1,269 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai Sosial dalam Novel Memburu Kasih Perempuan Sampan Karya Abdul Kadir Ibrahim

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    This research titled Social Values In Novel Memburu Kasih Perempuan Sampan written by Abdul Kadir Ibrahim. This study aims to describe the social values in the novel Memburu Kasih Perempuan Sampan written by abdul kadir ibrahim. The method used in this research is qualitative research method descriptive analysis. The data of this research are social values in the novel Memburu Kasih Perempuan Sampan written by abdul kadir ibrahim published by the roots of Indonesia which contains 46 chapter stories with many backgrounds in the Riau Islands region. The results of the study found 73 with 8 social values that is, social values of society, union, affection, deliberation, economy, recreation, mutual help, and character. The data include social values of the community as much as 4, the social value of the union as much as 21, the social value of love as much as 12, the social value of musyawarah as much as 10, the socioeconomic value of 5, the social value of recreation as much as 3, the social value of the mutual help as much as 9, and The social value of the character as much as 9. Social values are much influenced by the social value of the union and the social value of affection with being covered by other social values

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Inkuiri Sains Berbantuan Know, Want, Learn (Kwl) terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Biologi Siswa Kelas XI Mia

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    This study aimed to describe the activity of students in learning and know the differences in cognitive learning outcomes of students in inquiry-science assisted KWL class with confirmatory class. The sampling technique was cluster sampling. The method used were nonrandomized pretest posttest control group design. Experimental class was taught using scientific inquiry model assisted KWL, and control classes taught using confirmatory models. Student activities were analyzed descriptively. Students activities demonstrate grade in learning implementation science inquiry assisted KWL showed 88.4% and confirmatory class showed 88.3%. Data analysis of the cognitive learning using Anacova with SPSS 22 for Windows that had previously been carried out tests of normality and homogeneity. The test results indicate that the F count Anacova generated at 64.619 in p. 0,000 <α (α = 0.05) means that there are differences in the cognitive learning classes taught using science inquiry learning assisted KWL model with confirmatory model with covariate effect on learning outcomes. The conclusions of this research that there are differences in cognitive achievement of students taught using scientific inquiry assisted KWL model with the students taught using confirmatory model with covariate effect on learning outcomes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran dan mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa di kelas inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL dengan kelas konfirmatori. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara cluster sampling. Metode yang digunakan yaitu nonrandomized control group pretest posttest design. Kelas eksperimen diajar menggunakan model inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL, kelas kontrol diajar menggunakan model konfirmatori. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran kelas inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL menunjukkan sebesar 88,4% dan kelas konfirmatori sebasar 88,3%. Análisis data hasil belajar kognitif menggunakan anakova dengan bantuan SPSS 22.0 for Windows yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan uji normalitas dan homogenitas. Hasil uji anakova menunjukkan bahwa F hitung yang dihasilkan sebesar 64,619 dengan p. 0,000< α (α=0,05) artinya ada perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif kelas yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL dengan model konfirmatori dengan kovariat berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar (P<0,055). Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu ada perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif siswa yang diajar menggunakan model inkuiri sains berbantuan KWL dengan siswa yang diajar menggunakan model konfirmatori dengan variabel kovariat berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar

    Efek Antidiabetes Dan Identifikasi Senyawa Dominan Fraksi Kloroform Herba Ciplukan (Physalis Angulata L.)

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    Antidiabetic activity of ciplukan (Physalis angulataL.) herb has a lot to do, as an extracts and infusions, proven to reduce blood sugar levels in rats or mice induced by alloxan. The research objective was to evaluate the antidiabetic effect and identify the content of the chloroformfraction ciplukan herb eluated with methanol-ammonia. Antidiabetic effects testing conducted using 30 male white mice (Mus musculus) ddY strain were divided into 6 groups, each consisting of 5 mice. K-1 is a negative control induced by alloxan, K-2, K-3 and K-4 induced by alloxan and treated with the test substance dose of 50 mg/kg bw/day, 100 mg/ kg bw/day, 200 mg/kg bw/day, K-5 is a positive control, induced by alloxan and treated with metformin dose of 65 mg/kg bw, K-6 as normal controls. Each mouse blood samples taken on day 7 and day 14, to test their blood sugar levels. Data were analyzed using one-way anova and multiple differences test. Identification of the content of the chloroform fraction eluated with methanol-ammonia , carried out by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results showed that all three doses showed a decrease in blood sugar levels significantly at day 7 , but the decline has not reach normal levels.Blood sugar levels drop significantly and the decline has reached normal occurred on day 14 . Dominant content of the chloroform fraction eluated with methanol-ammonia is a class of unsaturated fatty acid chain length is Hexanoic acid, C16H12O2, hexadecanoic acid methyl ester, C17H34O2, 9-octadecenoic acid methyl ester, C19H36O2, Oleic acid butyl ester, C22H42O2, 9-octadecenoic acid, C19H36O2, Octadecanoic acid,C18H36O2, 1,2-Benzendicarboxylic acid, C8H6O4, and Aplysterylacetate, C31H52O2. Another result is that Nordextromethorphan alkaloid compound, C17H23NO. The conclusion is chloroform fraction of ciplukan herbhas antidiabetic effects and has a class of compounds content of unsaturated fatty acids, Aplysterylacetate and alkaloid Nordextromethorphan

