26 research outputs found

    Kajian Kuat Tekan dan Sifat Hidraulik Beton Porous Dengan Bahan Tambah Abu Batu

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    Beton porous merupakan beton yang memiliki rongga sehingga dapat mengalirkan air ke dalam tanah. Beton porous menjadi salah satu cara untuk mengatasi genangan dan limpasan air yang berlebih akibat hujan sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko banjir. Tujuan  penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan abu batu sebanyak 100% dari berat semen terhadap kuat tekan, infiltrasi dan permeabilitas beton porous serta mengetahui mix design yang optimal untuk beton porous dengan penambahan abu batu 100%. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Teknik Sipil Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo. Agregat kasar batu pecah ukuran maksimum 40 mm yang berasal dari daerah Clereng, Kecamatan Pengasih, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, D.I. Yogyakarta. Presentase penambahan abu batu sebanyak 100% dari berat semen. Variasi perbandingan berat semen dan agregat kasar yang digunakan yaitu 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7 serta faktor air semen 0,4. Pengujian meliputi kuat tekan, infiltrasi, permeabilitas, densitas dan porositas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan abu batu 100% dari berat semen dapat meningkatkan kuat tekan beton porous dengan presentase kenaikan yaitu 23,31%. Abu batu dapat mengurangi sifat hidraulik beton porous dengan presentase penurunan terbesar nilai infiltrasi dan permeabilitas yaitu 20,41% dan 21,11%. Beton porous dengan penambahan abu batu didapat mix design yang optimal pada variasi perbandingan 1:5. Variasi tersebut didapat kuat tekan sebesar 5,18 MPa, nilai infiltrasi 1,27 cm/detik, nilai permeabilitas 3,55 cm/detik, nilai densitas sebesar 1.899,75 kg/m3 dan nilai porositas sebesar 4,05%. Kuat tekan dan densitas meningkat seiring semakin kecil perbandingan berat semen dan agregat kasar yang digunakan. Nilai infiltrasi, permeabilitas dan porositas meningkat seiring dengan semakin besar perbandingan berat semen dan agregat kasar


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    Background: Acrylic resin is a dental material that is often used because it is easy to apply and has good aesthetics. One type of acrylic resin used for denture base materials in dentistry is Heat Cured Acrylic Resin (HCAR). HCAR as base for dentures also has disadvantages including low tensile strength. Therefore, fiber can be added to heat cured acrylic resin as a reinforcing material (FRAR). This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of non-dental glass fiber on the tensile strength of HCAR.Method: This is a true experimental research using posttest only control group design. Divided into two groups, the first one is HCAR without the addition of non-dental glass fiber, the second group is HCAR with the addition of non-dental glass fiber. The data are tested using the Independent T-Test parametric test.Result: The average tensile strength of the HCAR without Non Dental Glass Fiber was 46.5169 MPa, while the average tensile strength of HCAR with the addition of Non Dental Glass Fiber was 60.3269 MPa. The independent test results show p value of = 0.000Conclusion: It was found that heat cured acrylic resin with the addition of non-dental glass fiber has a higher tensile strength than heat cured acrylic resin without the addition of non-dental glass fiber which could be used as an alternative choice in applications in dentistry


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    Background: Composite resin is one of dental restorative materials that have a high aesthetic value. Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC) is a combination material between polymer matrix and fiber and it is used as an alternative material to improve mechanical properties. The mechanical strength can be affected by the fraction of fiber volume used. This study aims is to know the effect of fraction of pineapple leaf fiber volume to the strength of composite resin flexural with pineapple leaf fiber concentration 0%, 1%, and 1,5%.Method: This study is a true experimental one with only control group design post-test. The total sample used was 27 specimens with a size 25x2x2 mm. The sample was divided into 3 groups, resin composite with a fraction of pineapple leaf fiber pineapple volume 0%, 1%, 1,5%. Flexural strength was tested by a three-point bending test in the universal testing machine.Result: The result of flexural strength in flowable resin composite with fraction of pineapple leaf fiber volume 0% (99,48 MPa ± 4,38), fraction volume 1% (131,40 MPa ± 5,39) and fraction volume 1,5% (148,88 MPa ± 3,74). One way ANOVA test showed that there was a significant difference in every group. Post Hoc test showed that there was a significant difference among groups. Conclusion: The fraction of pineapple leaf fiber (Ananas Comosus L. Merr) volume affects to the flexural strength of flowable resin composite. Flowable resin composite fraction of pineapple leaf fiber volume 1,5% has the highest flexural strength

    Perbedaan Efektivitas Bahan Pencampur Serbuk Kalsium Hidroksida terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Enterococcus faecalis

