17 research outputs found

    A new spectrophotometric method for the determination of methyldopa

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    AbstractA new, simple and low cost spectrophotometric method for the determination of methyldopa in pharmaceutical preparations was developed. The method was based on the coupling of methyldopa with 2,6-dichloroquinone-4-chlorimide (DCQ). The absorbance maximum (λmax) of the resulted colored product was at 400nm. Different buffers were used to determine the optimal pH for the reaction. About 1% w/v acetate buffer with pH 8.0 gave the optimal pH required for the reaction. Of the different solvents tried, water and ethanol were found to be the most suitable solvents. Beer’s law was obeyed in concentration range of 4–20μg/ml methyldopa. The correlation coefficient was found to be (r=0.9975). The limit of detection and limit of quantification were 1.1μg/ml and 3.21μg/ml, respectively. The reaction ratio between methyldopa and DCQ was studied and found to be 1:3. The work included the study of the possible interference of hydrochlorothiazide found in combination with methyldopa tablets. The method was validated and results obtained for the assay of two different brands of methyldopa tablets were compared with the BP method (colorimetric). The repeatability and reproducibility of the developed method were evaluated and the obtained results quoted. The derivative formed as a result of the reaction of methyldopa with DCQ was isolated and its possible mechanistic pathway was suggested

    Вплив регуляторів росту на розвиток бактеріальних хвороб сої

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    Вивчено вплив регуляторів росту рослин (агростимуліну, емістиму-С та біолану) на ураженість сої бактеріальними хворобами за передпосівної обробки насіння. Відмічено позитивну дію агростимуліну, який забезпечує стимуляцію росту рослин, зниження рівня їх ураженості бактеріальними хворобами протягом вегетаційного періоду за умов природного і штучного зараження та підвищує урожайність культури.Изучено влияние регуляторов роста (Агростимулина, Емистима С и биолана на пораженность растений сои бактериальными болезнями при предпосевной обработке семян. Отмечено положительное влияние агростимулина, который обеспечивает стимулирование роста растений, снижение уровня их пораженности бактериальными болезнями в течение вегетационного периода в условиях естественного заражения и при искусственном инфицировании и повышает урожайность.The effect of plants growth regulators (Agrostimulin, Emestim S, Biolan) on soybean plant bacterial diseases when presowing seed treating has been tudied. It was established positive impact of Agrostimulin, which guarantees plant growth stimulation, high resistance against bacterial diseases during vegetation in the condition of both natural infection and artificial introduction with agents and yield increase

    Determinação da concentração alveolar mínima do isofluorano em catetos (Tayassu tajacu)

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    A anestesia inalatória vem sendo amplamente difundida na medicina veterinária, no entanto seu uso em animais selvagens ainda é restrito, não sendo observado nenhum estudo referente à sua utilização na espécie Tayassu tajacu. O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a concentração alveolar mínima (CAM) do isofluorano em catetos e apresentar os efeitos desta administração sobre as variáveis hemodinâmicas e respiratórias, como também a qualidade da recuperação anestésica. Utilizou-se 10 animais, machos, com idade variando de 1 a 3 anos oriundos do Centro de Multiplicação de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Brasil. Todos os animais tiveram anestesia induzida com 7mg.kg-1 de propofol e posteriormente foram conectados a circuito anestésico com isofluorano e oxigênio 100%. O estímulo noceptivo supramáximo adotado foi pinçamento interdigital, o qual era realizado após 15 minutos de espera para cada concentração de isofluorano fornecida. Ao ser observada resposta negativa frente ao estímulo a concentração era reduzida em 20%, quando verificada resposta positiva o estímulo era cessado, calculando-se a partir daí o valor da CAM. Observou-se dados quantitativos e qualitativos referentes à recuperação. Utilizou-se o teste de normalidade de Shapiro Wilk e de homogeneidade de variânica de Levene, as variáveis avaliadas foram submetidas à One Way ANOVA-RM para medidas repetidas, seguidas por Teste Tukey, sendo os dados expressos em média e desvio padrão. A CAM do isofluorano foi de 2,4%, sendo a CAM cirúrgica igual a 3,5%. Observou-se ação depressiva do isofluorano sobre a pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e respiratória quando comparada a média dessas variáveis para animais acordados, entretanto durante a manutenção anestésica mantiveram-se estáveis. Observou-se acidose metabólica no período pré-anestésico o qual foi compensado após a realização da anestesia inalatória. A recuperação anestésica foi tranquila e rápida. Concluiu-se que a CAM do isofluorano para catetos foi maior que a observada em espécies afins. O isofluorano pode ser utilizado nesta espécie, sendo considerado seguro e eficaz. A recuperação dos animais após anestesia com isofluorano foi livre de excitação

    Effects of isoflurane upon minimum alveolar concentration and cerebral cortex depression in pigs and goats: an interspecies comparison

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    This study compared the effects of isoflurane in pigs (n=10 Yorkshire-Landrace cross) and dairy goats (n=10) by evaluation of electroencephalographic (EEG) burst suppression thresholds (BST) in the cerebral cortex and minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) values in the spinal cord. The study also investigated whether individual MAC values can predict the effects of isoflurane on the cerebral cortex. MAC values and BST/MAC ratios were significantly different between species. Inhibition of movement by isoflurane may be less effective in pigs than in goats. No significant correlation was found between individual MAC and BST values, indicating that in single animals the individual MAC poorly reflects the cerebrocortical depressant effect of isoflurane in pigs and goats

    Ketoprofen in piglets: enantioselective pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and PK/PD modelling

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    The chiral pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of ketoprofen were investigated in a placebo-controlled study in piglets after intramuscular administration of 6 mg/kg racemic ketoprofen. The absorption half-lives of both enantiomers were short, and S-ketoprofen predominated over R-ketoprofen in plasma. A kaolin-induced inflammation model was used to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects of ketoprofen. Skin temperatures increased after the kaolin injection, but the effect of ketoprofen was small. No significant antipyretic effects could be detected, but body temperatures tended to be lower in the ketoprofen-treated piglets. Mechanical nociceptive threshold testing was used to evaluate the analgesic effects. The piglets in the ketoprofen-treated group had significantly higher mechanical nociceptive thresholds compared to the piglets in the placebo group for 12-24 h following the treatment. Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling of the results from the mechanical nociceptive threshold testing gave a median IC(50) for S-ketoprofen of 26.7 mug/mL and an IC(50) for R-ketoprofen of 1.6 mug/mL. This indicates that R-ketoprofen is a more potent analgesic than S-ketoprofen in piglets. Estimated ED(50) for racemic ketoprofen was 2.5 mg/kg

    Towards integrated paediatric services in the Netherlands: a survey of views and policies on collaboration in the care for children with cerebral palsy

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    Aim Worldwide, family- centred and co- ordinated care are seen as the two most desirable and effective methods of paediatric care delivery. This study outlines current views on how team collaboration comprising professionals in paediatric rehabilitation and special education and the parents of children with disabilities should be organized, and analyses the policies of five paediatric rehabilitation settings associated with the care of 44 children with cerebral palsy ( CP) in the Netherlands. Methods For an overview of current ideas on collaboration, written statements of professional associations in Dutch paediatric rehabilitation were examined. The policy statements of the five participating settings were derived from their institutional files. Documents detailing the collaborative arrangements involving the various professionals and parents were evaluated at the institutional level and at the child level. Involvement of the stakeholders was analysed based on team conferences. Results Also in the Netherlands collaboration between rehabilitation and education professionals and parents is endorsed as the key principle in paediatric rehabilitation, with at its core the team conference in which the various priorities and goals are formulated and integrated into a personalized treatment plan. As to their collaborative approaches between rehabilitation centre and school, the five paediatric settings rarely differed, but at the child level approaches varied. Teams were large ( averaging 10.5 members), and all three stakeholder groups were represented, but involvement differed per setting, as did the roles and contributions of the individual team members. Conclusion Collaboration between rehabilitation and education professionals and parents is supported and encouraged nationwide. Views on collaboration have been formulated, and general guidelines on family- centred and co- ordinated care are available. Yet, collaborative practices in Dutch paediatric care are still developing. Protocols that carefully delineate the commitments to collaborate and that translate the policies into practical, detailed guidelines are needed, as they are a prerequisite for successful teamwork

    Evolution of the diatoms: insights from fossil, biological and molecular data

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    Molecular sequence analyses have yielded many important insights into diatom evolution, but there have been few attempts to relate these to the extensive fossil record of diatoms, probably because of unfamiliarity with the data available, which are scattered widely through the geological literature. We review the main features of molecular phylogenies and concentrate on the correspondence between these and the fossil record; we also review the evolution of major morphological, cytological and life cycle characteristics, and possible diatom origins. The first physical remains of diatoms are from the Jurassic, and well-preserved, diverse floras are available from the Lower Cretaceous. Though these are unequivocally identifiable as centric diatoms, none except a possible Stephanopyxis can be unequivocally linked to lineages of extant diatoms, although it is almost certain that members of the Coscinodiscophyceae (radial centrics) and Mediophyceae (polar centrics) were present; some display curious morphological features that hint at an unorthodox cell division mechanism and life cycle. It seems most likely that the earliest diatoms were marine, but recently discovered fossil deposits hint that episodes of terrestrial colonization may have occurred in the Mesozoic, though the main invasion of freshwaters appears to have been delayed until the Cenozoic. By the Upper Cretaceous, many lineages are present that can be convincingly related to extant diatom taxa. Pennate diatoms appear in the late Cretaceous and raphid diatoms in the Palaeocene, though molecular phylogenies imply that raphid diatoms did in fact evolve considerably earlier. Recent evidence shows that diatoms are substantially underclassified at the species level, with many semicryptic or cryptic species to be recognized; however, there is little prospect of being able to discriminate between such taxa in fossil material