    Study Components of Shallow Water Tide (Over and Compound Tides) 1 Dimensional Channel Model by Using Variational Data Assimilation Method

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    Shallow water tides are very important to improve accuracy of tidal predictions. It is used by port interest, sea transportation, fishing industry, coastal engineering, etc. Simulation of shallow water tides was obtained from harmonic analysis of 1 dimensional channel model (12 grid) by using variational data assimilation (grid 3 and 8). Two partial tides with angular frequencies σ1 = 1,4x10-4 and σ2 = 1,6x10-4 rad/sec and amplitude A1 = 1x10-8 and A2 = 0,5x10-8 meters are used for defining external forcing in the model domain. When inspecting the amplitudes of both partial tides σ1 and σ2 and some of their dominant over- and compound tides (σ3 = 2σ1-σ2 and σ4 = 3σ1), in general the “to be corrected” solution can be improved significantly. Root mean square (rms) error of tidal constituent σ1 between the “reference” and the “to be corrected” without data assimilation is 0,1075 m/sec, and for σ2 is 0,0440 m/sec, respectively. On the other hand, the harmonic analysis of the phase of tidal constituent σ1 showed a good result (root mean square = 0.0000 m/s) and for σ2 (root mean square = 0.0002 m/s)

    Prevalensi Dan Bentuk Kekerasan Yang Terjadi Terhadap Anak Di Sekolah Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Di Kota Semarang

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    Background: The phenomenon of violence becomes an uninterrupted chain to respond the suppressing conditions so that forming patterns of behavior that is called culture of violence. According to KPAI data, 87.6 percent of children said they had experienced violence in the school in a variety of forms. The study was conducted in SMK where the learning curriculumwas 70% practice and 30% theory which became one of the factors triggering the emergence of differences in the forms of violence. Vocational High School prepared the students to enter the workplace that prioritizes on psychomotor aspects or muscle movement. Objectives: To determine the prevalence and forms of violence against children in schools at Vocational High School in Semarang city. Methods: This study used a descriptive method with cross sectional design. The study population was students of class XI of eight schools. The sampling technique was done with purposive sampling. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires directly to the respondents. Results: The results showed that 97% students said they had experienced violence at school. Respondents who claimed to have experienced physical violence by 80%, psychological violence82%,sexual violence 31%, and social violence 30%. Violence was categorized into mild, moderate, and severe physical abuse, where mild by 49%, moderate 50%, and severe 1%. Psychological violence was categorized as mild 50%, moderate 48%, and severe 2%. As for the mild sexual abuse 70%, moderate30%, and severe sexual violence 0%. While social violence was categorized as mild 14%, moderate 74%, and severe 2%. Conclusions: Violence against children in school at Vocational High School is still a lot going on, in which psychological violence is most occurredviolence even though the percentage is only a little difference with physical violence

    Public Perception on Historical Landscape of Ethnic Immigrant Heritage in Heritage City of Baubau

