224 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Teknologi Proses Pembuatan Komponen Track Link Tank Scorpion Untuk Menanggulangi Cacat Cor

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    Telah dilakukan pengembangan teknologi proses pembuatan komponen track link tank (rantai tank) scorpion untuk menanggulangi cacat cor. Track link tank adalah bagian komponen tank yang berfungsi untuk menapak dan menggerakan kendaraan tempur tank. Sebagai komponen penggerak utama maka harus memiliki sifat keamanan (safety) yang baik, serta sifat mekanis yang baik pula (tahan aus tetapi ulet). Umur pakai komponen ini hanya sekitar satu tahun sehingga digolongkan komponen yang sangat consumable. Hal ini dapat menjadi peluang bagi industri pengecoran nasional untuk memfabrikasinya. Tujuan penelitian adalah membuat komponen track link tank yang bebas cacat cor karena penyusutan, memiliki bentuk dengan dimensi dan komposisi jenis material yang sesuai serta perlakuan panas yang tepat. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan diawali dengan pengujian dan analisis material dari track link tank impor sebagai acuan untuk pengembangan material. Dilanjutkan pembuatan komponen track link tank melalui proses pengecoran dan perlakuan panas. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh material prototipe dengan sifat mekanis yang lebih baik dibandingkan material produk impor. Cacat penyusutan dapat ditanggulangi dengan penggunaan chill atau pasir kromit pada cetakan. Perbaikan pola cetakan dilakukan untuk mengurangi ketebalan sirip sehingga dihasilkan produk cor komponen track link tank yang lebih efisien dalam penggunaan material

    Investigation of Sound Properties of High Density Polyethylene / Styrene Butadiene Rubber Polymer Composites

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    Polymers are used in many areas today and able to produce specially with enhanced features. For this reason, Polymer Industry has developed several polymers composite. Some features of polymer composites are examined in determining areas and to improve these properties such as mechanical, thermal, electricity and morphological. One of the important features of the sound characteristics of a material that can help identifies the areas where the material is used. Provide strength and comforts of used materials are very important in transportation technologies such as rail vehicles, automotive and aircraft. In this study High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) with Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) polymer with elastomeric composites with properties were determined of the sound. Firstly, a sound absorption material composed of blends of HDPE with SBR developed. After then HDPE/SBR composite’s sound absorbing characteristics were investigated in an impedance tube, according to transfer function method. Measurements show that HDPE ratios have a significant effect on the acoustic absorption performance of the blend due to their microstructures and physical features. Furthermore, a polymer blend of High Density Poly Ethylene and Styrene Butadiene Rubber was tested in order to quantify its sound properties such as sound absorption and impedance ratio. There was sound absorption in the frequency range between 100 and 6400 where is high frequency range. All the data was filtered via MATLAB numeric analyses program. In the light of all these data, it was seen that SBR contribution leads to property of acoustics behaviors


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    The result of this research showed that education more positive influent (P˂0.01) to increasing the income offishpond. The respondents who have higher education they also have more higher income. The result of Anova analyzedshowed that the three types of fishing in research area/location, it saw significant different to number of families whoworked (P˂0.01) the more number of families, so the more also families work. The level spending of communities havedifferent one to another. The more income they got, the more also the level of they consume. In social, economic, andfishing communities’ character showed different between fishing communities who lived in the coast amd they lived in thesmall islands. They lived in the coast have a lot of choice for working. When thestorng winds and wave climate came,people lived in the coast can do the job like stonemason, cattle, farming, fishpond, while they lived in small island, theyonly become fishing or something toward from the sea. There are two innovation objects in Pajukukang Village, they are:middle fishing (nelayantangnga) and small fishing (nelayankecil). With basic proble,s (1) innovation of commercial fishinclude the crabs to be weft.feed and the food diversification that has high economis (2) innovation to get over the scarcityof clean water

    Studi Implementasi Alarm Management System pada Kolom Distilasi dengan Menggunakan Distributed Control System

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    AbstrakDi dalam penelitian ini dihasilkan sebuah simulasi terjadinya alarm flooding beserta implementasi Alarm management system di dalam suatu plant petrokimia dengan menggunakan DCS. Plant yang digunakan adalah kolom distilasi.Dinamika kolom distilasi cukup kompleks dan berpotensi menimbulkan banyak alarm. Untuk menunjukkan fenomena tersebut, pada penelitian ini disimulasikan sistem kolom distilasi deetanizer dan depropanizer beserta kondisi yang memicu alarm flooding. Selanjutnya, diimplementasikan alarm management system untuk meredam alarm flooding yang muncul pada kedua kolom tersebut. Peredaman jumlah alarm dilakukan dengan pertama-tama menentukan prioritas alarm. Setelah itu dilakukan penonaktifan alarm-alarm yang dinilai kurang efektif berdasarkan prioritas tersebut. Pada akhirnya alarm yang muncul benar-benar alarm dengan pesan bahaya tanpa tertutup oleh alarm yang sifatnya tidak berpotensi bahaya. Simulasi dengan MATLAB juga dilakukan untuk memvisualisasikan alarm floody dan terminasi dari variabel proses karena fenomena tersebut.Kata Kunci: alarm flooding, Alarm management system, DCS, kolom distilasi, MATLAB.AbstractIn this study, an alarm flooding simulation and the implementation of alarm management system for petrochemical plant was developed on a Distributed Control System. The plant was a pair of distillation columns. The dynamics on these columns were serve and prone to alarm flooding. Accordingly, an alarm management system was developed to reduce the number of alarms.The alarm reduction was implemented by determining alarm priority. Based on these priorities, non essential alarm were eliminated. The reduction was iterated until the most significant alarms were determined. A Matlab simulation was also used to visualize the alarm flooding and the termination of proces based on the phenomena

