2,166 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Air Domestik dan Willingness To Pay Air Bersih Pdam di Kecamatan Temanggung Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Penggunaan air domestik dapat berupa penggunaan air untuk memenuhi keperluan keluarga. Daerah penelitian memiliki kondisi airtanah bervariasi dan kebanyakan masyarakat mengunakan sumber air PDAM. Tujuan penelitian ini (1) untuk mengetahui kualitas fisik airtanah dan penggunaan air domestik, (2) Mengetahui kemauan penduduk membayar layanan air bersih PDAM (Willingness To Pay). Metode yang digunakan adalah survei wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner dengan teknik analisis tabulasi frekuensi. Penentuan kualitas fisik airtanah dilakukan pengukuran langsung dan analisis laboratorium. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas fisik airtanah di Kecamatan Temanggung cukup berpengaruh terhadap nilai Willingness To Pay. Sementara itu, penggunaan air di daerah penelitian sebesar 96,21 liter/orang/hari, tidak berpengaruh besar terhadap nilai Willingness To Pay. WTP air bersih PDAM untuk pelanggan PDAM tergolong tinggi, dengan bersedia membayar pada tarif antara Rp.550,00 Rp.700,00/1-10m3 pertama di atas tarif yang ditawarkan PDAM. WTP air bersih PDAM untuk pelanggan sumur tergolong rendah dengan bersedia membayar pada tarif Rp.350,00 Rp.500,00/1-10m3 pertama

    Kajian Potensi Sumberdaya Air untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro di Kali Suci, Dusun Jetis, Semanu, Gunungkidul

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    Kali Suci yang terletak di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul merupakan wilayah dengan potensi sumberdaya air yang melimpah, akan tetapi memiliki keterbatasan akses terhadap energi listrik. Melihat dari kondisi tersebut sangat penting adanya tindakan pemanfaatan sumberdaya air guna pemenuhan listrik di sekitar wilayah Kali Suci. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui karakteristik hidrologis wilayah Kali Suci dan mengetahui jumlah energi listrik yang mampu dihasilkan dari sumberdaya air Kali Suci. Besarnya energi listrik yang mampu dihasilkan dari sumberdaya air di Kali Suci dilakukan berdasarkan analisis debit andalan 80% dengan memperhatikan besar debit dan tinggi terjunan pada bendungan yang akan dipasang generator. Berdasarkan perhitungan debit andalan, daya yang mampu dihasilkan sebesar 3688 Watt

    Analisis Mitigasi Risiko Pada Proses Pengadaan Menggunakan Matriks House of Risk Pada PT Janata Marina Indah

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    Janata Marina Indah is a company which on ship docking in Indonesia. It has to be ready to compete with foreign companies which have more advanced technology. JMI, has 2 kind of project activities, which are ship repairing and buid a new ship. Therefore, it needs efficient project management. In a settlement of project, delay is a loss. Delay can be happened because of human error or nature factor. Logistic department is an element which often become a delay maker. Delay can be happened because of delay in shipping, defect materials, bad warehouse management. This research will discuss about identification of risks event at sourcing to find out the frequency how often that event take place and the effect at project sustainability. It has to be kown the risks which have to be minimized using risk map matrix. Then, identification of risks agent to correlate with risks event using house of risk matrix. From this research, can be used to minimized risks event

    Stress prediction model for FRP confined rectangular concrete columns with rounded corners

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    The paper uses the membrane hypothesis to formulate the confining behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) confined rectangular columns. A model was developed to calculate the strength of FRP confined rectangular concrete columns. The model was verified using a database of 190 FRP confined rectangular concrete columns. The database covers unconfined concrete strength between 18.3 and 55.2 MPa, and specimens with dimensions ranging from 79-305 mm and 100-305 mm for short and long sides, respectively. The performance of the proposed model shows a very good correlation with the experimental results. In addition, the strain distribution of FRP around the circumference of the rectangular sections was examined to propose an equation for predicting the actual rupture strain of FRP. The minimum corner radius of the sections is also recommended to achieve sufficient confinement