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    A mixture of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) powder will facilitate application into the root canal, antibacterial activity through the release of ions OH- to increase pH and increase radiopacity. The goal of this study was to determine the differences in the effectiveness a mixture of Ca(OH)2 powder on the growth of Enterococcus faecalis.This study is a true experimental with a posttest only control group design. An agar diffusion with a hole-plate technique with a diameter of 6 mm and a depth of 4 mm was filled with Ca(OH)2+2% Chlorhexidine paste; Ca(OH)2+Glycerin paste; Ca(OH)2+Iodoform paste as much as 0.5 ml and sterile distilled water as a negative control. The inhibitory zone of Enterococcus faecalis was measured in millimeters after incubating for 24 hours at 370C. The data were analyzed in SPSS software (version 24) using One Way Annova Test followed by Post Hoc Least Significant Different (LSD).There were differences mean inhibition zone of the three type a mixture of Ca(OH)2 on the growth of Enterococcus faecalis (p = 0,000). The results of the Post Hoc LSD test showed that Ca(OH)2+2% Chlorhexidine 2% and Ca(OH)2+Glycerin had significant differences in inhibiting the growth of Enterococcus faecalis compared to Ca(OH)2+Iodoform (p = 0,000). There was no significant difference in inhibiting the growth of Enterococcus faecalis between Ca(OH)2+2% Chlorhexidine paste and Ca(OH)2+Glycerin (p = 0.066).Ca(OH)2+2% Chlorhexidine and Ca(OH)2+Glycerin are more effective in inhibiting the growth of Enterococcus faecalis compared to Ca(OH)2+Iodoform.Keywords: Calcium hydroxide, Chlorhexidine 2%, Glycerin, Iodoform, Inhibitory zone, Enterococcus faecalis

    The effect of non-dental glass fiber volume fraction on flexural strength of heat cured acrylic resin

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    Background: Heat-cured acrylic resin is a material that is often used for the manufacture of removable partial dentures in dentistry because it uses simple equipment, relatively inexpensive, and is easy to repair. Acrylic resin also has a disadvantage, such as the low value of flexural strength so that it can cause the denture to fracture. This study determine the effect of non-dental glass fiber volume fraction on the flexural strength of heat cured acrylic resin.Method: This research are post-test only control group design. Acrylic resins were divided into four groups (6 sample each group), group 1 without the addition of non-dental glass fiber or 0% and heat cured acrylic resin group with the addition of non-dental glass fiber 1%,2%, and 3% (group 2, 3 and 4).Result: The average flexural strength of acrylic resin with a volume fraction of 2% of non-dental glass fiber had the highest value compared to other groups. The results of the Mann-Whitney test from several test groups showed significant differences in the value of flexural strength from each group (p<0.05), except for the 0% and 3% group.Conclusion: There is an effect of volume fraction of non-dental glass fiber on the flexural strength of heat cured acrylic resin

    The effect of non-dental glass fiber volume fraction on flexural strength of heat cured acrylic resin

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    Background: Heat-cured acrylic resin is a material that is often used for the manufacture of removable partial dentures in dentistry because it uses simple equipment, relatively inexpensive, and is easy to repair. Acrylic resin also has a disadvantage, such as the low value of flexural strength so that it can cause the denture to fracture. This study determine the effect of non-dental glass fiber volume fraction on the flexural strength of heat cured acrylic resin.Method: This research are post-test only control group design. Acrylic resins were divided into four groups (6 sample each group), group 1 without the addition of non-dental glass fiber or 0% and heat cured acrylic resin group with the addition of non-dental glass fiber 1%,2%, and 3% (group 2, 3 and 4).Result: The average flexural strength of acrylic resin with a volume fraction of 2% of non-dental glass fiber had the highest value compared to other groups. The results of the Mann-Whitney test from several test groups showed significant differences in the value of flexural strength from each group (p<0.05), except for the 0% and 3% group.Conclusion: There is an effect of volume fraction of non-dental glass fiber on the flexural strength of heat cured acrylic resin

    Pengaruh Penambahan Polyethylene Fiber dan Serat Sisal terhadap Kekuatan Fleksural dan Impak Base Plate Komposit Resin Akrilik

