11 research outputs found

    Behavioural and temporal partitioning of dolphin social groups in the northern Adriatic Sea

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    Complex social structure is a prominent feature in several mammal species. Such structure may lead to behavioural diversity not only among populations, but also within a single population, where different subsets of a population may exhibit different types of behaviour. As a consequence, understanding social structure is not only interesting biologically, but may also help conservation and management efforts, because not all segments of a population necessarily respond to or interact with human activities in the same way, or at the same time. In this study, we examined the social structure of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Gulf of Trieste and adjacent waters (northern Adriatic Sea), based on a 9-year dataset, using social network metrics and association indices. We assessed whether different segments of the population show differences in behaviour and interactions with fisheries. Dolphin social network was structured into distinct social clusters of mixed sexes. We found no evidence of male alliances. The two largest social clusters overlapped spatially, but not temporally, as they used the same area at different times of day. Such diel temporal partitioning does not appear to have been documented in cetaceans previously. The two clusters also differed in ways they interact with fisheries, as one regularly interacted with trawlers, while the other did not. This study demonstrates how different segments of animal populations can interact differently with human activities and in turn respond differently to anthropogenic impacts.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

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    Behavioural and temporal partitioning of dolphin social groups in the northern Adriatic Sea

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    Complex social structure is a prominent feature in several mammal species. Such structure may lead to behavioural diversity not only among populations, but also within a single population, where different subsets of a population may exhibit different types of behaviour. As a consequence, understanding social structure is not only interesting biologically, but may also help conservation and management efforts, because not all segments of a population necessarily respond to or interact with human activities in the same way, or at the same time. In this study, we examined the social structure of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Gulf of Trieste and adjacent waters (northern Adriatic Sea), based on a 9-year dataset, using social network metrics and association indices. We assessed whether different segments of the population show differences in behaviour and interactions with fisheries. Dolphin social network was structured into distinct social clusters of mixed sexes. We found no evidence of male alliances. The two largest social clusters overlapped spatially, but not temporally, as they used the same area at different times of day. Such diel temporal partitioning does not appear to have been documented in cetaceans previously. The two clusters also differed in ways they interact with fisheries, as one regularly interacted with trawlers, while the other did not. This study demonstrates how different segments of animal populations can interact differently with human activities and in turn respond differently to anthropogenic impacts

    Linking organochlorine contaminants with demographic parameters in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins from the northern Adriatic Sea

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    Marine top predators, including marine mammals, are known to bio-accumulate persistent pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a serious conservation concern for these species. Although PCBs declined in European seas since the 1970s–1980s ban, considerable levels still persist in European and Mediterranean waters. In cetaceans, stranded animals are a valuable source of samples for pollutant studies, but may introduce both known and unknown biases. Biopsy samples from live, free-ranging cetaceans offer a better alternative for evaluating toxicological burdens of populations, especially when linked to known histories of identified individuals. We evaluated PCB and other organochlorine contaminants in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea), one of the most human-impacted areas in the Mediterranean Sea. Biopsies were collected from 32 male and female dolphins during 2011–2017. All animals were photo-identified and are part of a well-known population of about 150 individuals monitored since 2002. We tested for the effects of sex, parity and social group membership on contaminant concentrations. Males had significantly higher organochlorine concentrations than females, suggesting offloading from reproducing females to their offspring via gestation and/or lactation. Furthermore, nulliparous females had substantially higher concentrations than parous ones, providing further support for maternal offloading of contaminants. Overall, 87.5% of dolphins had PCB concentrations above the toxicity threshold for physiological effects in experimental marine mammal studies (9 mg/kg lw), while 65.6% had concentrations above the highest threshold published for marine mammals based on reproductive impairment in ringed seals (41 mg/kg lw). The potential population-level effects of such high contaminant levels are of concern particularly in combination with other known or suspected threats to this population. We demonstrate the utility of combining contaminant data with demographic parameters such as sex, reproductive output, etc., resulting from long-term studies

    Linking organochlorine contaminants with demographic parameters in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins from the northern Adriatic Sea

