224 research outputs found

    Towards a more situation appropriate and responsive extension approach for Ethiopia

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    This paper investigates the influence of some selected personal, environmental and intervening factors on the adoption behaviour of dairy producers with the object of identifying the most important causes of behaviour and thus finding a more purposeful and effective way of changing the adoption behaviour. 200 farmers were randomly drawn form a total of about 430 standing members of Ada Liben Woreda Dairy And Dairy Products Marketing Association (ALWDADPMA) in Debrezeit, Ethiopia. In the analysis of data the ordinary least squares (OLS) regression methods were employed to identify the most important determinants associated with behavioural change The results indicate that, in general, the intervening variables tend to have the highest prediction value. They were found to explain 68.3 percent and 80.9 percent of the variance of behaviour associated with the practice adoption and production efficiency, while the independent variables explained only 17.8 percent and 19.3 percent of the variation, respectively. The contribution of independent variables appears substantial only when their indirect effect (effect through intervening variables) is considered. SA Jnl. Agric. Ext. Vol 33 2004: 52-6

    Artificial intelligence for conflict management

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    Student Number : 0213053E MSc research report - School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built EnvironmentOne of the risks that have a great impact on society is military con- °ict. Militarised Interstate Dispute (MID) is de¯ned as an outcome of interstate interactions which result in either peace or con°ict. E®ective prediction of the possibility of con°ict between states is a good decision support tool. Neural networks (NNs) have been implemented to predict militarised interstate disputes before Marwala and Lagazio [2004]. Sup- port Vector Machines (SVMs) have proven to be very good prediction techniques in many other real world problems Chen and Odobez [2002]; Pires and Marwala [2004]. In this research we introduce SVMs to predict MID. The results found show that SVM is better in predicting con°ict cases (true positives) without e®ectively reducing the number of correctly classi¯ed peace (true negatives) than NN. A sensitivity analysis for the in°uence of the dyadic (explanatory) variables shows that NN gives more consistent and easy to interpret results than SVM. Further investigation is required with regards to the sensitivity analysis of SVM

    On the need for multi-dimensional models for the safety analysis of (fast-spectrum) Molten Salt Reactors

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    This paper aims at characterizing the impact of adopting numerical models with different dimensionalities on the predicted behavior of fast-spectrum Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs). The study encompasses 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D representations of thermal-hydraulics and precursor transport/diffusion, along with spatial and point kinetics models for neutronics. We evaluate the accuracy of each model based on steady-state results and on the reactor response to 2 different transient initiators. The findings emphasize the significance of utilizing a 3-D representation with accurate thermal-hydraulics modeling, and with either spatial kinetics or carefully calibrated point kinetics incorporating a spatial description of precursors transport. 2-D and 1-D models can reproduce main trends and remain valuable tools for e.g. reactor design, control-oriented studies or uncertainty quantification. However, proper calibration of these models is needed and the user should be aware that alterations in flow patterns could jeopardize model calibration and hide first-order local effects

    Anti-colorectal cancer activity of an organometallic osmium arene azopyridine complex

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    This first in vivo antitumour activity for an organometallic osmium arene complex, [Os(eta(6)-p-cym)(4-(2-pyridylazo)-N,N-dimethylaniline)I]PF(6), is reported. The complex delays the growth of HCT116 human colon cancer xenografts in mice, with negligible toxicity. Its activity appears to involve redox mechanisms and its potency towards A2780 ovarian and A549 lung cancer cells is increased significantly in combination with L-buthionine-sulfoximine

    Halide Control of N,N-Coordination versus N,C-Cyclometalation and Stereospecific Phenyl Ring Deuteration of Osmium(II) p-Cymene Phenylazobenzothiazole Complexes

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    YesWe report the synthesis of halido Os(II) p-cymene complexes bearing bidentate chelating phenylazobenzothiazole (AZBTZ) ligands. Unlike the analogous phenylazopyridine (AZPY) complexes, AZBTZ-NMe2 is capable of both N,N-coordination to Os(II) and cyclometalation to form N,C-coordinated species. N,C-Coordination occurs via an azo nitrogen and an ortho carbon on the aniline ring, as identified by 1H NMR and X-ray crystallography of [Os(p-cym)(N,N-AZBTZ-NMe2)Cl]PF6 (1a), [Os(p-cym)(N,N-AZBTZ-NMe2)Br]PF6 (2a), [Os(p-cym)(N,C-AZBTZ-NMe2)Br] (2b), and [Os(p-cym)(N,C-AZBTZ-NMe2)I] (3b). The N,C-coordinated species is more stable and is not readily converted to the N,N-coordinated complex. Analysis of the crystal structures suggests that their formation is influenced by steric interactions between the p-cym and AZBTZ-NMe2 ligands: in particular, larger monodentate halide ligands favor N,C-coordination. The complexes [Os(p-cym)(N,N-Me2-AZBTZ-NH2)Cl]PF6 (4) and [Os(p-cym)(N,N-Me2-AZBTZ-NH2)I]PF6 (5) were synthesized with methyl groups blocking the ortho positions on the aniline ring, forcing an N,N-coordination geometry. 1H NMR NOE experiments confirmed hindered rotation of the arene ligand and steric crowding around the metal center. Complex 2b exhibited unexpected behavior under acidic conditions, involving regiospecific deuteration of the aniline ring at the meta position, as observed by 1H NMR and high-resolution ESI-MS. Deuterium exchange occurs only under acidic conditions, suggesting an associative mechanism. The calculated partial charges on 2b show that the meta carbon is significantly more negatively charged, which may account for the regiospecificity of deuterium exchange.ERC, EPSRC, The Royal Societ

    Different Coordination Modes of a Tripod Phosphine in Gold(I) and Silver(I) Complexes

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    The following gold(I) and silver(I) complexes of the tritertiary phosphine 1,1,1- tris(diphenylphosphinomethyl)ethane, tripod , have been synthesised: Au3(tripod)X3 [X = Cl(1), Br(2), I(3)]; [Au3(tripod)2Cl2]Cl (4); Au(tripod)X [X = Br(5), I(6)]; Ag3(tripod) (NO3)4 (7), Ag(tripod)NO3 (8). They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (complexes 2, 3 and 4), 31P NMR spectroscopy, electrospray and FAB mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy. Complexes 2 and 3 show a linear coordination geometry for Au(I), with relatively short Au-P bond distances. Complex 3 has a Au•••Au intramolecular distance of 3.326 A ° , while complex 2 had a short Au•••Au intermolecular interaction of 3.048 A ° . Complexes 4-6 were found by 31P NMR spectroscopy studies to contain a mixture of species in solution, one of which crystallised as [Au3(tripod|)2Cl2]Cl which was shown by X-ray diffraction to contain both tetrahedral and linear Au(I), the first example of a Au(I) complex containing such a mixture of geometries. The reaction of [Au3 (tripod)Cl3] (1) with tripod led successfully to the formation of [Au3(tripod|)2Cl2]+ and [Au3(tripod)2Cl3]+ and [Au3(tripod|)3Cl]2+. The silver(I) complexes, 7 and 8 appear to contain linear and tetrahedral Ag(I), respectively

    Level of Care Preferences Among Nursing Home Residents With Advanced Dementia

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    Delivering goal-directed care is a hallmark of high-quality palliative care, but requires an understanding of preferences


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    Developing high yielding and stable genotypes for wide and specific adaptation is important in wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) production. The objective of this study was to exploit the gains from genotype by environment interaction for increased bread wheat production in eastern Africa. Thirty-three advanced bread wheat lines, along with two check varieties (Danda\u2019a and Hidasse) were evaluated at ten locations in Ethiopia and Kenya. The experiment was laid out in alpha lattice design in three replications. The analysis of variance for AMMI model of grain yield showed that environment, genotypes and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) effects were highly significant (P<0.01), and accounted for 62.4, 4.8 and 15.8% of the total sum of squares variations, respectively. High environmental and significant GEI indicated that the environment had major influence for inconsistent performance. Grain yield of the genotypes ranged from 1.58 t ha-1 (G30) to 9.05 t ha-1 (G31). Genotypes G31, G18 and G35 were the best performing lines across environments. The AMMI biplot, using the first two principal components, showed that testing sites Njoro and Arsi-Robe highly discriminated the tested genotypes. Njoro was negatively interacting with high yielding genotypes, and was a different environment from any of the testing locations of Ethiopia for these sets of genotypes. It may be difficult to develop high yielding and stable varieties for the two countries, but one should look for specific adaptation. Genotypes G31 and G18 produced high grain yield, with low stability across locations which were favouring high yielding environments. However, G21 and G8 had above mean grain yield and good stability across locations. Therefore, wheat breeding for specific adaptability is very important to exploit the genetic advantage of specific genotypic performances across the region. However, extensive testing considering many locations across East African countries is vital for delineating and exploiting wheat environments for marked developments.Le d\ue9veloppement de vari\ue9t\ue9s stables et a rendements \ue9lev\ue9s dans le but d\u2019adoption a grande \ue9chelle, est important dans la production du bl\ue9 tendre ( Triticum aestivum L.). L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude est d\u2019exploiter l\u2019effet de l\u2019interaction entre g\ue9notypes et environnements (IGE) pour accroitre la production du bl\ue9 tendre en Afrique de l\u2019Est. Trente-trois lign\ue9es avanc\ue9es de bl\ue9 tendre ensemble avec deux vari\ue9t\ue9s de r\ue9f\ue9rence (Danda\u2019a and Hidasse) ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9valu\ue9es dans dix locations. Le plan exp\ue9rimental \ue9tait en treillis alpha avec trois r\ue9p\ue9titions. La m\ue9thode de l\u2019interaction des effets additifs and multiplicative (AMMI) avait \ue9t\ue9 utilis\ue9e pour le rendement en grain. L\u2019analyse des variances selon ce mod\ue8le a montr\ue9 que l\u2019environnement, le g\ue9notype et l\u2019interaction des deux ont des effets significatifs sur le rendement en grains (P<0,01), et contribuent respectivement, 62,4\ua0; 4,8 et 15,8% \ue0 la variation totale. Un effet important de l\u2019environnement et une interaction significative indiquent que l\u2019environnement a un r\uf4le majeur dans les diff\ue9rences de rendements. Les rendements en grains des g\ue9notypes testes varient de 1.58 t ha-1 (G30) a 9.05 t ha-1 (G31). Les g\ue9notypes G31, G18 et G35 \ue9taient de fa\ue7on g\ue9n\ue9rale, les plus performants. Le biplot g\ue9n\ue8re par AMMI a montr\ue9 que les sites Njoro and Arsi-Robe discriminent nettement les g\ue9notypes test\ue9s. Njoro \ue9tait n\ue9gativement corr\ue9l\ue9 avec les g\ue9notypes a rendement \ue9lev\ue9 et constituait un environnement diff\ue9rent de toutes les autres locations de l\u2019Ethiopie ou ces g\ue9notypes ont \ue9t\ue9 testes. Il peut s\u2019av\ue9rer difficile de d\ue9velopper des vari\ue9t\ue9s \ue0 haut rendement et stable dans les deux pays, mais l\u2019on doit rechercher des vari\ue9t\ue9s adapt\ue9es \ue0 chaque milieu. Les g\ue9notypes G31 et G18 ont eu des rendements \ue9lev\ue9s mais n\u2019ont pas \ue9t\ue9 stables dans les milieux qui se sont av\ue9r\ue9s \ue0 haut rendement. N\ue9anmoins, G21 et G8 ont eu des rendements plus \ue9lev\ue9s que la moyenne et se sont montres stables d\u2019un milieu \ue0 un autre. Il s\u2019ensuit donc que le d\ue9veloppement de vari\ue9t\ue9 de bl\ue9 tendre adapt\ue9 \ue0 chaque milieu serait une bonne approche pour une exploitation efficiente des avantages g\ue9n\ue9tiques des g\ue9notypes \ue0 haute performance. N\ue9anmoins, il est important de faire des essais extensifs prenant en compte plusieurs localit\ue9s des pays de l\u2019Afrique de l\u2019Est afin d\u2019explorer et identifier les milieux propices au bl\ue9 tendre
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