169 research outputs found

    The Effects of Perceptual and Conceptual Priming on Attention and Evaluation in Commercial Breaks

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    While a vast number of studies have examined the effect of priming on positive evaluation towards an object, little research has been done on its effect on attention. Priming’s effect on positive evaluation has generally been attributed to an increase in associational availability that results in easier mental processing. This ease of mental processing is known as fluency. Furthermore, the theoretical review reveals that fluency, attention and emotional responses are highly interconnected. In this thesis, the priming paradigm is applied to a novel context; a sequence of video commercials. By manipulating the relatedness of two commercials, we examine whether a commercial can influence advertising effectiveness in the form of attention and increased positive evaluation towards product exposures in another commercial. This research involves collecting data from three groups, two of which are manipulated by different kinds of primes, and one which acts as control group. The commercial that the dependent variables are measured upon is known as the target commercial, and shown last in the sequence. The first group is exposed to a stimulus that is physically alike to the target commercial (perceptual prime). The second group is exposed to a stimulus that is only associatively alike (conceptual prime). Establishing the distinctions of these prime’s effect on attention was an important aspect of this paper. We predicted that the product in the target commercial should be more noticeable, and that attention would be paid to the product for a longer time. Furthermore, we predicted an increased positive evaluation of the target commercial and increased emotional arousal, both of which are connected. Data was collected both implicitly in the form of eye tracking measures, and explicitly through a questionnaire. The results suggest that the product attracts attention for a significantly longer time for the conceptual group. Furthermore, perceptual priming increases explicit positive evaluation. However, neither forms of priming makes the viewers notice the product exposures easier, nor elicit any substantial emotional arousal. The results are discussed in light of previous research on the topic of priming, fluency, attention and positive evaluation

    Captain on your own ship - your entire life

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    Videreutdanning rehabilitering, 2015Bakgrunn: Rehabilitering i hjemmet har den siste tiden fĂ„tt Ăžkt oppmerksomhet. For Ă„ imĂžtekomme det Ăžkende behovet for pleie- og omsorgstjenester i norske kommuner, har ulike former for rehabilitering blitt etablert. Vi Ăžnsker Ă„ se pĂ„ rehabiliteringsformen hverdagsrehabilitering som kom som en ny form innen rehabilitering i Norge i 2011/2012. Denne formen for rehabilitering er satsningsomrĂ„der i kommunene vi jobber i. Det er viktig for oss Ă„ ha kunnskap innen omrĂ„det for Ă„ kunne yte best mulig bistand i praksisfeltet. Problemstilling ”Hvilke suksesskriterier skal til for at en bruker lykkes med hverdagsrehabilitering?” Metode Fordypningsoppgaven er en litteraturstudie, og metoden er kvalitativ. Vi har tatt utgangspunktet i sentrale fĂžringer, litteratur som omhandler hverdagsrehabilitering og forskning. Ved gjennomlesning av rapporter og forskning har vi hatt fokus pĂ„ suksesskriterier innen hverdagsrehabilitering, med brukerfokus. Resultater Dette er de ni suksesskriteriene vi har valgt Ă„ ha fokus pĂ„ i oppgaven: Hjemmet som oppfĂžlgingsarena, tverrfaglig innsats hjemme hos bruker, kartlegging, mĂ„lsetting, evaluering, holdningsendring – fra passiv til aktiv bruker, aktivitet, motivasjon og mestringsarbeid. Konklusjon Disse ni suksesskriteriene er kriterier vi mener kan brukes i videre arbeid med hverdagsrehabilitering. Det er viktig at hverdagsrehabilitering foregĂ„r i brukers hjem, hvor bruker skal vĂŠre mest mulig selvstendig i daglige gjĂžremĂ„l. Det er i hjemmet de reelle utfordringene finnes og utfordringene viser seg best. Det mĂ„ vĂŠre en tverrfaglig innsats, grundig kartlegging som gir bruker muligheten til Ă„ sette egne mĂ„l. Evaluering og holdningsendringer er viktig underveis i prosessen. Aktivitet, motivasjon og mestringsarbeid ligger til grunn i hele hverdagsrehabiliteringsprosessen

