11 research outputs found


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    Dalam rangka menghadapi persaingan global yaitu MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean) maka PD. BPR Cirebon Selatan Selaku perusahaan daerah milik pemerinta daerah dan provinsi ingin melakukan perbaikan di sektor tatakelola dan meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kepada masyarakat agar dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik dan dapat bersaing di dalam menghadapi MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean). Pengukuran keamanan informasi ini dilakukan untuk membantu pihak perusahaan (PD. BPR Cirebon Selatan) untuk mengukur keamanan informasi dan layanan yang sudah ada , sehingga dapat diketahui seberapa jauh tingkat keamanan informasi dan layanan yang telah di lakukan oleh PD. BPR Cirebon Selatan , dalam menyelesaikan tugas akhir ini dilakukan beberapa tahap yaitu melakukan observasi ke empat studi kasus, melakukan studi pustaka ,menganalisa dan menyesuaikan masalah yang ada dengan standart COBIT 5, melakukan pengukuran keamanan informasi dan yang terakhir merekomendasikan saran perbaikan yang telah di anjurkan oleh standart COBIT 5. Hasil tugas akhi ini merupakan sebuah dokumen hasil pengukuran keamanan informasi dan rekomendasi perbaikan yang digunakan untuk referensi bagi pihak perusahaan (PD. BPR Cirebon Selatan) untuk memperbaiki tatakelola yang ada. Kata kunci : PD. BPR Cirebon Selatan, COBIT 5, Pengukuran keamanan informasi, PAM, Pengukuran menggunakan metode PAM


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    Republic of Indonesia Law No. 14 of 2005 describes teachers as professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, evaluating, and evaluating students in the formal education listed. The teacher has an important role in planning and implementing the learning process, so as to obtain opportunities to improve competence. One of the activities that must be carried out by teachers in developing their competence as teachers is scientific publications, which are listed in Article 11 of the Minister of PAN & RB Regulation No.16 of 2009 concerning teacher functional positions. In designing scientific publications there are stages and methods that are different from other papers. The research work comes from the research activities carried out so that it can be a reference in the follow-up of educational activities. The existence of information technology devices makes it easy for teachers to carry out research activities to publish them. The more research carried out at this time is not necessarily comparable with the quality of research. The demand to fulfill good and correct reference criteria is a challenge for teachers in the stages of reviewing and following up on publications. This service activity provides other insights into better article writing and reference techniques using computer-assisted devices. Problems with the obstacles faced so far by the teacher in writing are expected to be solved so that joint efforts in creating an environment of professionalism in education can be realized

    A Technical Note of an Alternative Way for Lumbar Pedicle Screw Insertion

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    Abstract Posterior stabilization using pedicle screw is a basic procedure in lumbar spine surgery. The success of this procedure requires learning curve, experience as well as knowledge on anatomical landmarks. Breach into vital structures of or around the spine due to mistakes in screw insertion may result in detrimental results. This technical note proposes a technique to insert lumbar pedicle screws in a relatively easier manner and more consistent for each lumbar vertebral level

    Indonesia Indonesia: Indonesia

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    Indonesia merupakan negara dengan tingkat bencana tanah longsor yang tinggi, salah satunya yaitu Daerah Imogiri Bantul terutama Desa Wukirsari. Daerah Wukirsari merupakan daerah yang memiliki morfologi berupa perbukitan yang curah dan dilalui oleh jalur Sesar Opak sehingga mengakibatkan daerah tersebut rawan bencana tanah longsor yang dapat menimbukan kerugian fisik maupun korban jiwa. Kondisi tersebut menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini dengan melakukan pengamatan kondisi geologi, tataguna lahan, curah hujan, dan kelerengan pada daerah tersebut untuk dilakukan analisis inovasi berbasis sistem informasi geografis yang menghasilkan peta tingkat kerentanan bencana tanah longsor pada daerah penelitian. Daerah penelitian memiliki morfologi perbukitan yang curam hingga terjal dengan batuan penyusun berupa batuan piroklastik yang tergabung dalam Formasi Semilir dan breksi vulkanik yang tergabung dalam Formasi Nglanggeran serta disusun oleh tanah latosol bertekstur lempung hingga pasir. Daerah penelitian juga dijumpai struktur geologi yang berkembang berupa patahan dan juga kondisi curah hujan lebih dari 2000mm/th dengan tataguna lahan didominasi oleh hutan dan perkebunan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan peta zona kerentanan tanah longsor rendah, sedang, dan tinggi yang didominasi oleh kerentanan yang sedang. Hasil penelitian dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai infomasi utama dalam upaya mitigasi bencana tanah longsor pada daerah Wukirsari, Imogiri, Bantul.Indonesia is a country with a high level of landslides, one of which is the Imogiri area of ??Bantul, especially Wukirsari Village. The Wukirsari area is an area that has a morphology in the form of rolling hills and is traversed by the Opak Fault, causing the area to be prone to landslides that can cause physical losses and casualties. This condition is the background for conducting this research by observing the geological conditions, land use, rainfall, and slope in the area to carry out an innovation analysis based on a geographic information system that produces a map of the level of vulnerability to landslides in the research area. The research area has a hilly morphology that is steep to steep with constituent rocks in the form of pyroclastic rocks incorporated in the Semilir Formation and volcanic breccias incorporated in the Nglanggeran Formation and composed of latosol soil textured from clay to sand. The research area also found geological structures that developed in the form of faults and also rainfall conditions of more than 2000mm/year with land use dominated by forests and plantations. This research produces a map of low, medium, and high landslide susceptibility zones which are dominated by moderate vulnerability. The results of the study can be used as the main information in efforts to mitigate landslides in the Wukirsari, Imogiri, Bantul areas

    Case Study Of Standard Nutrition Care Process Of Hypertensive Heart Disease Patients in Pavilion Seroja at Undata Regional Hospital Palu Central Sulawesi Province: Studi Kasus Proses Asuhan Gizi Terstandar pada Pasien Hypertensive Heart Disease di Paviliun Seroja RSUD Undata Palu Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Hypertension is a disease that requires a standardized nutritional care process (NCP). This is because hypertension can become an advanced and chronic disease that has a serious impact on the health of the body, causing complications. This study aims to perform NCP on hypertensive patients in the Seroja Pavilion class II UPT. Undata Hospital Palu. This study is a review of research with a case study approach (Case Study), with samples 1, and was diagnosed with Hypertensive Heart Disease (HHD). The data collected were anthropometry (weight and height), food intake, food habits, client history, socio-culture, biochemical examination results, and physical/clinical examination. The data collection technique is obtained from primary data which is collected directly from the patient and the patient's family, and secondary data is obtained through the patient's medical record. The results showed an increase in the patient's food intake, namely 88.0% energy, 113.4% protein, 48.3% fat, and 95.5% carbohydrates, no change in body weight, and an increase in nutritional knowledge. Diagnoses at the start of the study included NI-2.1, NI-5.4, NC-2.2, NB-1.1 until at the end of the study being N-2.1 and NI-5.4. The interventions given included Low Salt Diet III, soft food form, 3 times main meal frequency, 2x interlude, with oral route. In conclusion, there were changes in intake, physical/clinical as well as knowledge/attitudes of patients on hypertension that had been given NCP

    Thoracic myeloradiculopathy due to multilevel ossification of ligamentum flavum

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    Abstract Ossification of ligamentum flavum (OLF) is calcification of the ligamentum flavum, which might narrow the spinal canal and causes myeloradiculopathy. This condition mainly affects the lower thoracal segment. Published reports on OLF are mostly from East Asia. There was only one Indonesian OLF case that had been published. The majority of OLF involves a single level only. This is the first Indonesian case-report on multilevel OLF. Through this case report, we aim to describe the natural history of the patient and our treatment strategy in managing the multilevel OLF case. Delayed time to surgery is the key contributory factor in unfavorable surgical outcome in thoracic OLF. Choosing an appropriate surgical procedure is important. The neurological symptoms of the patient may not improve or worsen when an inadequate surgical procedure is used

    La série de Zenaga (Anti-Atlas, Maroc) : pétrologie et structure des formations métamorphiques paléoprotérozoïques

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    Petrology and the structure of Paleoproterozoic metamorphic series In the Zenaga inlier (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). The Paleoproterozoic metamorphic series of the Zenaga inlier constitutes the enclosing of Ebournian granites. It's a monotonous series oriented E-W to NE-SW, mainly composed of amphibolites, schist, and garnet-sillimanit micaschist. The geochemical and petrography study shows that the amphibolites evolved from old volcanic layers, basaltic in nature, and the schist and micaschist came probably from a turbiditic set, formed by a succession of metashales and metagrauwackes with a predominance of the latter. The structural analysis proves at least three phases of deformation : D1 phase is related to the Ebournian orogeny, while D2 phase, which presents a heterogenous non coaxial strain pattern, and D3 phase which shows a crenulation cleavage, are linked to the Pan african orogeny. The first metamorphic pangenesis associated to SI schistosity is a mesosonal pangenesis of an amphibolite iacies. The main paragene-sis in association with S2 reveals an episonal retrograde metamor-phism in the green schist fades. Pressure and temperature are esti-med at P = 2 to 2,5 Kb and T = 450° C.La série métamorphique d'âge Paléoprotérozoïque de la boutonnière de Zenaga forme l'encaissant de granites éburnéens. Il s'agit d'une série monotone, à structuration générale E-W à NE-SW, formée essentiellement d'amphibolites, de schistes peu métamorphiques et de micaschites à grenat et sillimanite. L'étude pétrographique et géochimique montre que les amphibolites proviennent d'anciens niveaux volcaniques à composition basaltique et que les schistes et les micaschistes dérivent probablement d'une série turbiditique formée par l'alternance de métashaJes et de m étagrauwackes avec prédominance de ces derniers. L'analyse structurale a mis en évidence au moins trois phases de déformation : la phase D1 est rattachée à l'orogenèse éburnéenne, alors que la phase D2 qui est hétérogène non coaxiale en régime cisaillant sénestre et la phase D3 de crénulation, correspondent à l'orogenèse pan-africaine. La première paragenèse métamorphique associée à la schistosité SI est une paragenèse mésozonale du faciès amphibolite. La paragenèse principale associée à S2 traduit une rétromorphose épizonale dans le faciès schiste vert, avec des conditions de pression et de température estimées à P = 2 à 2,5 Kb et T = 450° C.Saïdi Amal, Hafid Abdellatif, Sagon Jean-Paul, Julivert Manuel, Arboleya Maria Luisa, Saquaque A., Rizki Abdeljabar. La série de Zenaga (Anti-Atlas, Maroc) : pétrologie et structure des formations métamorphiques paléoprotérozoïques. In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 28, numéro 3-4, 2001. pp. 203-221

    A technical note of an alternative way for lumbar pedicle screw insertion

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    Posterior stabilization using pedicle screw is a basic procedure in lumbar spine surgery. The success of this procedure requires learning curve, experience as well as knowledge on anatomical landmarks. Breach into vital structures of or around the spine due to mistakes in screw insertion may result in detrimental results. This technical note proposes a technique to insert lumbar pedicle screws in a relatively easier manner and more consistent for each lumbar vertebral level

    Peran Mahasiswa KKN Dalam Melaksanakan Kegiatan Khusus, Umum Dan Tambahan Di Desa Tahai Baru

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    KKN merupakan kegiatan yang wajib diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa, KKN lokal IAIN Palangka Raya di desa Tahai Baru kecamatan Maliku kabupaten Pulang Pisau merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. KKN ini dilaksanakan sejak tanggal 15 Juli sampai tanggal 28 Agustus 2023. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kepedulian mahasiswa serta dapat berpartisipasi terhadap permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi oleh masyarakat di desa Tahai Baru. Metode pelaksanaan diawali dengan melakukan survey dan dilanjutkan dengan mengadakan rapat untuk membahas permasalahan yang ada di desa Tahai Baru serta cara mengatasinya. Mahasiswa KKN dalam melaksanakan kegiatan khusus, umum dan tambahan mendapatkan dukungan dari pemerintah desa dan masyarakat yang ada di desa Tahai Baru. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari banyaknya mahasiswa KKN yang berperan aktif dalam dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah terutama di TK dan SD. Selain itu mahasiswa juga aktif dalam kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan desa seperti membantu di kantor desa, posyandu, acara 17 Agustus dan lain-lain. Kemudian mahasiswa KKN juga mengadakan kegiatan sosialisasi tentang pengenalan perbankan syariah kepada masyarakat desa