114 research outputs found

    Curriculum transformation with students as partners

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    8732142. That was my student ID as an undergraduate (now one of the authors). It was a number, not a name. It distinguished students from professors and all other teaching staff and, in a symbolic way, reminded us all of our firm place as students, as learners. There was a big power differential between students and teachers in the 1980s. What we learned was prescribed, transmitted and tested in implicit ways (no rubrics or marking criteria in those days) and rarely were our skills tested – just what we knew and could recall at a given time. Sometimes people say that teaching is an act. Indeed, sage on the stage suggests this precisely. But being a student is also an act. Students also assume roles and personas. If we want curriculum transformation, we seek to put a stop to acting – to engage students and staff in authentic learning. MIDAS is our curriculum transformation project in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) at UTS – More Innovative Design-Able Students. In MIDAS, we want students and teachers to be their authentic selves in a true teaching and learning partnership. MIDAS seeks mutual respect in people, not the fulfilment of roles. MIDAS doesn’t see students as numbers, but as partners, as people who can learn, contribute, inspire, teach and create … and it sees teachers as people who also learn, contribute, inspire, teach and creat

    Solvent effects in permeation assessed in vivo by skin surface biopsy

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    BACKGROUND: Transdermal drug delivery has become an important means of drug administration. It presents numerous advantages but it is still limited by the small number of drugs with a suitable profile. The use of solvents that affect the skin barrier function is one of the classic strategies of penetration enhancement. Some of these solvents have well characterised actions on the stratum corneum, but the majority are still selected using empirical criteria. The objective of this work was to conduct a systematic study on the ability to affect skin permeation of solvents commonly used in transdermal formulations. An innovative methodology in this area was employed, consisting of the combination of skin surface biopsy with colorimetry. METHODS: The study compared in vivo differences in the permeation of a hydrophilic (methylene blue) and a lipophilic (Sudan III) dye, after treatment of the skin with different vehicles. Consecutive skin surface biopsies of each site were taken and the cumulative amounts of the dyes in the stripped stratum corneum were measured by reflectance colourimetry. RESULTS: Results indicate that the amount of methylene blue present in the stratum corneum varied significantly with different skin pre-treatments. Some solvents provided a 1.5 fold penetration enhancement but others decreased by almost half the permeation of the dye. The permeation of Sudan III was less significantly affected by solvent pre-treatment. CONCLUSIONS: This study has only superficially explored the potential of the combination of skin surface biopsy and colourimetry, but the encouraging results obtained confirm that the methodology can be extended to the study of more complex formulations

    3D-printed Franz cells - update on optimization of manufacture and evaluation

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    OBJECTIVES: Laboratory in vitro permeation processes require the use of modified Franz type diffusion cells which are conventionally fabricated from glass. Fragility and high cost are frequently associated with this type of laboratory apparatus. The purpose of our present research was to develop a simple, economical and versatile approach to manufacture Franz type cells using additive manufacturing (AM). METHODS: Graphical Franz diffusion cell designs were reproduced with a stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer and assessed over a minimum period of 24 h. The surface morphology of AM printouts was analysed before and after compatibility studies using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Comparative permeation studies in both glass and AM Franz type diffusion cells were conducted using a caffeine solution (1.5 mg mL‑1), applied to a model silicone membrane. RESULTS: Testing of the 3D printed scaffolds confirmed similar recovery of the permeant when compared to glass cells: 1.49 ± 0.01 and 1.50 ± 0.01 mg mL‑1, respectively, after 72 h. No significant differences were visible from the SEM micrographs demonstrating consistent, smooth and non-porous surfaces of the AM Franz cells’ core structure. Permeation studies using transparent 3D printed constructs resulted in 12.85 ± 0.53 μg cm ‑2 caffeine recovery in the receptor solution after 180 min with comparable permeant recovery, 11.49 ± 1.04 μg cm ‑2, for the glass homologues. CONCLUSION: AM constructs can be considered as viable alternatives to the use of conventional glass apparatus offering a simple, reproducible and cost-effective method of replicating specialised laboratory glassware. A wider range of permeants will be investigated in future studies with these novel 3D printed Franz diffusion cells

