2,867 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Water Infiltration Equations on Fadama Soils of Jos – North, Plateau State, Nigeria

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    The main purpose of this study is to obtain water infiltration parameters of the Fadama Soils on the Jos Plateau. Estimation of water infiltration on a soil is a major constraint due to its variability depending on local soil characteristics. This could be used in simulating infiltration for the Fadama soils when designing agricultural projects. Field measurement of infiltration were made using the double ring infiltrometer at the three locations (Rizek, Kerker and Shen – du) on the Jos Plateau. Readings were taken at intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 65,70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100,105,  110, 115 and 120minutes. A set of field measured cumulative infiltration depths were used for the estimation of the model parameters for the five models, while the other set was used in simulating the infiltration equations. At Rizek, Horton and NCRS model performed better (0.997) followed by Philip’s model (0.973) while Kostiakov and modified Kostiakov’s model have the least value of 0.923 each. Philip’s model has the best fit (1.00) followed by the NCRS’s model (0.999) at Kerker while the Kostiakov and modifiedKostiakov’smodel had 0.997 each and Horton with the least value (0.986). At Shen – du, Kostiakov and modified Kostiakov performed better (0.997), then, Horton with (0.986), NCRS has 0.993 with Philip’s model having the least value (0.991).The study indicate that Kostiakov, Philip, Horton, NCRS and Modified Kostiakov’s models were capable of simulating infiltration for the Fadama soils (Rizek, Kerker and Shen – du) on the Jos, Plateau. Keywords: Infiltration Equations, Fadama Soils, Kostiakov Equation, Infiltartion Model


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    ABSTRAKSI Habib Zufar Ulhaq, NIT 51145381. T 2019. “Analisa Pengaruh Kualitas Bahan Bakar dan Kerja Pompa Bahan Bakar terhadap Kerja Injector dan Strategi Optimasi Kerja Injector di MV. KT 02”. Pembimbing Materi Dr. A. Agus Tjahjono, MM., M.Mar.E Pembinbing Penulisan Capt. Dodik Widarbowo, M.T., M.Mar Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mencari solusi dan permasalahan terhadap suatu pembakaran yang kurang sempurna terhadap daya mesin diesel generator yang mempengaruhi daya yang akan dihasilkan motor yang disebabkan oleh kualitas bahan bakar dan kerja pompa bahan bakar terhadap kerja injector. Injector merupakan perangkat penting untuk diesel generator guna menunjang kinerja mesin diesel generator. Kualitas bahan bakar dan kerja pompa bahan bakar terhadap kerja injector terdapat koefisien kualitas bahan bakar X1 yaitu 0,249 sehingga berpengaruh positif terhadap kerja injector sebesar 24,9%. Koefisien kerja pompa bahan bakar X2 yaitu 0,607 berpengaruh negatif terhadap kerja injector sebesar 60,7% dengan demikian hasil kerja pompa bahan bakar sangat berpengaruh terhadap kerja injector.Besaran koefisien korelasi X1 dan X2 sebesar 0,480, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kerja injector sebesar 48%, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas bahan bakar dan kerja pompa bahan bakar terhadap kerja injector adalah sedang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan penulis di kapal dan di kampus PIP Semarang dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas bahan bakar dan kerja pompa bahan bakar dapat mempengaruhi kerja injector sehingga kerja mesin diesel generator dapat bekerja dengan baik dan operasional kapal dapat berjalan dengan lancar. ABSTRACT Habib Zufar Ulhaq, NIT 51145381. T, 2019.” Analysis of the Effect of Fuel Quality and Fuel Pump Performance on the Performance of Injectors and Injector Performance Optimization Strategy in MV. KT 02”. Material Advisor Dr. A. Agus Tjahjono, MM., M.Mar.E Pembinbing Writing Capt. Dodik Widarbowo, M.T., M.Mar Semarang Shipping Science Polytechnic. The purpose of this study is to find solutions and problems for an incomplete combustion of diesel generator engine power that affects the power that will be produced by the motor caused by fuel quality and fuel pump performance on the performance of the injector. Injectors are important devices for diesel generators to support the performance of diesel generator engines. Fuel quality and fuel pump work on injector work have X1 fuel quality coefficient which is 0.249 so that it has a positive effect on injector work at 24.9%. The working coefficient of fuel pump X2, which is 0.607, has a negative effect on the work of the injector by 60.7%, thus the work of the fuel pump is very influential on the work of the injector. It was concluded that the quality of the fuel and the work of the fuel pump on the injector work were moderate. Based on the results of research conducted by the author on board and on the PIP Semarang campus it can be concluded that the quality of fuel and fuel pump work can affect the work of the injector so that the work of the diesel generator can work properly and the operation of the vessel can run smoothl

    Improving Students Reading Comprehension on Hortatory Exposition Text Through Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

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    This study wasClassroom Action Research (CAR) to improve senior high school students readingcomprehension. In this project, Reciprocal Teaching Strategy (RTS) was used tohelp students find meaning in English reading texts. The process of RTScomprises of reading activities such as predicting, questioning, clarifying,and summarizing which typically involving interaction between students-studentsand students-teacher. Predicting helped the students hypothesized the generalidea of the text. Questioning helped the students get deeper understanding ofthe text by generating questions. The students clarified unfamiliar parts inorder to understand the clumsy part of the text. Summarizing monitored thestudents understanding by concluding the text. After three cycles of theteaching learning processes, the students reading comprehension improvedgradually

    Crop-based irrigation operations in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. Vol.II: Research approach and interpretation. Final Report

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    Irrigation management / Crop-based irrigation / Research / Irrigation canals / Water demand / Performance evaluation / Agricultural production / Pakistan / North West Frontier Province

    Korelasi antara Gula Darah 2 Jam Postprandial Danhba1c di Laboratorium Klinik Graha Spesialis RSMH Palembang

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    Pemeriksaan gula darah merupakan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan untuk menegakkan diagnosis diabetes melitus. Hasil pemeriksaan gula darah pasien tidak cukup menggambarkan kondisi gula darah pasien, sehingga diperlukan pemeriksaan lain dengan menilai kadar HbA1c. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis korelasi antara kadar gula darah 2 jam postprandial dan nilai HbA1c.Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah pasien yang melakukan pemeriksaan gula darah di Laboratorium Klinik Graha Spesialis RSMH Palembang. Dengan metode purposive sampling, diperoleh 121 orang sampel penelitian. Diperoleh kadar gula darah 2 jam postprandial tidak normal sebanyak 65,3% dan normal sebanyak 34,7%. Usia terbanyak subjek penelitian dengan kadar gula darah 2 jam postprandial tidak normal adalah 15-64 tahun (52,3%). Jenis kelamin terbanyak subjek penelitian dengan kadar gula darah 2 jam postprandial tidak normal adalah laki-laki (34,7%). HbA1c subjek penelitian tidak normal sebanyak 61,2% dan normal 38,8%. Usia terbanyak subjek penelitian dengan nilai HbA1c tidak normal adalah 15-64 tahun (31,5%). Jenis kelamin terbanyak subjek penelitian dengan nilai HbA1c tidak normal adalah laki-laki (31,4%).Perbandingan antara laki-laki dengan perempuan adalah 1,02:1. Rerata simpangan baku kadar gula darah 2 jam postprandial dan nilai HbA1c berturut-turut adalah 191,1 89,3 mg/dl dan7,0 1,98 %. Hasil tabulasi silang antara kadar gula darah 2 jam postprandialdan nilai HbA1c menunjukkan bahwa pada subjek penelitianyang memiliki kadar gula 2 jam postprandial tidak normal, diperoleh sebanyak 15 (12,4%) orang memiliki nilai HbA1c normal dan 64 (52,9%) orang memiliki nilai HbA1c tidak normal. Terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara kadar gula darah 2 jam postprandialdan nilai HbA1c (r=0,638; p=0,0005)

    Predictors of mortality in brain abscess

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    Objective: Brain abscess carries significant morbidity and mortality. Our objective was to elucidate the clinical presentation of brain abscess and to assess predictors of mortality in these patients.Methods: All patients with a brain abscess presenting to the Aga Khan University Hospital, a tertiary care referral center in Karachi, Pakistan, were studied retrospectively. Statistical analysis involved univariate analysis and a logistic regression model.Results: Among the 66 patients analyzed, a distant metastatic focus of infection was the most commonly identified predisposing factor (29%). Otogenic infection was the commonest contiguous source and sinusitis was noticeably absent. Multiple abscesses were frequent (35%). Streptococci were the most common isolates (39%). Lumbar puncture was performed in 44% and steroids administered in 33%. Treatment was surgical in 58%. Most comatose patients were treated conservatively. Overall mortality was 29%. Univariate analysis identified comatose presentation and identification of a distant focus of infection as predictors of mortality. The logistic regression model, however, identified a distant focus of infection as the only independent predictor.Conclusion: Age greater than 30 years, corticosteroid use, multiple abscesses, performance of lumbar puncture and conservative management had no affect on outcome

    Socio-Economic Status Improvement of Deprived Crab Fatteners of Paikgachaupazila,Khulna in Bangladesh

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    The study was designed to assess the socio-economic development of introducing crab fattening at Paikgachaupazila under Khulna district in Bangladesh. This study was conducted from the month of February to October, 2013. The key purpose of the study was to find out the changes of socio-economic status of poor people by crab fattening at Paikgachaupazila. Sample size was selected by ‘simple random method’ and data were collected by direct one to one interview and crosscheck interview with key informants. Data analysis revealed that most of the crab fatteners were Hindu (73.7%), but a few were Muslim (26.3%).About 60% respondents were involved in shrimp farming as their secondary occupation. Monthly income of the crab fatteners has increased 38.6% crab fatteners earned in a range of 8000-10000 BDT. The savings percentage of people was increasing day by day because they were conscious about their future. It is concluded that proper steps should be launched by Govt. and NGOs both to enhance the production and to keep or increase the uprising graph of improvement of social and economical condition. Keywords mud crab, Khulna, Socio-economic status, crab fattening