    Effect of helical pitch and tensile reinforcement ratio on the concrete cover spalling off load and ductility of HSC beams

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    [extract] In recent years a marked increase in the use of High Strength Concrete (HSC) has been evident in Australian building construction despite the fact that the current Australian design standard, AS3600 provides no design rules. HSC has been used extensively in civil construction projects world wide because it reduces the cross section and the weight for long construction members. High strength concrete and high strength steel are used together to increase the load capacity and reduce the beams\u27 cross section. Using these two materials to design over reinforced beams will lead to huge reduction of cost, which is a desirable issue. However, the problem is the lack of ductility, hence such use is not allowed by the current codes of practice

    Identification and management of atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome immediately post heart transplantation

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    Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is a serious hematologic disorder with high mortality if left untreated. A comprehensive literature review revealed only two cases of aHUS post–heart transplantation. In both cases the disease developed after induction of calcineurin inhibitor therapy. We report a case of immediate post–heart transplantation aHUS, manifested before the induction of, and therefore not associated with, calcineurin inhibitor

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Penderaan secara Fisik pada Viabilitas Benih Buncis (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui suhu yang efektif menurunkan viabilitas benih, (2) mengetahui lama penderaan yang efektif menurunkan viabilitas benih, (3) mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi suhu dan lama penderaan yang efektif menurunkan viabilitas benih. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Jatimulyo dan Laboratorium Benih Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung pada bulan Juni 2012 sampai Agustus 2012. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah faktorial (2x6) dalam rancangan kelompok teracak sempurna (RKTS) dengan faktor utama adalah suhu 39°C dan 41°C dan faktor kedua adalah lama penderaan yang terdiri dari: 0 jam (kontrol), 24 jam, 48 jam, 72 jam, 96 jam dan 120 jam. Jika asumsi terpenuhi analisis data dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh lama penderaan nyata menurunkan viabilitas benih buncis, sedangkan pengaruh suhu dan pengaruh interaksi suhu dan lama penderaan memberikan pengaruhtidak nyata. Viabilitas benih buncis sudah menurun secara nyata setelah didera selama 24 jam yang ditunjukkan oleh variabel kecepatan perkecambahan, sedangkan variabel kecambah normal total, kecambah normal kuat, dan benih mati mengalami penurunan viabilitas setelah didera selama 48 jam

    Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Columns Reinforced with Galvanized Steel Equal-Angle Sections under Different Loading Conditions

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    Experimental results are presented for a new method of reinforcing concrete columns with galvanized steel equal-angle (GSEA) sections. For the same cross-sectional area, a GSEA section has a higher second moment of area than a conventional steel bar, which leads to a higher bending stiffness of the GSEA reinforced concrete member. In addition, the area of confined concrete is higher in GSEA reinforced concrete members than in steel bar reinforced members, which results in higher strength and ductility. The experimental program involved testing of 20 square, high-strength concrete (HSC) specimens under concentric axial load, eccentric axial load, and four-point loading. The specimens were reinforced longitudinally with either four N12 (12-mm-diameter deformed steel) bars or four GSEA sections and transversely with R10 (10-mm-diameter plain steel) bars. The specimens were 800 mm high with a 210 x 210 mm square cross section. Fifteen specimens were tested under either a concentric or eccentric axial load. The remaining five specimens were tested under four-point loading. Effects of the type of longitudinal reinforcement, spacing of transverse reinforcement, and loading conditions on the behavior of HSC specimens were investigated and discussed. Experimental results showed that, in general, specimens reinforced with GSEA sections had higher load-carrying capacities than the specimens reinforced with steel bars. In addition, the postpeak load-deformation behavior was observed to be more pronounced in specimens reinforced with GSEA sections than in specimens reinforced with steel bars
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