12 research outputs found
Dopamine has no direct causal role in the formation of treatment expectations and placebo analgesia in humans
Dopamine-based reward and learning mechanisms have been suggested to contribute to placebo effects. However, the exact role of dopaminergic neurotransmission in their generation and maintenance is still unclear. This study aimed to shed light on the causal role of dopamine in establishing positive treatment expectations, as well as on the magnitude and duration of their effect on pain. To this end, we used an established placebo analgesia paradigm in combination with 2 opposing pharmacological modulations of dopaminergic tone, i.e., the dopamine antagonist sulpiride and the dopamine precursor L-dopa which were both applied in an experimental, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with a between-subject design in N = 168 healthy volunteers. The study medication successfully altered dopaminergic tone during the conditioning procedure. Contrary to our hypotheses, the medication did not modulate the formation of positive treatment expectation and placebo analgesia tested 1 day later. Placebo analgesia was no longer detectable on day 8 after conditioning. Using a combined frequentist and Bayesian approach, our data provide strong evidence against a direct dopaminergic influence on the generation and maintenance of placebo effects. Further exploration of the neurochemical mechanisms underlying placebo analgesia remains paramount in the quest to exploit these effects for optimal treatment outcomes. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov German Clinical Trials Register, ID: DRKS00029366, https://drks.de/search/en/trial/DRKS00029366
Digital rectal examination skills: first training experiences, the motives and attitudes of standardized patients
Background: Physical clinical examination is a core clinical competence of medical doctors. In this regard, digital rectal examination (DRE) plays a central role in the detection of abnormalities of the anus and rectum. However, studies in undergraduate medical students as well as newly graduated doctors show that they are insufficiently prepared for performing DRE. Training units with Standardized Patients (SP) represent one method to deliver DRE skills. As yet, however, it is little known about SPs’ attitudes. Methods: This is a qualitative study using a grounded theory approach. Interviews were conducted with 4 standardized patients about their experiences before, during and after structured SP training to deliver DRE competencies to medical students. The resulting data were subjected to thematic content analysis. Results: Results show that SPs do not have any predominant motives for DRE program participation. They participate in the SP training sessions with relatively little prejudice and do not anticipate feeling highly vulnerable within teaching sessions with undergraduate medical students. Conclusions: The current study examined SPs’ motives, views, expectations and experiences regarding a DRE program during their first SP training experiences. The results enabled us to derive distinct action guidelines for the recruitment, informing and briefing of SPs who are willing to participate in a DRE program
Autoimmune glomerulonephritis in a multiple sclerosis patient after cladribine treatment
Oral cladribine is an approved disease-modifying drug for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis. In controlled clinical trials as well as in post marketing safety assessments, autoimmune conditions have not yet been reported as a specific side effect of cladribine.
Objective and Results:
Here, we report a case of anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody-mediated glomerulonephritis that occurred shortly after the fourth cladribine treatment cycle.
Neurologists should be attentive to the development of secondary autoimmunity in cladribine-treated patients
"Umwuchtungen" : die wechselvolle Geschichte der ZfL-Bibliothek
Für Jorge Luis Borges ist die Bibliothek Ort unermesslichen Wissens und Metapher für die Unendlichkeit. Umberto Eco beschreibt sie in "Der Name der Rose" als einen Raum voller Kräfte, als Schatzhaus voller Geheimnisse. Mögen sich die Bibliotheken über die Jahrhunderte auch einen Teil dieses Zaubers bewahrt haben, sind sie heute mehr denn je moderne Informationseinrichtungen in einer digitalen Gesellschaft. Vor allem in großen wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken ist dieser Wandel spürbar; als Dienstleistungsunternehmen ist ihre Atmosphäre von Betriebsamkeit und Anonymität geprägt. Kleinere Institutsbibliotheken hingegen haben sich stärker einen Teil des Magischen bewahren können. In gewisser Weise verfügen sie über eine besondere Atmosphäre, einen "spirit", geformt von dem Ort selbst und den dort anwesenden Menschen. Auch in der Bibliothek des Leibniz-Zentrums für Literatur- und Kulturforschung (ZfL) liegt ein ganz besonderer Bücherduft in der Luft, in dem die Zeit konserviert scheint. Die Geschichte dieser Bibliothek ist geprägt von etlichen Brüchen und Umbrüchen und spiegelt damit, gleichsam als Gedächtnis ihrer wechselnden Trägereinrichtungen, nicht zuletzt auch deutsch-deutsche Geschichte wider
Immunotherapies in chronic adhesive arachnoiditis - A case series and literature review
Chronic spinal adhesive arachnoiditis (CSAA) is a rare condition with limited therapeutic options. Surgical treatment proves effective in approximately 60% of cases. Conservative treatment options have not been extensively investigated. Here, we report the course of the disease, analyze the effect of immune treatments in patients with CSAA who were treated in the University Hospital Essen between 2015 and 2020, and conduct a literature review. Three out of four patients showed no improvement after treatment with corticosteroids, methotrexate, or plasmapheresis. All non-responders suffered from CSAA for several years, while one patient who had a disease duration of less than one month fully recovered. It is necessary to verify whether treatment at an early stage of the disease is better than treatment after chronic adhesion manifestation, as it interrupts the development of adhesions and all subsequent complications
Lernen am späteren Arbeitsplatz: eine Analyse studentischer Erwartungen an den Stationseinsatz im Fachbereich der Inneren Medizin
[english] Background: Learning on the ward as a practice-oriented preparation for the future workplace plays a crucial role in the medical education of future physicians. However, students’ ward internship is partially problematic due to condensed workflows on the ward and the high workload of supervising physicians. For the first time in a German-speaking setting, students’ expectations and concerns about their internship on the ward are examined in a qualitative analysis regarding their internal medicine rotation within clinical medical education.Methods: Of a total of 168 medical students in their 6th semester at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg, 28 students (m=8, f=20, Ø 23.6 years) took part in focus group interviews 3 to 5 days prior to their internship on the internal medicine ward within their clinical internal medicine rotation. Students were divided into four different focus groups. The protocols were transcribed and a content analysis was conducted based on grounded theory.Results: We gathered a total of 489 relevant individual statements. The students hope for a successful integration within the ward team, reliable and supportive supervisors and supervision in small groups. They expect to face the most common diseases, to train the most important medical skills, to assume full responsibility for their own patients and to acquire their own medical identity. The students fear an insufficient time frame to achieve their aims. They are also concerned they will have too little contact with patients and inadequate supervision.Conclusion: For the development and standardization of effective student internships, the greatest relevance should be attributed to guidance and supervision by professionally trained and well-prepared medical teachers, entailing a significant increase in staff and costs. A structural framework is required in order to transfer the responsibility for the treatment of patients to the students at an early stage in medical education and in a longitudinal manner. The data suggest that the development and establishment of guidelines for medical teachers associated with clearly defined learning objectives for the students’ internships are urgently needed. Based on our findings, we provide first recommendations and suggest possible solutions
Lernen am späteren Arbeitsplatz: eine Analyse studentischer Erwartungen an den Stationseinsatz im Fachbereich der Inneren Medizin
[english] Background: Learning on the ward as a practice-oriented preparation for the future workplace plays a crucial role in the medical education of future physicians. However, students’ ward internship is partially problematic due to condensed workflows on the ward and the high workload of supervising physicians. For the first time in a German-speaking setting, students’ expectations and concerns about their internship on the ward are examined in a qualitative analysis regarding their internal medicine rotation within clinical medical education.Methods: Of a total of 168 medical students in their 6th semester at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg, 28 students (m=8, f=20, Ø 23.6 years) took part in focus group interviews 3 to 5 days prior to their internship on the internal medicine ward within their clinical internal medicine rotation. Students were divided into four different focus groups. The protocols were transcribed and a content analysis was conducted based on grounded theory.Results: We gathered a total of 489 relevant individual statements. The students hope for a successful integration within the ward team, reliable and supportive supervisors and supervision in small groups. They expect to face the most common diseases, to train the most important medical skills, to assume full responsibility for their own patients and to acquire their own medical identity. The students fear an insufficient time frame to achieve their aims. They are also concerned they will have too little contact with patients and inadequate supervision.Conclusion: For the development and standardization of effective student internships, the greatest relevance should be attributed to guidance and supervision by professionally trained and well-prepared medical teachers, entailing a significant increase in staff and costs. A structural framework is required in order to transfer the responsibility for the treatment of patients to the students at an early stage in medical education and in a longitudinal manner. The data suggest that the development and establishment of guidelines for medical teachers associated with clearly defined learning objectives for the students’ internships are urgently needed. Based on our findings, we provide first recommendations and suggest possible solutions
Cognitive Impairment in Adult Patients with 5q-Associated Spinal Muscular Atrophy
In previous studies, a below-average, average, or above-average intelligence quotient (IQ) in children with SMA was detected but, aside from a severe physical disability, the cognitive performance of adult SMA patients has not yet been evaluated. The intelligence test used in this study, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, fourth edition (WAIS-IV), was used to measure major intelligence components of adult SMA patients. The WAIS-IV determines four index scores representing verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. Due to time-dependent demands on motor function, the processing speed index score was excluded. IQ index scores of 33 adult SMA patients did not differ from IQ index scores of the normal population. In SMA type-3 patients, the index scores for verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, and working memory did not differ from the normal population but showed a trend of IQ scores towards lower points. Patients with SMA type 2 had lower IQ index scores for working memory (90.33 ± 12.95; p = 0.012) and perceptual reasoning (90.73 ± 12.58; p = 0.013) than the normal population. This study provided further evidence that SMA is a multi-systemic disease and may refute the widespread hypothesis that SMA patients might improve their cognitive skills to compensate for their physical impairment