1,146 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran dengan model penelitian dan pengembangan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran untuk standart kopetansi dasar pemprograman peralatan sistim pengendali elektronik berkaitan akses I/O berbantuan mikroprosesor atau mikrokontroler. Dengan media pembelajaran ini diharapkan siswa mampu dan paham tentang rangkaian dasar mikroprosesor atau mikrokontroler serta dapat memprogramnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang mengacu pada Research and Development (R&D). didalam penelitian ini penelitian ini hanya menggunakan enam tahapan serta pada tahapan terakhir menggunakan tahap analisis data dan pelaporan, yaitu analisis potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, ujicoba produk, analisis data dan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian untuk post test menunjukkan kemajuan belajar siswa SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya X TAV 2 setelah diberikan perangakat pembelajaran sebesar 73.18%. Hasil validator menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran serta rancang bangun ini mendapatkan penilaian baik. Penilaian Validator pada aspek Struktur Modul dinyatakan  sangat valid dengan rating 93.75%. Penilaian Validator pada aspek Penulisan Materi Modul dinyatakan  valid dengan rating 79.69%. Penilaian Validator pada aspek Bahasa Modul dinyatakan  sangat valid dengan rating 93.75%. Penilaian Validator pada aspek Rancang Bangun dinyatakan  sangat valid dengan rating 90.63%. Kata Kunci : Rancang Bangun, R&D, Modul Pembelajaran   Abstract This research is the development of instructional media research and development model. The research aims to develop a learning media for programming a basic competency standard electronic control system equipment related to access I / O-assisted microprocessor or microcontroller. With the media is expected of students capable of learning and understanding about basic circuit microprocessor or microcontroller and can be programmed. This research was referring to the Research and Development (R & D). The research in this study only uses six stages and the last stage using the stage of data analysis and reporting, which analyzes the potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions, product testing, data analysis and reporting. The results of the research to post-test show students' progress SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya X given the TAV 2 after learning of 73.18%. The results showed that the validator learning and assessment design is getting better. Assessment Module Structure Validator on aspects of an otherwise very valid with a rating of 93.75%. Assessment on aspects Validator Module Content Writing is valid with a rating of 79.69%. Assessment Module Validator on aspects of language expressed very valid with a rating of 93.75%. Assessment Design Build Validator on aspects of an otherwise very valid with a rating of 90.63%.. Keywords: Construction Design, R & D, Learning Modul

    Pemanfaatan Konseling Neuro Linguistic Programming Dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Lingkungan adalah pembentuk atau programer bagi diri siswa yang paling berpengaruh. Misal, suatu ketika seorang siswa tidak dapat mengerjakan PR (pekerjaan rumah) lantas dimarahi sambil dimaki-maki ”Kamu bodoh!” oleh orang tua, bila kata itu diucapkan dengan intonasi tepat (seperti mamaki), dalam intensitas emosional yang tinggi dan ditujukan pada seorang anak, maka si anak mulai membuat makna, mulai membuat persepsi bahwa dirinya adalah ”anak bodoh”. menjadi ”keyakinan bahwa dirinya benar-benar bodoh”. Rumusan masalah Apakah pemanfaatan teknologi konseling Neuro Linguistic Programming dapat mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa. Adapun tujuan penelitian antara lain: Menjelaskan bagaimana Pemanfaatan Konseling Neuro Linguistic Programming Dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar (Studi Kasus Di Konsultan Yoga Atma Psikologi Pekanbaru). Kegunaan Penelitian Memperjelas manfaat konseling Neuro Linguistic Programming dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa. jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu apa adanya. Hasil penelitian Yang paling penting dari NLP penggolongan tipe manusia, tipe manusia menjadi 3 golongan sehigga mampu mengatasi masalah belajar siswa, yaitu visual, auditory, dan kinestetik yang nantinya digunakan dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa. NLP ini membuat klien marasa di hargai dan konselor menjadi sangat mengerti apa yang dirasakan klien sehingga kesulitan belajar yang dirasakan yang dikarenakan pemahaman yang salah terhadap diri mampu dihilangkan. Dalam Nlp juga konselor penembusan faktor kritis dari pikiran sadar dan diikuti dengan diterimanya suatu saran tertentu, atau melihat suatu kejadian dengan sudut pandang yang lain atau yang akrab di sebut reframing. Jadi, konseling yang dilakukan setelah faktor kritis klien berhasil ditembus atau klien telah masuk ke kondisi rileksasi mental yang dala

