3 research outputs found

    Al-Qur’an dan Pengobatan Tradisional: Studi Living Qur’an Pada Masyarakat Probolinggo Jawa Timur

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    The Qur’an plays an important role in the life of Muslims. In daily life, Muslims cannot be separated from interaction with the Qur’an. Therefore, the interaction was well received by the community, not least in Sentulan Village, Banyuanyar District, Probolinggo Regency, East Java. The acceptance of the Sentulan Village community towards the Qur’an is manifested in a tradition, which is what Ustadz Ali Fiqri did by using the verses of the Qur’an as a medium of treatment, which later became the focus of this research. This research uses qualitative methods and is included in field research. The approach used is a phenemological approach, which aims to reveal the meaning inherent in the reception of the Qur’an by the community in Sentulan Village. Collecting data through literature and interviews with Ustadz Ali Fiqri and patients. The final results of this study indicate that the traditional treatment carried out by Ustadz Ali Fiqri in Sentulan Village, both medical and non-medical diseases, using the media of bidara leaves, coconut, turmeric, garlic, water and eggs and reading the verses of the Qur’an that then termed the verses of syifa’. The syifa’ verses in question are (Q.S. Al-Fatihah (1): 1-7, Q.S. Al-Baqarah (2): 102, Q.S. Yunus (10) 81, Q.S. Jin (72): 3, Q.S. Al-Hasyar (59): 21, Q.S. Al-Syu’ara’ (26): 51, and Q.S. Yasin (36))

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendapatan dan Beban Tanggungan dalam Keluarga terhadap Penyediaan Fasilitas Pendidikan di Rumah

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    In supporting the achievement of educational goals, it is necessary to provide educational facilities at home to support learning activities. Economic conditions including the level of income and burden of dependents in the family have a role in supporting learning achievement and the need for children's educational facilities at home. The research objective was to determine the effect of income levels and family burden on the provision of educational facilities at home. The sample of this study is the community or parents who have school children in Bangil District, Pasuruan Regency with a total of 450 households as respondents. This study uses 2 types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained directly by means of surveys and interviews with the community. While secondary data was obtained through literature studies in several journals, articles, and through government data that is in accordance with this research. The method in this study is a quantitative study using ordinal logistic regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of variable X1 (income) has a significance value (0.624 > 0.05) meaning that partially the income variable does not affect educational facilities. Likewise, the X2 variable (Depends) has a significance value (0.231 > 0.05) meaning that partially the dependent variable does not affect educational facilities


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    Abstrak. Maktabah syamilah merupakan software yang berisikan ribuan macam kitab mengenai pengetahuan keislaman yang dapat diakses dengan mudah serta dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang memudahkan para pengguna untuk mencari topik pembahasan, perkataan atau nukilan, tafsir, perawi hadis, biografi ulama, dan lain-lain. Maktabah syamilah sangat penting bagi mahasiswai jurusan Ilmu Quran dan Tafsir. Kebanyakan dari mereka kebingungan saat mencari rujukan kitab untuk tugas kuliah ataupun tugas akhir dikarenakan kekurangan pengadaan kitab, minimnya membaca serta tidak mengerti cara mengaplikasikan maktabah syamilah. Solusi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan cara memberikan pelatihan mencari rujukan kitab melalui sofware maktabah syamilah karena dengan adanya sofware ini mahasiswi akan sangat terbantu untuk mencari kitab rujukan yang diinginkan. Bentuk pelatihan ini terdiri atas empat tahapan yaitu, sosialisasi, pelatihan, pemberian tugas secara individu, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil pelatihan dapat disimpulkan bahwa (a) pengetahuan mahasiswi prodi Ilmu dan al-Quran semakin meningkat ditandai dengan respon positif mahasiswi menggunakan maktabah syamilah dalam mencari sumber rujukan kitab, dan (b) Mahasiswi tidak kesulitan dan kebingungan serta bisa mengaplikasikan maktabah syamilah dalam mencari sumber rujukan kitab dengan baik. Kata kunci: Kitab; Maktabah Syamilah; Rujukan; Software