9 research outputs found

    Usporedba vrijednosti dvaju različitih kompleta početnica za dokaz vrste Pasteurella caballi lančanom reakcijom polimerazom u uzorcima bronhoalveolarnog ispirka ždrebadi čistokrvnoga arapskog konja.

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    In the present study, Pasteurella caballi (P. caballi) was isolated and identified in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung samples from thoroughbred Arabian foals using conventional microbiological methods. Subsequently, the ability of two different PCR primer sets was evaluated for detection and confirmation of P. caballi. Primer sets 1 and 2, targeting the 16S rRNA gene of P. caballi, were designed using the Primer 3 and Primer-BLAST programs, respectively. PCR was performed to confirm P. caballi strains and to detect it directly in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung samples. In total, 35 Pasteurella spp. were isolated from 25 (38.4 %) of 65 bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples, and 10 (58.8 %) of 17 lung samples. These strains were identified as P. caballi based on conventional microbiological and biochemical characteristics. The sensitivities of primers 1 and 2 were determined to be 100 % to confirm cultured P. caballi strains. However, the specificity of P. caballi detection was lower with primer set-1 than primer set-2 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung samples. The sensitivity and specificity of primer set-2 were confirmed by gene sequence analysis. This study indicates that the 16S rRNA-PCR method, using primer set-2, provides a rapid and accurate tool for the detection and confirmation of P. caballi isolates in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and lung samples from foals.Pasteurella caballi (P. caballi) izdvojena je i identificirana u uzorcima bronhoalveolarnog ispirka i tkiva pluća ždrebadi čistokrvnoga arapskoga konja uobičajenim mikrobiološkim postupcima. Potom je istražena vrijednost dvaju različitih kompleta početnica za dokaz i potvrdu vrste P. caballi lančanom reakcijom polimerazom. Početnica 1 za dokaz gena 16S rRNA P. caballi bila je pripremljena upotrebom programa Primer 3, a početnica 2 upotrebom programa Primer-BLAST. Lančana reakcija polimerazom rabljena je za potvrdu sojeva vrste P. caballi i za njezin izravni dokaz u uzorcima bronhoalveolarnog ispirka i plućnoga tkiva. Ukupno je bilo izdvojeno 35 izolata Pasteurella spp. iz 25 (38,4 %) od 65 pretraženih uzoraka bronhoalveolarnog ispirka i 10 (58,8 %) izolata iz 17 uzoraka plućnoga tkiva. Ti su sojevi bili identificirani na osnovi poznatih mikrobioloških i biokemijskih značajki. Početnice 1 i 2 pokazale su 100 %-tnu osjetljivost za identifikaciju uzgojenih sojeva. Međutim, početnica set-1 za dokaz vrste P. caballi bila je slabije specifičnosti od početnice set-2 pri pretrazi uzoraka bronhoalveolarnog ispirka i plućnoga tkiva. Osjetljivost i specifičnost početnice 2 bila je povrđena analizom genske sekvencije. Istraživanje pokazuje da početnica set-2 za lančanu reakciju polimerazom za dokaz 16S rRNA pruža brz i točan alat za dokazivanje i potvrdu izolata vrste P. caballi u bronhoalveolarnom ispirku i plućnom tkivu ždrebadi

    Antibacterial Effects of Several Current Orthodontic Materials against Streptococcus mutans

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    KAMAK, HASAN/0000-0003-1910-3694WOS: 000322424100010PubMed: 23757904The aim of this study was to examine the antibacterial effect of several current orthodontic materials against a certain oral bacterium. The antibacterial activities of six orthodontic composite resins (Transbond LR, Light Cure Retainer (LCR), Light Bond, System 1+, Kurasper E Transbond XT adhesive), two orthodontic bonding materials (Transbond XT primer and System 1+ activator) and two glass ionomer cements (GIC) [Multicure Glass Ionomer and Ketac Cem WC] were evaluated against Streptococcus mutans. The hard materials were put into the Teflon mould. The liquid materials were put on a paper disc. All materials were handled under aseptic conditions and placed on agar culture plates. All plates were incubated at 5% CO2 and 37 degrees C for 48 hours. The bacterial growth inhibition zones including the diameter of the sample were measured in millimetres. As a result of this study, the multicure GIC showed the highest antibacterial effectiveness, but no inhibition zones were noted for ketac cem GIC. The light bond adhesive of the Reliance orthodontic bonding system produced high antibacterial effect against S mutans, while the Reliance composite (LCR) did not show any antibacterial effect (p < 0.05). Both composite and primer of the transbond XT system demonstrated significant antibacterial effect against the test bacterium when compared to transbond LR (p < 0.05). Among the materials tested, kurasper F, Ormco system 1+ and system 1+ activator showed slight or no inhibitory effect against the test bacterium in this study. In patients who have relatively high salivary levels of Streptococci mutans before treatment, the multicure GIG, the Reliance light bond adhesive, and transbond XT system which had high level antibacterial properties could be applied

    In situ Assessment of Effects of the Bromide- and Fluoride-incorporating Adhesive Systems on Biofilm and Secondary Caries

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    Effects Of Different Cavity Disinfectants On Shear Bond Strength Of A Silorane-Based Resin Composite

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