47 research outputs found

    Corrosion rate prediction of oil flowing in pipe lines by using computational fluid dynamics

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    The transportation of crude oil by pipelines has been reported as the most important process in petroleum industry. The pipe line corrosion problem is a very complex phenomena arising from the concurrent activation of several chemical reactions, one of the most popular instant of corrosion in the two phase flow oil water containing CO2 dissolved in water in pipe lines. The pipe line internal corrosion is under a synergistic effect o f electrochemical reactions, mass transfer and wall shear stress exerted by fluid flow and the effect o f flow velocity. In this work, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed to determine wall shear stress in oil-water two phase fluid flow in pipelines for two types of crude oils (different viscosities) at flow velocities of 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 and 1 m/s. The CFD based empirical model is able to predict corrosion rate of pipelines, with the modelling results validated by actual measurements. The input parameters to ANSYS Fluent are (viscosity, density and fluid flowing velocity), and the output of computer simulation is the wall shear stress. From the computer simulation results, the maximum value of wall shear stress occurs at the maximum value of velocity. From that the corrosion rate in the pipeline was determined by applying the corrosion rate equation at two different values of CO2 partial pressure. From the results, the wall shear stresses for the two crude oils were in different values depending on the properties of the crude. The result showed that corrosion rates for both crudes increased with increase in flow velocity and CO2 partial pressure. This study concluded that the ANSYS capability to predict the corrosion rate of the pipeline for two types of crude oil after determining the wall shear stress with different values of velocities

    Fixed Point Theorems in General Metric Space with an Application

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    يهدف هذا البحث إلى إثبات مبرهنة وجود لمعادلة من نوع فولتيرا في تعميم فضاء G- متري يسمى  فضاء   -  المتري, حيث تتم مناقشة مبرهنة النقطة الصامدة في فضاء   -  المترية وتطبيقها. أولاً ، تم تقديم انكماش جديد من نوع هاردي روجيس ثم تم كذلك إنشاء مبرهنة النقطة الصامدة لهذه الانكماشات في حالة فضاء   -  المترية. كتطبيق ، تم الحصول على نتيجة وجود معادلة فولتيرا التكاملية.   This paper aims to prove an existence theorem for Voltera-type equation in a generalized G- metric space, called the -metric space, where the fixed-point theorem in - metric space is discussed and its application.  First, a new contraction of Hardy-Rogess type is presented and also then fixed point theorem is established for these contractions in the setup of -metric spaces. As application, an existence result for Voltera integral equation is obtained.

    A Note an asymptotic Expansion of Spericity Test

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    This research is devoted to study the moment of  the likelihood ratio criterion for sphericity test for one- way multivariate repeated measurements analysis of variance model. Also we obtain the asymptotic expansion and limiting distribution of the test statistic. As practical research, a study has been taken to diagnostics and isolation for kinds of becteria which complain with tissue cultivation for the dates and the study of frustrate affection for three  kinds  of  extractor plant , which are called Rhus coriaria and cinnamomum zeylanicum , the excretes of adhesive for the Bswellia Sp plant and by using four kinds of solvent and two different condense. An experimental has been made for getting measurement for the best reacting extractor plant with the solvent by using different affection on frustrate core . Key words: One-Way Multivariate Repeated Measures Model, Sphericity test, Asymptotic Expansion,  MANOVA

    Plasma D-Dimer Value Corrected with Some Physiological and Inflammatory Markers (C-Reactive Protein and Ferritin) in Iraqi Patients with COVID-19 Infection