    Peran Penyuluh Perikanan dalam Pengembangan Sektor Perikanan di Kabupaten Aceh Utara

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    . North Aceh Regency is an area which has great potential in fishery sector. Training for the fishery sector holds an important role in developing fishery sector in an area. The fishery trainers are expected to gain knowledge, skills, as well as better attitudes of the fishermen and fish farmers. The objective of this study is to discover the role as well as the effectiveness of fishery trainers in developing fishery sector in North Aceh Regency. Based on the result of the analysis using FGD method, it can be concluded that fishery trainers have the role in delivering fishery information, distributing fishery production facilities, and processing and marketing the fishery products. This training which was participated by fishermen and fish farmers with great enthusiasm is effective in developing fishery sector in North Aceh Regency. It can be seen from the improvement of the ability of the fishermen and fish farmers who participated in the training and theirability to implement innovations derived from the training activities

    Komparasi Bagian Organ Non Karkas Sapi Bali Jantan dan Betina dari Pemeliharaan Tradisional

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    Di Indonesia tingkat konsumsi dan penggunaan bagian non karkas ternak besar seperti sapi sangat tinggi karena menjadi bahan baku kuliner dan industry. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji seberapa besar porsi bagian organ non karkas sapi bali jantan dan betina. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Potong Hewan Kelurahan Anggoeya Kecamatan Poasia Kota Kendari. Pengamatan dilakukan pada 30 ekor sapi Bali yang terdiri dari 15 ekor jantan dan 15 ekor betina dengan kisaran umur antara 2 sampai 3 tahun dan bobot potong antara 150-300 kg. Data dianalisis uji berpasangan dengan t-student test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase organ non karkas bagian luar sapi Bali jantan (kepala, kulit, kaki belakang dan kaki depan) relatif lebih tinggi dibanding sapi Bali betina (P>0,05). Persentase organ non karkas bagian dalam (paru-paru, limpa, jantung dan usus) antara sapi jantan dan betina tidak berbeda (P>0,05) kecuali pada organ hati dan lambung terdapat perbedaan nyata (

    Optimasi Lokasi dan Stasiun Pemadan Kebakaran di Kota Bangkinang

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    Kampar district is an area with growth rate, high migration and urbanization. The development of an increasing number of people have an impact on the movement system in Kampar district, particularly Bangkinang city. Crowd and narrow access roads and the installation of the portal, the number of vehicle and traffic congestion is a barrier in the acceleration speed fire fighting units to arrive at the disaster site. A complicating factor is the outage channel away hydran /water ways/ river around the fire scene. This study aim to creating an optimal plan to determine the location where the fire station was placed. Given the potential for fire is becoming increasingly significant, these hazards must be anticipated and faced with a variety preventionefforts are comprehensive, systematic, effective and sustainable. This research used quantitative methods that located in Bangkinang city start from Juni 2014. The study is done by considering the speed of the vehicle (35 km/hours, 40 km/hours, 50 km/hours), mileage and travel time (5 minute, 10 minuteand 15 minute. By doing 3 (three) simulations carried out the importance of the result of each simulations calculations on the importance of the total area of service for each simulations is 231,818 km2, 357,755 km2, and 440,075 km2. Variable in this study is the optimization of the location and the fire station in Bangkinang, and applying SIG to develop models of the relationship between the criteria determine the location of emergency fire fighting facilities. Data analysis techniques aresimulation models in the form of the application of remote sensing technology, spatial analysis and descriptive direction of determining the location of new fire station. The results of this research shows that optimization modelling that the location of the fire department made to get the location of fire station locations right to produce efficiency and effectiveness in handling fires. Done by designing a few posts on some areas the fire department are Bangkinang. Accordingliy, this modeling is expected to minimize the impact of losses incurred or the lost of life, property, damage of public infrastructure and other physicalbuilding

    Pemodelan Kolom Distilasi Pabrik Petrokimia dengan Menggunakan Distributed Control System

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    Kolom distilasi merupakan unit proses industri yang sangat penting. Di dalamnya berlangsung pemisahan fisis dua jenis larutan yang berbeda volatilitasnya pada temperatur relatif tinggi dan tekanan rendah. Pada penelitian ini dibangun model matematis dan simulasi rangkaian dua kolom distilasi, yaitu deethanizer dan depropanizer pada pabrik olefin. Parameter proses ini didapatkan dari desain pabrik. Simulasi ini dibangun untuk menampilkan dinamika proses serta penjalaran fluktuasi antar nampan dari satu kolom ke kolom lainnya sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menentukan strategi alarm management.Kata Kunci:kolom distilasi, pemodelan
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