222 research outputs found

    From Street Network Analysis to Urban History

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    The morphological analysis states that changes in urban form operate following a transitional system, which obeys a partially binding endogenous logic. This aspect has been heavily criticised for the bait it may induce, through the suggestion of an auto-perpetuation of urban forms. Actually, form's autonomy has a social as well as a morphological origin: it comes from the multiplicity of its functions, senses, and the multiplicity of actors. Nevertheless, the complexity of this social/spatial articulation might be the morphological analysis’ best asset. Indeed, it suggests that a theory of urban form’s evolution should rely on models which simplify reality, in order to focus on a single aspect: the form itself, for instance.Furthermore, the modelling that I propose focuses on a single component of urban form: the street network. Therefore, my aim is to know how the analysis of the street network’s evolution will bring me insights about the city’s formative process.Some authors have insisted on the necessity of perceiving these process as an action-retroaction mechanism: on the one hand, local modifications (such as adding a street) that occur in the street network have an impact on its global properties (in terms of density or centrality e.g.); on the other hand, the global network yields a conditioning on its elements’ substitution, which provokes, at least during a period of time, the stability of its global properties.The purpose of this communication is to expose this interplay between Bottom-up and Top-down processes. To achieve that, I compare the morphological properties of street networks, in a diachronic way, on long time periods. Then, I show how this comparison reveals the impact of local modifications on the network’s global properties, and reciprocally, how those properties sometimes remain stable despite local modifications. Finally, I introduce the external context (historical, political, socio-economic
) for each period, and look for regularities in causes of the observed impacts or remains. Those regularities will be sought in terms of exogenous reasons: are there categories of modifications (wars, urban sprawl
) that are more impactful than others? And then in terms of endogenous laws: are there network’s patterns that are more yielding, or more rigid than others?In order to test the relevance of my approach, I work on two very different case studies: Paris, the capital of France, and Beauvais, a small town in northern France. An interesting result was obtained on the city of Beauvais, by analysing the network’s accessibility and density, as well as the street’s width distribution (the number of streets for each width category) before and after World War II. I demonstrated a relative stability of the network’s properties for a certain time before the War, and then a deep modification after 1960’s reconstruction. A comparison of those parameters among others, on a longer time, for my two case studies, then the introduction of each context may allow me to show the regularities mentioned before, and could lead me to reveal generic city’s formative processes

    Evolution and Perspectives of Economic Relations of the Republic of Moldova and the European Union

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    Dans cet article, nous avons tracĂ© et analysĂ© les principales Ă©tapes du dĂ©veloppement des relations Ă©conomiques entre la RĂ©publique de Moldova et l'Union EuropĂ©enne. L’étude met en lumiĂšre certains problĂšmes fondamentaux et les perspectives de la coopĂ©ration et de l'intĂ©gration mutuellement bĂ©nĂ©fiques

    Contribution À Une Étude Floristique De « Aguelmouss–Moulay Bouaazza –Tiddass » (Plateau Central, Maroc)

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    The study of wealth and floristic diversity, conducted during March, April, May and June 2015 in the region (Aguelmous - Moulay Bouazza - OulmĂšs- Tiddas- Maaziz) belonging to the central plateau, revealed the existence of 360 plant species; 46 species of Fabaceae, 44 Asteraceae, 32 and 19 respectively from Caryophyllaceae and Lamiaceae. These families comprise 43.9% of the entire flora of the study area, the rest of the species belong to 48 families with 56.10%. A significant number of endemic has been inventoried: 43 of Morocco, one of Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula 6 of Morocco and Algeria, 4 of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Moreover, three rare and endangered species have been recorded. Also, ecological analysis based on floristic surveys between 230 m and 1630 m shows that the altitude is a discriminating factor in the distribution of vegetation

    Investigation fatigue crack initiation and propagation cruciform welded joints by extended finite element method (XFEM) and implementation SED approach

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    This study has used the strain energy density (SED) approach to evaluate the stress intensity factor (SIF) of cracked cruciform welded joints in Hardox 450 steel. A microstructural analysis was made of Hardox 450 steel which is composed of refined and tempered low carbon martensite. The obtained results of simulation will be compared with those provided by J-integral methode for different enriched zones and contours based on the extended finite element method (XFEM) coupled with the level set technique (LST).  Crack initiation and propagation under cyclic loading have been adopted for the modeling of cruciform welded joints

    Clément-Noël Douady, La ville comme processus. DerriÚre la forme urbaine, quelle dynamique ?