    En studie om medarbeiderdrevet innovasjonskultur

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    VĂ„r oppgave omhandler medarbeiderdrevet innovasjonskultur. Å ha en kultur som bidrar til at organisasjonens medlemmer kontinuerlig Ăžnsker Ă„ streve etter innovasjon, er viktig for Ă„ lykkes med innovasjon. I vĂ„r oppgave har vi tatt utgangspunkt i en tidligere undersĂžkelse utfĂžrt av Aasen, Amundsen, GressgĂ„rd og Hansen for Ă„ undersĂžke kjennetegn ved en MDI-kultur. Vi Ăžnsket Ă„ se om disse kjennetegnene fortsatt er til stede i dag. De kulturelle kjennetegnene er: Engasjement, samarbeidsorientering, stolthet, autonomi, tillit, trygghet, toleranse, Ă„penhet og utviklingsorientering. PĂ„ bakgrunn av dette er vĂ„r problemstilling: “Er de ni kulturelle kjennetegnene ved medarbeiderdrevet innovasjonskultur til stede i innovative bedrifter i dag?”. Denne problemstillingen er avgrenset til tre norske bedrifter som arbeider med innovasjon. Bedriftene er av ulik stĂžrrelse og fra ulike bransjer. For Ă„ besvare problemstillingen har vi brukt kvalitativ metode, hvor vi til sammen gjennomfĂžrte fem individuelle intervjuer. Ut i fra datainnsamlingen og analysen, kom vi frem til at vi kan gjenkjenne alle trekkene i to av bedriftene vi undersĂžkte. I den siste bedriften var noen trekk til stede, noen var for utydelige til Ă„ konkludere, og andre trekk var ikke tilstede. Et funn i vĂ„r undersĂžkelse er at bedriftens stĂžrrelse kan ha betydning for om kjennetegnene er til stede eller ikke

    Molecular subtypes, histopathological grade and survival in a historic cohort of breast cancer patients

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    Molecular subtyping of breast cancer may provide additional prognostic information regarding patient outcome. However, its clinical significance remains to be established. In this study, the main aims were to discover whether reclassification of breast cancer into molecular subtypes provides more precise information regarding outcome compared to conventional histopathological grading and to study breast cancer-specific survival in the different molecular subtypes. Cases of breast cancer occurring in a cohort of women born between 1886 and 1928 with long-term follow-up were included in the study. Tissue microarrays were constructed from archival formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue from 909 cases. Using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation as surrogates for gene expression analyses, all cases were reclassified into the following molecular subtypes: Luminal A; Luminal B (HER2−); Luminal B (HER2+); HER2 subtype; Basal phenotype; and five negative phenotype. Kaplan–Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazards models were used in the analyses. During the first 5 years after diagnosis, there were significant differences in prognosis according to molecular subtypes with the best survival for the Luminal A subtype and the worst for HER2 and five negative phenotype. In this historic cohort of women with breast cancer, differences in breast cancer-specific survival according to subtype occur almost exclusively amongst the histopathological grade 2 tumours. From 5 years after time of diagnosis until the end of follow-up, there appears to be no difference in survival according to molecular subtype or histopathological grade.publishedVersio

    Quantification of multiple steroid hormones in serum and human breast cancer tissue by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis

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    IntroductionSystemic and local steroid hormone levels may function as novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers in breast cancer patients. We aimed at developing a novel liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous measurement of multiple, biologically pivotal steroid hormones in human serum and breast cancer tissue.MethodsThe quantitative method consisted of liquid-liquid extraction, Sephadex LH-20 chromatography for tissue extracts, and analysis of steroid hormones by liquid-chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. We analyzed serum and tissue steroid hormone levels in 16 and 40 breast cancer patients, respectively, and assessed their correlations with clinical parameters.ResultsThe method included quantification of nine steroid hormones in serum [including cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone, estrone (E1), 17ÎČ-estradiol (E2), 17α-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione (A4), testosterone and progesterone) and six (including cortisone, corticosterone, E1, E2, A4, and testosterone) in cancer tissue. The lower limits of quantification were between 0.003–10 ng/ml for serum (250 ”l) and 0.038–125 pg/mg for tissue (20 mg), respectively. Accuracy was between 98%-126%, intra-assay coefficient of variations (CV) was below 15%, and inter-assay CV were below 11%. The analytical recoveries for tissue were between 76%-110%. Tissue levels of E1 were positively correlated with tissue E2 levels (p<0.001), and with serum levels of E1, E2 and A4 (p<0.01). Tissue E2 levels were positively associated with serum E1 levels (p=0.02), but not with serum E2 levels (p=0.12). The levels of tissue E2 and ratios of E1 to A4 levels (an index for aromatase activity) were significantly higher in patients with larger tumors (p=0.03 and p=0.02, respectively).ConclusionsThe method was convenient and suitable for a specific and accurate profiling of clinically important steroid hormones in serum. However, the sensitivity of the profile method in steroid analysis in tissue samples is limited, but it can be used for the analysis of steroids in breast cancer tissues if the size of the sample or its steroid content is sufficient

    Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer: Long-term Incidence Trends and Prognostic Differences

