42 research outputs found


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    Opportunity to work overseas is considered as one of alterntives in solving employment problems in Indonesia. On the other hand, the opportunity is often viewed as a lucrative business. Formal sector women workers are a real representation of the women phenomena, which are used us references in discussion women\'s autonomy problems and decision making. they are also a real manifestatioan of women\'s hidden and public resistance against pressures on them. This writing is based on the results of a number of researches on women\'s real experiences and involvement in micro-scale decision making and on the factors that influence their struggle. Both act no 13 on the year of 2003 have already regulated the protection of female. Act no 13 on the year 2003 emphasizes sanction if there is infrigements

    Pengaruh Perubahan Musim Terhadap Pendapatan Nelayan

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    The method used in this study was a quantitative method, with a total sample of 64 people. Besides the data collection techniques used questionnaires and documentation. The analysis results of the coefficient of determinatiom depicted that the adjusted coefficient of determination or the R-Square value was 0.174 or 17.4%. this value indicated that 17.4% of the variability of fishermen’s income could be explained by the seasonal change variable, while the remaining 82.6% was explained by other variables that were not examined in this study. The finding in the previous subsection found that the seasonal changes had a significant positive effect on the fishermen’s income in Leato Selatan Village, Gorontalo City. This result was proven by the t-count value of 6.181, whieh was higher than t-table value of 1.999897 and the significance value was 0.000 or less than 0.05. these signified that seasonal change affected the fishermen’s income in Leato Selatan Villange, Gorontalo City


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    The community is still having difficulty in capital to develop small merchant businesses so that they are still lacking in small traders business so that to develop a small trader business in Binontoan Village, North Tolitoli District, it requires additional capital to develop its business through PT PNM Mekar. in obtaining additional capital to increase its business. Study using the exptr facto method. This study aims to know the effect of credit of PT PNM Mekar on small traders business development in Binontoan Village. PT PNM Mekar has a positive and significant effect on small traders businesses in Binontoan Village, Tolitoli sub-district. PT PNM Mekar is able to contribute to or affect 41.2% of the small traders bussines development in Binontoan Village, Tolitoli Utara sub-district is not only affected by credit of PT PNM Mekar. The remaining 0.588 or 58.8% is affected by other factors which are not examined in this study, such as buyer factor, businnes site and environmental factor, and competitor factor. The correlation between credit of PT PNM Mekar and the small traders business develoment in Binontoan Villlage,Tolitoli Utara sub-distict can be observed from the result of the correlation coefficient of 0.642. this means that 64.2% of the small traders business develoment in Binontoan Village, Tolitoli Utara sub-distrct, is determined by credit of PT PNM Mekar. Thids value shows that there is a strong correlation between credit of PT PNM Mekar and the small traders business development

    Pengaruh Diskon Dan Kepercayaan Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembeli di Aplikasi Shopee.

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    This study uses a quantitative approach, with 35 respondents (students) in the Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The main research instrument is a questionnaire. The data collected are analyzed and tested with multiple linear regression. The results show that there is an effect of discounts and consumer trust on purchasing decisions of Shopee application users in the class of 2018 of Bachelor’s Degree Program in Economic Education, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The effect of discounts and consumer trust on purchasing decisions of Shopee application users are 31,1% while the remaining 68,9% is influenced by variables that are not examined

    Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Alumni Tahun 2019 Dan 2020 SMA Negeri Posigadan Kecamatan Tomini Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan

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    Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah status sosial ekonomi orang tua berpengaruh terhadap minat berwirausaha alumni tahun 2019 dan 2020 SMA Negeri Posigadan Kecamatan Tomini Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan kuisioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah alumni tahun 2019 dan 2020 SMA Negeri Posigadan yang berjumlah 107 alumni. Sendangkan Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 52 alumni. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linear sederhana. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa status sosial ekonomi orang tua berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat berwirausaha alumni tahun 2019 dan 2020 SMA Negeri Posigadan Kecamatan Tomini Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow selatan. Dari hasil penelitian koefisien determinasi menunjukan R Square sebesar 0,616 yang berarti bahwa sebesar 61,6% variabilitas mengenai minat berwirausaha alumni tahun 2019 dan 2020 SMA Negeri Posigadan Kecamatan Tomini Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow selatan dipengaruhi oleh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua sendangkan sisanya sebesar 38,4 % dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Siswa Pada Jurusan Marketing Di Smk Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Siswa Pada Jurusan Marketing Di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner pada siswa jurusan marketing di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo penelitian ini sebesar 36 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linear sederhana. Berdasarkan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Terhadap Minat Berwirausaha Siswa Pada Jurusan Marketing Di SMK Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo. Besaran Pengaruh Pendidikan Kewirausahaan sebesar 66% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 34% di pengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti daam penelitian ini

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Formal Dan Diklat Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Gorontalo

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Pendidikan Formal Dan Diklat Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode penelitian Survei. Jumlah Penarikan Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebesar 32 responden dari 125 populasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner pada Pegawai Di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Gorontalo. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat Pengaruh Positif pada Pendidikan Formal (XI) Dan Diklat (X2) terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Gorontalo. Besaran Pengaruh Pendidikan Formal dan Diklat terhadap Kinerja Pegawai sebesar 59,3% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 40,7% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Dengan demikian maka hipotesis penelitian teruji kebenarannya dan dapat diterima

    Pengaruh Penetapan Harga Promo Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di Outlet Indomaret.

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of determining promo prices on purchasing decisions at Indomaret outlets in Liluwo Village, Kota Tengah Sub District, Gorontalo City. This Study uses a quantitative approach along with the use of survey research methods. The data used are primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to Outlet Indomaret consumers, Liluwo Village, Gorontalo City and the number of simples are 55 Respondents. The data are then analyzed using simple linear regression with the use of the SPSS program. The results show that there is a significant effect of determining promo prices on purchasing decisions at Indomaret Outlets in Liluwo Village, Kota Tengah sub District, Gorontalo City. The Magnitude of the influence of price promotion on purchasing Decisions is 43.3% while the remaining 52.7% is influenced by variables that are not examined in this study

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Nelayan Tangkap

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    This is a descriptive quantitative study with a population of 50 fishermen. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire, and the data analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis. The finding shows that the factor of capital and work experience have a positive effect on the income of fishermen in Bolaang Uki Sub-district, Bolaang Mongondow Selatan Regency. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 36% of the capital and work experience variables on the income of capture fishermen in Bolaang Uki Sub-district, Bolaang Mongondow Selatan Regency, while the remaining is affected by variables which are not described in this study