666 research outputs found

    Predicted coping styles with pregnancy-specific stress on basis of spiritual well-being

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    Background and aims: Pregnancy seems a pleasure time of women`s life, but this time considers as an experience of the high levels of stress. About stress and coping strategies, one of the important concepts is spiritual health. Therefore, the present study was aimed to predict specific styles of coping with stress during pregnancy based on spiritual health in pregnant women referred to health centers in Hafshejan. Methods: The study was a descriptive correlational research. The surveyed sample was 200 pregnant women referred to health centers in Hafshejan who selected by convenience sampling. For data collection, Spiritual Well-being (Paloutzian and Ellison) and Billings and Mouse questionnaires were used. Collected data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple regressions tests. Results: The results showed that the mean age of pregnant women was 27.68±4.75, the mean number of pregnancies in mothers was 1.73±0.79, the mean pregnancy interval was 68.22±44.17 and the mean number of children was 0.71±0.73. Also, the results showed a positive significant linear correlation between spiritual well-being and coping styles (r=0.457, P<0.001). Multiple regression analysis showed that spiritual well-being was able to predict the coping styles with stress during pregnancy. Conclusion:. Considering the positive relationship between spiritual health and coping styles during pregnancy, more attention of women's health care specialists on the methods to promote spiritual well-being is emphasized during pregnancy

    Determination of peroxide value and visual color of Zoolbia and Bamieh oils in the holly Ramadan in Shahrekourd

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    زمینه و هدف: ترمال اکسیداسیون روغن ها یک فرایند تجزیه ای است که در اثر آن هیدروپراکسیدها تولید و با تجزیه آنها رادیکال های آزاد تشکیل می شوند که ماهیت سیتوتوکسیک وژنوتوکسیک دارند. اندیس پراکسید شاخصی است که بوسیله آن میزان اکسیداسیون روغن ها و چربی ها را معین می نماید. هدف از این بررسی تعیین ارزش پراکسید و رنگ ظاهری روغن های زولبیا و بامیه مصرف شده در ماه مبارک رمضان است. روش بررسی: این بررسی یک مطالعه توصیفی مقطعی است. در این بررسی تعداد 222 نمونه روغن استفاده شده برای تولید زولبیا و بامیه که بوسیله بازرسین بهداشت محیط شبکه های بهداشت و درمان از کارگاههای تولیدی در سراسر استان چهار محال و بختیاری در ماه مبارک رمضان سال 1393نمونه برداری و به آزمایشگاه کنترل مواد غذایی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد ارسال گردید. آزمایش به روش یدومتری انجام شد. در این بررسی رنگ نمونه ها نیز از نظر ظاهر بررسی شد. یافته ها: این بررسی نشان داد که اندیس پراکسید 64.9( تعداد 144 نمونه از222) نمونه های روغن مورد آزمایش بالاتر از بیشینه استاندارد ملی روغن های خوراکی (2 میلی اکی والان گرم در کیلوگرم) بود. میانگین اندیس پراکسید نمونه های روغن مورد بررسی 2.94 میلی اکی والان گرم به ازای یک کیلوگرم بود. در مجموع رنگ ظاهری 36.9 نمونه های روغن (82 از 222) تیره شده بودند. نتیجه گیری: نتایج فوق نشان میدهند که بیش از دو سوم نمونه های زولبیا و بامیه سالم و ایمن نیستند و سلامت مصرف کنندگان را تهدید میکنند. لذا اموزش و نظارت به تولید کنندگان این نوع مواد غذایی مهم و ضروری است

    Synthesis, binding studies and click modification of diazido acridine intercalators : a versatile two-step approach to functional nanomaterials

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    PhD ThesisTwo diazido acridine drivatives, N,N'-(acridine-3,6-diyl)bis(2-azidoacetamide), PD and 3,6-bis(2-azidoacetamido)-10-methylacridin-10-ium, PDMe⁺ were prepared from 3,6- diamino acridine, Pf. The azide groups were exploited by click chemistry to synthesise functional intercalators by reaction with the alkyne-bearing groups, ethynyl ferrocene EFc, phenylacetylene, N-pentynyl-2-(2-thienyl)-pyrrole pent-TP and acetylene-PEG4- carboxyrhodamine, APCR. The click reaction products were characterised by ¹H NMR spectroscopy, ¹³C NMR spectroscopy, ES-MS, IR and, where appropriate, cyclic voltammetry. IR studies showed the disappearance of the azide and alkynyl stretching signals at 2114 cm⁻¹ and 2112 cm⁻¹ respectively after the click reaction. Cyclic voltammetry revealed that the click product with EFc was redox active, E = 346 mV compared to 441 m V for the free EFc, a negative shift due to the electron donating effect of the triazole ring. Intercalation of PD and PDMe⁺ into DNA, were studied by UV/vis, fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), linear dichroism (LD) and DNA denaturation experiments. The titration of Pf and PDMe⁺ with DNA showed bathocromic and hypochromic effects in the absorption spectra. However, for PD an interesting phenomenon, a bathochromic and hyperchromic effect was observed. The pKa of PD (4.3) suggests that as PD approaches DNA it becomes protonated due to the low local pH and so aids binding to DNA. Both UV and fluorescence titrations gave DNA binding constants for Pf, PD and PDMe⁺ of ≥ 3.8 × 10⁶, 5.3 × 10⁵ and 2 × 10⁶ respectively. These findings were consistent with the observed increasing stabilisation of the double helix by the intercalators, PD < PDMe+ < Pf. DNA complexes of PD and PDMe⁺ were click modified with EFc, pent-TP and APCR and characterised by ES-MS, UV/vis, IR, fluorescence microscopy, LD, atomic and electrostatic force microscopy (AFM and EFM), and cyclic voltammetry. As for the free reaction, cyclic voltammetry, IR and UV/vis spectroscopy confirmed the successful click reaction of the DNA complexes, but could not confirm PD or PDMe⁺ remained intercalated after click modification. AFM studies confirmed DNA retained its natural wire-like topology after intercalation and click functionalization. Fluorescence microscopy images of DNA complexes with PD and PDMe⁺ that had been click modified with APCR showed illuminated strands 17 μm in length, comparing well with the dimensions of λ-DNA. LD experiments indicated that PDMe⁺ reamains inserted into the DNA helix after the click reaction was performed in-situ using pent-TP

    Determine the prevalence contamination foods to synthetic colors with thin layer chromatography in Shahrekourd

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    زمینه و هدف: رنگ های مصنوعی بعنوان یکی از افزودنیهای غذایی بطور وسیع در مواد غذایی استفاده می شوند. استفاده نامناسب از رنگ های مصنوعی در مواد غذایی مخاطراتی مانند آلرژی و سرطان را برای مصرف کنندگان ایجاد می کنند. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین میزان شیوع آلودگی مواد غذایی به رنگ های مصنوعی انجام شد. روش بررسی: این بررسی یک مطالعه توصیفی است. در این مطالعه تعداد 2458 نمونه مواد غذایی شامل نبات، پولکی، چارقنادی، انواع شیرینی های خامه ای و غیر خامه ای، بستنی، جوجه کباب و مایعات زعفرانی بوسیله بازرسین بهداشتی از کارخانه ها، کارگاهها، قنادی ها، رستوران ها و فست فودهای استان چهارمحال و بختیاری طی سالهای 1389 تا 1392 جهت کنترل و نظارت بصورت تصادفی نمونه برداری و به آزمایشگاه کنترل مواد غذایی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد ارسال گردیدند. همه نمونه های ارسالی بر اساس استاندارد ملی شماره 2624 به روش کروماتوگرافی لایه نازک TLC آزمایش شدند. یافته ها: این مطالعه نشان داد که 33.8 (56.2-7.1) نمونه های مورد بررسی با رنگ های مصنوعی رنگ شده بودند. تارترازین 67.8 از رنگ های مصنوعی مصرف شده را تشکیل داد. بیشترین فراوانی مصرف رنگ های مصنوعی در نمونه های چارقنادی با 56.2 و کمترین فراوانی در بستنی با 7.1 مشاهده شد. نتیجه گیری: این مطالعه نشان داد که مصرف غیر قانونی رنگ های مصنوعی در مواد غذایی شایع شده است و تداوم این وضع سلامت جامعه را تهدید می نماید و لذا آموزش و نظارت جهت حفظ سلامت جامعه امری مهم و ضروری است