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    ClĂ©ment-NoĂ«l Douady, urbaniste et architecte, est l’auteur de Lire la ville chinoise, paru en 2011 chez L’Harmattan. Il a Ă©galement co-Ă©crit avec l’équipe Morphocity De la trace Ă  la trame, paru en 2014 (cf. M@ppemonde). Il opte cette fois-ci pour un essai, La ville comme processus, DerriĂšre la forme urbaine, quelles dynamiques ? qu’il publie ïŹn 2016 Ă©galement aux Ă©ditions L’Harmattan. Cet essai a un double ancrage. D’une part, il s’inscrit dans la catĂ©gorie des ouvrages illustrĂ©s traitant de..

    Probleme Ɵi perspective ale integrării Republicii Moldova pe piaƣa energetică europeană

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    The energy security as a component part of national security was and remains to be a permanent concern for the Republic of Moldova for the whole period of its independence. This will determine the sustainable development of the national economy, the social equity, and the sovereignty of the state. This article highlights both the problems regarding the energy security at the contemporary stage and its perspectives in the European context

    Khanguet el-MouhĂąad

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    L’escargotiĂšre capsienne du Khanguet el-MouhĂąad reprĂ©sente l’un des sites les plus cĂ©lĂšbres de la rĂ©gion de TĂ©bessa. En l’évoquant ici notre propos est d’inviter le lecteur Ă  consulter une bibliographie dĂ©taillĂ©e (Balout, 1954-1955 ; Briggs, 1953 ; Morel, 1953 ; Vaufrey, 1955 ; Camps, 1974). L’attention accordĂ©e aujourd’hui au Khanguet el-MouhĂąad est surtout motivĂ©e par l’avantage qu’on pourrait encore attendre d’une rĂ©Ă©valuation et d’une mise en synergie des nombreuses informations anciennem..

    Khanguet el-MouhĂąad

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    L’escargotiĂšre capsienne du Khanguet el-MouhĂąad reprĂ©sente l’un des sites les plus cĂ©lĂšbres de la rĂ©gion de TĂ©bessa. En l’évoquant ici notre propos est d’inviter le lecteur Ă  consulter une bibliographie dĂ©taillĂ©e (Balout, 1954-1955 ; Briggs, 1953 ; Morel, 1953 ; Vaufrey, 1955 ; Camps, 1974). L’attention accordĂ©e aujourd’hui au Khanguet el-MouhĂąad est surtout motivĂ©e par l’avantage qu’on pourrait encore attendre d’une rĂ©Ă©valuation et d’une mise en synergie des nombreuses informations anciennem..

    Comparative study of land use in Zărnești (Romania) and Strășeni (Republic of Moldova) towns

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    The efficient use of land remains a priority of states, regions, and territorial taxonomic rankings. The regional, economic and environmental development policies of the states suppose the efficient capitalization of natural, human, technical and technological resources and other resources in order to ensure their sustainability in time and space. In this context, through this study, the authors propose to elaborate an assessment of how the land fund was capitalized in the two cities located in the Republic of Moldova and Romania, close as demographic dimensions, but different as a way of managing this natural resource. The interest for the way of capitalization of space resources by these two administrative-territorial entities is part of the practical need to follow the changes of quantitative as well as qualitative nature of the land fund, as a result of the transformations made during the transition to market economy, that is carried out in both states. The present scientific approach is part of a doctoral study „Integration of small and medium-sized cities in the regional urban system. Comparative study of human geography, for example in the cities of Zărnești, Romania and StrăƟeni, Republic of Moldova", through which the doctoral student aims to assess the degree of integration of small and medium-sized cities in the regional urban system, in the context of territorial decentralization, by applying regional development policies