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    Background: Secular trends in incidence and prognosis of molecular breast cancer subtypes are poorly described. We studied long-term trends in a population of Norwegian women born 1886–1977. Methods: A total of 52,949 women were followed for breast cancer incidence, and 1,423 tumors were reclassified into molecular subtypes using IHC and in situ hybridization. We compared incidence rates among women born 1886–1928 and 1929–1977, estimated age-specific incidence rate ratios (IRR), and performed multiple imputations to account for unknown subtype. Prognosis was compared for women diagnosed before 1995 and in 1995 or later, estimating cumulative risk of death and HRs. Results: Between 50 and 69 years of age, incidence rates of Luminal A and Luminal B (HER2−) were higher among women born in 1929 or later, compared with before 1929 [IRRs 50–54 years; after imputations: 3.5; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.8–6.9 and 2.5; 95% CI, 1.2–5.2, respectively], with no clear differences for other subtypes. Rates of death were lower in women diagnosed in 1995 or later, compared to before 1995, for Luminal A (HR 0.4; 95% CI, 0.3–0.5), Luminal B (HER2−; HR 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3–0.7), and Basal phenotype (HR 0.4; 95% CI, 0.2–0.9). Conclusions: We found a strong secular incidence increase restricted to Luminal A and Luminal B (HER2−) subtypes, combined with a markedly improved prognosis for these subtypes and for the Basal phenotype.acceptedVersio

    How does a lifestyle intervention during pregnancy influence perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity? The Norwegian fit for delivery study, a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: To develop effective health promotional and preventive prenatal programs, it is important to understand perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity during pregnancy, including exercise and sport participation. The aims of the present study was 1) to assess the effect of prenatal lifestyle intervention on the perceived barrier to leisure-time physical activity during pregnancy and the first year after delivery and 2) identify the most important perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity at multiple time points during and after pregnancy. Methods: This secondary analysis was part of the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study, a combined lifestyle intervention evaluated in a blinded, randomized controlled trial. Healthy, nulliparous women with singleton pregnancy of ≀20 gestational weeks, age ≄ 18 years and body mass index ≄19 kg/m2 were recruited via healthcare clinics in southern Norway, including urban and rural settings. Participants were randomized to either twice-weekly supervised exercise sessions and nutritional counselling (n = 303) or standard prenatal care (n = 303). The principal analysis was based on the participants who completed the standardized questionnaire assessing their perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity at inclusion (gestational week 16, n = 589) and following intervention (gestational week 36, n = 509), as well as six months (n = 470) and 12 months (n = 424) postpartum. Results: Following intervention (gestation week 35.4 ± 1.0), a significant between-group difference in perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity was found with respect to time constraints: “... I do not have the time” (intervention: 22 vs. control: 38, p = 0.030), mother-child safety concerns: “... afraid to harm the baby” (intervention: 8 vs. control: 25, p = 0.002) and self-efficacy: “... I do not believe/think that I can do it” (intervention: 3 vs. control: 10, p = 0.050). No positive effect was seen at postpartum follow-up. Intrapersonal factors (lack of time, energy and interest) were the most frequently perceived barriers, and consistent over time among all participants. Conclusion: The intervention had effect on intrapersonal perceived barriers in pregnancy, but not in the postpartum period. Perceived barriers to leisure-time physical activity were similar from early pregnancy to 12 months postpartum.publishedVersionNivĂ„

    Evaluation of implementing a community-based exercise intervention during pregnancy

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    Objective: To evaluate the implementation of a community-based exercise intervention (the Norwegian Fit for Delivery study) during pregnancy. Design: Descriptive, explorative. Setting: Healthcare clinics in southern Norway, including urban and rural settings. Participants: Healthy, nulliparous women with singleton pregnancy of ≀20 gestational weeks, age ≄18 years and body mass index ≄19 kg/m2. Methods: Women were randomized to either twice-weekly supervised exercise sessions combined with nutritional counselling (n=303) or standard prenatal care (n=303). The exercise program was based on ACOG guidelines, with the same low-impact workout for all participants, including 60 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular and strength training, performed in a group of maximum 25 women. The aim of the present secondary analysis was to report on the intervention group's experience with participating in an exercise program in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, including satisfaction, adherence, adverse effects, as well as motives and barriers for attending the classes. Results: Of 303 women randomized to exercise, 274 (92.6%) attended at least one class and 187 (68.2%) completed a questionnaire after completion of the trial assessing their experience with the group sessions. For 71.7%, self-reported exercise dosage was ≄75% of the twice-weekly exercise program and more than seven out of 10 reported to be satisfied or very satisfied with the exercise sessions. A total of 95.1% answered that they would recommend this type of exercise for pregnant friends. Reported motives and health benefits included better aerobic capacity, increased energy levels and exercise enjoyment. No harmful effects of the exercise intervention were noted in the mother or the fetus. Key conclusions and implications for practice: Results demonstrated that regular group exercise was feasible, safe, and well tolerated in pregnancy, which may encourage incorporating this program into a routine health care setting.acceptedVersionNivĂ„

    A CCR4 antagonist reverses the tumor-promoting microenvironment of renal cancer

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    CRUK programme grant C587/A16354 and a research grant from Affitech AS.The study was supported by Cancer Research UK (CRUK) programme grant C587/A16354 and a research grant from Affitech AS
