12 research outputs found

    The mitochondrial oxidoreductase CHCHD4 is present in a semi-oxidized state in vivo.

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    Disulfide formation in the mitochondrial intermembrane space is an essential process catalyzed by a disulfide relay machinery. In mammalian cells, the key enzyme in this machinery is the oxidoreductase CHCHD4/Mia40. Here, we determined the in vivo CHCHD4 redox state, which is the major determinant of its cellular activity. We found that under basal conditions, endogenous CHCHD4 redox state in cultured cells and mouse tissues was predominantly oxidized, however, degrees of oxidation in different tissues varied from 70% to 90% oxidized. To test whether differences in the ratio between CHCHD4 and ALR might explain tissue-specific differences in the CHCHD4 redox state, we determined the molar ratio of both proteins in different mouse tissues. Surprisingly, ALR is superstoichiometric over CHCHD4 in most tissues. However, the levels of CHCHD4 and the ratio of ALR over CHCHD4 appear to correlate only weakly with the redox state, and although ALR is present in superstoichiometric amounts, it does not lead to fully oxidized CHCHD4

    Vectorial import via a metastable disulfide-linked complex allows for a quality control step and import by the mitochondrial disulfide relay

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    Disulfide formation in the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) is an essential process. It is catalyzed by the disulfide relay machinery, which couples substrate import and oxidation. The machinery relies on the oxidoreductase and chaperone CHCHD4-Mia40. Here, we report on the driving force for IMS import and on a redox quality control mechanism. We demonstrate that unfolded reduced proteins, upon translocation into the IMS, initiate formation of a metastable disulfide-linked complex with CHCHD4. If this interaction does not result in productive oxidation, then substrates are released to the cytosol and degraded by the proteasome. Based on these data, we propose a redox quality control step at the level of the disulfide-linked intermediate that relies on the vectorial nature of IMS import. Our findings also provide the mechanistic framework to explain failures in import of numerous human disease mutants in CHCHD4 substrates

    A Possible Alignment Between the Orbits of Planetary Systems and their Visual Binary Companions

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    Astronomers do not have a complete picture of the effects of wide-binary companions (semimajor axes greater than 100 au) on the formation and evolution of exoplanets. We investigate these effects using new data from Gaia Early Data Release 3 and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission to characterize wide-binary systems with transiting exoplanets. We identify a sample of 67 systems of transiting exoplanet candidates (with well-determined, edge-on orbital inclinations) that reside in wide visual binary systems. We derive limits on orbital parameters for the wide-binary systems and measure the minimum difference in orbital inclination between the binary and planet orbits. We determine that there is statistically significant difference in the inclination distribution of wide-binary systems with transiting planets compared to a control sample, with the probability that the two distributions are the same being 0.0037. This implies that there is an overabundance of planets in binary systems whose orbits are aligned with those of the binary. The overabundance of aligned systems appears to primarily have semimajor axes less than 700 au. We investigate some effects that could cause the alignment and conclude that a torque caused by a misaligned binary companion on the protoplanetary disk is the most promising explanation

    Cysteine residues in mitochondrial intermembrane space proteins: more than just import

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    The intermembrane space (IMS) is a very small mitochondrial sub-compartment with critical relevance for many cellular processes. IMS proteins fulfil important functions in transport of proteins, lipids, metabolites and metal ions, in signalling, in metabolism and in defining the mitochondrial ultrastructure. Our understanding of the IMS proteome has become increasingly refined although we still lack information on the identity and function of many of its proteins. One characteristic of many IMS proteins are conserved cysteines. Different post-translational modifications of these cysteine residues can have critical roles in protein function, localization and/or stability. The close localization to different ROS-producing enzyme systems, a dedicated machinery for oxidative protein folding, and a unique equipment with antioxidative systems, render the careful balancing of the redox and modification states of the cysteine residues, a major challenge in the IMS. In this review, we discuss different functions of human IMS proteins, the involvement of cysteine residues in these functions, the consequences of cysteine modifications and the consequences of cysteine mutations or defects in the machinery for disulfide bond formation in terms of human health. Linked Articles This article is part of a themed section on Chemical Biology of Reactive Sulfur Species. To view the other articles in this section visi

    Profiling Ssb-Nascent Chain Interactions Reveals Principles of Hsp70-Assisted Folding

