695 research outputs found

    Electron scattering states at solid surfaces calculated with realistic potentials

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    Scattering states with LEED asymptotics are calculated for a general non-muffin tin potential, as e.g. for a pseudopotential with a suitable barrier and image potential part. The latter applies especially to the case of low lying conduction bands. The wave function is described with a reciprocal lattice representation parallel to the surface and a discretization of the real space perpendicular to the surface. The Schroedinger equation leads to a system of linear one-dimensional equations. The asymptotic boundary value problem is confined via the quantum transmitting boundary method to a finite interval. The solutions are obtained basing on a multigrid technique which yields a fast and reliable algorithm. The influence of the boundary conditions, the accuracy and the rate of convergence with several solvers are discussed. The resulting charge densities are investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, copyright and acknowledgment added, typos etc. correcte

    A new finite element approach for problems containing small geometric details

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    summary:In this paper a new finite element approach is presented which allows the discretization of PDEs on domains containing small micro-structures with extremely few degrees of freedom. The applications of these so-called Composite Finite Elements are two-fold. They allow the efficient use of multi-grid methods to problems on complicated domains where, otherwise, it is not possible to obtain very coarse discretizations with standard finite elements. Furthermore, they provide a tool for discrete homogenization of PDEs without requiring periodicity of the data

    Finite elements on degenerate meshes: inverse-type inequalities and applications

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    In this paper we obtain a range of inverse-type inequalities which are applicable to finite-element functions on general classes of meshes, including degenerate meshes obtained by anisotropic refinement. These are obtained for Sobolev norms of positive, zero and negative order. In contrast to classical inverse estimates, negative powers of the minimum mesh diameter are avoided. We give two applications of these estimates in the context of boundary elements: (i) to the analysis of quadrature error in discrete Galerkin methods and (ii) to the analysis of the panel clustering algorithm. Our results show that degeneracy in the meshes yields no degradation in the approximation properties of these method

    Sparse convolution quadrature for time domain boundary integral formulations of the wave equation

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    Many important physical applications are governed by the wave equation. The formulation as time domain boundary integral equations involves retarded potentials. For the numerical solution of this problem, we employ the convolution quadrature method for the discretization in time and the Galerkin boundary element method for the space discretization. We introduce a simple a priori cut-off strategy where small entries of the system matrices are replaced by zero. The threshold for the cut-off is determined by an a priori analysis which will be developed in this paper. This analysis will also allow to estimate the effect of additional perturbations such as panel clustering and numerical integration on the overall discretization error. This method reduces the storage complexity for time domain integral equations from O(M2N) to O(M2N½ logM), where N denotes the number of time steps and M is the dimension of the boundary element spac

    Effective Interactions for the Three-Body Problem

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    The three-body energy-dependent effective interaction given by the Bloch-Horowitz (BH) equation is evaluated for various shell-model oscillator spaces. The results are applied to the test case of the three-body problem (triton and He3), where it is shown that the interaction reproduces the exact binding energy, regardless of the parameterization (number of oscillator quanta or value of the oscillator parameter b) of the low-energy included space. We demonstrate a non-perturbative technique for summing the excluded-space three-body ladder diagrams, but also show that accurate results can be obtained perturbatively by iterating the two-body ladders. We examine the evolution of the effective two-body and induced three-body terms as b and the size of the included space Lambda are varied, including the case of a single included shell, Lambda hw=0 hw. For typical ranges of b, the induced effective three-body interaction, essential for giving the exact three-body binding, is found to contribute ~10% to the binding energy.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    Stochastic methods for solving high-dimensional partial differential equations

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    We propose algorithms for solving high-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) that combine a probabilistic interpretation of PDEs, through Feynman-Kac representation, with sparse interpolation. Monte-Carlo methods and time-integration schemes are used to estimate pointwise evaluations of the solution of a PDE. We use a sequential control variates algorithm, where control variates are constructed based on successive approximations of the solution of the PDE. Two different algorithms are proposed, combining in different ways the sequential control variates algorithm and adaptive sparse interpolation. Numerical examples will illustrate the behavior of these algorithms
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