701 research outputs found

    Nucleation and cluster formation in low-density nucleonic matter: A mechanism for ternary fission

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    Ternary fission yields in the reaction 241Pu(nth,f) are calculated using a new model which assumes a nucleation-time moderated chemical equilibrium in the low density matter which constitutes the neck region of the scissioning system. The temperature, density, proton fraction and fission time required to fit the experimental data are derived and discussed. A reasonably good fit to the experimental data is obtained. This model provides a natural explanation for the observed yields of heavier isotopes relative to those of the lighter isotopes, the observation of low proton yields relative to 2H and 3H yields and the non-observation of 3He, all features which are shared by similar thermal neutron induced and spontaneous fissioning systems.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Voluntary Risk Taking By Young Bicyclists:A Case Study of University Students at Montreal

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    Young bicyclists in Montreal are taking voluntary risks such as bicycling without wearing helmet and braking system of bicycle although they are aware of the presence of danger. This article analyses the behaviour of young bicyclists taking voluntary risks. The university students in Montreal are considered as the case study since they are more risk takers and the bicycle is a favorite mode of transport among them. This study reveals that half of the respondents did not use helmets. They were also spontaneously taking a risk by high speeding, violating signals, bicycling in mixed traffic, ignoring protective equipment after dark, and avoiding the bicycle designated roads. They were taking voluntary risks based on their attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. They did not perceive the severity of risks since they experienced relevant and unremarkable minor injuries. The attractiveness of risk and accomplishing the risk activities encouraged the young bicyclists to take voluntary risks repeatedly. Increasing feelings of vulnerability among young bicyclists reduce voluntary risks taking attitude and physical and psychological sufferings of the victims of bicycle-related accidents. Findings of this study suggest that the City of Montreal as well as other cities consider the behaviour of bicyclists particularly the young people to avoid bicycle-related accidents along with other physical measures

    Pressure dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation pectrum of beta''-(BEDT-TTF)4(NH4)[Cr(C2O4)3].DMF

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    The Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillation spectra of the beta''-(BEDT-TTF)4(NH4)[Cr(C2O4)\_3].DMF organic metal have been studied in pulsed magnetic fields of up to either 36 T at ambient pressure or 50 T under hydrostatic pressures of up to 1 GPa. The ambient pressure SdH oscillation spectra can be accounted for by up to six fundamental frequencies which points to a rather complex Fermi surface (FS). A noticeable pressure-induced modification of the FS topology is evidenced since the number of frequencies observed in the spectra progressively decreases as the pressure increases. Above 0.8 GPa, only three compensated orbits are observed, as it is the case for several other isostructural salts of the same family at ambient pressure. Contrary to other organic metals, of which the FS can be regarded as a network of orbits, no frequency combinations are observed for the studied salt, likely due to high magnetic breakdown gap values or (and) high disorder level evidenced by Dingle temperatures as large as about 7 K.Comment: To be published in European Physical Journal

    Experimental study of fusion neutron and proton yields produced by petawatt-laser-irradiated D2-3He or CD4-3He clustering gases

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    We report on experiments in which the Texas Petawatt laser irradiated a mixture of deuterium or deuterated methane clusters and helium-3 gas, generating three types of nuclear fusion reactions: D(d, 3He)n, D(d, t)p and 3He(d, p)4He. We measured the yields of fusion neutrons and protons from these reactions and found them to agree with yields based on a simple cylindrical plasma model using known cross sections and measured plasma parameters. Within our measurement errors, the fusion products were isotropically distributed. Plasma temperatures, important for the cross sections, were determined by two independent methods: (1) deuterium ion time-of-flight, and (2) utilizing the ratio of neutron yield to proton yield from D(d, 3He)n and 3He(d, p)4He reactions, respectively. This experiment produced the highest ion temperature ever achieved with laser-irradiated deuterium clusters.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    An experimental survey of the production of alpha decaying heavy elements in the reactions of 238^{238}U +232^{232}Th at 7.5-6.1 MeV/nucleon

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    The production of alpha particle decaying heavy nuclei in reactions of 7.5-6.1 MeV/nucleon 238^{238}U +232^{232}Th has been explored using an in-beam detection array composed of YAP scintillators and gas ionization chamber-Si telescopes. Comparisons of alpha energies and half-lives for the observed products with those of the previously known isotopes and with theoretically predicted values indicate the observation of a number of previously unreported alpha emitters. Alpha particle decay energies reaching as high as 12 MeV are observed. Many of these are expected to be from decay of previously unseen relatively neutron rich products. While the contributions of isomeric states require further exploration and specific isotope identifications need to be made, the production of heavy isotopes with quite high atomic numbers is suggested by the data.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Temperature measurements of fusion plasmas produced by petawatt laser-irradiated D2-3He or CD4-3He clustering gases

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    Two different methods have been employed to determine the plasma temperature in a laser-cluster fusion experiment on the Texas Petawatt laser. In the first, the temperature was derived from time-of-flight data of deuterium ions ejected from exploding D2 or CD4 clusters. In the second, the temperature was measured from the ratio of the rates of two different nuclear fusion reactions occurring in the plasma at the same time: D(d, 3He)n and 3He(d, p)4He. The temperatures determined by these two methods agree well, which indicates that: i) The ion energy distribution is not significantly distorted when ions travel in the disassembling plasma; ii) The kinetic energy of deuterium ions, especially the hottest part responsible for nuclear fusion, is well described by a near-Maxwellian distribution.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of the plasma astrophysical S factor for the 3He(D, p)4He reaction in exploding molecular clusters

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    The plasma astrophysical S factor for the 3He(D, p)4He fusion reaction was measured for the first time at temperatures of few keV, using the interaction of intense ultrafast laser pulses with molecular deuterium clusters mixed with 3He atoms. Different proportions of D2 and 3He or CD4 and 3He were mixed in the gas jet target in order to allow the measurement of the cross-section for the 3He(D, p)4He reaction. The yield of 14.7 MeV protons from the 3He(D, p)4He reaction was measured in order to extract the astrophysical S factor at low energies. Our result is in agreement with other S factor parameterizations found in the literature

    Caloric curves and critical behavior in nuclei

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    Data from a number of different experimental measurements have been used to construct caloric curves for five different regions of nuclear mass. These curves are qualitatively similar and exhibit plateaus at the higher excitation energies. The limiting temperatures represented by the plateaus decrease with increasing nuclear mass and are in very good agreement with results of recent calculations employing either a chiral symmetry model or the Gogny interaction. This agreement strongly favors a soft equation of state. Evidence is presented that critical excitation energies and critical temperatures for nuclei can be determined over a large mass range when the mass variations inherent in many caloric curve measurements are taken into account.Comment: In response to referees comments we have improved the discussion of the figures and added a new figure showing the relationship between the effective level density and the excitation energy. The discussion has been reordered and comments are made on recent data which support the hypothesis of a mass dependence of caloric curve