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    As a one of the heritage cities in Indonesia, Baubau has many historical heritages which are not only created by local ethnics but also by immigrants. There are three historical landscapes created by the immigrants like China Town by Chinese, Waliabuku by Bugisnese, and Ngkaring-Ngkaring by Balinese. Until now, proper management to preserve the landscapes does not exist and it remains unknown whether this phenomenon is caused by the public perception who think that historical landscapes of immigrants as an unimportant heritage. The objective of this study is to investigate the public perception of historical landscapes that are created by immigrant in Baubau city as an heritage city in Indonesia. The results of survey show that the public regard all historical landscapes must be preserved. However, the landscapes created by the ethnic of Chinese have the lowest degree of public selection as compared to the ethnics of Bali and Bugis. The situation is triggered by the stereotype on the ethnic of Chinese which state that they tend to be more closed and reserved. Sebagai salah satu kota pusaka di Indonesia, Baubau memiliki banyak peninggalan sejarah bukan hanya yang dibentuk oleh etnis lokal, tetapi juga oleh etnis pendatang. Setidaknya terdapat tiga lanskap sejarah yang dibentuk oleh etnis pendatang yaitu lanskap pecinan oleh etnis Tionghoa, lanskap Waliabuku oleh etnis Bugis, dan lanskap Ngkaring-Ngkaring oleh etnis Bali. Sampai saat ini belum ada pengelolaan untuk melestarikan ketiga lanskap tersebut dan belum diketahui apakah fenomena ini dipengaruhi oleh persepsi masyarakat yang merasa lanskap peninggalan etnis pendatang tidaklah penting? Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji persepsi masyarakat terhadap lanskap sejarah peninggalan etnis pendatang sebagai aset pusaka Kota Baubau sebagai kota pusaka Indonesia. Hasil yang diperoleh dari survei yang dilakukan, masyarakat umumnya menganggap seluruh lanskap sejarah harus dilestarikan tidak memandang apakah dibentuk oleh etnis lokal atau pendatang. Meskipun demikian, lanskap yang dibentuk oleh etnis Tionghoa memiliki derajat pemilihan paling rendah dari lanskap yang dibentuk etnis Bali dan Bugis. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya stereotip akibat karakter etnis Tionghoa yang dianggap masyarakat cenderung tertutup di Kota Baubau

    Strength and Ductility Behaviour of Steel Plate Reinforced Concrete Beams under Flexural Loading

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    Long-term durability is the main concern in the area of civil engineering due to safety considerations. This paper reports the strength and ductility behaviour of steel plate reinforced concrete beams under four-point bending. A total of three full-scale beams of 200 mm width, 300 mm height and 4000 mm length were cast and tested. All the beams had the same details of stirrups and compression reinforcement. The first beam was reinforced with ordinary reinforcement (2 deformed steel bars with a nominal diameter of 20 mm) and served as a reference beam. The second beam was reinforced with a chequer steel plate and provided with 20 steel bolts welded to the chequer steel plate at a regular distance of 200 mm centre to centre. The third beam was reinforced with a chequer steel plate and provided with 4 steel angles welded at the ends of the steel plate. Each plate reinforced concrete beam was designed to have an equivalent force to the ordinary reinforced concrete beam. The strengths, ductilities and analytical considerations of the beams are covered in this paper. The results showed no significant difference (less than 2%) between the strengths of ordinary and plate reinforced concrete beams. On the other hand, the steel plates significantly increased the ductility. The ductilities of plate reinforced concrete beams provided with steel bolts and angles increased by up to 3.7 and 2.3 times, respectively compared with the ordinary reinforced concrete beam. It was also observed, that the use of steel bolts in the plate reinforced concrete beam, improved the ductility by 43.2% compared to the steel angles

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Strategi Tasc Dipadu Imindmap

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    Learning outcomes are the embodiment ability due to changes in current behavior of education. Improving the quality of education can be the beginning of the learning process in which there are iteration between teachers and students. Teachers must create strategies to facilitate students with different abilities to be active in learning. The purpose of this study is to improve student learning outcomes through strategies TASC combined iMindMap. Research was conducted at SMAN 4 Sidoarjo 2015/2016 school year, the class X MIA 3 by the number of students 39. The research was quasi experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The results obtained showed that the mean score on the pretest of student learning outcomes by 60 and increased the posttest with a mean score of 84. Mastery learning outcomes of students reached 97%. Based on the results of this study concluded that learning strategies TASC combined with iMindMap can improve student learning outcomes.Hasil belajar adalah perwujudan kemampuan akibat Perubahan perilaku yang dilakukan oleh USAha pendidikan. Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dapat diawal dari proses pembelajaran yang didalamnya terdapat interaksi antara guru dan siswa. Guru harus membuat strategi untuk memfasilitasi siswa dengan kemampuan yang berbeda agar aktif dalam pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa melalui strategi TASC dipadu iMindMap. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMAN 4 Sidoarjo tahun ajaran 2015/2016, di kelas X MIA 3 dengan jumlah siswa 39. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa skor rerata hasil belajar siswa pada pretest sebesar 60 dan meningkat pada posttest dengan rerata skor 84. Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa mencapai 97%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan strategi TASC dipadu iMindMap dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa