78 research outputs found

    Specifičnost logopedskog pristupa kod neurogene orofaringealne disfagije

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    Classification and Profiles of Students Based on Their Motivations Concerning Higher Education

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    Cluster analysis was used to create segments of high school graduates based on their motivations/opinions regarding their future education. Data for this study were collected using a questionnaire distributed to high school graduates following State Matura exam. The students were asked to evaluate the importance of 13 different reasons/causes for choosing the faculty selected as their first choice. The analysis yielded five meaningful clusters of students that differ not only in motivations, but also in achievement on State Matura exams and in their preference regarding the scientific field of their future study

    Assessment of communication abilities in persons with traumatic brain injuries during rehabilitation

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    Komunikacijske su teÅ”koće kod osoba s traumatskom ozljedom mozga različite, uzimajući u obzir rasprostranjenost ozljede, vrstu udaraca i težinu traumatskog oÅ”tećenja mozga. Cilj ovoga rada, i u tu svrhu provedenog istraživanja, bila je procjena komunikacijskih sposobnosti osoba s traumatskim oÅ”tećenjem mozga na verbalnom, gestovnom i grafičkom modalitetu primjenom Porch indeksa komunikacijskih sposobnosti (Porch Index of Communicative Ability, PICA, B. E. Porch, 1981) prevedenog i prilagođenog hrvatskom jeziku. Ispitivanje je provedeno na 14 ispitanika obaju spolova, u dobi od 21 do 62 godine, kroz tri vremenska razdoblja u razmaku od tri mjeseca, kako bi se pratio napredak ispitanika kroz ponovljena ispitivanja. Svi su ispitanici bili na liječenju i rehabilitaciji u Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju u Krapinskim Toplicama. Prikupljeni su podatci obrađeni univarijantno i multivarijntno. KoriÅ”ten je Friedmanov neparametrijski test za testiranje značajnosti razlika aritmetičkih sredina malih zavisnih uzoraka. Za analizu sustava varijabli kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih promjena jednog uzorka u dvije vremenske točke koriÅ”ten je program PROM (Nikolić, 1997). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na najmanji stupanj oporavka u verbalnom modalitetu. Gestovni modalitet je značajno oÅ”tećen u početnim ispitivanjima, ali se pod utjecajem terapije brže oporavlja. Grafički modalitet opisuju najloÅ”iji rezultati zbog pareza ili plegija ekstremiteta. Rezultati ukazuju i na važnost zastupljenosti određenog modaliteta u ranoj rehabilitaciji komunikacijskih poteÅ”koća nakon ozljede mozga.Communication abilities can be affected differently by traumatic brain injury because of differences in the types of impact and the types and severity of brain lesions. The present study used a Croatian version of the Porch Index of Communicative Ability (Porch, 1981) to assess verbal, gesticular and graphic communication abilities in persons with traumatic brain injuries (in 14 men and women aged 21-62 years). Assessments were performed three times at intervals of 3 months during rehabilitation at a specialized clinic in Krapinske Toplice. Data were analyzed using uni- and multivariate analyses. The Friedman nonparametric test was used to assess the significance of differences between small dependent samples. PROM software (Nikolić, 1997) was used to compare quantitative and qualitative changes between two time points within one sample. The results indicate that rehabilitation was more effective for gesticular abilities, less effective for verbal abilities, and least effective for graphic abilities, reflecting the presence of pareses and plegias of extremities. The results point to the importance of targeting certain communication abilities during early rehabilitation after brain injury

    Učestalost dizartrije kod pacijenata s traumatskom ozljedom mozga

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    Traumatic brain injury (TOM) causes a variety of speech disorders, among which dysarthria predominates. Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that occurs due to impaired neuro-muscular control and mobility of muscles that are used to produce speech. Dysarthria as a speech difficulty often persists for a very long time after a traumatic brain injury and interferes with the quality of communication. Isolated studies on the incidence of dysarthria in individuals with TOM are very rare. The aim of this study is to determine the incidence of dysarthria in individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injury. The sample consisted of 60 subjects with an average age of 39,1(SD = 16,55), and an average age of education of 12,35 (SD = 1,63), 6 women I 54 men,time of assessment of dysarthria from injury is 1,26 month (SD=4,49). Subjects were treated in the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of Neurological Patients at the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation Krapinske Toplice in the period from 1 September 2020 to 1 September 2021. To determine the existence of dysarthria the Dysarthria Screening Test was used. For the purpose of statistical data processing, descriptive statistics, Chi square test and T test were used. The research results showed that of the total number of subjects (N = 83) included in speech therapy, dysarthria was present in 24 subjects, or 28.9%. Given the high incidence of dysarthria in people with traumatic brain injury, the professional contribution of this research would be an insight into the importance of early assessment and treatment of this speech impairment that significantly affects the functioning and communication of a person in everyday life.Traumatska ozljeda mozga (TOM) uzrokuje različite govorne poremećaje, među kojima dominira dizartrija. Dizartrija je poremćaj govora koji se javlja zbog oÅ”tećenja neuro-miÅ”ićne kontrole i pokretljivosti govornih organa. Dizartrija kao govorna teÅ”koća često perzistira vrlo dugo nakon zadobivene traumatske ozljede mozga i ometa kvalitetu komunikacije. Izolirane studije o učestalosti dizartrije kod osoba sa TOM-om vrlo su rijetke. Cilj ovog rada bio bi utvrditi učestalost dizartrije kod osoba koje su doživjele traumatsku ozljedu mozga koji su bili na stacionarnoj rehabilitaciji u Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Krapinske Toplice u razdoblju ood 01.09.2020. do 01.09.2021. godine. Uzorak su činila 60 ispitanika prosječne starosti 39,1 (SD=16,55), i prosječnih godina obrazovanja 12,35(SD= 1,63) i to 6 žena i 54 muÅ”karaca, vrijeme procjene disartrije od ozljede je 1,26 mjeseci(SD=4,49). U određivanju postojanja dizartrije koristili smo Skrining test za dizartriju. Od statističkih testova koriÅ”tena je deskriptivna statistika, Hi kvadrat test i T test. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da od ukupnog broja ispitanika njih 60 koji su bili upućeni na logopedski tretman u navedom peiodu dizartija bila prisutna kod njih 23 ,odnosno 38,33 %. Obzirom na visoku učestalost dizartrije kod osoba sa traumatskom ozljedom mozga stručni doprinos ovog istarživanja bio bi uvid u značaj pravovremene procjene i tretmana navedenog govornog oÅ”tećenja koji bitno utječe na funkcioniranje i komunikaciju osobe u svakodnevnom život

    Učestalost dizartrije kod pacijenata sa moždanim udarom

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    Stroke can cause various forms of dysarthria in patients. Studies of dysarthria in this population are relatively rare, and empirical data on its frequency are quite variable. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of dysarthria in stroke patients referred for speech therapy. The sample consisted of 152 subjects with stroke who were referred for a speech therapy examination. The age of the respondents was 55 years (SD = 10.04), the average age of education was 13 years (SD = 10.04), the male person was 98 (64.4%), while the female person was 54 (35.5%). The average time from stroke was 8 months (SD = 18.92). The examinedes were in inpatient rehabilitation treatment at the Clinic for Rehabilitation ā€œDr. Miroslav Zotovićā€ in Belgrade, in the period from September 1, 2020 to September 1, 2021. years. A screening test for dysarthria was used to determine the presence of dysarthria. From the statistical tests, descriptive statistics, Chi square test, and T test were used. The results showed the presence of dysarthria in 44 (29%) subjects included in the study. Given the high incidence of dysarthria in persons after stroke, the data indicate the importance of timely assessment and treatment to enable the best possible functioning of the person in everyday life and communicationMoždani udar (MU) može da uzrokuje različite forme dizartrije kod obolelih. Studije dizartrije u ovoj populaciji su relativno retke, a empirijski podaci o njenoj učestalosti prilično varijabilni. Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje učestalosti dizartrije kod pacijenata sa moždanim udarom koji su upućeni na logopedski tretman. Uzorak se sastojao od 152 ispitanika sa MU koji su upućeni na logopedski pregled. Starosna dob ispitanika bila je 55 godina (SD = 10.04), prosečne godine obrazovanja bile su 13 godina (SD = 10.04), osoba muÅ”kog pola bilo je 98 (64,4%), dok je osoba ženskog pola bilo 54 (35,5%). Prosečno vreme od povrede iznosilo je 8 meseci (SD = 18.92). Ispitanici su se nalazili na stacionarnom rehabilitacionom tretmanu na Klinici za rehabilitaciju ā€™ā€™dr Miroslav Zotovićā€™ā€™ u Beogradu, u periodu od 01.09.2020 do 01.09.2021. godine. U određivanju prisutva dizartrije koriŔćen je Skrining test za dizartriju. Od statističkih testova koriŔćena je deskriptivna statistika, Hi kvadrat test, i T test. Rezultati su pokazali prisustvo dizartrije kod 44 (29%) ispitanika uključenih u studiju. S obzirom na visoku učestalost dizartrije kod osoba nakon MU, podaci ukazuju na značaj pravovremene procene i tretmana kako bi se omogućilo Å”to bolje funkcionisanje osobe u svakodnevnom živototu i komunikaciji

    Smjernice za rano prepoznavanje, dijagnostiku i terapiju neurogene orofaringealne disfagije [Guidelines for early detection, diagnostics and therapy of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia]

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    Guidelines for the early detection, diagnostics and therapy of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia have been made as a result of collaboration of clinicians of different backgrounds who are dealing with patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia (NOD). These guidelines have been written by the representatives of the Croatian Society of Clinical Nutrition, Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Neurological Society, Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Society of Gastroenterology and Croatian Society of Nutritionists and Dietitians. The aim of these guidelines is to raise the awareness about NOD that is encountered in acute and chronic neurological diseases, especially in patients with stroke, extrapyramidal diseases, neuromuscular and demyelinisation diseases and dementia. We provide a detailed description of diagnostics of dysphagia, and we recommend the establishment of a multidisciplinary team for dysphagia involving neurologists, internists, speech therapists, dietitians, pharmacists and nurses with special competences for the management of NOD. An educated team member conducts diagnostics and rehabilitation in accordance with the validated tools, classifications and categorizations shown in these guidelines to allow a systematic and consistent treatment. The guidelines also provide detailed algorithms for introducing nutritional support ā€“ from the application of modified texture foods, proper hydration to artificial nutrition (enteral and parenteral nutrition)


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    Smjernice za rano prepoznavanje, dijagnostiku i terapiju neurogene orofaringealne disfagije nastale su suradnjom kliničara različitih disciplina koji se bave brojnim aspektima skrbi o bolesnicima s neurogenom orofaringealnom disfagijom (NOD). U izradi smjernica sudjelovali su predstavnici Hrvatskog druÅ”tva za kliničku prehranu Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora (HLZ-a), Hrvatskoga neuroloÅ”kog druÅ”tva HLZ-a, Hrvatskoga gastroenteroloÅ”kog druÅ”tva i Hrvatskog druÅ”tva nutricionista i dijetetičara. Smjernice imaju cilj povećati svijest o NOD-u koji se javlja kod akutnih i kroničnih neuroloÅ”kih bolesti, posebice kod moždanog udara, ekstrapiramidnih bolesti, neuromuskularnih i demijelinizacijskih bolesti te demencija. Nadalje, smjernice donose detaljan opis dijagnostike disfagije te preporučuju osnivanje multidisciplinarnog tima za disfagiju u kojem sudjeluju neurolozi, internisti, logopedi, dijetetičari, farmaceuti i medicinske sestre s posebnim kompetencijama na području NOD-a. Educirani član tima provodi dijagnostiku i rehabilitaciju u skladu s provjerenim alatima, klasifikacijama i kategorizacijama prikazanim u ovim smjernicama kako bi se omogućilo sustavno i izjednačeno postupanje. Smjernice donose i detaljne algoritme uvođenja nutritivne potpore ā€“ od primjene hrane promijenjene teksture, pravilne hidracije do artificijalne prehrane (enteralne i parenteralne).Guidelines for the early detection, diagnostics and therapy of neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia have been made as a result of collaboration of clinicians of different backgrounds who are dealing with patients with neurogenic oropharyngeal dysphagia (NOD). These guidelines have been written by the representatives of the Croatian Society of Clinical Nutrition, Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Neurological Society, Croatian Medical Association, Croatian Society of Gastroenterology and Croatian Society of Nutritionists and Dietitians. The aim of these guidelines is to raise the awareness about NOD that is encountered in acute and chronic neurological diseases, especially in patients with stroke, extrapyramidal diseases, neuromuscular and demyelinisation diseases and dementia. We provide a detailed description of diagnostics of dysphagia, and we recommend the establishment of a multidisciplinary team for dysphagia involving neurologists, internists, speech therapists, dietitians, pharmacists and nurses with special competences for the management of NOD. An educated team member conducts diagnostics and rehabilitation in accordance with the validated tools, classifications and categorizations shown in these guidelines to allow a systematic and consistent treatment. The guidelines also provide detailed algorithms for introducing nutritional support ā€“ from the application of modified texture foods, proper hydration to artificial nutrition (enteral and parenteral nutrition)
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