16 research outputs found

    Direct spectroscopy of the 2^2S1/2−2_{1/2}-^2P1/2_{1/2} and 2^2D3/2−2_{3/2}-^2P1/2_{1/2} transitions and observation of micromotion modulated spectra in trapped \Ca

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    We present an experimental scheme to perform spectroscopy of the 2^2S1/2−2_{1/2}-^2P1/2_{1/2} and 2^2D3/2−2_{3/2}-^2P1/2_{1/2} transitions in \Ca. By rapidly switching lasers between both transitions, we circumvent the complications of both dark resonances and Doppler heating. We apply this method to directly observe the micromotion modulated fluorescence spectra of both transitions and measure the dependence of the micromotion modulation index on the trap frequency. With a measurement time of 10 minutes, we can detect the center frequencies of both dipole transitions with a precision on the order of 200 kHz even in the presence of strong micromotion

    Observing a Quantum Phase Transition by Measuring a Single Spin

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    We show that the ground-state quantum correlations of an Ising model can be detected by monitoring the time evolution of a single spin alone, and that the critical point of a quantum phase transition is detected through a maximum of a suitably defined observable. A proposed implementation with trapped ions realizes an experimental probe of quantum phase transitions which is based on quantum correlations and scalable for large system sizes.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Engineering vibrationally-assisted energy transfer in a trapped-ion quantum simulator

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    Many important chemical and biochemical processes in the condensed phase are notoriously difficult to simulate numerically. Often this difficulty arises from the complexity of simulating dynamics resulting from coupling to structured, mesoscopic baths, for which no separation of time scales exists and statistical treatments fail. A prime example of such a process is vibrationally assisted charge or energy transfer. A quantum simulator, capable of implementing a realistic model of the system of interest, could provide insight into these processes in regimes where numerical treatments fail. We take a first step towards modeling such transfer processes using an ion trap quantum simulator. By implementing a minimal model, we observe vibrationally assisted energy transport between the electronic states of a donor and an acceptor ion augmented by coupling the donor ion to its vibration. We tune our simulator into several parameter regimes and, in particular, investigate the transfer dynamics in the nonperturbative regime often found in biochemical situations

    Investigation of two-frequency Paul traps for antihydrogen production

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    Radio-frequency (rf) Paul traps operated with multifrequency rf trapping potentials provide the ability to independently confine charged particle species with widely different charge-to-mass ratios. In particular, these traps may find use in the field of antihydrogen recombination, allowing antiproton and positron clouds to be trapped and confined in the same volume without the use of large superconducting magnets. We explore the stability regions of two-frequency Paul traps and perform numerical simulations of small, multispecies charged-particle mixtures that indicate the promise of these traps for antihydrogen recombination.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Single photons on demand from 3D photonic band-gap structures

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    We describe a practical implementation of a (semi-deterministic) photon gun based on stimulated Raman adiabatic passage pumping and the strong enhancement of the photonic density of states in a photonic band-gap material. We show that this device allows {\em deterministic} and {\em unidirectional} production of single photons with a high repetition rate of the order of 100kHz. We also discuss specific 3D photonic microstructure architectures in which our model can be realized and the feasibility of implementing such a device using Er3+{Er}^{3+} ions that produce single photons at the telecommunication wavelength of 1.55μ1.55 \mum.Comment: 4 pages, 4 EPS figure

    Quantum Sensing of Intermittent Stochastic Signals

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    Realistic quantum sensors face a trade-off between the number of sensors measured in parallel and the control and readout fidelity (FF) across the ensemble. We investigate how the number of sensors and fidelity affect sensitivity to continuous and intermittent signals. For continuous signals, we find that increasing the number of sensors by 1/F21/F^2 for F<1F<1 always recovers the sensitivity achieved when F=1F=1. However, when the signal is intermittent, more sensors are needed to recover the sensitivity achievable with one perfect quantum sensor. We also demonstrate the importance of near-unity control fidelity and readout at the quantum projection noise limit by estimating the frequency components of a stochastic, intermittent signal with a single trapped ion sensor. Quantum sensing has historically focused on large ensembles of sensors operated far from the standard quantum limit. The results presented in this manuscript show that this is insufficient for quantum sensing of intermittent signals and re-emphasizes the importance of the unique scaling of quantum projection noise near an eigenstate.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Achieving translational symmetry in trapped cold ion rings

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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a universal concept throughout science. For instance, the Landau-Ginzburg paradigm of translational symmetry breaking underlies the classification of nearly all quantum phases of matter and explains the emergence of crystals, insulators, and superconductors. Usually, the consequences of translational invariance are studied in large systems to suppress edge effects which cause undesired symmetry breaking. While this approach works for investigating global properties, studies of local observables and their correlations require access and control of the individual constituents. Periodic boundary conditions, on the other hand, could allow for translational symmetry in small systems where single particle control is achievable. Here, we crystallize up to fifteen 40Ca+ ions in a microscopic ring with inherent periodic boundary conditions. We show the ring's translational symmetry is preserved at millikelvin temperatures by delocalizing the Doppler laser cooled ions. This establishes an upper bound for undesired symmetry breaking at a level where quantum control becomes feasible. These findings pave the way towards studying quantum many-body physics with translational symmetry at the single particle level in a variety of disciplines from simulation of Hawking radiation to exploration of quantum phase transitions.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure