8 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Future success and excellence depend on the ability of today’s youth in building their personality, nowledge acquisition, skill building and excellent leadership. The government’s effort to empower the youths require commitment and support from the local authorities to ensure that they can contribute to the society. This research was local conducted in 4 rural communities in Terengganu to examine the extents of the authorities’ direct and indirect support to the youths. The study has adopted qualitative observation with the phenomenology approach which is deemed suitable to the issue under study. Interviews, observation and document analysis were conducted to obtain the relevant information. 60 respondents were directly involved in this research, they are the chairperson for the Village Development and Safety Committee (MPKK), MPKK committee members, chairperson of the local youth association,local youth, officers from government agencies and local residents. The data for research were analysed using the ATLAS.ti software. The study findings show that strong community leadership can provide support in every angle to ensure the success of the local youths. Furthermore, they are able to help the youth face challenges and focus on achieving success.Key words: qualitative study, rural community, leadership, empowering youth


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    The Orang Asli is one of the natives in Peninsular Malaysia lagging behind in rapid development, and has a high poverty rate. Although since the independence, Malaysian government has been implementing various development programs to solve the poverty problem, but the effect is not comprehensive. There are still tribes of Orang Asli less to participate in implementation of development programs. Instead, they are more focused on performing traditional economic activities especially hunting and gathering activities. Orang Asli from Semaq Beri tribes in the state ofTerengganu are among the communities that are in the situation. Based on this problem a study was made with the objective; (i) evaluate the implementation of development programs such as agriculture and fisheries projects that have been implemented for the locals, (ii) understand the problems faced by residents in their programs. To meet this objective, data were collected through observation techniques and interview process. Observation technique used to find out people's reactions to the implementation of development programs, and interview techniques used to obtain information in the form of views and comments on the residents of the development. Studies of the documents were also made to get a clearer picture of the problem. The results showed that the implementation of development programs such as palm oil and fish farming cages less involving locals since the beginning of its implementation. Residents do not have sufficient information and skills to participate in this project. In addition, people also have trouble participating in the project on a number of factors such as lack of exposure, skills training, lack of guidance, leadership problems, culture and current financial problem


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    Challenges in rural communities call for awareness of community leaders in overcoming these challenges. One of these challenges is the government’s endeavour to ensure that the rural community development is parallel to the country’s development; hence, a credible, effective community leader is needed to achieve the country’s development aspiration. This study was conducted in four rural communitiesin the state of Terengganu, Malaysia to identify the role played by local community leaders. These communities were selected based on their excellent achievement in community development programmes and contests. The objectives of this research are, (1) identifying the role of leaders in bringing success for every development programme and (2) ascertaining the leadership style that can bring positively impact a community. The data for this study were obtained from observations and interviews with 40 respondents who comprised of chairpersons and members of the Villages Development and Safety Committee (J3K), as well as local residents. The findings showed that effective community leadership plays a significant role as an agent of change and has the ability to positively impact the development of rural community. Besides that, community leaders’ practise of effective leadership style is perceived to bring changes among the community in the social, economic and cultural aspects, as well as changes in the way of thinking among rural communities. In this regard, leadership in these four communities is viewed to manifests the change into better leadership that can inspire other community leaders

    Pemuliharaan hutan dalam kalangan masyarakat Semaq Beri di Negeri Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Suku kaum Semaq Beri di negeri Terengganu adalah antara komuniti Orang Asli di Semenanjung Malaysia yang banyak bergantung kepada hutan untuk memenuhi keperluan makanan dan pendapatan. Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menyelami pemikiran suku kaum Semaq Beri tentang hutan berasaskan persoalan berikut: (i) Apakah konsep hutan dari perspektif mereka? (ii) Bagaimanakah sikap mereka untuk memastikan kelestarian hutan? Data kajian dikumpul menggunakan kaedah pemerhatian, pemerhatian ikut serta dan temu bual mendalam dengan 20 responden utama yang mewakili suku Semaq Beri di Kg. Sg. Pergam, Kemaman and Kg. Sg. Berua, Hulu Terengganu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan suku kaum Semaq Beri mempunyai pemikiran yang tersendiri berkenaan persekitaran hutan dalam kehidupan mereka. Antara lain, kepelbagaian biologi hutan dipercayai anugerah kuasa ghaib untuk kesenangan dan keharmonian hidup manusia, iaitu membekalkan keperluan seperti makanan, pendapatan, ubat-ubatan dan sumber lain. Justeru itu hutan rimba sering diibaratkan sebagai ‘bank’, iaitu sebagai institusi tempat individu menyimpan sumber kekayaan yang boleh dikeluarkan apabila perlu. Berasaskan persepsi sedemikian juga pendekatan suku kaum Semaq Beri dalam meneroka, memelihara dan menjaga kelestarian hutan terbentuk supaya manfaatnya dapat dinikmati oleh generasi masa kini dan akan datang


