31 research outputs found
Results of the Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission 1970 of the 1st Zoological Institute University of Vienna (Austria) and the Department of Zoology of the Vidyalankara University of Ceylon, Kelaniya. Pt 18. Freshwater musssels bivalvia
Till now there have been only two families of Bivalves with four genera known from freshwater in Ceylon. The material used for this study consists of members of three genera. This study deals with the family Unionidae, the family Corbiculidae is only represented by one specimen
Pada penelitian ini disintesis polikloropren (ko-metil metakrilat) melalui reaksi kopolimerisasi graft metil metakrilat terhadap polikloropren. Polikloropren (ko-metil metakrilat) dibuat dengan perbandingan bahan kloropren (gr) : metil metakrilat (ml) : toluen (ml) : benzoil peroksida (gr) : hidrokuinon (gr) lOO: x :
500 : 0,3 : 1 (dengan x adalah variasi komposisi meril metakrilat 30ml, 40ml, 50ml, 60ml. 70ml, 80ml, 90ml, lOOmI) pada suhu polimerisasi yang bervariasi (70°C, 80°C, 90°C, 100°CXSuhendro,1990). Polikloropren (ko-metil metakrilat) hasil sintesis diuji sifat mekanik atau sifat fisik menggunakan Autograph dengan kecepatan tarik 5 mmlmenit yang terdiri dari uji tarik dan uji geser pada dua batang uji yang berupa pipa paralon yang berbentuk lembaran yang telah direkatkan dengan polikloropren (ko-metil metakrilat) hasil sintesis sehingga didapat harga Stress dari uji tarik dan geser. Sedangkan penentuan massa molar molekul (Mv) polimetil metakrilat dilakukan dengan mengukur viskositas intrinsik sampel pada variasi konsentrasi 0,3 ; 0,5 ; 0,7 : 0,9 ; 1,0 ; dan 2,0 gr/lOOml dengan pelarut toluen menggunakan alat viskometer Ostwald.
Dari penelitian diperoleh harga stress pada komposisi metil metakrilat optimum 80 ml sebesar 46.428,67 MPa untuk uji geser, 80.555,33 MPa untuk uji tarlk dan harga .'are."'" pada suhu optimum 80°C sebesar 46.428,67 MPa untuk uji geser, 80.555,33 MPa untuk uji tarik. Harga massa molar molekul polimetil metakrilat adalah sebesar 547.944,5301 gr/mol
Peraturan perwakafan tanah di Indonesia dan: klat.surznya. di Semarang dengaa ber-pedoman pada PP. Nomor 28 Tatum 1977 yang semestinya dapat meujadi pedoman temyata masih scrips banyak yang melanggar bahkan masih kurang menghayati dengan melalzukan perubahan sesukanya, juga adanya orang-orang yang mencari peluang kelemahan PP Non/or 28 Tahun 1977 tersebut yang hanya mengatm- tzmah wakafmilik sedang selain itu helium diatur. Akihatnya harta wakaf Bering hilang, menjadi gejala umurn bahwa pengaturan perwakafan masih belum optimal claim pengendalian penerbitan penataan pengawa.san tan.ah wakaf yang jundabriya sangat banyak. Ketiatiaan peraturan yang menyanglart administrasi manajemen wakaf dan alzuntabilitas narlair menjadi pendorong lemahnya pengaturan penvakafan di Indonesia clan di Semarang Khususnya
Karena kelemahan tersebut di alas sehingga banyak teriadi masalah mengenai wakaf salah satu contohnya di Jawa Tengah yaitu masalah Ruislag tanah ant. a BKM dengan PT Sambirejo. Tukar menukar Banda Mesjid Semarang dilaksanakan, karena kondisi pada waktu itu benar-benar diperlukan sehingga terbitlah Keputusan Menteri Mama RI. Daiam proses pelaksanaan tukar menukar wakaf tidak semulus spa yang tertera datzun perjanjian, sehingga timbal penundaan-penundaan dengan kompensasi.Akhirnya sertilikat Sebanyak 279 dari 250,4 Ha tanah sawah di Kabupaten Demak resmi cliserahterimakan kepada BKM. Pusat sebagai pengaganti 1.19.1270 Ha tanah yang ada di kodya Semarang. Kemudian diketahui sertifikat tersebut sebagian fiktif dan bermasalah.