    Modified Step Size for Enhanced Stochastic Gradient Descent: Convergence and Experiments

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    This paper introduces a novel approach to enhance the performance of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm by incorporating a modified decay step size based on 1t\frac{1}{\sqrt{t}}. The proposed step size integrates a logarithmic term, leading to the selection of smaller values in the final iterations. Our analysis establishes a convergence rate of O(lnTT)O(\frac{\ln T}{\sqrt{T}}) for smooth non-convex functions without the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz condition. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted numerical experiments on image classification tasks using the FashionMNIST, and CIFAR10 datasets, and the results demonstrate significant improvements in accuracy, with enhancements of 0.5%0.5\% and 1.4%1.4\% observed, respectively, compared to the traditional 1t\frac{1}{\sqrt{t}} step size. The source code can be found at \\\url{https://github.com/Shamaeem/LNSQRTStepSize}

    Investigation of the effect of ph value on the removal of cobalt from aqueous solutions by low cost activated carbon material

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    It is well recognized that the Cobalt is among the prominent contaminants in aqueous solutions. This hazardous metal can result in a high risk contamination and causes illness. It should be mentioned that the Cobalt metal also appears in wastewaters of a lot of manufacture and it can produce variety of undesirable effects. For removal of this contaminant from water many methods are used in this way. In this paper the bark of oak is intended as an alternative, low-cost, filter material for contaminated waters. In this research we investigate the removal of Cobalt metal on activated carbon. This was prepared from Iranian oak bark, from solutions. Adsorption of Cobalt was studied in batch tests. In this research, the effect of pH as the operation condition was investigated. The obtained results are discussed in the following sections

    Influence of the addition of nano-Silica particles as reinforcement on the tensile yield properties of Polyamide 6 polymeric matrix used in medical applications

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    It is well known that the polymer matrix nanocomposites are one of the most important polymeric materials that are used in medical applications due to the exhibition of very good mechanical and thermal properties. In this study the authors have used Polyamide 6 (Nylon) polymer for preparing polymeric nanocomposite samples. Silica nano-particles have been used as reinforcement for reinforcing the polyamide 6 polymer matrix. After the sample preparation, influence of nano-particles on the tensile ultimate strength and tensile Young modulus of the Polyamide 6 has been investigated experimentally. It is found that using nano-silica can significantly improve the tensile properties of Polyamide 6 polymer. Test results shows that addition of nano-scale silica particles can modify the tensile characterstics of the polymer i.e. improve the tensile elastic Young's modulus of the polymer. Similar trend is observed for the tensile ultimate strength of polyamide 6 nanocomposites, where the presence of nano-silica modify the ultimate strength of the material

    Incidence and mortality of breast cancer and their relationship to development in Asia

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    Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the incidence and mortality of breast cancer, and its relationship with human development index (HDI) and its components in Asia in 2012. Materials and Methods: This study was an ecologic study in Asia for assessment of the correlation between age-specific incidence rate (ASIR) and age-specific mortality rate (ASMR) with HDI and its details that include: life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling and gross national income (GNI) per capita. Data about SIR and SMR for every Asian country for the year 2012 were obtained from the global cancer project. We used a bivariate method for assessment of the correlation between SIR and SMR and HDI and its individual components. Statistical significance was assumed if P < 0.05. All reported P-values are two-sided. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (Version 15.0, SPSS Inc.). Results: In 2012, 639,824 cases of breast cancer were recorded in Asian countries. Countries with the highest standardized incidence rate (ASIR) (per 100,000) were Israel (80.5), Lebanon (78.7), Armenia (74.1) and the highest standard mortality rate (ASMR) was observed in Pakistan (25.2), Armenia (24.2), and Lebanon (24). There was a positive correlation between the ASIR of breast cancer and HDI (r = 0.556, p < 0.001), whereas there was a negative correlation between the ASMR of breast cancer and HDI (r = -0.051). Conclusions: Breast cancer incidence in countries with higher development is greater, while mortality is greatest in countries with less development. There was a positive and significant relationship between the ASIR of breast cancer and HDI and its components. Also there was a negative but non significant relationship between the ASMR of breast cancer and HDI