6 research outputs found

    Integration of Religious Moderation in Developing an Islamic Religious Education Curriculum

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    This research aims to explain the integration of various modes in developing an Islamic religious education curriculum. This type of research is qualitative with a research library approach. Research data consists of data on religious moderation, curriculum development, and PAI material from primary sources in the form of relevant books and journals. Data collection techniques are carried out using documentation. The researchers' data sources were obtained from books and journals about religious moderation, curriculum development, and PAI materials. Data analysis uses Content Analysis. Based on the research results obtained, the integration of religious moderation in the Islamic religious education curriculum has the potential to produce education that is more inclusive, tolerant, and respectful of diversity of beliefs. A curriculum development process that considers principles of religious moderation tends to create a learning environment that is more open to interreligious dialogue and better understanding between religious groups. The importance of training for teachers and education stakeholders in implementing the integration of religious moderation in Islamic religious education practices. Periodic evaluation of the curriculum that has been integrated with various moderations needs to be carried out to ensure that integration goals are achieved and are in line with societal developments. This research results provide recommendations for stakeholders in Islamic religious education to adopt and develop a diverse moderation approach in curriculum as a step towards a more harmonious and inclusive society. Thus, this conclusion shows that the integration of religious moderation in developing an Islamic religious education curriculum can make a positive contribution to creating more inclusive and tolerant education, as well as encouraging better understanding between religious groups. In addition, this research also highlights the importance of training and sustainability evaluation in carrying out this integration effectively

    Pengembangan Inovasi Pembelajaran Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia

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    The point of this exploration is to analyze in more profundity the improvement of learning developments in working on the nature of Islamic training in Indonesia. This work was composed in light of a writing survey and top to bottom comprehension and collected understanding from different believed essential book sources. This kind of examination is subjective with a library research approach. Information assortment procedures are done with documentation. Wellsprings of information come from books and diaries. The information examination strategy utilizes content investigation. The consequences of the exploration show that nonstop advancement should be persistently urged to prod great and intensity. In creating imaginative educating and learning exercises in Islamic strict schooling subjects, these incorporate the accompanying: Giving administration preparing coordinated by instructive establishments. Creating learning media, for example, executing games in realizing when understudies begin to get endlessly exhausted, utilizing on the web tests as material. assessment of learning, and the utilization of devices like LCD, projector as a help for learning. Plan the most recent learning models and strategies so understudies can acquire new encounters and work on understudies' perspective. Give mental preparation to keep up with emotional wellness. Giving innovation based preparing to foster a teacher's educational skill so that in mastering they can apply innovation well and can make a lovely air during the growing experience

    Pengaruh Budaya Belajar Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak Terhadap Dinamika Relasi Siswa Santri dan Siswa Non Santri di Kelas XI MA Hidayatul Mubtadiin Jati Agung Lampung Selatan

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    The point of this examination is to decide the impact of the way of life of learning moral conviction subjects on the elements of the connection among santri and non-santri understudies in class XI MIA Mama Hidayatul Mubtadiin Sidoharjo Jati Agung South Lampung. This examination utilizes quantitative exploration techniques. The number of inhabitants in this review was class XI Mama Hidayatul Mubtadiin, adding up to 70 understudies. The examining procedure utilized was purposive testing, the example in this review was taken from class XI MIA II, adding up to 20 understudies, 14 santri understudies and 6 non-santri understudies. Information assortment utilized was as surveys, perception and documentation techniques. The information was handled and dissected utilizing the cross classification information examination technique (crosstab). The consequences of the examination show that the social language of learning moral conviction subjects by and large emphatically affects the elements of connections between santri understudies and non-santri understudies at Mama Hidayatul Mubtadiin. It very well may be seen from the consequences of the T Test computation (Fractional) that the impact of the way of life of learning moral conviction subjects on the elements of understudy connections between understudies utilizing the t test shows that tcount (2.453) > ttable (2.100), and the impact of the way of life of learning moral conviction subjects affects the elements of connections between non-santri understudies utilizing the t test, it was gotten t count (2.246) > t table (2.100). Subsequently, it shows that the learning society of moral conviction subjects affects understudies' social elements

    Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Akhlak dalam Kitab Ta’lim Muta’alim di Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Mubtadiin Jati Agung Lampung Selatan

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    This examination plans to depict how the virtues in the Ta'limu book are executed in the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Live-in School, Jati Agung, South Lampung and what are the supporting and hindering elements in carrying out the virtues in the Ta'lim Muta'alim Islamic Life experience School in the Islamic All inclusive School. Hidayatul Mubtadiin Jati Agung, South Lampung. This sort of examination is field research. The idea of this examination is subjective engaging exploration. The information assortment procedure is perception, meetings and documentation. Testing the legitimacy of the information utilizing triangulation. In the mean time, information examination utilizes information decrease, introducing information and reaching determinations. The consequences of this examination show the execution of virtues in the book Ta'limu Muta'alim at the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic live-in school, in particular. Among the types of extolling information that should be done isn't to extend your feet towards the book, put the book of understanding on top of different books, and don't put something on the book (like ink and different things. Among the types of regard for a science master/educator is regarding his youngsters and any individual who has a relationship with him. In the mean time, the supporting elements and repressing variables come from offices and foundation, understudies, ustadz/ustadzah, and furthermore the strategy utilized


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    Talking about modern Islamic education, especially in Indonesia, it should not pass the chapter on Haji Rasul and the educational institutions he founded. Because during the confinement of conventional education patterns in pre and early independence, he with his Sumatra Thawalib became a pioneer who brought fresh air and became a milestone in the birth of modern education in the subsequent journey of Islamic education. Sumatra Thawalib, which was originally a traditional educational institution that applied conventional education patterns and curriculum, was able to be transformed by Haji Rasul into a modern educational institution that was professionally managed by a school committee, no longer owned by individuals. The learning pattern that was originally in the form of halaqah as is generally found in traditional educational institutions, was overhauled by applying a learning pattern that uses a class system for leveling and differentiating learning materials. This paper seeks to explore the ideas of Haji Rasul's Islamic education that led to the establishment of Sumatra Thawalib in Minangkabau. What was the background and influenced the concept of his educational thought, as well as how the pattern of learning and school organization applied in Sumatera Thawalib, became the central point of discussion of this paper.Berbicara pendidikan Islam modern khususnya di Indonesia, maka seyogyanya tidak akan melewati bab tentang Haji Rasul dan lembaga pendidikan yang didirikannya. Sebab di tengah kungkungan pola pendidikan konvensional pada pra dan awal kemerdekaan, beliau dengan Sumatra Thawalib-nya menjadi pelopor yang membawa angin segar dan menjadi tonggak lahirnya pendidikan modern pada perjalanan pendidikan Islam selanjutnya. Sumatra Thawalib yang mulanya adalah institusi pendidikan tradisional yang menerapkan pola pendidikan dan kurikulum yang masih tergolong konvensional, mampu digubah oleh Haji Rasul menjadi sebuah institusi pendidikan modern yang dikelola secara professional oleh komite sekolah, tidak lagi menjadi milik individu. Pola pembelajaran yang awalnya berbentuk halaqah seperti umumnya ditemukan pada lembaga-lembaga pendidikan tradisional, dirombak dengan menerapkan pola pembelajaran yang menggunakan sistim kelas untuk penjenjangan dan pembedaan materi pembelajaran. Tulisan ini, berupaya untuk mengupas kembali gagasan-gagasan pendidikan Islam Haji Rasul sehingga mendorong berdirinya Sumatra Thawalib di Minangkabau. Apa saja yang melatarbelakangi dan mempengaruhi konsep pemikiran pendidikan beliau, serta bagaiman pola pembelajaran dan organisasi sekolah yang diterapkan di Sumtra Thawalib, menjadi titik sentral pembahasan tulisan ini

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Siswa Melakukan Pelanggaran dan Penanggulangannya di Sekolah SMP TMI Roudlotul Qur’an 3 Sekampung

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    This research aims to find out several forms of violations of school rules and how to deal with students who violate rules at TMI Roudlotul Qur'an 3 Sekampung Middle School. The method used in this research is qualitative field research. Data collection uses triangulation (interviews, observation and documentation). The data taken was based on interviews with teachers and students at TMI Roudlotul Qur'an 3 Sekampung Middle School which were used as research objects. Then it is supported by observation data and strengthened by documentary evidence. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that first, the forms of violation of school rules at TMI Roudlotul Qur'an 3 Sekampung Middle School are often arriving late to school, still using inappropriate school attributes, skipping class during school hours, and there are still many alpha students. Second, the students' own internal factors still prioritize laziness and a lack of awareness that studying is very important. Third, environmental factors, this also influences the good and bad character of the student. The way to deal with students who violate school rules is that the teacher gives a direct warning by providing direction and motivation so that students change for the better. Providing special warnings in the form of letters or agreements given to students and parents by the school principal or guidance counselor so that students are reluctant to repeat the violations that have been made