    Bricoleurs Extraordinaire: Sports Coaches in Inter War Britain

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    In Inter War Britain, individuals exploited their athletic skills by pursuing professional careers, or adopting amateur roles, as instructors, trainers and coaches, invariably drawing from, and elaborating on, existing practices. The coach was the master of a body of specialist craft knowledge, the tacit nature of which was transmitted through ‘stealing with the eyes’ as the apprentice watched the master in action (Gamble, 2001). Professional coaches saw themselves as practical men whose experiential knowledge concerning diet, physiological and psychological preparation, stimulants, massaging, medical treatments, talent identification, and so on provided critical components in their coaching ‘toolbox’ (Nelson, 1924, 25-26). Craft knowledge was never static. Coaching expertise is a fluid, cyclical process with practitioners continuously redeveloping their competencies (Turner, Nelson and Potrac, 2012, 323), and part of traditional craft expertise was the ability to react positively to shifting circumstances. Coaches were constantly stimulated to experiment by competitors, commercialisation, and emerging technologies (Clegg, 1977, 244), and they exemplified the notion of the ‘Bricoleur’ in constantly trialling emerging knowledge, intuitively accepting or rejecting appropriate material. This paper explores the ways in which practitioners developed their coaching ‘toolbox’ in Inter War Britain by drawing on examples from newspaper reports, personal and public archives, and instructional texts (eg. Tilden, 1920; Gent, 1922; Nelson, 1924; Mussabini, 1926; Lowe and Porritt, 1929; Abrahams and Abrahams, 1936). The author highlights the range of knowledge that coaches had at their command, well before the emergence of sports science and coaching certification programmes, and questions assumptions that coaches can no longer rely solely on ‘learning the trade’ through experience (Evans and Light, 2007). As Winchester et al. (2013) have emphasised, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and insights are developed from daily experiences in sport, work and at home, as well as through exposure to the coaching environment, and contemporary coaches still employ a largely implicit form of knowledge, closely connected to past experiences, which shares similarities with Inter War craft knowledge (Smith and Cushion, 2006, 363; Jones, Armour and Potrac, 2003), while identifying experimentation and experience as key reference points (Irwin, Hanton and Kerwin, 2004, 436, 439; Potrac, Jones and Cushion, 2007)

    SPARC 2016 Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    SPARC 2018 Internationalisation and collaboration : Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2018 SPARC conference. This year we not only celebrate the work of our PGRs but also the launch of our Doctoral School, which makes this year’s conference extra special. Once again we have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with over 100 presenters, the conference truly showcases a vibrant PGR community at Salford. These abstracts provide a taster of the research strengths of their works, and provide delegates with a reference point for networking and initiating critical debate. With such wide-ranging topics being showcased, we encourage you to take up this great opportunity to engage with researchers working in different subject areas from your own. To meet global challenges, high impact research inevitably requires interdisciplinary collaboration. This is recognised by all major research funders. Therefore engaging with the work of others and forging collaborations across subject areas is an essential skill for the next generation of researchers

    Enhancement strategies for transdermal drug delivery systems: current trends and applications

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    Breaking barriers: using the behavior change wheel to develop a tailored intervention to overcome workplace inhibitors to breaking up sitting time

