6 research outputs found

    LaHC at INEX 2014: Social Book Search Track

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1180/CLEF2014wn-Inex-HafsiEt2014.pdfInternational audienceIn the article, we describe our participation in the INEX 201 4 Social Book Search track. We present the different approaches expl oiting user social information such as reviews, tags and ratings. These social informations are as- signed by users to the books. We optimize our models using the INEX Social Book Search 2013 collection and we test them on the INEX 2014 S ocial Book Search track

    Géo-détection des réseaux enterrés par fusion de données multimodales et raisonnement spatial

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    Our work aims to solve the problem of reliable detection of underground networks by optimization of the existing methods. Four methods are planned to identify the underground pipelines but they have limits and depend on many factors. Our investigation aims to solve the problem of reliable detection of underground networks by aggregation of the existing methods and reasoning at different abstraction levels. For that purpose, we must be able to provide an accurate geo-detection of underground networks regardless of their material, their function or the soil in which they are buried. The information collected in the field or soil by these detection methods will be merged in order to achieve and obtain an accurate and reliable single result of geo-detection. For that, we need to check independently these distinct methods and then to aggregate the information/data they provide. Besides, the first step will consists of the representation of this information into symbolic knowledge. The second step is to overcome the limitations of current methods to provide a reliable and expressive reasoning systemNos travaux de recherche ont pour objectif de résoudre le problème de la géodétection des réseaux enterrés. Plusieurs méthodes sont utilisées actuellement mais présentent des limites dues à la nature du sol, aux matériaux des canalisations et au produit transporté. Notre objectif est de proposer une nouvelle approche basée sur la fusion de quatre méthodes de détection et sur la récolte de plusieurs informations qui seront représentées sous forme de connaissances et permettront de raisonner à différents niveaux d’abstraction, pour détecter avec un niveau de confiance, les canalisations enterrées indépendamment de leur matériau, du produit qu’elles transportent et du sol dans lequel elles sont enterrée

    Geodetection of underground networks by means of multimodal data fusion and spatial reasoning

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    Nos travaux de recherche ont pour objectif de résoudre le problème de la géodétection des réseaux enterrés. Plusieurs méthodes sont utilisées actuellement mais présentent des limites dues à la nature du sol, aux matériaux des canalisations et au produit transporté. Notre objectif est de proposer une nouvelle approche basée sur la fusion de quatre méthodes de détection et sur la récolte de plusieurs informations qui seront représentées sous forme de connaissances et permettront de raisonner à différents niveaux d’abstraction, pour détecter avec un niveau de confiance, les canalisations enterrées indépendamment de leur matériau, du produit qu’elles transportent et du sol dans lequel elles sont enterréesOur work aims to solve the problem of reliable detection of underground networks by optimization of the existing methods. Four methods are planned to identify the underground pipelines but they have limits and depend on many factors. Our investigation aims to solve the problem of reliable detection of underground networks by aggregation of the existing methods and reasoning at different abstraction levels. For that purpose, we must be able to provide an accurate geo-detection of underground networks regardless of their material, their function or the soil in which they are buried. The information collected in the field or soil by these detection methods will be merged in order to achieve and obtain an accurate and reliable single result of geo-detection. For that, we need to check independently these distinct methods and then to aggregate the information/data they provide. Besides, the first step will consists of the representation of this information into symbolic knowledge. The second step is to overcome the limitations of current methods to provide a reliable and expressive reasoning syste

    Toward a Type-Theoretical Approach for an Ontologically-Based Detection of Underground Networks

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    International audienceIn this article, we present a new approach with the purpose of providing a Knowledge-based system able to solve the problem of reliable detection of underground networks by optimization of the existing methods. The method must be able to provide an accurate geo-detection of underground networks regardless of their material, their purpose or even the composition of the soil in which they are buried. We investigate an approach based on knowledge reasoning using ontologies. We show that OWL-DL/SWRL suffers from a lack of expressiveness and that to overcome their limitations regarding the representation and reasoning,we propose a new approach using the proof system Coq for the formalization of knowledge and reasoning. We show on a case study the strengths and limitations of this proposal

    Detection and Localization of Underground Networks by Fusion of Electromagnetic Signal and GPR Images

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    International audienceIn this paper, we purpose a new approach to the post-processing of multi-sensor detection based on knowledge representation and data fusion provided by several technologies. The aim is to improve the detection and localization of underground networks. This work is part of the G4M project, leaded by ENGIE LAB CRIGEN, the objective of which is the design of a versatile device for a reliable detection and localization of underground networks. The objective of this work, which is at the core of the G4M project, focuses on the validity of current detection methods, to optimize the process of detection using these methods and to establish a 3D map of subsoil networks

    Détection automatique de canalisations enterrées par raisonnement sur des ontologies de domaine alimentées par des connaissances issues de mesures vibro- acoustiques

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    National audienceThe purpose of this paper is the automatic detection of gas pipes by the gas tracker method, by using ontologies and spatial reasoning. Domain ontologies describe the environment in which pipelines are buried, their materials, products carried and detection methods. Reasoning rule bases are used at different levels of the process to calculate a confidence level for each detection. The final pipe detection is performed by a spatial reasoning method including confidence evaluation.L’objectif du présent article est la détection automatique des canalisations de gaz, par la méthode gaz tracker, basée sur des ontologies et des règles de raisonnement spatial. Les ontologies de domaine utilisées ici décrivent l’environnement dans lequel les canalisations sont enterrées, leurs matériaux, les produits transportés et les techniques de détection. Des bases de règles sont utilisées à différents niveaux du processus pour le calcul du niveau de confiance de chaque détection. Enfin, nous proposons une méthode de raisonnement pour la détection finale de la canalisation incluant des niveaux de confiance