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    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic it has been observed that patients have elevated plasma levels of D-dimer and some inflammatory markers (ferritin, interleukine 6, C-reactive protein (CRP) or fibrinogen). Some studies point to the existence of a certain correlation between those markers and D-dimer. CRP is a protein discovered in the 1930s by Tillett and Francis and is an acute phase reactant. It is a pentameric protein which is synthesized by the liver under the action of cytokine interleukin 6 (IL-6). D-dimers are multiple peptide fragments produced as a result of degradation of crosslinked fibrin, mediated by plasmin. A total of 60 patients were recruited and categorized into :1- group1 (controls), 2- group 2 (COVID-19 patients). 5 ml of blood was obtained from each patient by vein puncture, using 5 ml disposable syringes, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes to collect the serum.  D- dimer, C-reactive protein were measured by using (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany). At the same time, the Ferritin was assessed by using a miniVIDAS analyzer for the fluorescent enzymatic detection of β2-microglobulin (β2M) using the technique. Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) (BioMerieux). Our results showed that there was a non- significant difference in the P-values between control and patients males and females. The Mean ± SE of age in control group was 45.90 ± 3.34, while the Mean ± SE of age in patients was 45.35 ± 2.52. There was a non- significant difference between the two groups, the Mean ± SE of CRP in control group was 5.04 ±0.81, while the Mean ± SE of CRP in COVID-19 patients was 37.16 ±3.24, there was a highly Significant differences between them (P≤0.01). The CRP of COVID-19 patients were compared with those of control patients, the results shows significant increased CRP in covid-19 patients group as a compression with the control group, the findings of the study is similar to Jacob Lentner, etal findings. In response to infections, the liver synthesizes significant quantities of acute-phase proteins (APPs), such as CRP. This acute inflammatory protein is a highly sensitive biomarker for inflammation, tissue damage, and infection. It has been shown that CRP levels are correlated with levels of inflammation. CRP levels can promote phagocytosis and activate the complement system. In other words, CRP binds to microorganisms and promotes their removal through phagocytosis. D-dimers are one of the fragments produced when plasmin cleaves fibrin to break down clots. Our study showed that the serum D-dimer concentrations in patients significantly higher than those in control group which is similar to Mamta Soni, etal, 2020 findings. Elevated D-dimer levels have emerged as a consistent finding in severely ill COVID-19 patients, Multiple studies have identified an association between higher D-dimer levels and an increased risk of mortality in the COVID-19 patient population. Ferritin is an iron-storing protein; its serum level reflects the normal iron level and helps the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. Circulation ferritin level increases during viral infections and can be a marker of viral replication. Our study showed a significant increase in ferritin level in covid-19 patients group compared to control group, which consider similar to [] results. Although the exact cause for elevated ferritin in COVID-19 infection is unknown, it could be influenced by cytokine release or cellular damage that results in the leakage of intracellular ferritin. It has been previously shown that ferritin is a direct indicator of cellular damage suggestive of an association between organ damage and ferritin production. This could later cause cell death, known as ferroptosis. It is suggested that inflammation associated with sepsis could alter iron metabolism and deficiency to facilitate the immune system, which could be an early sign of COVID

    Protective Effect of Moringa on Salivary Glands of Rats Exposed to Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Phone: A Histological Study

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    The growing widespread usage of cell phones has resulted in potential negative impacts on human health due to their use near the location of salivary glands, which might be affected by non-ionizing radiofrequency radiation emitted from cell phones. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of electromagnetic waves from cell phones on the salivary glands of male albino rats. Albino rats (n =42) were divided into 6 groups (n = 7 per group). Group I, the control group, received normal saline. In Group II, animals received 200 mg/kg body weight of ethanolic extract of Moringa leaves orally by gavage for a period of 10 weeks with no cell phone radiation. In Group III, animals were exposed to the data mode for 2 hours per day for 10 consecutive weeks. In Group IV, animals were exposed to calling mode for 2 hours per day for successive 10 weeks. In Group V, animals were subjected to data mode for 2 hours per day and given 200 mg/kg of Moringa extract. Group VI: animals exposed to calling mode for 2 hours/day and receiving 200 mg/kg of Moringa extract orally for a period of 10 weeks. Salivary gland samples were prepared for histological analysis after the experiment. In histological sections, the cells lining mucous acini, granular convoluted tubules, and striated ducts displayed symptoms of atrophy, vacuolar degeneration, necrosis, and detachment from the basement membrane edoema. These outcomes were examined using a light microscope. As a result of cell phone electromagnetic radiation, male albino rats' salivary glands suffered pathological alterations