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    © The Author(s). 2019. Background: The workplace is a prominent domain for excessive sitting. The consequences of increased sitting time include adverse health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease and poor mental wellbeing. There is evidence that breaking up sitting could improve health, however, any such intervention in the workplace would need to be informed by a theoretical evidence-based framework. The aim of this study was to use the Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) to develop a tailored intervention to break up and reduce workplace sitting in desk-based workers. Methods: The BCW guide was followed for this qualitative, pre-intervention development study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 office workers (26–59years, mean age 40.9 [SD=10.8] years; 68% female) who were purposively recruited from local council offices and a university in the East of England region. The interview questions were developed using the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF). Transcripts were deductively analysed using the COM-B (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation – Behaviour) model of behaviour. The Behaviour Change Technique Taxonomy Version 1 (BCTv1) was thereafter used to identify possible strategies that could be used to facilitate change in sitting behaviour of office workers in a future intervention. Results: Qualitative analysis using COM-B identified that participants felt that they had the physical Capability to break up their sitting time, however, some lacked the psychological Capability in relation to the knowledge of both guidelines for sitting time and the consequences of excess sitting. Social and physical Opportunity was identified as important, such as a supportive organisational culture (social) and the need for environmental resources (physical). Motivation was highlighted as a core target for intervention, both reflective Motivation, such as beliefs about capability and intention and automatic in terms of overcoming habit through reinforcement. Seven intervention functions and three policy categories from the BCW were identified as relevant. Finally, 39 behaviour change techniques (BCTs) were identified as potential active components for an intervention to break up sitting time in the workplace. Conclusions: The TDF, COM-B model and BCW can be successfully applied through a systematic process to understand the drivers of behaviour of office workers to develop a co-created intervention that can be used to break up and decrease sitting in the workplace. Intervention designers should consider the identified BCW factors and BCTs when developing interventions to reduce and break up workplace sitting

    What should we teach? Defining your discipline to drive curriculum renewal: an environmental engineering case study

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    In Australia, the federal government, employers, and accrediting bodies, such as Engineers Australia, are calling for more clearly defined program outcomes or exit standards for engineering programs. Engineering Schools are therefore under increasing pressure to more clearly define what graduates from four or five year engineering programs should know and be able to do. This paper describes a simple, but elegant stakeholder process that can be used to define the capabilities of a graduate who could claim in-depth technical competence in their discipline. The Defining Your Discipline (DYD) Process may be used by educational institutions and industry organisations to develop practitioner-authenticated sets of graduate capabilities for their discipline. Environmental engineering was the test case for this new process. At the heart of the DYD process is the definition of tasks, in this case the tasks which a graduate from a program should be able to do in their first two or three years after graduation. Stakeholders are given a set of large sticky notes on which they are asked to write, on each note, one task that they would expect a recent graduate to be able to perform in their company. For academics, this is an imaginary task, while for industry representatives, who usually have considerable experience in supervising young graduates, it is more authentic as they know the sorts of tasks that a recent graduate should be able to complete. After about 20-30 minutes, most participants come to a stop. They can’t think of any more tasks. Sometimes, it is helpful for them to talk to people around them for more ideas. This might last another 10-15 minutes. So, within 40-50 minutes participants are ready for the next stage, which is to cluster the tasks into meaningful groups. This takes another 20-30 minutes. There is usually quite a bit of discussion about the names of the clusters, and when negotiating the cluster into which an individual task belongs. The outcomes for environmental engineering are shown in Figure 1. In this case, the clusters are shown along the right hand side of the cube (investigation, modelling & analysis, integrated design, assessment of impact, environmental planning, audit etc. The other two faces of the cube represent technical domains (water, soils, etc) and generic skills (teamwork, communication, etc). The paper demonstrates an efficient process for determining the graduate outcomes for an engineering degree. The same process is also being tested on non-engineering programs. The process is efficient in terms of stakeholder time, taking about one and a half hours to collect 100-200 tasks to be accomplished by a young graduate, depending on the attendance. The participants categorise these tasks into clusters and these can then be synthesised with the results from other workshops

    The DYD Stakeholder Consultation Process: A User Guide

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    This Guide was prepared to enable education institutions and industry organisations to use the Define Your Discipline (DYD) Stakeholder Consultation Process to develop practitioner-authenticated Graduate Capability Frameworks for the programs in their discipline. The Graduate Capability Framework can then be used to guide the development of curriculum for a program, to inform a review of existing curriculum, or to guide reviews by external accrediting organisations. The DYD Process is an efficient, effective, and inclusive consultation process that has been trialled in six disciplines and at two Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) levels. The DYD Process is also flexible, as users may adapt it to suit their contexts and their needs
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