Pembahasan tersebut akan dianalisis secara kualitatif artinya suatu cara penelitian yang menghasilkan data desla-iptif analistis yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk tulisan, dengan menggimakan metode " R.elleldive Thinking' dalam pola deduksi-induksi dan Urfa pikir devergen yaitu tata pikir kreatif inovatif, ailinya model analisis ini lebih mementingkan pengolahan clan meng.nr tisis, serta mengkonstruksi data secara kualitatif
Dan i hal-hal tersebut di atas maim menunjukkan bahwa pengurusan rnasalah tanah di iapangan selama ini terkesan masih sering mengalami penyimpangan Sehingga buntutnya tidak .jarang terjadi beaturan kepentingan yang merupakan awal munculnya berbagai sengketa tanah. Hal itu menyebabkan kepastian hula= alas tanah menjadi kabur. Padalral, sebenarnya sudah lama kita memiliki sistern keagarian sebagai hukum nasional, seperti tertuang dalarn LIU Nornor 5/1960 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Agraria ((TOPA) yang disusul dengan peraturan-peraturan pelaksanaannya PP. Sayang, temyata pedoman Mikan/ itu belum culcup guna mengerakkan mekanisme keagrarian secara dinamis. Hukum dibuat bukan untuk siapa-siapa, telapi untuk mengatur dan melindungi subyek, dalam berperkara di pengadilan, tmall-tariah wakaf biasanya menjadi pihak yang terkalahkan . Kurang paham bahwa benda wakaf adalah amanat kepentingan.: agama Keberaniart mengutak-atik tanah wakaf berarti mengabaikan sanksi berat yang bisa diterima dari Allah
//— Regulation religious foundation (ground for religious purpose) in Indonesia / and especially in Semarang orientated on Regulations No. 28/1977 naturally could be /
supreme direction there were obviously who contrary and less accomplish by carrying out deviations, there were also who seek opportunity with weakness this Regulations, that only arrange ownership religious foundation, besides the other not be arranged. As a consequencs often the religious foundation remove, this indication that the regulations is not optimum in controlling publishing system supervision of manu
ground religious foundation. The nonexistence of regulations with regard to I administration management of religious foundation and unusual accountabilities ! brcome stimulus the weakness of religious foundation regulations in Indonesia and ,../. especially in Semarang.
On account of this weakness, many cases concerning the religious foundation occurs, for example in Central Java i.e. cases of ground ruislag between BICM and PT Sambirejo. Exchange the Banda Great Mosque Semarang was conducted, for condition at tha ttime, it is required then published Decision of Indonesia Religion Minister. In the accomplishment the exchange religious foundation is not as noted in agreement, and postponements with compensation. Finally 279 certificates for 250,4 ha cultivation land in Municipality Demak handed over BKM Pusat as compensation to 119.1270 ha lies in Kodia Semarang. Then known that some these certificates are fictive and had lawsuit.
This study will be analyzed quantitatively, the examination to produce descriptive analytics data expressed in attribut form, by applying "reflective thinking" method in system deduction-induction and divergent i.e. creative innovative thinking, this analysis model is more stressing to prepare and analyze, construct data qualitatively as well.
The result of the study shows that cases ground completion in practise al this time often dispute. Finally, often take place clash of interest which is the casual factor Th
to many land disputes. These caused law assurance of ground unclear. As a matter of
( fact, we had agrarian system as national regulations, as printed in UU Nomor 5/1960 on Agrarian Regulations (UUPA) followed by execution regulations. Unfortunately, this regulations is not able to start agrarian mechanism dynamically. This agreement is concluded to regulate and to protect law subjects in this matter is individual in
i society. Naturally the longer religious foundation the more acquire attention the
Lcompletion. Usually, at law-court, ground of religious foundation is the defeated —
party. Not realize that religious foundation was mandate of religion interest. The courage to domineer over the religious foundation represents disregarding the Allah
Predicting entrepreneurial intentions based on a proactive personality and perceived motivators and obstacles
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi odnos poduzetničkih namjera, proaktivne ličnosti,
percipiranih motivatora i prepreka za pokretanje vlastitog poslovanja i demografskih varijabli
te utvrditi doprinos navedenih varijabli objašnjenju poduzetničkih namjera studenata.