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    This study was partially supported through the development of the expert baselines for the implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive in relation to marine mammals in Slovenia, for which we are grateful to Monika Peterlin, Elizabeta Gabrijelčič and the Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia. OceanCare and Earthwatch Institute provided additional valuable support.Marine top predators, including marine mammals, are known to bio-accumulate persistent pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a serious conservation concern for these species. Although PCBs declined in European seas since the 1970s–1980s ban, considerable levels still persist in European and Mediterranean waters. In cetaceans, stranded animals are a valuable source of samples for pollutant studies, but may introduce both known and unknown biases. Biopsy samples from live, free-ranging cetaceans offer a better alternative for evaluating toxicological burdens of populations, especially when linked to known histories of identified individuals. We evaluated PCB and other organochlorine contaminants in free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea), one of the most human-impacted areas in the Mediterranean Sea. Biopsies were collected from 32 male and female dolphins during 2011–2017. All animals were photo-identified and are part of a well-known population of about 150 individuals monitored since 2002. We tested for the effects of sex, parity and social group membership on contaminant concentrations. Males had significantly higher organochlorine concentrations than females, suggesting offloading from reproducing females to their offspring via gestation and/or lactation. Furthermore, nulliparous females had substantially higher concentrations than parous ones, providing further support for maternal offloading of contaminants. Overall, 87.5% of dolphins had PCB concentrations above the toxicity threshold for physiological effects in experimental marine mammal studies (9 mg/kg lw), while 65.6% had concentrations above the highest threshold published for marine mammals based on reproductive impairment in ringed seals (41 mg/kg lw). The potential population-level effects of such high contaminant levels are of concern particularly in combination with other known or suspected threats to this population. We demonstrate the utility of combining contaminant data with demographic parameters such as sex, reproductive output, etc., resulting from long-term studies.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Las políticas públicas urbanas como proceso plural. Enfoques de política urbana y gobernanza urbana

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    Este artículo se pregunta por la relación entre la gobernanza urbana, como enfoque para el análisis de las políticas públicas propias de las ciudades, y los enfoques de política urbana. Para responder dicha pregunta se examinan las posibles contribuciones que los enfoques de política urbana pueden hacer a la aproximación de la gobernanza urbana y se analizan las perspectivas que, en esta última, tienen puntos de conexión con los primeros. Con las herramientas que emergen de ese contraste, se plantea un modelo de análisis que ofrece criterios de carácter sustantivo para examinar el fenómeno de la gobernanza en las políticas públicas de las ciudades contemporáneas. Se sostiene que la apertura del espectro de análisis constituye la vía para que el enfoque de la gobernanza pueda reconocer las características sustantivas de las nuevas formas de interacción público-privada en el ámbito de la política urbana, en especial, aquellas presentes en contextos diferentes a los propios de los países desarrollados

    Mid-distance re-sighting of a common bottlenose dolphin in the northern Adriatic Sea: insight into regional movement patterns

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    Understanding animal movement patterns is not only important for providing insight into their biology, but is also relevant to conservation planning. However, in aquatic and wide-ranging species such as cetaceans, this is often difficult. The common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is the most common cetacean in the northern and central Adriatic Sea and has been the focus of long-term studies in some areas. All of the studied local populations show a relatively high degree of site fidelity, but their movements, ranging patterns or connectivity are not well understood. On 24 and 26 April 2014 a single adult bottlenose dolphin was observed and photographed alive off the Slovenian coast. The same individual was found dead on the shores of Goro, Italy, on 5 May 2014, about 130 km from the two sighting locations. The well-marked dorsal fin made the identification straightforward. The dolphin was found freshly dead, suggesting it had died very recently prior to being found. This indicates that the reported movement was a real one, rather than an artefact of currents. Although single cases cannot provide the basis for making population-level inferences, our observation shows that northern Adriatic bottlenose dolphins can make substantial movements in short periods of time and suggests that such movements could be more common than currently documented. Comparisons among photo-ID catalogues and stranding events can be highly informative, as they can provide useful information with implications for the cross-border conservation of mobile marine predator