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    The yeast Hsp70 chaperone Ssb interacts with ribosomes and nascent polypeptides to assist protein folding. To reveal its working principle, we determined the nascent chain-binding pattern of Ssb at near-residue resolution by in vivo selective ribosome profiling. Ssb associates broadly with cytosolic, nuclear, and hitherto unknown substrate classes of mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) nascent proteins, supporting its general chaperone function. Ssb engages most substrates by multiple binding-release cycles to a degenerate sequence enriched in positively charged and aromatic amino acids. Timely association with this motif upon emergence at the ribosomal tunnel exit requires ribosome-associated complex (RAC) but not nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC). Ribosome footprint densities along orfs reveal faster translation at times of Ssb binding, mainly imposed by biases in mRNA secondary structure, codon usage, and Ssb action. Ssb thus employs substrate-tailored dynamic nascent chain associations to coordinate co-translational protein folding, facilitate accelerated translation, and support membrane targeting of organellar proteins

    Proteasomal degradation induced by DPP9-mediated processing competes with mitochondrial protein import

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    Plasticity of the proteome is critical to adapt to varying conditions. Control of mitochondrial protein import contributes to this plasticity. Here, we identified a pathway that regulates mitochondrial protein import by regulated N-terminal processing. We demonstrate that dipeptidyl peptidases 8/9 (DPP8/9) mediate the N-terminal processing of adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) en route to mitochondria. We show that AK2 is a substrate of the mitochondrial disulfide relay, thus lacking an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence and undergoing comparatively slow import. DPP9- mediated processing of AK2 induces its rapid proteasomal degradation and prevents cytosolic accumulation of enzymatically active AK2. Besides AK2, we identify more than 100 mitochondrial proteins with putative DPP8/9 recognition sites and demonstrate that DPP8/9 influence the cellular levels of a number of these proteins. Collectively, we provide in this study a conceptual framework on how regulated cytosolic processing controls levels of mitochondrial proteins as well as their dual localization to mitochondria and other compartments

    Proteasomal degradation induced by DPP9-mediated processing competes with mitochondrial protein import

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    Plasticity of the proteome is critical to adapt to varying conditions. Control of mitochondrial protein import contributes to this plasticity. Here, we identified a pathway that regulates mitochondrial protein import by regulated N-terminal processing. We demonstrate that dipeptidyl peptidases 8/9 (DPP8/9) mediate the N-terminal processing of adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) en route to mitochondria. We show that AK2 is a substrate of the mitochondrial disulfide relay, thus lacking an N-terminal mitochondrial targeting sequence and undergoing comparatively slow import. DPP9-mediated processing of AK2 induces its rapid proteasomal degradation and prevents cytosolic accumulation of enzymatically active AK2. Besides AK2, we identify more than 100 mitochondrial proteins with putative DPP8/9 recognition sites and demonstrate that DPP8/9 influence the cellular levels of a number of these proteins. Collectively, we provide in this study a conceptual framework on how regulated cytosolic processing controls levels of mitochondrial proteins as well as their dual localization to mitochondria and other compartments

    AIFM1 is a component of the mitochondrial disulfide relay that drives complex I assembly through efficient import of NDUFS5

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    The mitochondrial intermembrane space protein AIFM1 has been reported to mediate the import of MIA40/CHCHD4, which forms the import receptor in the mitochondrial disulfide relay. Here, we demonstrate that AIFM1 and MIA40/CHCHD4 cooperate beyond this MIA40/CHCHD4 import. We show that AIFM1 and MIA40/CHCHD4 form a stable long-lived complex in vitro, in different cell lines, and in tissues. In HEK293 cells lacking AIFM1, levels of MIA40 are unchanged, but the protein is present in the monomeric form. Monomeric MIA40 neither efficiently interacts with nor mediates the import of specific substrates. The import defect is especially severe for NDUFS5, a subunit of complex I of the respiratory chain. As a consequence, NDUFS5 accumulates in the cytosol and undergoes rapid proteasomal degradation. Lack of mitochondrial NDUFS5 in turn results in stalling of complex I assembly. Collectively, we demonstrate that AIFM1 serves two overlapping functions: importing MIA40/CHCHD4 and constituting an integral part of the disulfide relay that ensures efficient interaction of MIA40/CHCHD4 with specific substrates