Dodatni cilj rada bio je preliminarno utvrditi valjanost Upitnika motivatora i Upitnika prepreka
s kojima su mladi suočeni prilikom osnivanja vlastitog poslovanja. Istraživanje je provedeno
na 364 studenata različitih sveučilišta i veleučilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj. Poduzetničke
namjere ispitane su Mjerom poduzetničkih namjera, proaktivna ličnost Skalom proaktivne
ličnosti te percipirani motivatori i prepreke Upitnikom motivatora za pokretanje vlastitog
poslovanja i Upitnikom prepreka u pokretanju vlastitog poslovanja.
Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na četverofaktorsku strukturu motivatora i prepreka za pokretanje
vlastitog poslovanja. Provedenom faktorskom analizom Upitnika motivatora za pokretanje
vlastitog poslovanja zadržala su se četiri faktora (Osobna autonomija, Sigurnost posla,
Ekonomski i psihosocijalni kapital te Socijalni utjecaji). Njima se objašnjava ukupno 63.11%
varijance manifestnih varijabli. Nadalje, faktorskom analizom Upitnika prepreka u pokretanju
vlastitog poslovanja zadržala su se, također, četiri faktora kojima se objašnjava 60.71%
varijance. To su Poslovni rizici, Nedostatak vještina i znanja, Nedostatak socijalne podrške te
Nedostatak financijskog kapitala. Rezultati t-testova su pokazali kako mlađi studenti i studenti
preddiplomskih studija imaju izraženije poduzetničke namjere od svojih starijih kolega, te da
se prema spolnim razlikama, studenti i studentice ne razlikuju prema poduzetničkim
namjerama. Utvrđeno je postojanje statistički značajne pozitivne korelacije poduzetničkih
namjera s proaktivnom ličnosti, percipiranim motivatorima (osobnom autonomijom,
ekonomskim i psihosocijalnim kapitalom te socijalnim utjecajima), dok su dob, godina studija
i percipirane prepreke za pokretanje vlastitog poslovanja (poslovni rizici, nedostatak vještina i
znanja, nedostatak socijalne podrške te nedostatak financijskog kapitala) u značajnoj negativnoj
korelaciji s poduzetničkim namjerama. Provedenom regresijskom analizom pokazalo se da
faktori proaktivna ličnost, osobna autonomija, socijalni utjecaji, poslovni rizici te nedostatak
poslovnih vještina i znanja objašnjavaju ukupno 45.5% varijance poduzetničkih namjera, a
najboljim prediktorom poduzetničkih namjera pokazala se Osobna autonomija.t
The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial intentions,
proactive personality, perceived motivators and obstacles to starting an own business,
demographic variables and to determine the contribution of these variables to the explanation
of students' entrepreneurial intentions. An additional goal of the paper was to preliminarily
determine the validity of the Questionnaire of Motivators and the Questionnaire of Obstacles
to starting an own business. The research was conducted on 364 students from different
universities and polytechnics in Republic of Croatia. Entrepreneurial intentions were examined
by the Measure of Entrepreneurial Intentions, proactive personality by the Proactive Personality
Scale and perceived motivators and obstacles by the Questionnaire of motivators for starting an
own business and the Questionnaire of obstacles in starting an own business.
The results indicate a four-factor structure of motivators and obstacles to starting an own
business. The factor analysis of the Questionnaire of motivators retained four factors (Personal
autonomy, Job security, Economic and psychosocial capital, and Social influences). They
explain a total of 63.11% of the variance of manifest variables. Furthermore, the factor analysis
of the Questionnaire of Obstacles also retained four factors that explain 60.71% of the variance.
These are Business risks, Lack of skills and knowledge, Lack of social support and Lack of
financial capital. The results of the t-tests showed that younger students and undergraduate
students express more entrepreneurial intentions than their older colleagues, and according to
gender differences that female and male students do not differ according to entrepreneurial
intentions. There was a statistically significant positive correlation of entrepreneurial intentions
with proactive personality, some perceived motivators, while age, year of study and perceived
obstacles to starting an own business is in a significant negative correlation with entrepreneurial
intentions. The regression analysis showed that the factors Proactive personality, Personal
autonomy, Social influences, Business risks and Lack of business skills and knowledge explain
a total of 45.5% of the variance of entrepreneurial intentions, and the best predictor of
entrepreneurial intentions was Personal autonomy