    Suggesting new words to extract keywords from title and abstract

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    When talking about the fundamentals of writing research papers, we find that keywords are still present in most research papers, but that does not mean that they exist in all of them, we can find papers that do not contain keywords. Keywords are those words or phrases that accurately reflect the content of the research paper. Keywords are an exact abbreviation of what the research carries in its content. The right keywords may increase the chance of finding the article or research paper and chances of reaching more people who should reach them. The importance of keywords and the essence of the research and address is mainly to attract these highly specialized and highly influential writers in their fields and who specialize in reading what holds the appropriate characteristics but they do not read and cannot read everything. In this paper, we extract new keywords by suggesting a set of words, these words were suggested according to the many mentioned in the researches with multiple disciplines in the field of computer. In our system, we take a number of words (as many as specified in the program) that come before the proposed words and consider it as new keywords. This system proved to be effective in finding keywords that correspond to some extent with the keywords developed by the author in his research

    Investigating Some Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced LECA Lightweight Self-Compacting Concrete

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    . The primary goal of this investigation is to study the effect of using mono and hybrid fibers on the fresh and hardened characteristics of Lightweight Self-Compacting Concrete (LWSCC). Slump flow test, L-box test, sieve segregation test, and V-funnel test were used to evaluate the workability of LWSCC. The mechanical characteristics of LWSCC were assessed by using compressive strength, splitting strength, and flexural strength. Four mixtures using two types of fiber: Steel fiber (St) and polypropylene fiber (PP) (0% fiber, 1% (St), 0.75% (St) +0.25% (PP), 0.5% (St) +0.5% (PP)) were made. According to the results, (St) fiber and hybrid fiber addition to LWSCC reduced its workability, although the values of tests were still within the acceptable range stander of EFNARC. The findings indicated a decrease in the values of slump flow and L-box test by adding mono and hybrid fibers to the LWSCC mixture. While the T500mm and V_ funnel tests increased by adding mono and hybrid fibers to LWSCC mixture. The results also indicate that the utilisation of (St) fiber and hybrid fibers had a significant effect on the mechanical characteristics of LWSCC. Where the flexural and splitting strengths significantly increase with the addition of (St) and hybrid fibers to the LWSCC mix

    Establishing a COVID-19 lemmatized word list for journalists and ESP learners

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    The aim of this research is two-fold; first, to explore the most frequent COVID-19 inspired words in medical news reporting contexts, and second, to classify them into different categories. This paper adopts a corpus-based approach to build a lemmatized academic word list (AWL) inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic. Factiva was used to retrieve the pandemic-related articles published in News Rx from January 1 - October 31, 2020. A total number of 18,249,093-word corpus was compiled. The corpus linguistic software program Wordsmith (WS-6) (Scott, 2012) was used to generate a word list based on the complied corpus. Subsequent to compiling, lemmatizing, and analyzing the AWL, six categories were identified, namely, acronyms and abbreviation, diseases, COVID-19, biology, medicine, and scientific disciplines, all of which are of essential use for media workers, ESP learners of journalism, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and allied health sciences. Building such a discipline-specific glossary will be of special pedagogical value for health journalists, textbook writers and curriculum designers, instructors, and ESP learners in the health sciences field. One of the major contributions of this research is establishing lemmas of a large set of AWL. This set can be utilized by news media workers, health communication specialists, and ESP learners. Lemmatization will ensure rapid dissemination of the word list and its integration in the linguistic system through derivation and other word-formation processes

    A Study of the Association of Parental Consanguinity with Birth Defects and Neonatal Medical Problems in Babylon Province

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     شملت هذه الدراسة المقطعية 138زوج وذريتهم في محافظة بابل من الاول من شباط لغاية نهاية شهر نيسان من العام 2016 وقد كان هؤلاء الاباء والامهات خليطا من مختلف مناطق مركز محافظة بابل حيث تم اخذ المؤشرات الديموغرافية لهؤلاء الازواج كما تم اخذ المعلومات الصحية للأمهات واطفالهن وكان مصدر هذه المعلومات هي ردهات العناية بالأطفال حديثي الولادة وكذلك صالات الولادة. وجدت الدراسة ان نسبة عيوب الخلق الولادية كانت اعلى بكثير إحصائيا الازواج الاقرباء مقارنة مع غير الاقرباء وخاصة في زيجات ابناء العم وابناء الخال حيث وجدت الدراسة ان نسبة عيوب الخلق الولادية هي 7.1% في جميع زيجات غير الاقرباء بينما كانت النسبة 23.2% في جميع زيجات الاقرباء. وجدت الدراسة ايضا ان هنالك عوامل مساعدة في زيادة نسبة التشوهات وهي الولادات الخديجة ,وجود وفيات في الاحمال السابقة و نقص الوزن الولادي حيث كانت اكثر في زواج الاقرباء.A cross-sectional study of 138 married couples and their offspring was done in Babylon Province from the period between the first of February till the end of April 201 6 . The parents; who were either consanguine or no consanguine, came from mixed urban and rural backgrounds. Socio -demographic and obstetric data were recorded. Neonatal data were extracted from the medical records of the labor and neonatal care wards. The incidence of congenital and birth defects was significantly higher for those born to consanguine parents especially for first cousin couples.  The incidence of congenital abnormalities in newborns  of all non-consanguineous parents was 7.1% as compared to 23.2 % for newborns of all consanguineous group. In addition prematurity, history of previous prenatal mortality, and low birth weight were more common in the consanguineous group


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    Background: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a complication of Diabetes mellitus (DM) that lingers to have high rates of morbidity and mortality regardless of advances in the management of DM. DKA mainly results from insulin deficiency from new-onset diabetes, insulin noncompliance and increased insulin need because of infection Most persons with DKA have type 1 diabetes however, a subgroup of type 2 diabetes patients might as well have ketosis-prone diabetes. Awareness of Aim of the work: To assess the level of awareness of the risk factors of DKA as well as the adherence of DM patients with drugs. Methods: This is a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study enrolling a total of 100 randomly selected diabetic Saudi adults ensuring diversity in age range and educational stages. Descriptive analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 23. Awareness levels for DKA were calculated as absolute frequencies and were reported as overall percentages. Results: a total of 100 randomly selected diabetic Saudi adults (81 females and 19 males), 56% were diagnosed with DM-1 while 44% had DM-2 and only 11% were active sport practitioners. Moreover, only 62% reported a robust adherence to DM medications. The majority of the respondents scored low knowledge on DKA (54%). Regarding awareness of predisposing risk factors: 9% and 29% of the participants have related DKA to infection and febrile illness respectively. While 50% suggested an association between physical stress and DKA. Conclusion: Our results revealed a compelling need to bridge the disparity in awareness of DKA among Saudi adults with both types. The current knowledge gap doesn’t only incur a significant cost burden on the patients and their sponsors because of the high cost treatment and rehabilitation but also and more severely the complications that can be life-threatening if not spotted and treated quickly. Accordingly, we recommend the launch of education and awareness programs for the public at large, in the hope that this will lead to improved quality of life particularity for DM patients and their caregivers aa well as establishing nutrition and sports programs at schools and universities that can teach children and young adults the preventive measures and appropriate management of DKA early on in life. Other public Awareness raising campaign through TV & Radio spots, culture and art activities and informational events would add a great value. Keywords: Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Dka, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Cross Section, Awareness, Risk Factors