function are controversial. Here we show that repression of Hedgehog (Hh) pathway activation in T-lineage cells, by expression of a transgenic repressor form of Gli2 (Gli2DeltaC2), increased T-cell differentiation and activationin response to TCR signalling. Expression of the Gli2DeltaC2 transgene increased differentiation from CD4(+)CD8(+) to single positive thymocyte, and increased peripheral T cell populations. Gli2DeltaC2 T-cells were hyper-responsive to activation by ligation of CD3 and CD28: they expressed cell surface activation markers CD69 and CD25 more quickly, and proliferated more than wild-type T-cells. These data show that Hedgehog pathway activation in thymocytes and T-cells negatively regulates TCR-dependent differentiation and proliferation. Thus, as negative regulators of TCR-dependent events, Hh proteins provide an environmental influence on T-cell fate
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