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    Resin Akrilik Menjadi Pilihan Untuk Pembuatan Gigi Tiruan Lepasan Karena Harganya Relatif Murah, Mudah Direparasi Dan Proses Pembuatan Mudah. Kelemahan Resin Akrilik Adalah Terbatasnya Terhadap Kekuatan Fleksural Dan Impak. Tujuan Dari Penelitian Ini Adalah Untuk Mengetahui Pengaruh Penambahan Polyethylene Fi ber Dan Serat Sisal Dengan Konsentrasi 1,6% Berat Terhadap Kekuatan Fleksural Dan Impak Basis Gigi Tiru an Resin Akrilik. Penelitian Ini Menggunakan Resin Akrilik Kuring Panas Merek Qc 20 Dengan Ukuran 65x10x2,5 Mm Untuk Uji Fleksural Dan 65x10x8 Mm Untuk Uji Impak. Sampel Penelitian Masing-Masing Terbagi Menjadi 3 Kelompok, Setiap Kelompok Terdiri Dari 4 Subyek. Kelompok I Tanpa Penambahan Fiber, Kelompok Ii Dengan Penambahan Polyethylene Fiber, Kelompok Iii Dengan Penambahan Serat Sisal. Seluruh Plat Resin Akrilik Direndam Di Dalam Air Destilasi Selama 24 Jam Pada Suhu 370c. Pengujian Kekuatan Fleksural Menggunakan Universal Testing Machine Dan Pengujian Kekuatan Impak Menggunakan Metode Charpy. Analisis Data Menggunakan One Way Anova Dengan Tingkat Kepercayaan 95% (Α=0,05) Dan Analisis Lsd. Hasil Penelitian Menunjukkan Rerata Kekuatan Fleksural (Mpa) Tanpa Penambahan Fiber (109,79±5,93);Penambahan Polyethylene Fiber (134,18 ±3,80); Serat Sisal (170,15±5,50). Pada Kekuatan Impak (Kj/M2) Tanpa Penambahan (4,45±1,95) Penambahan Polyethylene Fiber (60,79±26,49); Penambahan Serat Sisal (16,23±3,02). Hasil Analisis One Way Anova Menunjukkan Pengaruh Bermakna Akibat Penembahan Fiber Terhadap Kekuatan Fleksural Dan Impak Base Plate Resin Akrilik (P&lt;0,05). Analisis Lsd Menunjukkan Perbedaan Bermakna Rerata Kekuatan Fleksural Antar Kelompok (P&lt;0,05). Pada Hasil Uji Impak Menunjukkan Bahwa Rerata Kelompok Tanpa Fiber Berbeda Bermakna Dengan Kelompok Dengan Penambahan Fiber (P&lt;0,05), Dan Antara Kelompok Penambahan Polyethylene Fiber Dengan Penambahan Serat Sisal Tidak Berbeda Bermakna. Kesimpulan Dari Penelitian Ini Adalah Terdapat Peningkatan Kekuatan Fleksural Dan Impak Base Plate Komposit Resin Akrilik Pada Penambahan Polyethylene Fiber Dan Serat Sisal. Base Plate Dengan Penguat SeratSisal Memiliki Rerata Kekuatan Fleksural Paling Tinggi, Sedangkan Base Plate Dengan Penguat Polyethylene Fi ber Memiliki Rerata Kekuatan Impak Tertinggi

    Smartphone Application for Support Library Operations in the Internet of Things Era

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    The library can be referred to as a storage place for books and other references. The reference can be in the form of digital storage media. Libraries if not managed properly will cause chaos in the library organization. Many books were lost due to the entry and exit of books that were out of control. Currently, the library is not only a place to store books but can be maximized by managing and adding other digital devices. The use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in libraries adds sophistication to the management of books and library items. In addition, currently many libraries have taken advantage of Internet of Things Technology, by adding various sensors and integrating with cloud-based storage devices. It provides a service that makes it easy for library members to find and track the current whereabouts of books. This research does not only create a library by providing hardware in the form of sensors to be installed in the library. This paper also proposes the use of smartphones as an alternative in replacing sensor hardware. This study uses a QR Code sensor to match the book you are looking for and simulates dancing a book in blocks and bookcases. with augmented reality. The purpose of this research is to make a smart library prototype to make it easier for library members to find books or other references. The results of the experiment to find books and DVDs that have been carried out achieve an accuracy of 83.33%

    Effect of lightcuring duration on color change of nanofiller composite resin on red grape juice immersion

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    Background: One of the aesthetic issues in the use of composite resin is the color change. The study aims to compare the color changes of nanofiller composite resin before and after immersion in red grape juice with different curing durations.Method: This study involved 18 round composite resins with a diameter of 12 mm and a thickness of 2 mm. The sample was divided into three groups (n=6); group A was cured for 20 seconds, group B for 30 seconds, and group C for 40 seconds. After curing, the samples were immersed in artificial saliva at 37°C for 24 hours before being measured by UV-vis spectrophotometer. The three groups were immersed in red grape juice for three days and the final color was measured. Data were analyzed using One Way Anova and Post Hoc LSD.Result: The One Way Anova test showed a significance value of 0.000, meaning (p < 0.05) it was said that there was a significant difference in each group followed by a post hoc LSD test on composite resin cured for 20 seconds against 30 seconds. second group and 40 seconds to get a significant differenceConclusion: Longer curing duration can defend nanofiller composite resin against discoloration due to the consumption of grape juice


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    Background: Bioflm begins with formation of pelicle and within a minutes the colonization of bacteria attached to surface of the teeth. One of early bacteria attached was Streptococcus mutans. This study used 25% beluntas leaf extract in influencing the growth of Streptococcus mutans bioflm. The purpose of study was to investigated effect of 25% beluntas leaf extract on Streptococcus mutans bioflm.Methods: This research was experimental laboratory with post test only control design, consist of four treatment groups, 25% beluntas leaf extract and 0.12% chlorhexidine incubated 24 hours and 48 hours. Bioflm formation was measured by calculating Optical Density using a spectrophotometer. Data analysis was performed using One Way Anova test followed by Post Hoc LSD test.Result: The results showed that beluntas leaf extract could influence theformation of S.mutans bioflm but the effect in inhibiting bioflm formation is still not as good as chlorhexidine. It is known from the results of One Way Anova 25% beluntas leaf extract and 0.12% chlorhexidine incubated for 24 hours and 48 hours showed signifcant difference (p <0.05).Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is the effect of beluntas leaf extract (Pluchea indica (L.) Less) 25% to Streptococcus mutans bioflm in vitro