19 research outputs found

    Peranan Komitmen Organisasi Dan Employee Engagement Terhadap Kesiapan Karyawan Untuk Berubah

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    This study had two objectives, the first was to find out the role of organizational commitment and employee engagement to readiness for change. Second was to find out the determinants of readiness for change based on aspects of organizational commitment (i.e., identification, involvement, and loyalty) and dimensions of employee engagement (i.e., organization, leadership, team member, job and individual). Self-administered questionnaires were used to measure the three variables. There were 206 plantation employees involved in this study. The result showed that organizational commitment and employee engagement contributed to employee readiness for change. This study also found two aspects of organizational commitment and two dimensions of employee engagement contributing to employee readiness for change. This study could be the guidelines for the policy makers in implementing policies of better human resources. Keywords: organizational commitment, employee engagement, readiness for change, plantation employees, human resourc

    The Influence of Job Demands and Personal Resources on Employee Well Being of Contract Employees at Meuraxa General Hospital

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    Employees are an asset as well as an investment in organization. Organizations that invest in employee well-being can increase resilience, employee engagement, and productivity. This study aims to determine the effect of job demands and personal resources on employee well-being. The participants in this research totaled 221 employees at Meuraxa General Hospital. The measuring instrument in this study uses the scale of employee well-being, job demands, and personal resources. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results significant effect of job demands and personal resources on employee well-being The implication of this research is helped the hospital management to maintain or improve employee well-being by consider personal characteristics and job demands.

    Job Hopping Intention on Millennial Employees

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    Abstract—Millennial employees are currently the largest population in Indonesia and globally. Not only do they dominate the population, but millennials are the largest generation in the world of work. The different characteristics of the millennial generation and generation X illustrate the attitude of millennials at work. The loyalty and commitment of millennial employees is different from previous generations. Switching jobs voluntarily or job hopping is one way for millennials to get new things at work such as finances, careers, and a new work environment. However, the voluntary movement was carried out in a relatively shorter time than the current job. This research was conducted on millennial employees in Indonesia from various fields of work and aims to determine the level of job-hopping intention based on gender and age level and career stage. A total of 373 participants filled out a questionnaire selected by accidental sampling method. The results of this study are that millennial employees have a moderate level of job-hopping intention with the possibility that job hopping intentions will be carried out if job hopping factors appear while they are working. Women show the most dominance in this study with a higher mean than men. Keywords—job hopping intention, millennial employees, millennial generation, career, establishmen

    Effect of Perceptions of Organizational Change on Work Engagement: A Moderator Role of Perceived Organizational Support

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    This study aims to examine the effect of perceptions of organizational change on work engagement with perceived organizational support as moderator variable. Questionnaires distributed to 100 participants and the hypothesis is examined using quantitavie approach. Data was analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) method with SmartPLS. The results are significant and negative effects between perceptions of organizational change and work engagement, with perceived organizational support played a quasi moderating role. Limitations of this study indicate the need for further research

    Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Nurses : The Role of Organizational Climate and Commitment

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    Abstract Hospitals in organizing excellent quality health services require human resources committed to the organization and a positive and conducive organizational climate. This study aims to determine the effect of organizational climate and organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior of nurses at USU Hospital. In this study, there are two independent variables: organizational climate and organizational commitment, and one dependent variable: organizational citizenship behavior. This research is quantitative research conducted using samples from the population of nurses at USU Hospital, where a sample of 125 nurses was obtained. The data analysis method used in this study is a statistical analysis with multiple regression analysis methods. Findings. The result of this study indicates a simultaneous influence between organizational climate and organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Profetik dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasi (PKO) pada Karyawan Yayasan Prof. Dr. H. Kadirun Yahya di Medan

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    This study aims to determine the influence of prophetic leadership and job satisfaction toward organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees of Prof. Dr. H. Kadirun Yahya Foundation in Medan. The study used a survey model involving 64 employees of Prof. Dr. H. Kadirun Yahya Foundation in Medan. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results indicated that prophetic leadership and job satisfaction significantly positively influenced organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The coefficient of the determinant (R²) of prophetic leadership and job satisfaction showed a value of 0.134, meaning that variation of organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by prophetic leadership and job satisfaction as much as 13.4%, and other factors influenced the rest.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan profetik dan kepuasan kerja terhadap Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasi (PKO) / Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) pada karyawan Yayasan Prof. Dr. H. Kadirun Yahya di Medan. Penelitian menggunakan model survei yang melibatkan 64 karyawan Yayasan Prof. Dr. H. Kadirun Yahya di Medan. Analisis data menggunakan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan profetik dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasi (PKO). Koefisien determinan (R²) kepemimpinan profetik dan kepuasan kerja menunjukkan nilai sebesar 0,134, artinya variasi perilaku kewargaan organisasi dipengaruhi oleh kepemimpinan profetik dan kepuasan kerja sebesar 13,4%, dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain

    Training and Education for Orphanage Children to Realize Sustainable Economic Independence In Al-Marhamah Orphanage

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    Not all children have the opportunity to get the fulfillment of the right to develop properly. Therefore, a forum is formed that is ready to facilitate these less fortunate children, one of which is the Orphanage. Al-Marhamah Orphanage is one of the orphanages located in Medan Sunggal. Al-Marhamah orphanage does not have a permanent donor and only lives from the proceeds of the business which is sold in front of the orphanage building. The types of products sold also have low competitiveness, so there needs to be an increase in capabilities in the culinary and business fields as well as optimal empowerment of human resources. Based on this, community service is carried out in the form of achievement motivation training, culinary training, and digital marketing education. In addition, recipe books and other supports are provided as needed. Educational training and debriefing carried out using lecture, demonstration, practice, as well as direct discussion and question and answer. The results of the implementation show that the target can participate in all series of activities with a positive attitude, and have the provisions to be able to realize sustainable economic independence

    Educational Debriefing Related to Digital Marketing and Halal Certification to Juragan Dimsum’s MSMEs

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    One of the pillars that has an important role in the Indonesian economy is Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Juragan Dimsum is one of the MSMEs engaged in the culinary field and is located in Medan Tuntungan. Juragan Dimsum has been doing marketing through Instagram social media which is managed directly by the owner. However, the application of digital marketing is still not good enough. In addition, this business has not had halal certification for almost 5 years. As an effort to overcome these problems, community service is carried out by holding digital marketing training, product photo training, and providing education related to halal certification. Educational training and provision can help MSMEs of Juragan Dimsum to be different from other similar competitor businesses, and increase consumer trust and interest in business products. Educational training and debriefing carried out using lecture, demonstration, practice methods, as well as direct discussion and question and answer. The results of the implementation of community service show that the target audience can take part in the entire series of activities with a positive attitude, and have better stock in managing business, especially in social media

    Peranan Komitmen Organisasi dan Employee Engagement terhadap Kesiapan Karyawan untuk Berubah

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    This study had two objectives, the first was to find out the role of organizational commitment and employee engagement to readiness for change. Second was to find out the determinants of readiness for change based on aspects of organizational commitment (i.e., identification, involvement, and loyalty) and dimensions of employee engagement (i.e., organization, leadership, team member, job and individual). Self-administered questionnaires were used to measure the three variables. There were 206 plantation employees involved in this study. The result showed that organizational commitment and employee engagement contributed to employee readiness for change. This study also found two aspects of organizational commitment and two dimensions of employee engagement contributing to employee readiness for change. This study could be the guidelines for the policy makers in implementing policies of better human resources. Keywords: organizational commitment, employee engagement, readiness for change, plantation employees, human resourc

    The Effect Of Self Efficacy And Organizational Culture On The Alternation Of Readiness Among The State Civil Apparatus In The Regional Office Of The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights Of North Sumatra Province

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    Aspects of change in an organization plays a significant role because it can have a positive influence on the development and improvement of the quality, quality and performance of an organization. However, in terms of implementing the changes, there are several aspects that have an important role, including self-efficacy and organizational culture. This study tested three hypotheses, namely whether Self Efficacy has a significant influence on the readiness to change the state civil apparatus in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra? Does organizational culture have a significant influence on the state civil apparatus readiness to change in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra? Do self-efficacy and organizational culture have a significant influence on the readiness to change the state civil apparatus in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra? The purpose of this study is to test these three hypotheses. The population in this study were all the state civil apparatus Regional Offices of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra totaling 199 people. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression, while the results of the analysis use SPSS. The results show that there is a positive influence on both aspects of self-efficacy and organizational culture on the state civil apparatus readiness to change at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, North Sumatra