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    Kuala Koh National Park located in Kelantan is one of ecotourism destination is really beautiful with flora and fauna. This National Park is open to public since 1995. Ecotourism is a source to maintain the habitant and all live species directly including to maintain the culture of the aborigine as to increase their socioeconomic. This sector really has a good potential to develop an income for Batek Tribe which just hunting and gathering for their living. Some of Batek Tribe which live nearby Kuala Koh National Park actively participate in some area of ecotourism directly. Therefore this paper will discuss about this three objectives: (i) to explain the economic activities among Batek Tribe at Kuala Koh National Park. (ii) To determine the strength of Batek Tribe in increasing their socioeconomic through ecotourism. (iii) To explain the aspiration of Batek Tribe towards ecotourism activity. This research is conducted via qualitative method. Data is gathered by participation observation, interview and document analysis. The data is coordinated and analyze using QSR Nvivo application. Finding shows that Batek Tribe in Kuala Koh still hunting and gathering as their main economic source. Many strength and skill have been recognized on Batek Tribe to increase their economy through their involvement in ecotourism in their area. Moreover, Batek Tribe have high aspiration to gain more work and income in ecotourism activity in Kuala Koh National Park

    Perkembangan aspek keusahawanan, ekonomi dan sosial Orang Asli di Malaysia: Satu analisis literatur

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    Konsep orang asli kerap kali ditakrifkan sebagai kumpulan komuniti yang sangat rentan terhadap eksploitasi, peminggiran dan penguasaan oleh negara atau negara yang masih dalam proses penjajahan ataupun oleh etnik yang dominan secara politik. Terdapat lebih daripada 370 juta orang asli di 70 negara di seluruh dunia. Mereka mengamalkan adat istiadat eksklusif, mengekalkan ciri-ciri sosial, budaya, ekonomi dan politik yang berbeza daripada masyarakat dominan di mana mereka tinggal. Orang asli di Malaysia terdiri daripada tiga suku kaum utama, iaitu Negrito, Senoi dan Proto-Malay. Dalam kumpulan tiga suku kaum ini, terdapat 18 kumpulan sub-etnik seperti yang secara amnya dikelaskan oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA). Hasil penyelidikan terhadap keusahawanan dalam kalangan orang asli menunjukkan perkembangan yang berterusan dari semasa ke semasa. Namun dalam aspek ekonom,i masyarakat orang asli masih mencatatkan kadar kemiskinan dan miskin tegar tertinggi di Malaysia. Kemiskinan dan kemiskinan tegar dalam kalangan orang asli masingmasing adalah 81.45% dan 48.85% pada tahun 2000. Akibat daripada kemiskinan ini, wujudnya beberapa masalah lain seperti penyakit berjangkit, kadar kematian bayi yang tinggi dan sebagainya. Pelbagai inisiatif yang dijalankan bagi merapatkan jurang kemiskinan orang asli dengan masyarakat dominan yang lain

    The upper respiratory tract microbiome of indigenous Orang Asli in north-eastern Peninsular Malaysia

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    Much microbiome research has focused on populations that are predominantly of European descent, and from narrow demographics that do not capture the socio-economic and lifestyle differences which impact human health. Here we examined the airway microbiomes of the Orang Asli, the indigenous peoples of Malaysia. A total of 130 participants were recruited from two sites in the north-eastern state of Terengganu in Peninsular Malaysia. Using 16S rRNA sequencing, the nasal microbiome was significantly more diverse in those aged 5–17 years compared to 50+ years (p = 0.023) and clustered by age (PERMANOVA analysis of the Bray–Curtis distance, p = 0.001). Hierarchical clustering of Bray–Curtis dissimilarity scores revealed six microbiome clusters. The largest cluster (n = 28; 35.4%) had a marked abundance of Corynebacterium. In the oral microbiomes Streptococcus, Neisseria and Haemophilus were dominant. Using conventional microbiology, high levels of Staphylococcus aureus carriage were observed, particularly in the 18–65 age group (n = 17/36; 47.2% 95% CI: 30.9–63.5). The highest carriage of pneumococci was in the <5 and 5 to 17 year olds, with 57.1% (4/7) and 49.2% (30/61), respectively. Sixteen pneumococcal serotypes were identified, the most common being the nonvaccine-type 23A (14.6%) and the vaccine-type 6B (9.8%). The prevalence of pneumococcal serotypes covered by pneumococcal conjugate vaccines support introduction into a Malaysian national immunisation schedule. In addition, the dominance of Corynebacterium in the airway microbiomes is intriguing given their role as a potentially protective commensal with respect to acute infection and respiratory health