    Klon Gen Penisilin Asilase Pada Cosmid Phc79

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    Penicillin acylase plays an important role in the catalysis of benzylpenicillin hydrolytic reaction, prodeucing 6-aminopenicilanic acid (6- APA), a precursorfor the formation of penicillinderivatives. Cloning of the penicillin acylase gene of Escherichia coli B130 chromosomal DNA on pHC79 cosmid vector to increase the enzyme activity has been investigated. The cloning was cooducted with several steps, including isolation of the chromosomal DNA. digestion by restriction enzyme, ligation by T4-DNA ligase, transformation of the recombinant DNA, and selection of the transformans. Microbial assay utilizing Serratia marcescens was carried out for screening the penicillin acylase colony, whereas the determination of the enzyme activity was examined based on Kornfeld method. From 2070 colonies screened by S. marcescens, only 4 positive colonies were obtained. The enzyme activity of these colonies was 4-6 fold higher than the penicillin acylase activity from E. coli B 130

    Synthetic Fungal Strains for Solar System Exploration and Colonization

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    Solar system exploration and eventual colonization efforts are constrained by limits on the mass of material that can embark from Earth. Thus, creative use of the resources available in situ could reduce mission costs and extend the scope of such activities. To that end, we are developing synthetic fungal strains to produce specialized materials from the resources found throughout the solar system. A primary goal is to develop a suite of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to serve as generic production chassis for synthetic metabolic pathways. These strains must perform consistently upon challenge by unique conditions including exposure to microgravity, cosmic radiation, the rigors of launch and re-entry, and long-term stasis. Presently, we are establishing systematic datasets profiling epigenetic, transcriptional, translational and metabolic states of S. cerevisiae under relevant operating conditions. These will deepen our understanding of the physiological changes associated with space travel and enable rational engineering of optimal production strains

    Estimation of the Electric Properties of Al/Cv System

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    ان الخصائص الكهربائية لنظام نبيطة Al/Cv  درس وفقا لوصف وحساب معدل الانتقال الالكتروني بالاعتماد على الحسابات النظرية والانموذج النظري. استخدم انموذج كلاسيكي مع انموذج نظري لوصف معدل الالكترونات عند ملتقى معدن الالمنيوم وصبغة Cv. اثنان من المذيبات الداياثير و الاسيتونترايل استعمل مع نظام هجين ولمختلف الاطوال الموجية 600,625,650,675 و nm 700  الممتصة حيث ان النظام درس في درجة حرارة الغرفة. تأثير طاقة الانتقال والجهد والطاقة الممتصة على معدل الانتقال لنظام سطحي Al/Cv  درست. معدل الالكترونات لنظام Al/Cv  وجد بأنه يتزايد بتزايد طاقة الانتقال وتزايد الاطوال الموجية وتناقص الجهد لكلا وسطي المذيب. نتائجنا اظهرت انه عند الطاقات العالية للانتقال وتزايد الاطوال الموجية فأن النظام له خصائص كهربائية جيدة والعكس بالعكس. ان مذيب الاستون اكثر ملائم للانتقال الالكتروني لنظام Al/Cv.The electric properties of Al/Cv device system has been studied according to investigating and calculation the electron transport rate based on theoretical calculation and transition model. A classical model coupled with quantum model has been used to describe the rate of electrons at contact of Al metal with Crystal violet [Tris (4-(dimethylamino) phenyl methylium chloride] (Cv) dye has chemical formula C25H30CIN3. Two solvent Diethyl ether and Acetonitrile are used with non-homogeneous system for different absorption wave length 600,625,650,675 and 700 nm for Cv dye and the system is studied at room temperature. The effect of transition energy, potential and absorption energy on the transport rate in Al/Cv interface are studied and discussed. Rate of electrons in Al/Cv system is founded to be increasing with increasing the transition energy, increasing wave length and decreasing the potential for system in both solvents media.  Our result shows that, at large transition energy and increasing wave length, the system has good electric properties  and vice versa .Data show that Acetonitrile solvent is more suitable media for better electronic transfer rate  in Al/Cv dye system

    Effects of Polyhydroxybutyrate Production on Cell Division

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    Synthetic biological engineering can be utilized to aide the advancement of improved long-term space flight. The potential to use synthetic biology as a platform to biomanufacture desired equipment on demand using the three dimensional (3D) printer on the International Space Station (ISS) gives long-term NASA missions the flexibility to produce materials as needed on site. Polyhydroxybutyrates (PHBs) are biodegradable, have properties similar to plastics, and can be produced in Escherichia coli using genetic engineering. Using PHBs during space flight could assist mission success by providing a valuable source of biomaterials that can have many potential applications, particularly through 3D printing. It is well documented that during PHB production E. coli cells can become significantly elongated. The elongation of cells reduces the ability of the cells to divide and thus to produce PHB. I aim to better understand cell division during PHB production, through the design, building, and testing of synthetic biological circuits, and identify how to potentially increase yields of PHB with FtsZ overexpression, the gene responsible for cell division. Ultimately, an increase in the yield will allow more products to be created using the 3D printer on the ISS and beyond, thus aiding astronauts in their missions