170 research outputs found

    Nonlinear coupling of continuous variables at the single quantum level

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    We experimentally investigate nonlinear couplings between vibrational modes of strings of cold ions stored in linear ion traps. The nonlinearity is caused by the ions' Coulomb interaction and gives rise to a Kerr-type interaction Hamiltonian H = n_r*n_s, where n_r,n_s are phonon number operators of two interacting vibrational modes. We precisely measure the resulting oscillation frequency shift and observe a collapse and revival of the contrast in a Ramsey experiment. Implications for ion trap experiments aiming at high-fidelity quantum gate operations are discussed

    Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Controllable Many-Body Quantum Systems

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    We establish a novel approach to probing spatially resolved multi-time correlation functions of interacting many-body systems, with scalable experimental overhead. Specifically, designing nonlinear measurement protocols for multidimensional spectra in a chain of trapped ions with single-site addressability enables us, e.g., to distinguish coherent from incoherent transport processes, to quantify potential anharmonicities, and to identify decoherence-free subspaces.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Depth-dependent critical behavior in V2H

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    Using X-ray diffuse scattering, we investigate the critical behavior of an order-disorder phase transition in a defective "skin-layer" of V2H. In the skin-layer, there exist walls of dislocation lines oriented normal to the surface. The density of dislocation lines within a wall decreases continuously with depth. We find that, because of this inhomogeneous distribution of defects, the transition effectively occurs at a depth-dependent local critical temperature. A depth-dependent scaling law is proposed to describe the corresponding critical ordering behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Highly non-Gaussian states created via cross-Kerr nonlinearity

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    We propose a feasible scheme for generation of strongly non-Gaussian states using the cross-Kerr nonlinearity. The resultant states are highly non-classical states of electromagnetic field and exhibit negativity of their Wigner function, sub-Poissonian photon statistics, and amplitude squeezing. Furthermore, the Wigner function has a distinctly pronounced ``banana'' or ``crescent'' shape specific for the Kerr-type interactions, which so far was not demonstrated experimentally. We show that creating and detecting such states should be possible with the present technology using electromagnetically induced transparency in a four-level atomic system in N-configuration.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Transport of charged particles by adjusting rf voltage amplitudes

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    We propose a planar architecture for scalable quantum information processing (QIP) that includes X-junctions through which particles can move without micromotion. This is achieved by adjusting radio frequency (rf) amplitudes to move an rf null along the legs of the junction. We provide a proof-of-principle by transporting dust particles in three dimensions via adjustable rf potentials in a 3D trap. For the proposed planar architecture, we use regularization techniques to obtain amplitude settings that guarantee smooth transport through the X-junction.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure