80 research outputs found

    An Application Model for Sustainability in the Construction Industry

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    Multi-objective optimisation of bio-based thermal insulation materials in building envelopes considering condensation risk

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    The reduction in energy demand for heating and cooling with insulation materials increases the material related environmental impact. Thus, implementing low embodied energy materials may equilibrate this trade-off. Actual trends in passive house postulate bio-based materials as an alternative to conventional ones. Despite that, the implementation of those insulators should be carried out with a deeper analysis due to their hygroscopic properties. The moisture transfer, the associated condensation risk and the energy consumption for seven biobased materials and polyurethane for a building-like cubicle are analysed. The performance is evaluated combining a software application to model the cubicle (EnergyPlus) and a tool to optimize its performance (jEPlus). The novelty of this optimization approach is to include and evaluate the effects of moisture in these insulation materials, taking into account the mass transfer through the different layers and the evaporation of the different materials. This methodology helps optimise the insulation type and thickness verifying the condensation risk, preventing the deterioration of the materials. The total cost of the different solutions is quantified, and the environmental impact is determined using the life cycle assessment methodology. The effect of climate conditions and the envelope configuration, as well as the risk of condensation, are quantified. The results show that cost and environmental impact can be reduced if bio-based materials are used instead of conventional ones, especially in semiarid climates. Condensation risk occurs for large thicknesses and in humid climates. In our case studies, hemp offered the most balanced solution.The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Government (CTQ2016-77968-C3-1-P, ENE2015-64117-C5-1-R, ENE2015-64117-C5-3-R, MINECO/FEDER, UE). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement no. PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE). This project has received funding the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No 657466 (INPATH-TES). This article has been possible with the support of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) (FJCI-2016-28789). Authors would like to acknowledge the Brazilian Government for their support by the CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). M.P. would like to thank the Brazilian Education Ministry for the financial support received under the PNPD/Capes fellowship. L.F.C. would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to her research group GREA (2014 SGR 123)

    Inundation Risk Index as an Urban Planning Supportive Tool

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    Urban densification and severe housing deficit of the low and middle-income population have been worsening as the urbanization process grew. It is not uncommon that lower income population finds some shelter irregularly occupying riverine areas. Today, flood risk processes associated with river dynamics generate significant expenses and concerns for public management. In view of this, the main objective of this work is to develop a flood risk supporting tool, which deals with some of the current urban planning drawbacks, being simple and accessible even to cities with little technical and investment capacities. This tool results from a multi-criteria analysis, and it is represented by a quantitative index, called the Inundation Risk Index, varying from 0 to 100. This new index is capable of combining factors related to both the natural characteristics of the watershed, which respond to the physical susceptibility to flooding, simulating the hazard, and to socioeconomic characteristics of the population and of the region affected, representing the vulnerability. Once normalized, each of the factors that compose the index is operated, in a relatively simple formulation, composed of weighted sums and weighted products. The Inundation Risk Index was applied to a case study in the Bacanga river basin, in the municipality of São Luís-Maranhão State/Brazil. In this work, was used a hydrodynamic model to validate the hazard component of the index. The results obtained by the mathematical modeling are consistent with the situation measured by Inundation Risk Index, which are also consistent with real practical observations and historical reports


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    Este artigo é uma síntese da dissertação de mestrado,visando esclarecer as facilidades e dificuldades encontradas pela Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Acre, no que concerne à elaboração, implantação e execução de um Modelo de Gestão para o Setor Habitacional que seja capaz de modernizar- se, contemplando a reestruturação organizacional e a viabilidade de ações estratégicas no avanço dos projetos de engenharia e inclusão social. Estes projetos teriam como finalidade a redução do déficit habitacional e sua maior participação na formulação das políticas públicas no Estado do Acre. O artigo discute a articulação conjunta do planejamento estratégico e a gestão estratégica, -This article is a synthesis of my master thesis, which aims at showing the favorable conditions and the difficulties found by the Housing Company in the State of Acre in the elaboration, implementation and execution of a Management Model capable of modernizing the Housing Sector: restructuring its organization and providing strategic actions to monitor the engineering projects designed to reduce habitation deficit and social inclusion. The article discusses the simultaneous articulation of Strategic Planning and Strategic Management, taking into consideration the proposals of many authors and experts in the area of strategic enterprise related to the formulation of public management. The study enmphasizes he importance of registering the history of housing in Brazil, and, especially, the solutions found for solving social problems. The role of BNH in the construction of a developmental policy for the sector is studied; besides, the difficulties faced by COHAB all over Brazil are examined. There are good perspectives for the companies with mix economy to retake their social, economical and political role in local realities. The strategic integration and alliance of the Company of Habitation of the State of Acre with municipal and state government is suggested in order to intensify their participation in the social and economical development process of the region. tomando como referências as proposições de vários autores, estudiosos e pesquisadores na área de estratégia empresarial. Quanto à formulação da gestão pública, ressalta-se a importância de se resgatar a história da habitação no Brasil no equacionamento da problemática social. Vale ressaltar o papel do BNH – Banco  Nacional de Habitação na construção de uma política desenvolvimentista para o setor, além de explicitar as dificuldades e desafios enfrentados pelas COHAB’s – Companhias de Habitação em todo o país. Sinaliza-se uma saída para a empresa de economia mista, no sentido retomar seu papel social, econômico e político diante da realidade regional. Sugere-se a integração e a aliança estratégica da Companhia de Habitação do Estado do Acre com os governos federal, estadual e municipal de modo a intensificar, ainda mais, sua participação no processo de desenvolvimento social e econômico da Amazônia

    Case Study of Pathological Manifestations of Neoprene Support Devices in Infrastructure

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    The so-called works of special arts, are constructions of high complexities that allow the advancement of widening gaps and overcoming obstacles previously unthinkable. With the increase in magnitude of these structures, in addition to greater investments, the maintenance of these structures becomes an increasingly important factor for engineering. Among the elements of bridge structures, the support devices are components with important structural functions, being essential for their proper functioning and especially the durability of the entire structure. This paper aims to evaluate the pathological manifestations in support devices so, according to inspections performed and the diagnosis of causes, define their best practices and treatments for the maintenance and mitigation of the pathologies found. In the practical study the following steps were performed: survey and selection of the structures currently under maintenance of MetrôRio; selection of criteria for the evaluation of pathologies; carrying out inspections; comparative analysis between the viaducts to determine the priority order for negotiations; and definition of conduct. The results obtained were the result of evaluation of the field analysis, diagnosis and comparison with tests performed in support devices. Having as input the tests in the support devices, the best treatments and suggestions to avoid new pathologies were proposed

    Análisis de la perspectiva del usuario con respecto a los edificios con fardos de paja: Un estudio de encuesta

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    The present investigation aims to evaluate straw bales buildings users’ satisfaction in terms of product performance. The proposed objective was achieved through a survey applied to a sample of 75 owners around the world. The results indicate that the straw bale technique was chosen by most participants due to the sustainability provided by the system. More than half of respondents said construction was more expensive than expected, but 84% of respondents consider maintenance costs low. External plaster was the constructive element that needed more maintenance over the years. Plumbing was the most outsourced specialized service during construction. All participants reported that they are satisfied with their buildings and 96% said they would use this method again.La presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la satisfacción de los usuarios de los edificios de fardos de paja en términos de rendimiento del producto. El objetivo propuesto se logró a través de una encuesta aplicada a una muestra de 75 propietarios en todo el mundo. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de los participantes eligieron la técnica del fardo de paja debido a la sostenibilidad que brinda el sistema. Más de la mitad de los entrevistados dijeron que la construcción fue más cara de lo esperado, pero 84% consideran que los costes de mantenimiento son bajos. El yeso exterior fue el elemento constructivo que más mantenimiento necesitó a lo largo de los años. La fontanería fue el servicio especializado más subcontratado durante la construcción. Todos los participantes informaron que están satisfechos con sus edificios y el 96% dijo que volverían a utilizar este método

    An integrated approach of building information modelling and life cycle assessment (BIM-LCA) for gas and solar water heating systems

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    Buildings are responsible for the energetic consumption and potential greenhouse gas emissions during their life cycle. Water heating system contribute to a building’s energetic consumption, mainly in residential units, throughout the building’s operational phase. Variability in energy sources, reservation and distribution systems of hot water along with the types of construction materials used in these building systems are key decisions to make in the initial design phases of a building project. Often, the definition of the most appropriate water heating system for a building is made via a technical-economic decision. However, the decision is rarely based on natural resource consumption and environmental impact generation throughout the life-cycle of the heating systems and of buildings as a whole. This study presents an application of a specific environmental management tool, based on an integrated Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) method for selection of hot water systems, during the early design building phase. The proposed approach is implemented in the pre-operational phase, in order to enable decision makers to appreciate the resulting environmental performance of water heating systems in buildings. The applicability of the framework is tested via a comparative study of solar heating water systems and natural gas heating water systems for a residential multifamily building to be constructed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For the indicators damage to human health and damage to ecosystem, results indicate that the greatest impact on global warming comes from the natural gas heating system, while for solar heating, free particulate matter was the highest negative contribution. The operation phase for the natural gas system was highest for climate change while for solar heating system, it was the fresh water that was impacted the most during the pre-operational phase of the system’s use

    Experimental design for the propagation of smoldering fires in corn powder and cornflour

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    Corn is an example of an agricultural grain with a specific combustibility level and can promote smoldering fires during storage. This paper conducts an experimental design to numerically evaluate how three parameters, namely particle size, moisture, and air ventilation, influence the smoldering velocity. The work methodology is based on Minitab’s experimental design, which defined the number of experiments. First, a pile of corn is heated by a hot plate and a set of thermocouples registers all temperature variations. Then, a full-factorial experiment is implemented in Minitab to analyze the smoldering, which provides a mathematical equation to represent the smoldering velocity. The results indicate that particle size is the most influential factor in the reaction, with 35% and 45% variation between the dried and wet samples. Moreover, comparing the influence of moisture between corn flour and corn powder samples, a variation of 19% and 31% is observed; additionally, analyzing the ventilation as the only variant, we noticed variations of 15% and 17% for dried and wet corn flour, and 27% and 10% for dried and wet corn powder. Future studies may use the experimental design of this work to standardize the evaluation methodology and more effectively evaluate the relevant influencing factors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The potential of CEB reinforced masonry technology for (re)construction in the context of disasters

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    More than 226 million people are affected by some type of disaster every year in various dimensions of human life, both in the short and long term. In this context, housing provision plays a leading role when it comes to basic needs and the choice of construction technologies and materials are determinant for a well-succeeded housing provision process. This work aims to analyze the viability of reinforced masonry technology with cement-stabilized compressed earth blocks as an alternative for the (re)construction process in situations that involve disaster risk reduction (DRR). To address this issue, a discussion from the literature and the main results obtained during the investigations carried out within the scope of the Simple Housing Solution (SHS) Project are presented. In the sequence, analyses are performed under United Nations Development Program/International Recovery Platform sustainability recommendations: environmental, technical, financial and socio-organizational aspects. It is concluded that the technology of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) reinforced structural masonry has a high potential to be successfully applied in DRR situations, especially when associated with the community construction system in a joint effort.The SHS Project counted on financial support from Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de AmparoàPesquisado Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) during Phase 1 (2009–2012), grant number E-26/190.212/2009